SMSes of the Day : Thursday

SMSes of the Day : Thursday

* NAMIBIAN politicians! Is the current infighting in both Swapo and the CoD for the people or about power, personalities and wealth? How many times have you visited the hungry people in Katutura and other parts of the country? Please improve!

* “THE four northern central regions will not allow for peaceful political activity,” Prime Minister Nahas Angula was quoted as saying in a local daily yesterday. This was in reaction to the formation of the RDP. Let us stop blaming the opposition for the decline of political pluralism in Namibia. The problem is Swapo’s tribal base in the four regions mentioned by the PM. Food for thought* EVERYBODY in Namibia seems to be a potential politician and this makes the country’s political arena cheap. Gone are the 80s and 90s when information was regarded as expensive and thus relatively not freely available. Therefore, Namibians cannot any longer be fooled by ignorant people, who make a mockery of a rather a complex field of study.* I SUPPORT the idea of making Bishop Kameeta of ELCRN bishop for life, as he has already taken the church to the next level and therefore should be allowed to finish his mission.* WHAT is the function of the clusters in education? Is it not for the schools to work hand with hand in different activities? I have not noticed any changes since education introduced the cluster system, it is just a waste of time. No workshops, schools are using different activities for assessing learners rather than using the same. Why? The syllabuses, scheme of works, continuous assessment forms are the same. Please respond.Politics in general* NAMIBIAN officials are imposing strict measures for the entry of Zimbabwe nationals at border posts. Is that SOLIDARITY? Border police cells are full of Zimbabwe nationals. – J Kahiva* WHEN the CoD was formed, those of us belonging to Ben Ulenga’s tribe were vilified, called names and sidelined. Just see who are the people behind the RDP now?* I CONGRATULATE Mr Nyamu and other sons and daughters of Namibia for founding our new party the RDP. To all suffering and abandoned ex-combatants like me, God has seen our tears and suffering and answered our prayers. I remember very well how Mr Nujoma recently told us that he never called us (anybody) to join Swapo in exile and that Swapo and this Government will never give us the help we are asking for. So I urge all you all freedom fighters to join the RDP, which will take very good care of us and all other Namibians. – J Pepesha* I REALLY hope RDP was formed on sound principles and not out of disgruntlement. To go further, the Swapo Party has systems in place for development, however they seem to be interested in developing one region and one tribe only. I mean have you ever seen a counsellor, mayor or Police commander in the northern region who is e.g. a Damara-speaking Namibian? Almost every investor coming into the country is taken to the North – a sad truth, hence we need change in political landscape through RDP to deny Swapo a two-thirds majority or even taking over Government.* FOR those who are saying that people who formed the new party are unhappy former members of Swapo, they must be careful with their statements, because this implies that Swapo is making its members unhappy. If this is the case the there is something wrong with Swapo. I am a member of Swapo, but welcome the new party.* SWAPO regional co-ordinators, leave our new party alone and concentrate to your daily duties of chopping millions of taxpayers. Wait for the elections. – S’bu* WHY is there all of a sudden panic after the creation of RDP? You had your chance to rule this country by the mandate given to you by the people, but you misused your authority through mismanagement, tribalism, corruption and self-enrichment. It’s time for those in Parliament to prepare for an honourable exit and to pave the way for new cadres with vibrant ideas.* I ALSO feel RDP won’t bring any change, but will weaken the already weak and divided opposition parties. They should rather have formed a coalition and together taken on the ruling party to make a difference. Why can’t we have two major parties as opposed to many small parties? At the end of the day it shows they are all power hungry and want their slice of the cake as minor opposition leaders than uniting under one strong leader. – JTJ* CONGRATULATIONS comrade Nyamu and others! Do not give up, we’re behind you. Let them make further endless assumptions, we’re about reality on the ground – and that’s the formation of RDP whether they like it or not.* COMRADE Nyamu what you did is really an eye-opener to the general public that a different party needs to take over. We have been looking forward to the creation of a peace-loving party. We hope you will set a good example for Swapo Party. We want to your leadership structure and political documents for us to be able to make informed decisions.* WHERE others wavered in defending democracy in the last 17 years, Kaura and his leadership team stood fast for democracy. Let all bona fide members of DTA and its sympathisers flock to the Independence Arena in Windhoek and the 30 years of hard work and determination. Long live DTA, VIVA UHURU!* NAMIBIANS don’t be misinformed, the DTA is the opposition party that has been guiding the Swapo-led Government in the right direction for the past 17 years. Happy 30th birthday DTA and its visionary leadership.* THE new political party should leave Swapo and its leaders alone. Just wait for the election. Viva Swapo!From the regions* THANKS for the concern from the farm Grysblok in the Outjo area. However, the name of the farm does not appear on the map. Can you give proper addresses please?* WE are sick and tired of pigs that are destroying our valuables at Ongwediva town. Mr Utoni, what happened to the pound you created for animals that are wandering in town? Please help.* ONDOBE constituency experiences problems with clean water. Last year our councillor told the people to clear up the bushes so that we can have a pipeline from Efidi Primary School via Onanghulo, Ondjofima to Ohepa. But, since the community finished the job he never bothered coming back to them. It seems that he only concentrate on his side and neglect other parts of the constituency. – Hangula* THE UDF regional councillor of Sesfontein constituency is a great disappointment to the people of the constituency. You hardly hear about him. Who is monitoring these so called councillors? Please, Mr //Garoëb, evaluate your “friends” who appear to be incompetent and unproductive.* I’M a resident of Iipanda in Omusati Region and very concerned about the unhygienic underground water we consume from the waterholes in Omalungandjamba. This is the nearest place from which most people fetch water. They have only made tap water available 35 km from our village. Honourable Sacky Kayone must do something for us. We’re dying.* WE the Ozizi village residents in Oniipa Constituency, Oshikoto Region, aren’t enjoying the fruits of Independence. We have no access to clean water and electricity. There is no clinic and we have to travel to Oshigambo which is very far. Tarred road is the last thing one would mention and just imagine, while the village is not even 10 km from Indangungu. Why are we neglected? Just imagine staying in a village without any infrastructure? For heaven’s sake it is 17 years after Independence but nothing is coming our way. We don’t even know who our councillor is since he doesn’t call meetings. I see no point in voting any more either for councillors or a President. I have lost trust in our leaders. – Frustrated villager* WHY is there no development in Karasburg after 17 years of Independence? We are forgotten here in the far south. WHY? – JTGeneral* PLEASE whoever is in charge of pets in Windhoek, come to the Windhoek Vocational Training Centre, there are dogs and cats suffering. – Student Thank you. We will pass on your message. – News Editor* I WOULD like to make use of this opportunity to warn my fellow citizens about conmen, who are trying to make money out of unemployed youth. A group of crooks has set
up a fake delivery business and are demanding an amount of N$200 to get a job and will be pressurising you to pay. After you had paid they disappear with your money. So please be warned if you have applied. They are targeting the youth. – Joelly K* IT was a job well done for the Government to abolish hired labour. But what about us who are enriching Shoprite as casuals working in this capacity for four to eight years?* A QUESTION to the Ministry of Veterans Affairs: Why do they want to credit our years in the struggle to our pensions? Who told them that we want to get this money in our old age? We have many problems of poverty right now, we want to enjoy the fruits of our victory right now and not when we are dead. There is an old African proverb, which says you cannot enjoy meat if you don’t have any teeth because of old age. We need that money to use it while we are young.* IT was a hidden agenda by the Swapo Government to recognise the Swartbooi Nama traditional authority in a Damara area at Fransfontein. They have their cultural festival on the same weekend the Damaras, who accommodate them have their Gaob festival. When they applied for recognition they lied to the Damara Traditional Authority that is was only to register for place to settle. Swapo recognise this group to divide the Damaras. Few Namas claiming Fransfontein belonged to the DTA, and DTA during the colonial era bought them land at Kainatjeb and Tsumemas when they moved from the south. Now they have become a Swapo affiliated authority at the peril of the Damaras.* I AM a member of the NDF and want to know why soldiers are tasked to clean bushes at the Windhoek State hospital as volunteers? And if it is voluntary why doesn’t other ministries also clean as volunteers? Are we here to defend the nation or are we here to do dirty job for the nation? – Concerned soldierEducation* TEACHERS in Ohangwena Region are working under harsh conditions. No accommodation, no water, no electricity, classes are taking place under sheds and there are no chairs or tables, inadequate teaching and learning materials. Does the Minister of Education really understand national standards? Please Hon Nangolo Mbumba, I am requesting you to visit some schools in Eenhana circuit.* I’M very disappointed with the Windhoek College of Education. I’m a Grade 12 graduate with 25 points, but didn’t get admission. How can we as future leaders engage ourselves to contribute towards the realisation of Vision 2030 when we are refused admission to further our studies?* THE Ongwediva College of Education operates as if it is the exclusive domain of the rich and family members. Until when are we going to struggle for admission, while those not meeting the minimum requirements are admitted, because they are well known or they pay some lecturers for admission? For God sake, the Ministry of Education and the Anti-Corruption Commission must do something. We all want to have a better future!Thank you* THANK you The Namibian team. I don’t miss the daily paper with its juicy news, not even to mention the SMS column, which I read the moment I laid my eyes on The Namibian. Thanks for letting us helping you tell it as it is.- Shiko, Rehoboth* CONGRATULATIONS to the young visionary Mayor of Tsumeb and his team on the successful Copper Festival and street renaming. We were there, we witnessed we are happy. Only good leaders unlock criticism and continue to bring justice to our previously rotten municipality – the town is getting back to life.Food for thought * EVERYBODY in Namibia seems to be a potential politician and this makes the country’s political arena cheap. Gone are the 80s and 90s when information was regarded as expensive and thus relatively not freely available. Therefore, Namibians cannot any longer be fooled by ignorant people, who make a mockery of a rather a complex field of study. * I SUPPORT the idea of making Bishop Kameeta of ELCRN bishop for life, as he has already taken the church to the next level and therefore should be allowed to finish his mission.* WHAT is the function of the clusters in education? Is it not for the schools to work hand with hand in different activities? I have not noticed any changes since education introduced the cluster system, it is just a waste of time. No workshops, schools are using different activities for assessing learners rather than using the same. Why? The syllabuses, scheme of works, continuous assessment forms are the same. Please respond.Politics in general * NAMIBIAN officials are imposing strict measures for the entry of Zimbabwe nationals at border posts. Is that SOLIDARITY? Border police cells are full of Zimbabwe nationals. – J Kahiva * WHEN the CoD was formed, those of us belonging to Ben Ulenga’s tribe were vilified, called names and sidelined. Just see who are the people behind the RDP now? * I CONGRATULATE Mr Nyamu and other sons and daughters of Namibia for founding our new party the RDP. To all suffering and abandoned ex-combatants like me, God has seen our tears and suffering and answered our prayers. I remember very well how Mr Nujoma recently told us that he never called us (anybody) to join Swapo in exile and that Swapo and this Government will never give us the help we are asking for. So I urge all you all freedom fighters to join the RDP, which will take very good care of us and all other Namibians. – J Pepesha * I REALLY hope RDP was formed on sound principles and not out of disgruntlement. To go further, the Swapo Party has systems in place for development, however they seem to be interested in developing one region and one tribe only. I mean have you ever seen a counsellor, mayor or Police commander in the northern region who is e.g. a Damara-speaking Namibian? Almost every investor coming into the country is taken to the North – a sad truth, hence we need change in political landscape through RDP to deny Swapo a two-thirds majority or even taking over Government.* FOR those who are saying that people who formed the new party are unhappy former members of Swapo, they must be careful with their statements, because this implies that Swapo is making its members unhappy. If this is the case the there is something wrong with Swapo. I am a member of Swapo, but welcome the new party.* SWAPO regional co-ordinators, leave our new party alone and concentrate to your daily duties of chopping millions of taxpayers. Wait for the elections. – S’bu * WHY is there all of a sudden panic after the creation of RDP? You had your chance to rule this country by the mandate given to you by the people, but you misused your authority through mismanagement, tribalism, corruption and self-enrichment. It’s time for those in Parliament to prepare for an honourable exit and to pave the way for new cadres with vibrant ideas.* I ALSO feel RDP won’t bring any change, but will weaken the already weak and divided opposition parties. They should rather have formed a coalition and together taken on the ruling party to make a difference. Why can’t we have two major parties as opposed to many small parties? At the end of the day it shows they are all power hungry and want their slice of the cake as minor opposition leaders than uniting under one strong leader. – JTJ * CONGRATULATIONS comrade Nyamu and others! Do not give up, we’re behind you. Let them make further endless assumptions, we’re about reality on the ground – and that’s the formation of RDP whether they like it or not.* COMRADE Nyamu what you did is really an eye-opener to the general public that a different party needs to take over. We have been looking forward to the creation of a peace-loving party. We hope you will set a good example for Swapo Party. We want to your leadership structure and political documents for us to be able to make informed decisions.* WHERE others wavered in defending democracy in the last 17 years, Kaura and his leadership team stood fast for democracy. Let all bona fide members of DTA and its sympathisers flock to the Independence Arena in Windhoek and the 30 years of hard work and determination. Long live DTA, VIVA UHURU! * NAMIBIANS don’t be misinformed, the DTA is the opposition party that ha
s been guiding the Swapo-led Government in the right direction for the past 17 years. Happy 30th birthday DTA and its visionary leadership.* THE new political party should leave Swapo and its leaders alone. Just wait for the election. Viva Swapo! From the regions * THANKS for the concern from the farm Grysblok in the Outjo area. However, the name of the farm does not appear on the map. Can you give proper addresses please? * WE are sick and tired of pigs that are destroying our valuables at Ongwediva town. Mr Utoni, what happened to the pound you created for animals that are wandering in town? Please help.* ONDOBE constituency experiences problems with clean water. Last year our councillor told the people to clear up the bushes so that we can have a pipeline from Efidi Primary School via Onanghulo, Ondjofima to Ohepa. But, since the community finished the job he never bothered coming back to them. It seems that he only concentrate on his side and neglect other parts of the constituency. – Hangula * THE UDF regional councillor of Sesfontein constituency is a great disappointment to the people of the constituency. You hardly hear about him. Who is monitoring these so called councillors? Please, Mr //Garoëb, evaluate your “friends” who appear to be incompetent and unproductive.* I’M a resident of Iipanda in Omusati Region and very concerned about the unhygienic underground water we consume from the waterholes in Omalungandjamba. This is the nearest place from which most people fetch water. They have only made tap water available 35 km from our village. Honourable Sacky Kayone must do something for us. We’re dying.* WE the Ozizi village residents in Oniipa Constituency, Oshikoto Region, aren’t enjoying the fruits of Independence. We have no access to clean water and electricity. There is no clinic and we have to travel to Oshigambo which is very far. Tarred road is the last thing one would mention and just imagine, while the village is not even 10 km from Indangungu. Why are we neglected? Just imagine staying in a village without any infrastructure? For heaven’s sake it is 17 years after Independence but nothing is coming our way. We don’t even know who our councillor is since he doesn’t call meetings. I see no point in voting any more either for councillors or a President. I have lost trust in our leaders. – Frustrated villager * WHY is there no development in Karasburg after 17 years of Independence? We are forgotten here in the far south. WHY? – JT General * PLEASE whoever is in charge of pets in Windhoek, come to the Windhoek Vocational Training Centre, there are dogs and cats suffering. – Student Thank you. We will pass on your message. – News Editor * I WOULD like to make use of this opportunity to warn my fellow citizens about conmen, who are trying to make money out of unemployed youth. A group of crooks has set up a fake delivery business and are demanding an amount of N$200 to get a job and will be pressurising you to pay. After you had paid they disappear with your money. So please be warned if you have applied. They are targeting the youth. – Joelly K * IT was a job well done for the Government to abolish hired labour. But what about us who are enriching Shoprite as casuals working in this capacity for four to eight years? * A QUESTION to the Ministry of Veterans Affairs: Why do they want to credit our years in the struggle to our pensions? Who told them that we want to get this money in our old age? We have many problems of poverty right now, we want to enjoy the fruits of our victory right now and not when we are dead. There is an old African proverb, which says you cannot enjoy meat if you don’t have any teeth because of old age. We need that money to use it while we are young.* IT was a hidden agenda by the Swapo Government to recognise the Swartbooi Nama traditional authority in a Damara area at Fransfontein. They have their cultural festival on the same weekend the Damaras, who accommodate them have their Gaob festival. When they applied for recognition they lied to the Damara Traditional Authority that is was only to register for place to settle. Swapo recognise this group to divide the Damaras. Few Namas claiming Fransfontein belonged to the DTA, and DTA during the colonial era bought them land at Kainatjeb and Tsumemas when they moved from the south. Now they have become a Swapo affiliated authority at the peril of the Damaras.* I AM a member of the NDF and want to know why soldiers are tasked to clean bushes at the Windhoek State hospital as volunteers? And if it is voluntary why doesn’t other ministries also clean as volunteers? Are we here to defend the nation or are we here to do dirty job for the nation? – Concerned soldierEducation * TEACHERS in Ohangwena Region are working under harsh conditions. No accommodation, no water, no electricity, classes are taking place under sheds and there are no chairs or tables, inadequate teaching and learning materials. Does the Minister of Education really understand national standards? Please Hon Nangolo Mbumba, I am requesting you to visit some schools in Eenhana circuit.* I’M very disappointed with the Windhoek College of Education. I’m a Grade 12 graduate with 25 points, but didn’t get admission. How can we as future leaders engage ourselves to contribute towards the realisation of Vision 2030 when we are refused admission to further our studies? * THE Ongwediva College of Education operates as if it is the exclusive domain of the rich and family members. Until when are we going to struggle for admission, while those not meeting the minimum requirements are admitted, because they are well known or they pay some lecturers for admission? For God sake, the Ministry of Education and the Anti-Corruption Commission must do something. We all want to have a better future! Thank you * THANK you The Namibian team. I don’t miss the daily paper with its juicy news, not even to mention the SMS column, which I read the moment I laid my eyes on The Namibian. Thanks for letting us helping you tell it as it is.- Shiko, Rehoboth * CONGRATULATIONS to the young visionary Mayor of Tsumeb and his team on the successful Copper Festival and street renaming. We were there, we witnessed we are happy. Only good leaders unlock criticism and continue to bring justice to our previously rotten municipality – the town is getting back to life.

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