SMSes of the day : Monday

SMSes of the day : Monday

* I’M a young Namibian who would like to see development in our country but I constantly read about character assassination rather than development at municipalities. Gone are the days of mayors who were making a difference. Please Mr President, intervene.

* SHOULD ARVs (anti-retrovirals for HIV-AIDS) be distributed through clinics? My concern is we are in the rural areas where we have people who are on ARV treatment, and most of them are far away from hospitals. Some have to travel long distances – almost 60 km. Some are from poor families and it is difficult for them when it comes to transport costs. I appeal to the Ministry of Health and Social Services to provide ARV equipment to all clinics. – Okauva-Ondobe residents * UNLIKE the biased NBC’s Chatshow and Openline, The Namibian SMS service is the true people’s parliament. Power to the people! Congratulations, Mr President* HAPPY Birthday to you comrade Hifikepunye Pohamba, President of our beautiful Republic of Namibia and Commander in Chief of the NDF, I wish you all the best and good health to you your family, for leading our nation towards vision 2030. – W John KK’s family, Okahandja* COMRADE President Pohamba, during your short first term of office, you have given Our Nation confidence that you will lead it to greater heights. May the Creator bless you with more wisdom, strength, years in or out of office. You are the leader in us. HAPPY 72nd BIRTHDAY, Your Excellency!! – Tos Mo’Nde The ICC issue* I CAN’T hide my joy about The Namibian’s SMS ‘Have your say’. It gives the voiceless a voice. Now I can even ask, ‘is the ICC (more of) a sour tablet to swallow than the PCI (Presidential Commission of Inquiry) conspiring to humiliate ‘imperialists’? – Destiny* LEAVE Ya Nangoloh alone. My father was detained by Swapo when he crossed into Angola during 1987. Up until now we don’t know what happened to him. We are suffering. (Former President) Nujoma must tell us, please. We are in pain every day wondering!* MANY youngsters in Namibia, we don’t have work, but we enjoy peace. We don’t want to hear anything about our former President who brought that peace. Leave him alone. – Oneva* DOES the fact that Swapo did not prosecute its pre-1990 opponents pardon them of all their past crimes?* WHY do only people from a certain tribe jump to defend Sam Nujoma? The answer is simple, they were spared from detentions.Let the victims demand justice. Just wondering.* THOSE who deserve respect, let them to enjoy it, and not Ya Nangoloh. this is a straight message to him: Viva his excellency Dr Nujoma.* WHY is Nujoma, the “hero”, maintaining the silence of the lambs. Clearly he seems to be in shock and caught off guard about the NSHR submission to the ICC. Normally he would call Ya Nangoloh and Ulenga homosexuals for constructively criticising the Swapo Government. Where are you? – Vocal citizen* MY call to the Namibian people: Let us not fight one another, but let us fight against social problems. There’s no benefit in taking the head of state to court! – JH Antsino* THE ICC issue: NAMIBIANS ARE EDUCATED BUT not INTELLECTUAL BACKWARD. WHY ARE THEY UNABLE TO DEAL WITH THE ISSUE OF the ICC PROPERLY AND LOGICALLY? They should have handled it with care and patience. – L.I.K.* DR Tjiriange’s (Swapo) recent utterances reminds one of apartheid when people like De Kok were giving orders to “eliminate/neutralise” so called troublemakers. The threat of suspending national reconciliation does not inspire us. If Dr Sam (Nujoma) and others are so innocent, why the threat? – Rusuno Father of all funds* IT’S a big concern that the Metcalfe legal firm has joined the ICC status quo wagon of The Expected to Do So. Its justice standing in the past and future is questionable. Has it been practising partisanship in the name of protecting peace and stability in all Nujoma cases and spared the truth, fairness and justice? – Kamusati* THE Namibian’s front page report reminds us that Metcalfe & Co are “pledging” N$20 000 yet the full page and press releases quote only N$10 000.Cold feet?* IN the current climate, it’s understandable that anybody taking a stand other than the pro-Nujoma one in the ICC case, would not want to be named. There would be more witchhunting, more labelling. Unfortunately, rationality has gone out the window. And, of course, opportunists and Johnny-come-latelys are going to climb on the bandwagon. – Maicha Mulla* THE ‘Nujoma fund’ is a cheap publicity stunt. And not the first. Remember the ‘F*CK’? Doctors are not allowed to advertise, and lawyers never did either. Professional ethics goodbye?? THE Metcalfe advertisement. Now, what is it they know that we do not? Do they take it for granted that there will be a case, or do they expect that the righteous wrath of the geriatric Youth League leader and his henchmen solves the problem in the proven Swapo tradition … so there is no risk in pledging ten grand? Maybe it is just some bait so the suckers pay millions and millions into that account and suddenly that money is gone in the AVID manner?* NOW isn’t that a thing. Up among the first contributors to the ‘Founding Father Fund’ is ReMax properties, in which instant millionaire – courtesy of the Walvis Bay municipality! – Augustinus Katiti is now a partner. Is Katiti seeking protection?Education issues* A LOAN is money that will be paid back. Why can’t the Government give loans to all students. Students whose parents are business people have all privileges over us since their parents do not provide any proof of income. We want freedom for our parents’ salaries!! All non-bursary students need loans or scholarships. Stop dragging our families into poverty just because our parents live on salaries. Most students’ parents earn money in different ways. Please be fair!!* PLEASE, the Omusati personnel officer who pays our housing allowance, nobody has received anything since implementation. – Concerned teacher, Tsandi circuit* WHAT’S happening in Ohangwena Regional Education? Some teachers were promoted in 2005 but up to now their salary has not been adjusted, and we have not been paid back for the errors. Is the Honourable Minister aware of the situation? If not, please take urgent action, because the Polytechnic is biting us and prices are continually increasing. – Very tired teacher Politics in general* ARE the Mayors, as the first citizens of their respective towns, inferior to other elected politicians? No benefits, no official or private transport, low salaries.* THE Ministry of Regional, Local Government, Housing and Rural Development has given the death penalty to Local Authorities (LA) instead of subsidising them to develop. LAs are people-centered and all shortcomings in the LAs are only backfiring against our own Government in increasing poverty, hunger, unemployment and HIV-AIDS. The donor countries are watching our political leaps carefully. Our annual budget is enough to cater for the development of all 1,8 million citizens. Continuous negative critics like crime does not pay. Think twice.* I WANT to warn certain municipalities that are taking uninformed decisions because through their actions we the taxpayers are suffering with keeping up with the payments of lawyers for their own blunders. – Chipi* WHAT is the age limit for a person to remain a SWAPO PARTY YOUTH LEAGUE (SPYL) member? Is it not 35? If so, I think it is about time for those who operated bazookas and machine guns before 1990 to leave SPYL to the real youth. – Concerned ex-SPYL Member General* NAMIBIAN ladies’ dresses are revealing too much. This in turn encourages wicked men with thoughts of evil. Please, girls, dress up properly. I hate rapists.* PLEASE. Namibian women must learn one thing: that condoms in a room does not mean anything other than protection not only for you but for all who may need them. All Namibians should have condoms on them at all times. But mothers of the nation you fail in that one.* GOVERNMENT should do research on poor families because I don’t have anyone who is working for Government.* ARE the Chinese here to stay, or are they on contracts? Don’t be surprised if
they start their own party soon. If that happens, you can rest assured, it’s all over for the Swapo Government, and then?* MURDERERS, rapists and robbers should face the death penalty rather than be fed with taxpayers’ money in prison, where they in turn abuse, rape or kill.* WHY do women only demonstrate if a man assaults or kills their gender but when they abort or throw babies into dustbin they are quiet? Justice must be fair! – Ingashipola* LUQMAN (Cloete of The Namibian), are there not newsworthy stories at Keetmanshoop besides Salmaan Jacobs? Lironga Eparu* LIRONGA Eparu – 1999-2007 – it’s easy to give a figure for membership but the reality speaks otherwise. Are the regions benefiting from formula milk? At least give us the membership numbers per town (you don’t have to give names), and the grading on salaries.* FROM my point of view, we Namibians must stand up for Lironga Eparu. The organisation taught our kids, brothers, sisters and all our loved ones how to live positively. I don’t know of another organisation such as Lironga Eparu, which lives in the hearts of all Namibians. Those who are not concerned, they don’t have kids.* I WOULD like to say that with Namibia’s high unemployment, we Namibians can’t afford Lironga Eparu to close down. It will affect us all. – Frieda* FROM my point of view, Lironga Eparu is the only organisation that can help the nation. If you close it, you will be responsible for a life.* LIRONGA, please be accountable. Namibia needs organisations like yours, but we also need transparency.From the regions* IT is very sad to see the condition of the road from Rundu to Nkurenkuru after almost 17 years of independence. The road is turning from a gravel road to a heavy sand road. Ministry of Roads, these people are also paying the same fees for the road as those in the city. Development should be equal in all regions. Some of us who have small cars you can’t go anywhere as you need a 4×4 to travel the road. We need the road to be tarred NOW ! – Concerned citizen* RURAL electrification in the Kapako constituency is drowning. Because of distance (electricity) boxes are left far from houses, at churches or in open spaces. Nored’s representative claims that people applied to move their houses to their boxes. If that is so, how many houses are going to be moved to that church where they left their boxes, if not it will be disconnected. Which system is in place: 1. The Government closer to the people, or 2. The people closer to the Government. Please NANE Councillor, speak louder or we will be in the darkest constituency in the world. – Rutjeno Mulyo* IMPALILA island, a top revenue contributor in the Caprivi Region, needs urgent electrification to triple its revenue contribution. Bilateral agreements between Botswana and Zambia be used. These two countries sandwich the island and must be approached to cross powerlines into the island. NORED, invest in the island. Namibia patriotically gave electricity to Angolan villages and towns along the border. Residents speak out to develop our beautiful island. Approach the relevant authorities. – Sibolile (Impalila son)* EFI-LOMULUNGA is a part of Ongwediva town but is not electrified. Council, please do something about this matter.* THE Swakopmund Ministry of Works has one electrician. IF he is on leave, then we have to wait until he is back. What about if he is sick? Something must be done.* WHY can’t the Municipality put a public dumping bin at rank 80, Okuryangava location? – Concerned resident, F Bonnie* WHY do we have kapana, tombo, ombike liquor in the centre of Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay? Are we not at risk of creating a big-time health hazard? – Disben Gaweseb Consumer concerns* HAS any reader out there any idea why pre-paid electricity can’t be paid with a debit card?* I LIKE my Standard Bank, but I would like it more if it introduced the system of reporting withdrawals and deposits on cellphones. – Taimi Seal deal* NAPHA or the Ministry of Fisheries must do something with Kataneno Hunt, because their operation is a clear violation of hunting rights in the country. It’s the same as operating without a licence!* MAYBE we should not be shocked. Maybe the Ministry allocated quotas to the hunter. Another job for the ACC! – XaraRouksThe NBC* NBC TV please arrange a panel discussion on Talk of the Nation about the procedures the ICC uses to investigate and try cases.* NBC must put Tom and Jerry on NBC.* NATIONWIDE the NBC must put up aerials countrywide so that everyone with a TV can watch the channels but not only in Windhoek. TV should be seen at Outapi too.* CAN the NBC please try to broadcast ONLY games between the big 4 in the EPL for the sake of the majority of the fans.* UNLIKE the biased NBC’s Chatshow and Openline, The Namibian SMS service is the true people’s parliament. Power to the people! Congratulations, Mr President * HAPPY Birthday to you comrade Hifikepunye Pohamba, President of our beautiful Republic of Namibia and Commander in Chief of the NDF, I wish you all the best and good health to you your family, for leading our nation towards vision 2030. – W John KK’s family, Okahandja * COMRADE President Pohamba, during your short first term of office, you have given Our Nation confidence that you will lead it to greater heights. May the Creator bless you with more wisdom, strength, years in or out of office. You are the leader in us. HAPPY 72nd BIRTHDAY, Your Excellency!! – Tos Mo’Nde The ICC issue * I CAN’T hide my joy about The Namibian’s SMS ‘Have your say’. It gives the voiceless a voice. Now I can even ask, ‘is the ICC (more of) a sour tablet to swallow than the PCI (Presidential Commission of Inquiry) conspiring to humiliate ‘imperialists’? – Destiny * LEAVE Ya Nangoloh alone. My father was detained by Swapo when he crossed into Angola during 1987. Up until now we don’t know what happened to him. We are suffering. (Former President) Nujoma must tell us, please. We are in pain every day wondering! * MANY youngsters in Namibia, we don’t have work, but we enjoy peace. We don’t want to hear anything about our former President who brought that peace. Leave him alone. – Oneva * DOES the fact that Swapo did not prosecute its pre-1990 opponents pardon them of all their past crimes? * WHY do only people from a certain tribe jump to defend Sam Nujoma? The answer is simple, they were spared from detentions.Let the victims demand justice. Just wondering.* THOSE who deserve respect, let them to enjoy it, and not Ya Nangoloh. this is a straight message to him: Viva his excellency Dr Nujoma.* WHY is Nujoma, the “hero”, maintaining the silence of the lambs. Clearly he seems to be in shock and caught off guard about the NSHR submission to the ICC. Normally he would call Ya Nangoloh and Ulenga homosexuals for constructively criticising the Swapo Government. Where are you? – Vocal citizen * MY call to the Namibian people: Let us not fight one another, but let us fight against social problems. There’s no benefit in taking the head of state to court! – JH Antsino * THE ICC issue: NAMIBIANS ARE EDUCATED BUT not INTELLECTUAL BACKWARD. WHY ARE THEY UNABLE TO DEAL WITH THE ISSUE OF the ICC PROPERLY AND LOGICALLY? They should have handled it with care and patience. – L.I.K.* DR Tjiriange’s (Swapo) recent utterances reminds one of apartheid when people like De Kok were giving orders to “eliminate/neutralise” so called troublemakers. The threat of suspending national reconciliation does not inspire us. If Dr Sam (Nujoma) and others are so innocent, why the threat? – Rusuno Father of all funds * IT’S a big concern that the Metcalfe legal firm has joined the ICC status quo wagon of The Expected to Do So. Its justice standing in the past and future is questionable. Has it been practising partisanship in the name of protecting peace and stability in all Nujoma cases and spared the truth, fairness and justice? – Kamusati * THE Namibian’s front page report reminds us that Metcalfe & Co are “pledging” N$20 000 yet the full page and press releases quote only N$10 000.Cold feet? * IN the current climate, it’s understandable that anybody taking a stand other than the pro-Nujoma one in the ICC
case, would not want to be named. There would be more witchhunting, more labelling. Unfortunately, rationality has gone out the window. And, of course, opportunists and Johnny-come-latelys are going to climb on the bandwagon. – Maicha Mulla * THE ‘Nujoma fund’ is a cheap publicity stunt. And not the first. Remember the ‘F*CK’? Doctors are not allowed to advertise, and lawyers never did either. Professional ethics goodbye?? THE Metcalfe advertisement. Now, what is it they know that we do not? Do they take it for granted that there will be a case, or do they expect that the righteous wrath of the geriatric Youth League leader and his henchmen solves the problem in the proven Swapo tradition … so there is no risk in pledging ten grand? Maybe it is just some bait so the suckers pay millions and millions into that account and suddenly that money is gone in the AVID manner? * NOW isn’t that a thing. Up among the first contributors to the ‘Founding Father Fund’ is ReMax properties, in which instant millionaire – courtesy of the Walvis Bay municipality! – Augustinus Katiti is now a partner. Is Katiti seeking protection? Education issues * A LOAN is money that will be paid back. Why can’t the Government give loans to all students. Students whose parents are business people have all privileges over us since their parents do not provide any proof of income. We want freedom for our parents’ salaries!! All non-bursary students need loans or scholarships. Stop dragging our families into poverty just because our parents live on salaries. Most students’ parents earn money in different ways. Please be fair!! * PLEASE, the Omusati personnel officer who pays our housing allowance, nobody has received anything since implementation. – Concerned teacher, Tsandi circuit * WHAT’S happening in Ohangwena Regional Education? Some teachers were promoted in 2005 but up to now their salary has not been adjusted, and we have not been paid back for the errors. Is the Honourable Minister aware of the situation? If not, please take urgent action, because the Polytechnic is biting us and prices are continually increasing. – Very tired teacher Politics in general * ARE the Mayors, as the first citizens of their respective towns, inferior to other elected politicians? No benefits, no official or private transport, low salaries.* THE Ministry of Regional, Local Government, Housing and Rural Development has given the death penalty to Local Authorities (LA) instead of subsidising them to develop. LAs are people-centered and all shortcomings in the LAs are only backfiring against our own Government in increasing poverty, hunger, unemployment and HIV-AIDS. The donor countries are watching our political leaps carefully. Our annual budget is enough to cater for the development of all 1,8 million citizens. Continuous negative critics like crime does not pay. Think twice.* I WANT to warn certain municipalities that are taking uninformed decisions because through their actions we the taxpayers are suffering with keeping up with the payments of lawyers for their own blunders. – Chipi * WHAT is the age limit for a person to remain a SWAPO PARTY YOUTH LEAGUE (SPYL) member? Is it not 35? If so, I think it is about time for those who operated bazookas and machine guns before 1990 to leave SPYL to the real youth. – Concerned ex-SPYL Member General * NAMIBIAN ladies’ dresses are revealing too much. This in turn encourages wicked men with thoughts of evil. Please, girls, dress up properly. I hate rapists.* PLEASE. Namibian women must learn one thing: that condoms in a room does not mean anything other than protection not only for you but for all who may need them. All Namibians should have condoms on them at all times. But mothers of the nation you fail in that one.* GOVERNMENT should do research on poor families because I don’t have anyone who is working for Government.* ARE the Chinese here to stay, or are they on contracts? Don’t be surprised if they start their own party soon. If that happens, you can rest assured, it’s all over for the Swapo Government, and then? * MURDERERS, rapists and robbers should face the death penalty rather than be fed with taxpayers’ money in prison, where they in turn abuse, rape or kill.* WHY do women only demonstrate if a man assaults or kills their gender but when they abort or throw babies into dustbin they are quiet? Justice must be fair! – Ingashipola * LUQMAN (Cloete of The Namibian), are there not newsworthy stories at Keetmanshoop besides Salmaan Jacobs? Lironga Eparu * LIRONGA Eparu – 1999-2007 – it’s easy to give a figure for membership but the reality speaks otherwise. Are the regions benefiting from formula milk? At least give us the membership numbers per town (you don’t have to give names), and the grading on salaries.* FROM my point of view, we Namibians must stand up for Lironga Eparu. The organisation taught our kids, brothers, sisters and all our loved ones how to live positively. I don’t know of another organisation such as Lironga Eparu, which lives in the hearts of all Namibians. Those who are not concerned, they don’t have kids.* I WOULD like to say that with Namibia’s high unemployment, we Namibians can’t afford Lironga Eparu to close down. It will affect us all. – Frieda * FROM my point of view, Lironga Eparu is the only organisation that can help the nation. If you close it, you will be responsible for a life.* LIRONGA, please be accountable. Namibia needs organisations like yours, but we also need transparency.From the regions * IT is very sad to see the condition of the road from Rundu to Nkurenkuru after almost 17 years of independence. The road is turning from a gravel road to a heavy sand road. Ministry of Roads, these people are also paying the same fees for the road as those in the city. Development should be equal in all regions. Some of us who have small cars you can’t go anywhere as you need a 4×4 to travel the road. We need the road to be tarred NOW ! – Concerned citizen * RURAL electrification in the Kapako constituency is drowning. Because of distance (electricity) boxes are left far from houses, at churches or in open spaces. Nored’s representative claims that people applied to move their houses to their boxes. If that is so, how many houses are going to be moved to that church where they left their boxes, if not it will be disconnected. Which system is in place: 1. The Government closer to the people, or 2. The people closer to the Government. Please NANE Councillor, speak louder or we will be in the darkest constituency in the world. – Rutjeno Mulyo * IMPALILA island, a top revenue contributor in the Caprivi Region, needs urgent electrification to triple its revenue contribution. Bilateral agreements between Botswana and Zambia be used. These two countries sandwich the island and must be approached to cross powerlines into the island. NORED, invest in the island. Namibia patriotically gave electricity to Angolan villages and towns along the border. Residents speak out to develop our beautiful island. Approach the relevant authorities. – Sibolile (Impalila son) * EFI-LOMULUNGA is a part of Ongwediva town but is not electrified. Council, please do something about this matter.* THE Swakopmund Ministry of Works has one electrician. IF he is on leave, then we have to wait until he is back. What about if he is sick? Something must be done.* WHY can’t the Municipality put a public dumping bin at rank 80, Okuryangava location? – Concerned resident, F Bonnie * WHY do we have kapana, tombo, ombike liquor in the centre of Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay? Are we not at risk of creating a big-time health hazard? – Disben Gaweseb Consumer concerns * HAS any reader out there any idea why pre-paid electricity can’t be paid with a debit card? * I LIKE my Standard Bank, but I would like it more if it introduced the system of reporting withdrawals and deposits on cellphones. – Taimi Seal deal * NAPHA or the Ministry of Fisheries must do something with Kataneno Hunt, because their operation is a clear violation of hunting rights in the country. It’s the same as operating without a licence! * MAYBE we should not be shocked. Maybe the Ministry
allocated quotas to the hunter. Another job for the ACC! – XaraRouks The NBC * NBC TV please arrange a panel discussion on Talk of the Nation about the procedures the ICC uses to investigate and try cases.* NBC must put Tom and Jerry on NBC.* NATIONWIDE the NBC must put up aerials countrywide so that everyone with a TV can watch the channels but not only in Windhoek. TV should be seen at Outapi too.* CAN the NBC please try to broadcast ONLY games between the big 4 in the EPL for the sake of the majority of the fans.

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