SMSes of the Day : Thursday

SMSes of the Day : Thursday

* WHAT is the meaning of comrade these days? Is it that you support people even if they are killing their own country, like the Zimbabwe brother with a current high record inflation and high number of people leaving each day, or is it a case of the winner takes all?

* I HAVE been following the NSHR issue and l have seen how the Namibian nation is prepared to defend peace in our country, but again l failed to find the answer why we are not doing the same to the big enemies of this nation such as corruption, unemployment and poverty? Let us also raise funds for poverty. Whose democracy? * THANK you Misa for explaining why it’s necessary for a democratic people to have a press that is not restricted. This is Namibia, we cannot became Zimbabwe. It would be a tragedy.* THERE are people who are sick in their heads. How can an Honourable MP come up an idea for such draconian law, to control freedom of association, for people not to form political parties or to have a human rights body, let alone to control the media? Do they think the struggle was to introduce dictatorship or why did people shed their blood?* PARLIAMENTARIANS should know that apart from upholding the Constitution of our country, they are there to make and pass laws, and none of these are based on blind loyalty. Let those individual Swapo lawmakers defend Nujoma at the ICC not through threatening the citizens and peace of the country.* FIRST I would like to comment on the remarks made by President Pohamba that those who don’t want the Government to protect the former president, should ‘pack and go’ and that the State would happily pay for their one-way tickets. In my humble opinion, His Excellency Hifikepunye Pohamba should be the last person to make such a statement. Mr Pohamba declared under oath, when he was inaugurated as President of this country, that he would protect and ensure a home for all Namibians. Now as it turns out, the State, under the leadership of Mr Pohamba, is willing to pay one-way air tickets for Namibians who as per the Constitution have the right to have opinions of their own and or criticism. I’m wondering, whether the State would pay one-way tickets, if 99 per cent of the Namibian population disagrees with the protection of Mr Nujoma by the Government.* NAMIBIA will never be a true democracy. Namibia will remain a Police state as long as Swapo and its old guard govern this country.* DEAR Mr President. Namibia’s history did not start with Swapo’s struggle for Independence. Namibia belongs to all Namibians, not only to Swapo voters. Democracy allows me a voice and a different opinion.Food for thought* RURAL development is the song of most politicians, but it is meaningless if not applied to rural areas. I’m a resident of Onehani village in Outapi Constituency. The electricity line pass through our mahangu field in a range of 500 m next to our homestead (a situation similar to a number of houses), yet it cannot be electrified. The transformer costs are too high and unaffordable to many of us. Clusters of cuca shops are electrified but schools not. The solar panels at nearby schools were stolen long ago. What are we developing? Honourable Councillor Shileka, consult the public and ask for initiatives from all sections of the society, we need meaningful and realistic development in rural areas of the constituency. – Concerned resident, Onehani Rape: Enough is enough* 18 years for shooting a woman five times in the head? We women are worth less than cows in a country we helped to liberate.* PLEASE allow me to air my view in your paper. I have only one questions WHAT IS HAPPENING TO justice in Namibia! The sentence that Da Silva got was very very low. How can a person kill and only get 18 years. This is encouraging killers to kill because they know that they will be free after a few years again.From the regions* COUNCILLOR of the Okaku Constituency, your people and animals are suffering. We need water especially at Onawa and Iitananga village. There is no development here!* COMRADE Dr Kamwi, congratulations for patrolling almost all hospitals in the country. But the question is what were you doing before? We need proactive and not reactive leaders.* WE Rehoboth residents wonder what is happening with our sanitation. We heard of the affordable ‘Otji Toilet’ from Otjiwarongo, but still our town hasn’t got any! When will the South get ‘Otji toilets’ like Outjo and Otjiwarongo? The spade President Pohamba promised on Monday, where is it? Give us ‘Otji Toilets’, Mr. President. We’ll even work for it and contribute.* MR Councillor of the Epupa constituency we need electricity and mobile telephone network at the Ehomba village we are in darkness and cannot communicate with the rest of the country.* EVERY time taxi drivers at Outapi, Onethindi and Oluno establish strategic loading zones, they are chased away by the municipality, the traffic police and the road authority. Surprisingly they don’t offer alternatives – can these authorities please explain why?* DEAR WAD leaders I just want to remind you that in Maltahoehe area, there are women who are very needy. I want to urge you to expand your programme and develop the poor women in that area too. Your organisation has conducted training sessions to build capacity, so do the women of this area deserve to be trained and assisted.* BRING Radio Energy, Omulunga Radio, One Africa Television and Cell One network to Ruacana. We want to enjoy like other towns stop discriminating against us.ICC issue* THE ICC issue is slowly becoming a soapie with bad actors on both sides, especially Metcalfe who is an opportunist and is trying shameless to make publicity for himself.* NOBODY is guilty until proven so by a competent court of law. So let us leave the ICC to decide on the matter. If there is no case the issue will be closed. Why should we fight among ourselves for such a thing? Did the Namibian Government not ratify the ICC Protocol? If yes I hope it can use the available channels to address the issue?* PEACE can only come if the truth is revealed. Let Nujoma go to ICC and tell where the missing people are. Their parents, wives, sons and daughters want to know.* SHAME on you! We are ONE NAMIBIA, ONE NATION, ONE UNITED and we should stand together and fight for our former president SAM NUJOMA.* YA Nangoloh, please think twice In the whole world there is no country where people did not not die because of war or politics. Look at Angola – how many people died but no one asks information from the president or former president. Please we want peace. – Teopo Oshakati.* WE can deal with a lot of things at once. People must stop seeking for excuses. Let the ICC issue continue. We need answers on the matter.* PHIL ya Nangoloh you are wasting your time. Leave our Father of the Nation alone. We like him a lot will defend him with every thing we can do. – Shapax, Omadhiya* OUR Swapo Youth League must also have an understanding that heroes are not above the law. To me as an educated youth it is very stupid to march only over a submission to the ICC. It is even more idiotic to ask and demand for rural development if you did not march for it. Rather demand for the missing millions during the administration of those heroes, so it be used for what you are demanding for.* STOP the fight, solve Namibia’s real problems! Please, Swapo, return to the important issues of health, development, unemployment, education, etc. Let not Ya Nangoloh distract you from your quite successful course. Keep the work up and rest assured that you have majority support! General* GOVERNMENT should open its eyes wide to those with gambling machines. They should be charged high taxes because most people are just spending their monthly salary on these gambling machine! They (gambling owners) are driving luxury and expensive cars! Let them pay more tax to GRN or otherwise they must be stopped in Namibia! These machines are the third national war after AIDS and alcohol abuse! Children are no longer supported by their family or parents because people, especially men, are gambling away their pay on pay day! – KK, Oshakati* CORRUPTION has made education fail. Committed teachers are not promoted instead inspectors ensure their family members and friends are promoted in their circuit or in their friends’ circuits. This frustrates committed teachers. To try and prove me wrong, the minister can study the files of all promoted teachers and study their previous grade 10 and 12 results and check if they were the best. Please give the posts to people who deserve it and you will see improvements. – Concerned teacher* I WONDER why young Namibian students are trying to shun away from our lovely motherland. It seems like we young Namibians don’t want to plough back our knowledge into our own communities where we grew up. Every year our country is sending students to go and study, either abroad or overseas with the purpose of being trained and returning back home to serve our elder mothers and fathers and to improve the living standards of our nation. Some of them are granted bursaries and scholarships, but after completing their studies it seems to be a different issue, because only few of them return to their roots.* WE commend Kavezembire Zemburuka (NBC) for exposing these evil and sick people in our society causing widows unnecessary pain and humiliation. We want to express our sympathy with the widow that was harassed like that. We are also sick and tired of in-laws that falsely glorify their sons or brothers after their death in newspaper obituary advertisement, while many know that the son or brother was of little assistance to the wife and children. Some widows have really been very helpful to their late husband’s and even in-laws, but those in-laws can be so terrible. Please Namibians change.* WE applied to the social workers office in the Oshikoto Region for our pension money to help people infected with HIV, but we have not received any response since the beginning of the year. What are those employed in those offices doing?* NORED should know that people need electricity. People are living close to electric poles but they can’t get power. Be responsive and stop being defensive. Distribute electricity fairly to all citizens or is it only politicians and the well-to-do who matter to Nored?* FANUEL Shipanga must be sentenced to life imprisonment. He thought he would get away with it, but God is great – His power is stronger than anyone else’s. Justice must be fair. I hope he will shed more tears than the family of the late photographer. – M.M* PLEASE help, we need STANDARD BANK to give us one ATM at OKAHAO. We the customers of above mentioned bank we are suffering. – L Iipinge* WHY can’t DStv take responsibility for their action? Why do they keep on beating the same drum? We don’t want to hear your problem we want to see solutions.* DO all town councils make use of CALL ACCOUNTS to invest our loans – Build Together loans. They invest it for four to six months before they give it over to the real owners, and who are the beneficiaries of the interest? * RECONCILIATION might not have really taken root. Spiritual leaders, take up your positions in the land and do your duties. Have we failed somewhere? Came on, don’t you see that most of the bitter citizens are our freedom fighters? You are anointed to preach the gospel to the poor. And to heal the broken hearted. To set the captives free! Please give to us the word of wisdom. Save our nation!* GOVERNMENT and business leaders call for the establishment and support for SMEs, but look at how vendors are harshly haunted by the city police, Ongwediva Town Council and Ondangwa Town Council. What hypocrisy!* THE people in the Wanaheda area have experienced water problems for almost the whole year now. The water stops running at 8am and starts at 11am, then it can stop again at 2pm and start running at past four. I doubt that the people in Pionerspark and Olympia have this problem.* I’M a football lover but fail to understand the role of a consortium in the development of the game. For example, it is disappointing to hear the Brave Warriors cannot play the planned preparation game against Angola. The NPL clubs want at least N$25 000 a every month to cover the high expenses in meeting their league obligations, Namibians cannot even watch their lovely team the Warriors on NBC TV either at home or away, due to the fact that a potential sponsor might be a direct competitor of the consortium. The NFA should refrain from protecting the interest of the consortium and face the reality by revisiting their agreement with the consortium to allow many sponsors to plough back in the game that we love.* NAMIBIAN Police uniform is getting old. Why did the GRN change it if they can’t afford this new uniform. Please do something our poor police officers look bad and their salaries are very poor they can’t afford to buy pantyhose every week!* THANK you Misa for explaining why it’s necessary for a democratic people to have a press that is not restricted. This is Namibia, we cannot became Zimbabwe. It would be a tragedy.* THERE are people who are sick in their heads. How can an Honourable MP come up an idea for such draconian law, to control freedom of association, for people not to form political parties or to have a human rights body, let alone to control the media? Do they think the struggle was to introduce dictatorship or why did people shed their blood? * PARLIAMENTARIANS should know that apart from upholding the Constitution of our country, they are there to make and pass laws, and none of these are based on blind loyalty. Let those individual Swapo lawmakers defend Nujoma at the ICC not through threatening the citizens and peace of the country.* FIRST I would like to comment on the remarks made by President Pohamba that those who don’t want the Government to protect the former president, should ‘pack and go’ and that the State would happily pay for their one-way tickets. In my humble opinion, His Excellency Hifikepunye Pohamba should be the last person to make such a statement. Mr Pohamba declared under oath, when he was inaugurated as President of this country, that he would protect and ensure a home for all Namibians. Now as it turns out, the State, under the leadership of Mr Pohamba, is willing to pay one-way air tickets for Namibians who as per the Constitution have the right to have opinions of their own and or criticism. I’m wondering, whether the State would pay one-way tickets, if 99 per cent of the Namibian population disagrees with the protection of Mr Nujoma by the Government.* NAMIBIA will never be a true democracy. Namibia will remain a Police state as long as Swapo and its old guard govern this country.* DEAR Mr President. Namibia’s history did not start with Swapo’s struggle for Independence. Namibia belongs to all Namibians, not only to Swapo voters. Democracy allows me a voice and a different opinion.Food for thought * RURAL development is the song of most politicians, but it is meaningless if not applied to rural areas. I’m a resident of Onehani village in Outapi Constituency. The electricity line pass through our mahangu field in a range of 500 m next to our homestead (a situation similar to a number of houses), yet it cannot be electrified. The transformer costs are too high and unaffordable to many of us. Clusters of cuca shops are electrified but schools not. The solar panels at nearby schools were stolen long ago. What are we developing? Honourable Councillor Shileka, consult the public and ask for initiatives from all sections of the society, we need meaningful and realistic development in rural areas of the constituency. – Concerned resident, Onehani Rape: Enough is enough * 18 years for shooting a woman five times in the head? We women are worth less than cows in a country we helped to liberate.* PLEASE allow me to air my view in your paper. I have only one questions WHAT IS HAPPENING TO justice in Namibia! The sentence that Da Silva got was very very low. How can a person kill and only get 18 years. This is encouraging killers to kill because they know that they will be free after a few years again.From the regions * COUNCILLOR of the Okaku Constituency, your people and animals are suffering. We need water especially at Onawa and Iitananga village. There is no development here! * COMRADE Dr Kamwi, congratulations for patrolling almost all hospitals in the country. But the question is what were you doing before? We need proactive and not reactive leaders.* WE Rehoboth residents wonder what is happening with our sanitation. We heard of the affordable ‘Otji Toilet’ from Otjiwarongo, but still our town hasn’t got any! When will the South get ‘Otji toilets’ like Outjo and Otjiwarongo? The spade President Pohamba promised on Monday, where is it? Give us ‘Otji Toilets’, Mr. President. We’ll even work for it and contribute.* MR Councillor of the Epupa constituency we need electricity and mobile telephone network at the Ehomba village we are in darkness and cannot communicate with the rest of the country.* EVERY time taxi drivers at Outapi, Onethindi and Oluno establish strategic loading zones, they are chased away by the municipality, the traffic police and the road authority. Surprisingly they don’t offer alternatives – can these authorities please explain why? * DEAR WAD leaders I just want to remind you that in Maltahoehe area, there are women who are very needy. I want to urge you to expand your programme and develop the poor women in that area too. Your organisation has conducted training sessions to build capacity, so do the women of this area deserve to be trained and assisted.* BRING Radio Energy, Omulunga Radio, One Africa Television and Cell One network to Ruacana. We want to enjoy like other towns stop discriminating against us.ICC issue * THE ICC issue is slowly becoming a soapie with bad actors on both sides, especially Metcalfe who is an opportunist and is trying shameless to make publicity for himself.* NOBODY is guilty until proven so by a competent court of law. So let us leave the ICC to decide on the matter. If there is no case the issue will be closed. Why should we fight among ourselves for such a thing? Did the Namibian Government not ratify the ICC Protocol? If yes I hope it can use the available channels to address the issue? * PEACE can only come if the truth is revealed. Let Nujoma go to ICC and tell where the missing people are. Their parents, wives, sons and daughters want to know.* SHAME on you! We are ONE NAMIBIA, ONE NATION, ONE UNITED and we should stand together and fight for our former president SAM NUJOMA.* YA Nangoloh, please think twice In the whole world there is no country where people did not not die because of war or politics. Look at Angola – how many people died but no one asks information from the president or former president. Please we want peace. – Teopo Oshakati.* WE can deal with a lot of things at once. People must stop seeking for excuses. Let the ICC issue continue. We need answers on the matter.* PHIL ya Nangoloh you are wasting your time. Leave our Father of the Nation alone. We like him a lot will defend him with every thing we can do. – Shapax, Omadhiya * OUR Swapo Youth League must also have an understanding that heroes are not above the law. To me as an educated youth it is very stupid to march only over a submission to the ICC. It is even more idiotic to ask and demand for rural development if you did not march for it. Rather demand for the missing millions during the administration of those heroes, so it be used for what you are demanding for.* STOP the fight, solve Namibia’s real problems! Please, Swapo, return to the important issues of health, development, unemployment, education, etc. Let not Ya Nangoloh distract you from your quite successful course. Keep the work up and rest assured that you have majority support! General * GOVERNMENT should open its eyes wide to those with gambling machines. They should be charged high taxes because most people are just spending their monthly salary on these gambling machine! They (gambling owners) are driving luxury and expensive cars! Let them pay more tax to GRN or otherwise they must be stopped in Namibia! These machines are the third national war after AIDS and alcohol abuse! Children are no longer supported by their family or parents because people, especially men, are gambling away their pay on pay day! – KK, Oshakati * CORRUPTION has made education fail. Committed teachers are not promoted instead inspectors ensure their family members and friends are promoted in their circuit or in their friends’ circuits. This frustrates committed teachers. To try and prove me wrong, the minister can study the files of all promoted teachers and study their previous grade 10 and 12 results and check if they were the best. Please give the posts to people who deserve it and you will see improvements. – Concerned teacher * I WONDER why young Namibian students are trying to shun away from our lovely motherland. It seems like we young Namibians don’t want to plough back our knowledge into our own communities where we grew up. Every year our country is sending students to go and study, either abroad or overseas with the purpose of being trained and returning back home to serve our elder mothers and fathers and to improve the living standards of our nation. Some of them are granted bursaries and scholarships, but after completing their studies it seems to be a different issue, because only few of them return to their roots.* WE commend Kavezembire Zemburuka (NBC) for exposing these evil and sick people in our society causing widows unnecessary pain and humiliation. We want to express our sympathy with the widow that was harassed like that. We are also sick and tired of in-laws that falsely glorify their sons or brothers after their death in newspaper obituary advertisement, while many know that the son or brother was of little assistance to the wife and children. Some widows have really been very helpful to their late husband’s and even in-laws, but those in-laws can be so terrible. Please Namibians change.* WE applied to the social workers office in the Oshikoto Region for our pension money to help people infected with HIV, but we have not received any response since the beginning of the year. What are those employed in those offices doing? * NORED should know that people need electricity. People are living close to electric poles but they can’t get power. Be responsive and stop being defensive. Distribute electricity fairly to all citizens or is it only politicians and the well-to-do who matter to Nored? * FANUEL Shipanga must be sentenced to life imprisonment. He thought he would get away with it, but God is great – His power is stronger than anyone else’s. Justice must be fair. I hope he will shed more tears than the family of the late photographer. – M.M * PLEASE help, we need STANDARD BANK to give us one ATM at OKAHAO. We the customers of above mentioned bank we are suffering. – L Iipinge * WHY can’t DStv take responsibility for their action? Why do they keep on beating the same drum? We don’t want to hear your problem we want to see solutions.* DO all town councils make use of CALL ACCOUNTS to invest our loans – Build Together loans. They invest it for four to six months before they give it over to the real owners, and who are the beneficiaries of the interest? * RECONCILIATION might not have really taken root. Spiritual leaders, take up your positions in the land and do your duties. Have we failed somewhere? Came on, don’t you see that most of the bitter citizens are our freedom fighters? You are anointed to preach the gospel to the poor. And to heal the broken hearted. To set the captives free! Please give to us the word of wisdom. Save our nation! * GOVERNMENT and business leaders call for the establishment and support for SMEs, but look at how vendors are harshly haunted by the city police, Ongwediva Town Council and Ondangwa Town Council. What hypocrisy! * THE people in the Wanaheda area have experienced water problems for almost the whole year now. The water stops running at 8am and starts at 11am, then it can stop again at 2pm and start running at past four. I doubt that the people in Pionerspark and Olympia have this problem.* I’M a football lover but fail to understand the role of a consortium in the development of the game. For example, it is disappointing to hear the Brave Warriors cannot play the planned preparation game against Angola. The NPL clubs want at least N$25 000 a every month to cover the high expenses in meeting their league obligations, Namibians cannot even watch their lovely team the Warriors on NBC TV either at home or away, due to the fact that a potential sponsor might be a direct competitor of the consortium. The NFA should refrain from protecting the interest of the consortium and face the reality by revisiting their agreement with the consortium to allow many sponsors to plough back in the game that we love.* NAMIBIAN Police uniform is getting old. Why did the GRN change it if they can’t afford this new uniform. Please do something our poor police officers look bad and their salaries are very poor they can’t afford to buy pantyhose every week!

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