SMSes of the Day : Thursday

SMSes of the Day : Thursday

* IT’S only the registration, resigning of leaders and now there is a tense atmosphere in the country. What is really going on? Is there an election campaign going on, which some of us are not aware of? What happened to our peaceful and democratic political stability? It seems the rich leaders are worried and poor nation is the victim of leaders’ political fights. Where is the political independence we are hearing every now and then? Some of us do know what’s happening with the many National Development Programmes and the progress towards Vision 2030. Director of the Electoral Commission was never questioned about his political party affiliation. He was never asked to leave that position. What has he done before and now? What are we afraid of now?

* WHY are the tickets to the Sanlam NBC music awards so expensive at N$150 per person? How many ordinary low-income Namibians and unemployed youth can afford to pay this amount? It seems the sponsors and the organisers are cashing in on the event. It’s disappointing that after voting for our favourite artists we can’t be at the event because of the prohibitive charge. Why could they not come up with three different price categories to accommodate all different income groups? They only wanted to use our votes to make the event a success, only to dump us in the middle of nowhere. Food for thought* THE Namibian newspaper, please ban Swapo SMSes to your paper. When did the paper become Swapo’s mouthpiece? Is it no more a banned ‘imperialist’ newspaper? – The Namibian believes in freedom of expression and would never suppress anyone’s opinion based on political affiliation. We will continue to publish diverse opinions as expressed by the Namibian public. The SMS service provides a platform for the public to raise and debate issues of national concern. Whoever wants the public to believe that The Namibian is in the service of “imperialists” is completely off the mark and is bent on misleading the public for reasons known only to themselves. The SMS service has indeed proved to be very popular with the public, and it is encouraging to also see those who have branded The Namibian an “imperialist agent” using the platform. Rest assured that The Namibian is not a mouthpiece of any individual, interest group or political party, but a conveyor belt of information and interaction. – News Editor* BELIEVE it or not, the SMS column in The Namibian newspaper is the only opinion poll for the general public. The National Council and the Swapo Government boycotted the SMS service saying it is anti-Government and is misleading the nation, only to come in through the back door, particularly attacking the RDP. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Like it or not, the public have the right to free speech, which is made possible only through The Namibian’s SMSes.* PLEASE fellow buyers at Game, check what price is rung up at the till. I found the difference to be N$40 more than indicated on the price tags. When I queried this I was informed that rands are not the same as Nam dollars! All the articles were priced in rand. I offered to pay cash in rands but they refused! So watch out for the new Game game!* WHILST tabling the bill on war veterans, the legislators must remember that not all of them voluntarily became fighters, some were abducted and had no other choice than joining the Swapo Party and the liberation struggle. The SWATF members also did not join the force out of their free will, they were conscripted with the prospect of going to jail if they refused. Plan fighters also shared the money which South Africa gave at Independence as a lump sum payout to those who fought on their side. Don’t discriminate now, it is the taxpayer’s money, not Swapo Party money!Politics in general* SANCTIONS imposed on Zimbabwe are causing hardships for ordinary people but on the other side Namibian Government makes it worse by having removed business visas for Zimbabweans. The Namibian Government is now in a secret operation targeted at arresting Zimbabweans and charge them high fines. Where is the friendship? Is this what you call solidarity or is the solidarity gone together with comrade Sam Nujoma.* THE Swapo Youth League behaves like kids crying for sweets. What has Kanime got to do with RDP for them to cry foul? Concentrate on improving the lives of the youth that SPYL and Swapo Government neglected for 17 years and stop being praise singers – you know what can happen, ask your previous leaders! * WHAT will happen to the streets and secondary schools named after Hidipo Hamutenya and other leaders now quitting Swapo? I think something must be done.* SWAPO had enough time to avert the formation of RDP, but because of a few people who think they can frustrate and suppress others within Swapo an alternative platform was very necessary.Viva the RDP.* COMRADES, please let us concentrate on building Swapo. What we are doing now is building the RDP.Let us not behave so undemocratically while we preach democracy. We need true leaders in times like this, not yes-men.* IT’S good to have visionary leaders like Hidipo (Hamutenya) who realised that the nation is crying because of hunger, poverty, unemployment, high crime rate, the frustration of the youth and street kids, who are eating out of dustbins every day. Other leaders turned a blind eye to these issues.* WHY does the RDP want to keep its members secret? If the party is for Namibians then there is no need to worry if the list of members has been distributed to the nation.* COMRADES, our reaction to the formation of RDP makes us look like headless chickens. Let us concentrate on improving where we went wrong. Our reaction indicates political immaturity and unless we really pull our socks up we are going to be losers. Those comrades busy with drafting lists are the ones who are against Swapo.* COMRADE Kashikola you did well to speak out that you are not part of the new party. I hope many will be brave enough to deny their affiliation. RDP is smearing other people’s names. They don’t have confidence in their party, that’s why they are hiding in Swapo. – Panda Kola* FOR you to claim that Hidipo quit Swapo because he failed to get what he wanted, be reminded that Nyamu notes to quit Swapo were well before the controversial Swapo congress where HH and his supporters were called names and victimised, but still garnered a third of the votes.* Namibians wake up and face the reality. Yes, Hidipo was part of the Swapo that failed its people. However, keep in mind that it is the top leadership that approve ideas and opinions of others. Comrade Hidipo’s constructive ideas were suppressed. In return he was called all sort of names instead of giving him the opportunity to use his potential to benefit all Namibians. – NN* I DO not see the new party (RDP) bringing any changes as they are claiming. What I have realised is that they are more into character assassination and attacks on personalities as opposed to being issue-oriented. What I see is power-hungry individuals who are, in all probability, doomed to fail. – Samuel Kafupi* AFTER reading the article ‘Reconciliation test lawmakers to hilt’ it became clear to me that if the NSHR wants the truth about atrocities and crimes against humanity all Parliamentary officials should be questioned, because they are the only ones benefiting from it and that in itself is a crime which causes corruption because they are misusing their power to cover the crimes.Swapo oath* WHY are Swapo members now expected to swear an oath? The nation needs a proper explanation. Is it because of Mr Hidipo and his group or why? The Shipangas, Muyongos and the Ulengas left Swapo long ago, but there was no threat when they left or what is going on?* NAMIBIANS, be very wise. Do not take an oath enforced on Swapo members. You have the right to resign or change parties. Don’t turn Swapo into a secret cult. Do not let anyone destroy your life. Many people have been destroyed by what they call draft ordinary documentation. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated.* ALL those who are going to sign the Swapo oath are in poli
tics for own gain, are yes-men and avid praise singers. Desperate measures taken by desperate comrades. Sies man!* IT seems Hamutenya shocked Swapo into a state of incomprehension and wholesale panic. What a joke, to believe or to think members will swear adherence to principles not even the most senior party leaders themselves could honour nor convince their subordinates to obey, for Namibia’s sake.* I THINK that it is good for the members of the Swapo Party to take an oath in the presence of the party president to ensure they are loyal to the party and to the people of this democratic country. Myself as a diehard member of the Swapo Party would like to urge the youth of this country not to be fooled by every wind that blows like. Comrades let’s stand up be firm and steady for our party.* MR Tjiriange needs to understand that one can take the oath today and resign tomorrow. So, there’s no guarantee that those who’ll take the oath are real Swapos. There’s no need to panic. The fact is that the two-thirds majority is now something of the past.Food for thought * THE Namibian newspaper, please ban Swapo SMSes to your paper. When did the paper become Swapo’s mouthpiece? Is it no more a banned ‘imperialist’ newspaper? – The Namibian believes in freedom of expression and would never suppress anyone’s opinion based on political affiliation. We will continue to publish diverse opinions as expressed by the Namibian public. The SMS service provides a platform for the public to raise and debate issues of national concern. Whoever wants the public to believe that The Namibian is in the service of “imperialists” is completely off the mark and is bent on misleading the public for reasons known only to themselves. The SMS service has indeed proved to be very popular with the public, and it is encouraging to also see those who have branded The Namibian an “imperialist agent” using the platform. Rest assured that The Namibian is not a mouthpiece of any individual, interest group or political party, but a conveyor belt of information and interaction. – News Editor * BELIEVE it or not, the SMS column in The Namibian newspaper is the only opinion poll for the general public. The National Council and the Swapo Government boycotted the SMS service saying it is anti-Government and is misleading the nation, only to come in through the back door, particularly attacking the RDP. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Like it or not, the public have the right to free speech, which is made possible only through The Namibian’s SMSes.* PLEASE fellow buyers at Game, check what price is rung up at the till. I found the difference to be N$40 more than indicated on the price tags. When I queried this I was informed that rands are not the same as Nam dollars! All the articles were priced in rand. I offered to pay cash in rands but they refused! So watch out for the new Game game! * WHILST tabling the bill on war veterans, the legislators must remember that not all of them voluntarily became fighters, some were abducted and had no other choice than joining the Swapo Party and the liberation struggle. The SWATF members also did not join the force out of their free will, they were conscripted with the prospect of going to jail if they refused. Plan fighters also shared the money which South Africa gave at Independence as a lump sum payout to those who fought on their side. Don’t discriminate now, it is the taxpayer’s money, not Swapo Party money! Politics in general * SANCTIONS imposed on Zimbabwe are causing hardships for ordinary people but on the other side Namibian Government makes it worse by having removed business visas for Zimbabweans. The Namibian Government is now in a secret operation targeted at arresting Zimbabweans and charge them high fines. Where is the friendship? Is this what you call solidarity or is the solidarity gone together with comrade Sam Nujoma.* THE Swapo Youth League behaves like kids crying for sweets. What has Kanime got to do with RDP for them to cry foul? Concentrate on improving the lives of the youth that SPYL and Swapo Government neglected for 17 years and stop being praise singers – you know what can happen, ask your previous leaders! * WHAT will happen to the streets and secondary schools named after Hidipo Hamutenya and other leaders now quitting Swapo? I think something must be done.* SWAPO had enough time to avert the formation of RDP, but because of a few people who think they can frustrate and suppress others within Swapo an alternative platform was very necessary.Viva the RDP.* COMRADES, please let us concentrate on building Swapo. What we are doing now is building the RDP.Let us not behave so undemocratically while we preach democracy. We need true leaders in times like this, not yes-men.* IT’S good to have visionary leaders like Hidipo (Hamutenya) who realised that the nation is crying because of hunger, poverty, unemployment, high crime rate, the frustration of the youth and street kids, who are eating out of dustbins every day. Other leaders turned a blind eye to these issues.* WHY does the RDP want to keep its members secret? If the party is for Namibians then there is no need to worry if the list of members has been distributed to the nation.* COMRADES, our reaction to the formation of RDP makes us look like headless chickens. Let us concentrate on improving where we went wrong. Our reaction indicates political immaturity and unless we really pull our socks up we are going to be losers. Those comrades busy with drafting lists are the ones who are against Swapo.* COMRADE Kashikola you did well to speak out that you are not part of the new party. I hope many will be brave enough to deny their affiliation. RDP is smearing other people’s names. They don’t have confidence in their party, that’s why they are hiding in Swapo. – Panda Kola * FOR you to claim that Hidipo quit Swapo because he failed to get what he wanted, be reminded that Nyamu notes to quit Swapo were well before the controversial Swapo congress where HH and his supporters were called names and victimised, but still garnered a third of the votes.* Namibians wake up and face the reality. Yes, Hidipo was part of the Swapo that failed its people. However, keep in mind that it is the top leadership that approve ideas and opinions of others. Comrade Hidipo’s constructive ideas were suppressed. In return he was called all sort of names instead of giving him the opportunity to use his potential to benefit all Namibians. – NN * I DO not see the new party (RDP) bringing any changes as they are claiming. What I have realised is that they are more into character assassination and attacks on personalities as opposed to being issue-oriented. What I see is power-hungry individuals who are, in all probability, doomed to fail. – Samuel Kafupi * AFTER reading the article ‘Reconciliation test lawmakers to hilt’ it became clear to me that if the NSHR wants the truth about atrocities and crimes against humanity all Parliamentary officials should be questioned, because they are the only ones benefiting from it and that in itself is a crime which causes corruption because they are misusing their power to cover the crimes.Swapo oath * WHY are Swapo members now expected to swear an oath? The nation needs a proper explanation. Is it because of Mr Hidipo and his group or why? The Shipangas, Muyongos and the Ulengas left Swapo long ago, but there was no threat when they left or what is going on? * NAMIBIANS, be very wise. Do not take an oath enforced on Swapo members. You have the right to resign or change parties. Don’t turn Swapo into a secret cult. Do not let anyone destroy your life. Many people have been destroyed by what they call draft ordinary documentation. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated.* ALL those who are going to sign the Swapo oath are in politics for own gain, are yes-men and avid praise singers. Desperate measures taken by desperate comrades. Sies man! * IT seems Hamutenya shocked Swapo into a state of incomprehension and wholesale panic. What a joke, to believe or to think members will swear adherence to principles not even the most senior party leaders t
hemselves could honour nor convince their subordinates to obey, for Namibia’s sake.* I THINK that it is good for the members of the Swapo Party to take an oath in the presence of the party president to ensure they are loyal to the party and to the people of this democratic country. Myself as a diehard member of the Swapo Party would like to urge the youth of this country not to be fooled by every wind that blows like. Comrades let’s stand up be firm and steady for our party.* MR Tjiriange needs to understand that one can take the oath today and resign tomorrow. So, there’s no guarantee that those who’ll take the oath are real Swapos. There’s no need to panic. The fact is that the two-thirds majority is now something of the past.

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