SMSes of the day : Monday

SMSes of the day : Monday

* I’M A 34-year-old lady. I am a mother of an almost 13-year-old girl. Her father is a well known NDF top official at Grootfontein, who is very irresponsible and never ever give anything for his daughter, not even a phone call on her birthday, no maintenance nothing. I hereby appeal to all fathers in Namibia: Please have mercy and show some affection towards your kids. Stop waiting until the kids grow and start working so you can start pretending loving your kid and needing the kids’ support, this is the oldest trick in the book. I also hereby appeal to all in the education profession, let’s teach men about parenthood, you have no idea how tough it is to be a single mother, being scared to go to the social worker, fearing you might get killed, knowing that your son or daughter could have been better if only the father could show some humanity and all your wonderful dreams for the child will never come true, the list goes on …

* B1 BUTCHER, you are really disturbing the peace in our country. You have violated us. What you are doing is very painful and humiliating. As a woman I beg you, stop killing us! The more people remain silent the more people will suffer. We are now part of a campaign to create a sustainable plan to fight crime in our country from the inside we believe if people can learn to be good and kind they won’t commit crime in the first place. * I WANT to thank the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Electricity Control Board and NamPower for their initiative to replace conventional bulbs with energy saving bulbs. However, I feel that the impact of this initiative on energy consumption is minimal. I propose that if geysers in houses could be replaced by solar water heaters, this could cut energy consumption by 50 per cent in addition to the recent initiative.Food for thought* COMRADE Kapenda (former unionist) read Proverbs 20:1. Please restrain from alcohol because you are still a public figure. Alcohol is a danger especially when you are driving a vehicle.* THERE is a lack of social workers in Namibia. I feel that the Government should provide bursaries in this field, because there are too many social problems in in our communities. The media should also inform people what social work is all about. With the help of social workers I know these problems afflicting our communities would decrease.* THE word ‘omutwa’ in Otjiherero means someone who is not part of us and who often possesses a valuable skill that we do not have. From there the Thwa from Kaoko who knew how to melt iron and ozo-ndwa, which means modernity and civilisation. The word omu (class prefix for people) zoro (black) twa is not as derogatory as it is depicted to be. Omuzorotwa simply means a black Thwa (skilled and knowledgeable).Politics in general* A CALL to our national leaders, when are they going to declare their assets and interests to the nation for sake of accountability and transparency? – Thunder* THE forthcoming Swapo Congress is very important for the nation and the country. Everything depends on who is at the helm. My Swapo top four candidates are; 1. H Pohamba: President; 2. H Geingob – Vice President; 3. Sara K-Amadhila: Secretary General 4. Marco Hausiku: Deputy Secretary General.* I WOULD like to thank Gwen Lister, the Editor of our true newspaper, The Namibian, for her logical advice to the Swapo politicians. It’s true that they need to study the Veterans Bill carefully before they commit another of their blunders.* 17 YEARS after Independence our Swapo Elders Council took the lead from all corners of the country. It’s time for the youth to take part in decision making, as far as politics is corncerned. I therefore request the President to consider the young skilful men and women of this country starting from the branch level to the central Goverment. – Dindo BD* RECONCILIATION should count for us all. What happened before 1990 was shocking. Here I include not only apartheid, but the German era of mass murder and the allegations against the father of the nation. Swapo has asked we leave the past alone with regard to Dr Nujoma. Let us then leave EVERYTHING in the past and focus our energy on buiding rather than destroying. Let’s learn from the past rather than repeating it. – Delano Potgieter* AS scary as it may sound, and this is reinforced day after day in utterances by by those in power, there never can be national reconciliation, as this goes against the basic premise of retaining power, which is divide and rule. And we all know power corrupts. What is the point of thrashing out this topic at length when it’s only going to create further division. Those in the minority in this country may as well accept that they’re farting against the wind! – Edwin B* MR UTONI Nujoma, it is not Phil ya Nangoloh who accused your father of ‘enforced disappearance’ but the aggrieved acquaintances of victims. The probe will equally not be made by Ya Nangoloh-NSHR but ICC. Have you read your father’s autobiography and compared it with Malan’s book? Liberate your mind and urge Parliament to declare POVERTY a threat to peace and stability in Namibia.* TO Swapo Party President: You have destroyed the Swapo Party. You have already decided how the congress is going to be. We all know that the outcome will be in your favour and that of the Omusati clique.* THE most dangerous weapons of mass destruction are the tongues/mouth of politicians. They put Iraq on fire. – Shaungu, Okalongo* WHAT type of exmaple do we get from most of our leaders? Is it changing wives in marriage? Good leader should be a good husband and set a good exmple. – Blassy, Walvis Bay From the regions* MY cousin transported people with stolen goods, used my car and the Police arrested them all. I went to get my car, they said I must wait until the case is finished. Now the case was finished in August and the court released the car but the Police refused to give it back. Please Hardap Regional Commander what should l do to get my car back. Are there no standing procedures? – J-Kay* I WANT to find out from the Office of the Prime Minister if some Police officers at the Eenhana Police station are allowed to fetch water from the station to water their gardens at their houses. This high-ranking officer, even on October 27, was driving a blue Nissan pick up 4×4 that is used for emergency, carting water in the tank to water his garden. If that is not corrption then I want to be informed.* OMUSATI Governor can you follow in the footsteps of the Ohangwena Governor please. Do you not visit Kamhaku State hospital and see how pregnant women are squatting under that tree outside the hospital yard. If you initiate that project, people will start donating what they can and a shelter will eventually be built for them. Councillor of Outapi must act as well. People elected you so that you can attend to their needs.* COUNCILLOR for Omuntele Constituency, Sakeus Nangula, it’s likely that since no minister or high-ranking politician originates from that area, we have to forget about a tarred road, as was promised in 1994. Is your job only to announce meetings on local radio? Can’t your secretary do that? We want change.Education* IS the Ministry of Education aware of the fact that we at Concordia College have not had a principal for two years now? If they do, why haven’t they done anything about it yet? We are tired of acting principals who cannot punish those misbehaving because they are influencing some of us who know why we are at school. Please do something.* TO the Ministry of Education, please let kids begin school at any age, as long as they can read, write and count. I mean, what’s the point for a child to be kept in pre-primary when he or she has acquired the requirements to start Grade 1? A lot of talent is being restrained. – Orlinho* I THINK we should engage foreigners in our Maths and Science subjects. Our local teachers are not well versed in those areas. Private schools are doing well because they have foreign teachers, Zimbabweans and Zambians can help us.* SOMETIMES when I compare my numerical and literacy skills when I was at primary school with today’s kids I doubt whether Bantu Education was as inferior.* MY child attends the SI !Gobs Secondary School at Omaruru. If you visit the school during school hours, you will see children running around when they should be in classes. The teachers are not even in the classes. I was able to walk down to the classes and discovered that only four teachers were in their room. Only one was teaching. Many classes had no teachers. Where is the principal or management? What has the Ministry done to help? Our children are the ones who suffer. Please, will someone help?* ACCESS to education at the Polytechnic and Unam is for the sons and daughters of those parents who are rich while the talented children are thrown on the streets, just because they can’t afford to register. Children from poor backgrounds are not even getting a bursary from the Government. – Lukas Ambunda, Oshana Region* MY concern is about education. When is the Government going to provide Ehoma Primary School with permanent building structures. The school was established in 2004 but learners are still taught under sheds. Thank you* A ROUND of big thanks to Silvanus Nghinongelwa for rescuing a baby from a certain sewage drowning. It’s time for men to protest against women who kill innocent babies.General* IT beats me why the ACC was established.Those who looted various SOEs are walking around freely knowing they are protected by the top brass. Namibian diamonds mined or unmined seem to be owned by certain people. Is it possible to see the register depicting who owns what?* THANKS to the Policeman at the Windhoek to Okahandja roadblock on duty at 10h00 this Saturday for taking a $100 from a German tourist using your State-given authority for private gain. You should be ashamed of yourself and we hope you get caught soon!* NBC, Alexander Forbes, Mr J Malan what happened to our pension statements? Why all the excuses of wrong calculations over and over. Very fishy, smelly! ACC, investigate! We are sick of lies, lies and excuses !* PLEASE help to clean the public toilets at the National Housing Enterprise. What are the cleaners paid for?* CAN the National Assembly please discuss the issue of MATERNITY LEAVE and revise the law so that working women’s salaries continue when they are on maternity leave.* JOBLESS ex-combatants to be paid? Does that include the two ex-combatants, whom I employed in the name of national reconciliation as drivers and then had to terminate their services because of losses I suffered as a result of them driving under the influence of alcohol. These ex-combatants are unemployed today, because of nothing else but drunkenness. I suffered thousands of dollars losses because of their alcohol abuse during working hours. Now the Government wants to use my tax to pay them. It is not fair to help those who don’t want to help themselves* A CERTAIN principal in the Ohangwena education region, who chopped N$12 000 from the school development fund, agreed to pay back but nothing has been paid up to now. What is the ACC doing?* PLEASE Mr President of NFA, are aware of what’s going on? In the Omaheke NFA office money is disappears and administration is very weak. Please do something before it’s too late. – Danger* I THINK NBC has just turned into a NAMIBIAN BORING CHANNEL, unstead of keeping its promise as a better companion. It’s ever delaying news without apologising and still they have the guts of showing advertisements and on top of all not ashamed of telling us to pay our TV licences. Mr Kandetu you cannot do the job. – Tai, Oshakati.* IS NamPol perhaps going to have a investigative psychology department soon? It requires few experts who earn little anyway, so money can’t be an excuse. They can do proper forensic interviews, track down missing people, serial killers, hostage and suicide negotiation. You may argue that these things don’t happen often, but it’s better to be prepared in case they do. Can’t depend on SA forever. – Psychologist* I WOULD like to thank the culture of the Caprivi people for not allowing women to wear trousers without a sitenge. Please traditional leaders keep it up. These days ladies are walking around semi-naked with G-STRINGS only.* I WANT to thank the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Electricity Control Board and NamPower for their initiative to replace conventional bulbs with energy saving bulbs. However, I feel that the impact of this initiative on energy consumption is minimal. I propose that if geysers in houses could be replaced by solar water heaters, this could cut energy consumption by 50 per cent in addition to the recent initiative.Food for thought * COMRADE Kapenda (former unionist) read Proverbs 20:1. Please restrain from alcohol because you are still a public figure. Alcohol is a danger especially when you are driving a vehicle.* THERE is a lack of social workers in Namibia. I feel that the Government should provide bursaries in this field, because there are too many social problems in in our communities. The media should also inform people what social work is all about. With the help of social workers I know these problems afflicting our communities would decrease.* THE word ‘omutwa’ in Otjiherero means someone who is not part of us and who often possesses a valuable skill that we do not have. From there the Thwa from Kaoko who knew how to melt iron and ozo-ndwa, which means modernity and civilisation. The word omu (class prefix for people) zoro (black) twa is not as derogatory as it is depicted to be. Omuzorotwa simply means a black Thwa (skilled and knowledgeable).Politics in general * A CALL to our national leaders, when are they going to declare their assets and interests to the nation for sake of accountability and transparency? – Thunder * THE forthcoming Swapo Congress is very important for the nation and the country. Everything depends on who is at the helm. My Swapo top four candidates are; 1. H Pohamba: President; 2. H Geingob – Vice President; 3. Sara K-Amadhila: Secretary General 4. Marco Hausiku: Deputy Secretary General.* I WOULD like to thank Gwen Lister, the Editor of our true newspaper, The Namibian, for her logical advice to the Swapo politicians. It’s true that they need to study the Veterans Bill carefully before they commit another of their blunders.* 17 YEARS after Independence our Swapo Elders Council took the lead from all corners of the country. It’s time for the youth to take part in decision making, as far as politics is corncerned. I therefore request the President to consider the young skilful men and women of this country starting from the branch level to the central Goverment. – Dindo BD * RECONCILIATION should count for us all. What happened before 1990 was shocking. Here I include not only apartheid, but the German era of mass murder and the allegations against the father of the nation. Swapo has asked we leave the past alone with regard to Dr Nujoma. Let us then leave EVERYTHING in the past and focus our energy on buiding rather than destroying. Let’s learn from the past rather than repeating it. – Delano Potgieter * AS scary as it may sound, and this is reinforced day after day in utterances by by those in power, there never can be national reconciliation, as this goes against the basic premise of retaining power, which is divide and rule. And we all know power corrupts. What is the point of thrashing out this topic at length when it’s only going to create further division. Those in the minority in this country may as well accept that they’re farting against the wind! – Edwin B * MR UTONI Nujoma, it is not Phil ya Nangoloh who accused your father of ‘enforced disappearance’ but the aggrieved acquaintances of victims. The probe will equally not be made by Ya Nangoloh-NSHR but ICC. Have you read your father’s autobiography and compared it with Malan’s book? Liberate your mind and urge Parliament to declare POVERTY a threat to peace and stability in Namibia.* TO Swapo Party President: You have destroyed the Swapo Party. You have already decided how the congress is going to be. We all know that the outcome will be in your favour and that of the Omusati clique.* THE most dangerous weapons of mass destruction are the tongues/mouth of politicians. They put Iraq on fire. – Shaungu, Okalongo * WHAT type of exmaple do we get from most of our leaders? Is it changing wives in marriage? Good leader should be a good husband and set a good exmple. – Blassy, Walvis Bay From the regions * MY cousin transported people with stolen goods, used my car and the Police arrested them all. I went to get my car, they said I must wait until the case is finished. Now the case was finished in August and the court released the car but the Police refused to give it back. Please Hardap Regional Commander what should l do to get my car back. Are there no standing procedures? – J-Kay * I WANT to find out from the Office of the Prime Minister if some Police officers at the Eenhana Police station are allowed to fetch water from the station to water their gardens at their houses. This high-ranking officer, even on October 27, was driving a blue Nissan pick up 4×4 that is used for emergency, carting water in the tank to water his garden. If that is not corrption then I want to be informed.* OMUSATI Governor can you follow in the footsteps of the Ohangwena Governor please. Do you not visit Kamhaku State hospital and see how pregnant women are squatting under that tree outside the hospital yard. If you initiate that project, people will start donating what they can and a shelter will eventually be built for them. Councillor of Outapi must act as well. People elected you so that you can attend to their needs.* COUNCILLOR for Omuntele Constituency, Sakeus Nangula, it’s likely that since no minister or high-ranking politician originates from that area, we have to forget about a tarred road, as was promised in 1994. Is your job only to announce meetings on local radio? Can’t your secretary do that? We want change.Education * IS the Ministry of Education aware of the fact that we at Concordia College have not had a principal for two years now? If they do, why haven’t they done anything about it yet? We are tired of acting principals who cannot punish those misbehaving because they are influencing some of us who know why we are at school. Please do something.* TO the Ministry of Education, please let kids begin school at any age, as long as they can read, write and count. I mean, what’s the point for a child to be kept in pre-primary when he or she has acquired the requirements to start Grade 1? A lot of talent is being restrained. – Orlinho * I THINK we should engage foreigners in our Maths and Science subjects. Our local teachers are not well versed in those areas. Private schools are doing well because they have foreign teachers, Zimbabweans and Zambians can help us.* SOMETIMES when I compare my numerical and literacy skills when I was at primary school with today’s kids I doubt whether Bantu Education was as inferior.* MY child attends the SI !Gobs Secondary School at Omaruru. If you visit the school during school hours, you will see children running around when they should be in classes. The teachers are not even in the classes. I was able to walk down to the classes and discovered that only four teachers were in their room. Only one was teaching. Many classes had no teachers. Where is the principal or management? What has the Ministry done to help? Our children are the ones who suffer. Please, will someone help? * ACCESS to education at the Polytechnic and Unam is for the sons and daughters of those parents who are rich while the talented children are thrown on the streets, just because they can’t afford to register. Children from poor backgrounds are not even getting a bursary from the Government. – Lukas Ambunda, Oshana Region * MY concern is about education. When is the Government going to provide Ehoma Primary School with permanent building structures. The school was established in 2004 but learners are still taught under sheds. Thank you * A ROUND of big thanks to Silvanus Nghinongelwa for rescuing a baby from a certain sewage drowning. It’s time for men to protest against women who kill innocent babies.General * IT beats me why the ACC was established.Those who looted various SOEs are walking around freely knowing they are protected by the top brass. Namibian diamonds mined or unmined seem to be owned by certain people. Is it possible to see the register depicting who owns what? * THANKS to the Policeman at the Windhoek to Okahandja roadblock on duty at 10h00 this Saturday for taking a $100 from a German tourist using your State-given authority for private gain. You should be ashamed of yourself and we hope you get caught soon! * NBC, Alexander Forbes, Mr J Malan what happened to our pension statements? Why all the excuses of wrong calculations over and over. Very fishy, smelly! ACC, investigate! We are sick of lies, lies and excuses ! * PLEASE help to clean the public toilets at the National Housing Enterprise. What are the cleaners paid for? * CAN the National Assembly please discuss the issue of MATERNITY LEAVE and revise the law so that working women’s salaries continue when they are on maternity leave.* JOBLESS ex-combatants to be paid? Does that include the two ex-combatants, whom I employed in the name of national reconciliation as drivers and then had to terminate their services because of losses I suffered as a result of them driving under the influence of alcohol. These ex-combatants are unemployed today, because of nothing else but drunkenness. I suffered thousands of dollars losses because of their alcohol abuse during working hours. Now the Government wants to use my tax to pay them. It is not fair to help those who don’t want to help themselves * A CERTAIN principal in the Ohangwena education region, who chopped N$12 000 from the school development fund, agreed to pay back but nothing has been paid up to now. What is the ACC doing? * PLEASE Mr President of NFA, are aware of what’s going on? In the Omaheke NFA office money is disappears and administration is very weak. Please do something before it’s too late. – Danger * I THINK NBC has just turned into a NAMIBIAN BORING CHANNEL, unstead of keeping its promise as a better companion. It’s ever delaying news without apologising and still they have the guts of showing advertisements and on top of all not ashamed of telling us to pay our TV licences. Mr Kandetu you cannot do the job. – Tai, Oshakati.* IS NamPol perhaps going to have a investigative psychology department soon? It requires few experts who earn little anyway, so money can’t be an excuse. They can do proper forensic interviews, track down missing people, serial killers, hostage and suicide negotiation. You may argue that these things don’t happen often, but it’s better to be prepared in case they do. Can’t depend on SA forever. – Psychologist * I WOULD like to thank the culture of the Caprivi people for not allowing women to wear trousers without a sitenge. Please traditional leaders keep it up. These days ladies are walking around semi-naked with G-STRINGS only.

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