SMSes of the Day : Thursday

SMSes of the Day : Thursday

* THE days are gone when we had real political parties in Namibia. What we have today are only tribal organisations! We should guard against civil war. Namibia is not really free. We only got independence, but most people live in extreme poverty. Only God will free us from all the oppression.

* I WANT to know why roadblocks are set up. So far I have passed three big roadblocks and none of them bothered to search my car’s boot or those of other cars. All they check are drivers’ licences. Do they think the Butcher will hide his victims in a licence or smuggle drugs and weapons in a licence? They must get serious and search vehicles. Food for thought* TRUE leaders finish what they have started to build. Take the example of new ANC president Jacob Zuma – he was insulted and called a rapist and even demoted as the country’s vice president, but he didn’t jump ship and stand on the other side and play the blame game. Let this be an example to our political leaders who jump ship when the going gets tough, afraid to face each other while they are together and take the easy way out. Long live leaders like ZUMA who stand for what they believe in!* DO Namibians fully comprehend the true meaning of democracy? Each ethnic group seems to launch little splinter parties, because nobody is prepared to join hands for a better future. If it wasn’t so sad, it could be hilarious.* WHAT is the municipality doing about the flies and air pollution in the areas of Khomasdal, Otjomuise and Gammams? We can hardly sleep because of the bad odour. Please do something we deserve a clean environment like all areas in Windhoek. Off beat* UNFAIR. Just shows. You are a Police officer you get away with everything, but be a soldier and you get busted. Welcome to Namibia.* THE Magistrate who sentenced the 12-year-old boy should be sent for a mental or psychiatric evaluation to see if h/she is fit to pass any sentence on anyone at all.Politics in general* IN response to what President Pohamba calls ‘politics or traditional matters’ when referring to traditional leaders. Is it only wrong when a traditional leader is openly supporting political parties other than Swapo? If not why didn’t he order those who are Swapo members and were present at his rally to abstain from politics. Mr President stop confusing Namibian people.* MR President what do you mean by saying traditional leaders must stay out of politics? Why now after 17 years of Independence? What about those traditional leaders in the ruling party? Which article in the Namibian Constitution says traditional leaders should not participate in political parties? Which democracy are you talking about Mr President? – Letty* I DO not see anything wrong with the advice by the President to traditional leaders. The advice is just meant to promote justice within traditional structures. Traditional leaders are just like judges, they do act in purely judicial capacity. How can a politician be a judge? We should accept wisdom given by elders in order to use them in future.* I AM ashamed of my party, Swapo. How can they say that traditional leaders should leave politics, while their meeting was attended by some. This shows how desperate we are. Since this speech was made I feel that my intelligence was insulted so I left Swapo.* WHY is the President prohibiting traditional leaders from politics now? Swapo normally used these leaders when addressing meetings, specifically in rural areas, but they didn’t know that it was bad. Why now?* CALLING traditional leaders to stay out of politics is a big insult to the Namibian nation. Was the President trying to give tickets to those who were next to him? Ashamed! Vision 2030 lost.* THE traditional leaders were there before Swapo. They contributed to the independence of the country. Still, they have the right to contribute to the development within their political party of choice. Stop intimidating them.* WHY were traditional leaders who were in attendance at the Swapo rally at Oshakati not asked to leave if politics is not their business? Can anyone answer me please?* IF Hosea Shipanga is not happy with Oukwanyama being under the leadership of Her Majesty, The Queen, he better relocate to Swapo headquarters and learn to respect elders and traditional leaders.* Mr Hosea Shipanga, we’ve had enough of your insults to our Queen and the entire Oukwanyama tribal authority. You are just an ordinary Swapo district co-ordinator with no future. The Kwanyamas have a saying which means “we don’t stop people from entering our QUEENDOM. So leave the Ya Nangolohs and the Shipangas to visit any place at any time.* WE want an official position from Swapo Party about Peter Nanyemba, the late former secretary for defence of the party. Is he a hero as President Pohamba would like us to believe or a traitor, who committed suicide after failing to destroy Swapo according to a certain Swapo district co-ordinator?* IF the Swapo Party allows Mr Shipanga to stay in office then it is clear that Swapo has taken a tribalist anti-Kwanyama stance. How can Shipanga be allowed to insult our queen? Can Swapo explain?* I KNOW people can always say what they want, but Shixwameni is not in the business of forming a Kavango party. We are consulting different social strata with a view to eventually forming a national political party.* SWAPO had three rallies so far since its congress to tell us how they are going to develop the country. However, they have not done so, instead only talking about other people. What a confusion. It’s only Swapo that has so far been making empty promises to the nation.* WHO says the new political party, the RDP, will not bring about any change to this country, as it is under the leadership of the same people who were part of the failing Swapo government? I think they can, provided they do not apply the same despotic, autocratic and undemocratic style of governance, which the current regime has adopted.* FELLOW Namibians should wake up, those people who are forming new parties to enrich themselves and make you poor. Look what happened to those who joined CoD, now they are moving out and want to come back to Swapo. Please Swapo don’t welcome them back in the party.* I BELIEVE that investigating Governor Katrina’s behaviour is a good idea. Leaders in the South should stop abusing their positions!!Education* ALL I want to know is why the ministry keeps on postponing the release of our final exam results. I wasted my airtime because of that. Am I going to get my results for free automatically when they finally come out? When is the robbing going to stop?* CAN the Ministry of Education please investigate Cosmos High School and its Principal. Highly competent teachers are resigning and we the learners suffer under incompetent teachers.* WE relief teachers are suffering a lot with regards to payments as our salaries are always delayed. I was a relief teacher until December 2007 in Erongo Education Region, but to my surprise, I never got my December pay. Why do they rob poor teachers trying to make a living?From the regions* There is tribalism and social injustice in Karas, but not to the extent that we call each other derogatory names. This stems from ministers and Permanent Secretaries in President Pohamba’s Government employing their tribal cronies from positions of cleaners to directors. This is a fact, go to Keetmanshoop State Hospital and Karas Reg Council and see for yourself. Ministers are the perpetrators of tribalism in the Karas Region!* THE Government should concentrate more on villages because people are really suffering i.e water and drought. Please councillors help the Government achieve its developmental goals. – Misty* WE at Ruacana have had poor TV reception for close to four months i.e. black and white pictures, no sound and sometimes times no pictures at all. This is reason enough for us not pay TV licences next year. NBC what are your technicians doing?* MR Katoma, the councillor of Tsandi Constituency, we don’t have electricity at Onashitendo Combined School. Please try to do something for your future generation.* I WANT to know when Ombome will
be connected to the national electricity grid? The poles were put and wired in 2005, but up to now we do not have electricity in our area. I would love to know whether there is no money to fund this infrastructure or is it the weakness of our councillor or the rural development programmes. Can Mr Jatileni give us the feedback please.* I AM worried about our electricity at Nakambuda Primary School. We have been in darkness since 2004. Some of us we have our own computers but have no way of connecting them. Please Mr Ngamwa hear us.* AS a Keetmanshoop-based team and newcomers to the country elite football league, Fedics United needs the support of the entire Keetmanshoop community. Fedics represents Keetmanshoop and not Kroenlein, so please be supporters and not back stabbers.General* I WANT to know and many others do why there is so much salary grading disparities at the City of Windhoek, especially between managers and middle managers? Some people are graded higher yet they perform similar work, have same qualifications and job titles. Mr Taapopi and Mr Mayor please do something about this.* WHY are all road safety campaigns and songs only in Oshiwambo? Are they the only ones who die or what is the motive behind this. Stop that language dominance and use other languages as well.* MUNICIPALITY of Windhoek what are you doing? Some informal settlements have electricity, while others don’t. Hakahana location is even dirty. They are always burning garbage, why can’t they do it somewhere else. We who stay near these areas are affected a lot. Please do something.* I AM so disappointed with MTC. Why is it that all the fun during the festive season is at all major towns except Katima and Rundu? Aren’t we your customers as well or is it that you don’t regard us as valuable or important enough to include us in your schedule? Please think about us next time!* ARE the uniforms of Police officers and the reservist constables the same? Here in Otavi some reservists are wearing the uniforms that they have borrowed from the Police and the SFF members. Please Inspector General of the Police see to this matter and give all the reservist their own uniform, because they are helping the police very much. Stop using them and start thinking of recruiting them we are proud of you reservists!Food for thought * TRUE leaders finish what they have started to build. Take the example of new ANC president Jacob Zuma – he was insulted and called a rapist and even demoted as the country’s vice president, but he didn’t jump ship and stand on the other side and play the blame game. Let this be an example to our political leaders who jump ship when the going gets tough, afraid to face each other while they are together and take the easy way out. Long live leaders like ZUMA who stand for what they believe in! * DO Namibians fully comprehend the true meaning of democracy? Each ethnic group seems to launch little splinter parties, because nobody is prepared to join hands for a better future. If it wasn’t so sad, it could be hilarious.* WHAT is the municipality doing about the flies and air pollution in the areas of Khomasdal, Otjomuise and Gammams? We can hardly sleep because of the bad odour. Please do something we deserve a clean environment like all areas in Windhoek. Off beat * UNFAIR. Just shows. You are a Police officer you get away with everything, but be a soldier and you get busted. Welcome to Namibia.* THE Magistrate who sentenced the 12-year-old boy should be sent for a mental or psychiatric evaluation to see if h/she is fit to pass any sentence on anyone at all.Politics in general * IN response to what President Pohamba calls ‘politics or traditional matters’ when referring to traditional leaders. Is it only wrong when a traditional leader is openly supporting political parties other than Swapo? If not why didn’t he order those who are Swapo members and were present at his rally to abstain from politics. Mr President stop confusing Namibian people.* MR President what do you mean by saying traditional leaders must stay out of politics? Why now after 17 years of Independence? What about those traditional leaders in the ruling party? Which article in the Namibian Constitution says traditional leaders should not participate in political parties? Which democracy are you talking about Mr President? – Letty * I DO not see anything wrong with the advice by the President to traditional leaders. The advice is just meant to promote justice within traditional structures. Traditional leaders are just like judges, they do act in purely judicial capacity. How can a politician be a judge? We should accept wisdom given by elders in order to use them in future.* I AM ashamed of my party, Swapo. How can they say that traditional leaders should leave politics, while their meeting was attended by some. This shows how desperate we are. Since this speech was made I feel that my intelligence was insulted so I left Swapo.* WHY is the President prohibiting traditional leaders from politics now? Swapo normally used these leaders when addressing meetings, specifically in rural areas, but they didn’t know that it was bad. Why now? * CALLING traditional leaders to stay out of politics is a big insult to the Namibian nation. Was the President trying to give tickets to those who were next to him? Ashamed! Vision 2030 lost.* THE traditional leaders were there before Swapo. They contributed to the independence of the country. Still, they have the right to contribute to the development within their political party of choice. Stop intimidating them.* WHY were traditional leaders who were in attendance at the Swapo rally at Oshakati not asked to leave if politics is not their business? Can anyone answer me please? * IF Hosea Shipanga is not happy with Oukwanyama being under the leadership of Her Majesty, The Queen, he better relocate to Swapo headquarters and learn to respect elders and traditional leaders.* Mr Hosea Shipanga, we’ve had enough of your insults to our Queen and the entire Oukwanyama tribal authority. You are just an ordinary Swapo district co-ordinator with no future. The Kwanyamas have a saying which means “we don’t stop people from entering our QUEENDOM. So leave the Ya Nangolohs and the Shipangas to visit any place at any time.* WE want an official position from Swapo Party about Peter Nanyemba, the late former secretary for defence of the party. Is he a hero as President Pohamba would like us to believe or a traitor, who committed suicide after failing to destroy Swapo according to a certain Swapo district co-ordinator? * IF the Swapo Party allows Mr Shipanga to stay in office then it is clear that Swapo has taken a tribalist anti-Kwanyama stance. How can Shipanga be allowed to insult our queen? Can Swapo explain? * I KNOW people can always say what they want, but Shixwameni is not in the business of forming a Kavango party. We are consulting different social strata with a view to eventually forming a national political party.* SWAPO had three rallies so far since its congress to tell us how they are going to develop the country. However, they have not done so, instead only talking about other people. What a confusion. It’s only Swapo that has so far been making empty promises to the nation.* WHO says the new political party, the RDP, will not bring about any change to this country, as it is under the leadership of the same people who were part of the failing Swapo government? I think they can, provided they do not apply the same despotic, autocratic and undemocratic style of governance, which the current regime has adopted.* FELLOW Namibians should wake up, those people who are forming new parties to enrich themselves and make you poor. Look what happened to those who joined CoD, now they are moving out and want to come back to Swapo. Please Swapo don’t welcome them back in the party.* I BELIEVE that investigating Governor Katrina’s behaviour is a good idea. Leaders in the South should stop abusing their positions!! Education * ALL I want to know is why the ministry keeps on postponing the release of our final exam results. I wasted my airtime because of that. Am I going to get m
y results for free automatically when they finally come out? When is the robbing going to stop? * CAN the Ministry of Education please investigate Cosmos High School and its Principal. Highly competent teachers are resigning and we the learners suffer under incompetent teachers.* WE relief teachers are suffering a lot with regards to payments as our salaries are always delayed. I was a relief teacher until December 2007 in Erongo Education Region, but to my surprise, I never got my December pay. Why do they rob poor teachers trying to make a living? From the regions * There is tribalism and social injustice in Karas, but not to the extent that we call each other derogatory names. This stems from ministers and Permanent Secretaries in President Pohamba’s Government employing their tribal cronies from positions of cleaners to directors. This is a fact, go to Keetmanshoop State Hospital and Karas Reg Council and see for yourself. Ministers are the perpetrators of tribalism in the Karas Region! * THE Government should concentrate more on villages because people are really suffering i.e water and drought. Please councillors help the Government achieve its developmental goals. – Misty * WE at Ruacana have had poor TV reception for close to four months i.e. black and white pictures, no sound and sometimes times no pictures at all. This is reason enough for us not pay TV licences next year. NBC what are your technicians doing? * MR Katoma, the councillor of Tsandi Constituency, we don’t have electricity at Onashitendo Combined School. Please try to do something for your future generation.* I WANT to know when Ombome will be connected to the national electricity grid? The poles were put and wired in 2005, but up to now we do not have electricity in our area. I would love to know whether there is no money to fund this infrastructure or is it the weakness of our councillor or the rural development programmes. Can Mr Jatileni give us the feedback please.* I AM worried about our electricity at Nakambuda Primary School. We have been in darkness since 2004. Some of us we have our own computers but have no way of connecting them. Please Mr Ngamwa hear us.* AS a Keetmanshoop-based team and newcomers to the country elite football league, Fedics United needs the support of the entire Keetmanshoop community. Fedics represents Keetmanshoop and not Kroenlein, so please be supporters and not back stabbers.General * I WANT to know and many others do why there is so much salary grading disparities at the City of Windhoek, especially between managers and middle managers? Some people are graded higher yet they perform similar work, have same qualifications and job titles. Mr Taapopi and Mr Mayor please do something about this.* WHY are all road safety campaigns and songs only in Oshiwambo? Are they the only ones who die or what is the motive behind this. Stop that language dominance and use other languages as well.* MUNICIPALITY of Windhoek what are you doing? Some informal settlements have electricity, while others don’t. Hakahana location is even dirty. They are always burning garbage, why can’t they do it somewhere else. We who stay near these areas are affected a lot. Please do something.* I AM so disappointed with MTC. Why is it that all the fun during the festive season is at all major towns except Katima and Rundu? Aren’t we your customers as well or is it that you don’t regard us as valuable or important enough to include us in your schedule? Please think about us next time! * ARE the uniforms of Police officers and the reservist constables the same? Here in Otavi some reservists are wearing the uniforms that they have borrowed from the Police and the SFF members. Please Inspector General of the Police see to this matter and give all the reservist their own uniform, because they are helping the police very much. Stop using them and start thinking of recruiting them we are proud of you reservists!

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