SMSes of the Day : Friday

SMSes of the Day : Friday

* MY father is one of the people who disappeared while under Swapo’s care. After many years of trying to get closure, I have now made peace that he’s gone, even though there are many unanswered questions. I wish the Founding Father good health and prosperity. Now we must give Hidipo Hamutenya the opportunity to work his magic and take Namibia to the next level.

* IT’S a pity that a few properly qualified Maritime Officers have opted to work outside the country when the nation very much needs their input in rectifying the buffoonery that besets the Maritime Affairs of Namibia. But who can blame them, when their very qualifications are a threat to the people who have been entrusted to run the Maritime Affairs of the country; who in the DMA in the Ministry of Transport has ever navigated or engineered a ship, who on the board of trustees of the Maritime Institute has ever studied Navigation or Marine Engineering, the answer is NONE. Just how on earth do you put a person in charge with NO maritime background to direct a Maritime School and expect to make progress, can Vision 2030 be achieved with such actions? * EVILASTUS Kaaronda, Secretary of NUNW, are you saying that PM Nahas Angula must represent your members in the employ of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs)? Why does this umbrella union exist if it is not to ensure that workers’ jobs are guaranteed. Kaaronda has been busy flirting in Swapo affairs. The embedded unionist was only busy defending Nujoma from ‘insults’ and ICC while the members are being retrenched. Kaaronda must quit as he has become a liability for the workers.Food for thought* MINISTRY of Defence, increase the salaries of poor soldiers before they go and join the Black Waters in Iraq (in search of) greener pastures.* DEAR Swapo comrades: (Swapo President Sam) Nujoma was not the first freedom fighter nor will he be the last. Raise your heads and look ahead. Even our beloved ones die and leave us (in an) untimely fashion, yet life continues. Don’t you think there is no life after Nujoma! We need a new leader to take us out of poverty, hunger, disease and above all to unite the fragile party! Aluta continua!* N$800 million allocated to build a new State House, one million dollars dished out for an overseas trip, yet you have people eating from dustbins, street kids and people living in shacks 17 years after Independence. Namibian electorate, wake up before our resources are drained by these leaders without a vision. They liberated us but it’s for the new generation to take over and lead us to a better, more prosperous Namibia.* CAN someone please help and address the issue of officers turning the NDF into a family employment entity. We now have a so-called additional group which is made up of the children and relatives of the big army chiefs despite the fact that some have not entered the doors of a Grade 10 classroom.Politics in General* SOMEBODY mentioned something about respect for our leaders. Some of these leaders are involving themselves in fist fights and brawls in public as if they are above the law. What some people will do just for a seat in parliament.* MR NUJOMA’S decision to step aside from mainstream politics is courageous and commendable. In this spirit of responsible leadership, Namibia has the potential to develop and become indeed the Switzerland of Africa. We salute your wisdom sir.* SWAPO is a tested party and knows what it is doing, the party with a long good history in Namibia. Those who want to form their new party, do it and you will see. Nujoma will remain a senior member of the Swapo Party. We know the good work he did for this country and its people. Namibia is free forever under Nujoma’s able leadership, we thank you for giving us Cde Pohamba to lead us.Murder and B1 Butcher* IF the Butcher is caught, put on trial and found guilty, please honourable MPs suspend the Constitution for only one day with respect to him and hand him over to the people. Please.* TO all who demand the death penalty for the B1 Butcher: If your lust for death, revenge and blood is so strong, why don’t you join hands with the butcher. He might act out of the very same motives. Who are you to decide on life and death? – Thilo* INSPECTOR General and the Ministry of Safety and Security, I think it’s really high time for you to start using foreign expertise to track down the B1 Butcher. You are using your lowly paid, unmotivated Police officers. Increase their salaries.General* JOB recruitment in Namibia is not done fairly, particularly in town councils, mines e.g. Rossing Uranium, where the latest operator positions were filled dubiously. You must know someone to be shortlisted. Skorpion Zinc is no different. The main culprits in this practice are regrettably black HR practitioners. I call on those responsible for affirmative action and the ACC to take this matter serious.* MR Bamfuchile, calling up Tjikuzu would not only put a dent in your illustrious reputation, but be a slap in the face of every soccer player.* INSTEAD of being a visionary, looking and building for the future, Bamfuchile is calling up the tried, found wanting and tired Nauseb! Why now? – Levy K* I AM a nurse at Engela hospital in the Ohangwena Region. I didn’t get my overtimes money for the months of May to July. Some of my colleagues have received theirs in full and those who got theirs are the ones with relatives or friends in the salary or personnel offices. I raised my complaints but there was no help. The lady I talked to in the same office was so rude. I would like to know which criteria are used to select who should be paid and who shouldn’t if we all have worked overtime and submitted claim forms on time! Mr Kamwi, please save us, before we leave this Ohangwena Region to go to other hospitals in other regions where people are treated equally!* WHAT’S the problem? Lets do the maths, on average the number of doctors appointed each year, the number of doctors leaving State, the public gets frustrated when they come to State hospitals, doctors working weird hours trying to make ends meet, why? Shortage! Would you like your child to be operated on by someone, who had not had proper rest? Who’s at fault here? Not the patient, nor the doctor, I wonder who! – RaysteeloEducation* UNAM students see how you’ve wasted your time demonstrating for your Chancellor, while your tuition fees are not paid. Do you know why the Government decided not to pay for you? Because Government discovered that you are just liabilities, visionless people and time wasters. Who wants to waste resources on fake comrades like you?* WHY should Unam wait for their money? Who in Government is not doing their job again? Obviously somebody who should get a promotion!* CAN someone please tell us what in the Government service is functioning properly, except the payroll. They cannot even pay the bursaries on time.* I AM a trainee at Okakarara VTC, and am concerned about the certificates we are to receive after completing the three-year course, which I am not happy with. Therefore my humble appeal to the Minster of Education is to tell us why we are not getting diplomas like the previous trainees and Valombola VTC? And why some recognised tertiary institutions offer a one-year diploma but not a certificate like VTCs?* I’M a concerned Grade 10 learner at Concordia College. We are required to pay N$15 for internet fees, which we barely use and it’s a must that you pay it. We even have to pay for school diaries which other schools don’t pay for. Some teachers tell us they don’t care if you study or not, as long as they receive their salaries. We face external exams of physical science but we still have three chapters to cover. Since Concordia is a Government school, I will leave this issue in the hands of the the Ministry of Education.* MR Shikongeni from Gabriel Taapopi SSS, you are suspending our learners as if you want to break a record. Ministry of Education please give him his award for suspending almost the whole school. He deserves it. Give it before they all get suspended. – Angry teacher* WE all love eating at restaurants, but if only we knew how our “glorious” waiters are treated. They are sexually harassed to keep their jobs as very few are employed permanently. The people don’t have a voice. They are scared. Let’s consider organising them into our unions and have benefits, as with other workers in Namibia. It would be great. They deserve to be equal too.Mugabe and the world* MUGABE must step down! He has destroyed a beautiful country and its people! If he was white he would have been kicked out long ago. African Union, why the double standards ?* AFRICAN leaders, no one on earth and heaven hates Mugabe, but we hate his doings over Zimbabwean people, both economically and physically. Get used to the truth. It’s about time.* AFRICAN leaders, stop abusing the powers and authority you have to defend the injustices perpetrated by Mugabe. You are not elected for that, OK. Wolves in sheep skin are not needed? – Uncle C* IF Mugabe is a shame to Africa, what is Bush to the world? I think he is a disgrace. – Joe B Securities for Iraq* THE issue of APS and American SOC-SMG needs crucial scrutiny. The question is why Iraq and not here or other countries with peace and stability? GRN open your eyes. This must not tolerated in Namibia. – A Itoolwa* WHAT’S going on in our beloved motherland? Things are going the wrong way. What’s in the minds of APS management? Please, we deserve peace. These people must pack up and leave. We don’t want to repeat history. Can our Government do everything it can to stop these destructive plans. What’s the relationship between APS and the war veterans. – Simon K* I’D rather go to Iraq and earn money and possibly die of some explosion, then staying and die of hunger. I’m desperate.* IF man would survive in Iraq, let him go, the whole earth is God’s. Terms like: citizenship, independence are all illusions. No man owns a particular land. Keep your good law for hungry? We all migrate from somewhere.* DOES this Africa Personnel Services company want the American war to come to Namibia, leaving the Namibian nation to live in fear.* WHY is the GRN against APS to recruit Namibians as security guards abroad while they cannot create job for they own people and law officers get peanuts as wages.* EVILASTUS Kaaronda, Secretary of NUNW, are you saying that PM Nahas Angula must represent your members in the employ of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs)? Why does this umbrella union exist if it is not to ensure that workers’ jobs are guaranteed. Kaaronda has been busy flirting in Swapo affairs. The embedded unionist was only busy defending Nujoma from ‘insults’ and ICC while the members are being retrenched. Kaaronda must quit as he has become a liability for the workers.Food for thought * MINISTRY of Defence, increase the salaries of poor soldiers before they go and join the Black Waters in Iraq (in search of) greener pastures.* DEAR Swapo comrades: (Swapo President Sam) Nujoma was not the first freedom fighter nor will he be the last. Raise your heads and look ahead. Even our beloved ones die and leave us (in an) untimely fashion, yet life continues. Don’t you think there is no life after Nujoma! We need a new leader to take us out of poverty, hunger, disease and above all to unite the fragile party! Aluta continua! * N$800 million allocated to build a new State House, one million dollars dished out for an overseas trip, yet you have people eating from dustbins, street kids and people living in shacks 17 years after Independence. Namibian electorate, wake up before our resources are drained by these leaders without a vision. They liberated us but it’s for the new generation to take over and lead us to a better, more prosperous Namibia.* CAN someone please help and address the issue of officers turning the NDF into a family employment entity. We now have a so-called additional group which is made up of the children and relatives of the big army chiefs despite the fact that some have not entered the doors of a Grade 10 classroom.Politics in General * SOMEBODY mentioned something about respect for our leaders. Some of these leaders are involving themselves in fist fights and brawls in public as if they are above the law. What some people will do just for a seat in parliament.* MR NUJOMA’S decision to step aside from mainstream politics is courageous and commendable. In this spirit of responsible leadership, Namibia has the potential to develop and become indeed the Switzerland of Africa. We salute your wisdom sir.* SWAPO is a tested party and knows what it is doing, the party with a long good history in Namibia. Those who want to form their new party, do it and you will see. Nujoma will remain a senior member of the Swapo Party. We know the good work he did for this country and its people. Namibia is free forever under Nujoma’s able leadership, we thank you for giving us Cde Pohamba to lead us.Murder and B1 Butcher * IF the Butcher is caught, put on trial and found guilty, please honourable MPs suspend the Constitution for only one day with respect to him and hand him over to the people. Please.* TO all who demand the death penalty for the B1 Butcher: If your lust for death, revenge and blood is so strong, why don’t you join hands with the butcher. He might act out of the very same motives. Who are you to decide on life and death? – Thilo * INSPECTOR General and the Ministry of Safety and Security, I think it’s really high time for you to start using foreign expertise to track down the B1 Butcher. You are using your lowly paid, unmotivated Police officers. Increase their salaries.General * JOB recruitment in Namibia is not done fairly, particularly in town councils, mines e.g. Rossing Uranium, where the latest operator positions were filled dubiously. You must know someone to be shortlisted. Skorpion Zinc is no different. The main culprits in this practice are regrettably black HR practitioners. I call on those responsible for affirmative action and the ACC to take this matter serious.* MR Bamfuchile, calling up Tjikuzu would not only put a dent in your illustrious reputation, but be a slap in the face of every soccer player.* INSTEAD of being a visionary, looking and building for the future, Bamfuchile is calling up the tried, found wanting and tired Nauseb! Why now? – Levy K * I AM a nurse at Engela hospital in the Ohangwena Region. I didn’t get my overtimes money for the months of May to July. Some of my colleagues have received theirs in full and those who got theirs are the ones with relatives or friends in the salary or personnel offices. I raised my complaints but there was no help. The lady I talked to in the same office was so rude. I would like to know which criteria are used to select who should be paid and who shouldn’t if we all have worked overtime and submitted claim forms on time! Mr Kamwi, please save us, before we leave this Ohangwena Region to go to other hospitals in other regions where people are treated equally! * WHAT’S the problem? Lets do the maths, on average the number of doctors appointed each year, the number of doctors leaving State, the public gets frustrated when they come to State hospitals, doctors working weird hours trying to make ends meet, why? Shortage! Would you like your child to be operated on by someone, who had not had proper rest? Who’s at fault here? Not the patient, nor the doctor, I wonder who! – Raysteelo Education * UNAM students see how you’ve wasted your time demonstrating for your Chancellor, while your tuition fees are not paid. Do you know why the Government decided not to pay for you? Because Government discovered that you are just liabilities, visionless people and time wasters. Who wants to waste resources on fake comrades like you? * WHY should Unam wait for their money? Who in Government is not doing their job again? Obviously somebody who should get a promotion! * CAN someone please tell us what in the Government service is functioning properly, except the payroll. They cannot even pay the bursaries on time.* I AM a trainee at Okakarara VTC, and am concerned about the certificates we are to receive after completing the three-year course, which I am not happy with. Therefore my humble appeal to the Minster of Education is to tell us why we are not getting diplomas like the previous trainees and Valombola VTC? And why some recognised tertiary institutions offer a one-year diploma but not a certificate like VTCs? * I’M a concerned Grade 10 learner at Concordia College. We are required to pay N$15 for internet fees, which we barely use and it’s a must that you pay it. We even have to pay for school diaries which other schools don’t pay for. Some teachers tell us they don’t care if you study or not, as long as they receive their salaries. We face external exams of physical science but we still have three chapters to cover. Since Concordia is a Government school, I will leave this issue in the hands of the the Ministry of Education.* MR Shikongeni from Gabriel Taapopi SSS, you are suspending our learners as if you want to break a record. Ministry of Education please give him his award for suspending almost the whole school. He deserves it. Give it before they all get suspended. – Angry teacher * WE all love eating at restaurants, but if only we knew how our “glorious” waiters are treated. They are sexually harassed to keep their jobs as very few are employed permanently. The people don’t have a voice. They are scared. Let’s consider organising them into our unions and have benefits, as with other workers in Namibia. It would be great. They deserve to be equal too.Mugabe and the world * MUGABE must step down! He has destroyed a beautiful country and its people! If he was white he would have been kicked out long ago. African Union, why the double standards ? * AFRICAN leaders, no one on earth and heaven hates Mugabe, but we hate his doings over Zimbabwean people, both economically and physically. Get used to the truth. It’s about time.* AFRICAN leaders, stop abusing the powers and authority you have to defend the injustices perpetrated by Mugabe. You are not elected for that, OK. Wolves in sheep skin are not needed? – Uncle C * IF Mugabe is a shame to Africa, what is Bush to the world? I think he is a disgrace. – Joe B Securities for Iraq * THE issue of APS and American SOC-SMG needs crucial scrutiny. The question is why Iraq and not here or other countries with peace and stability? GRN open your eyes. This must not tolerated in Namibia. – A Itoolwa * WHAT’S going on in our beloved motherland? Things are going the wrong way. What’s in the minds of APS management? Please, we deserve peace. These people must pack up and leave. We don’t want to repeat history. Can our Government do everything it can to stop these destructive plans. What’s the relationship between APS and the war veterans. – Simon K * I’D rather go to Iraq and earn money and possibly die of some explosion, then staying and die of hunger. I’m desperate.* IF man would survive in Iraq, let him go, the whole earth is God’s. Terms like: citizenship, independence are all illusions. No man owns a particular land. Keep your good law for hungry? We all migrate from somewhere.* DOES this Africa Personnel Services company want the American war to come to Namibia, leaving the Namibian nation to live in fear.* WHY is the GRN against APS to recruit Namibians as security guards abroad while they cannot create job for they own people and law officers get peanuts as wages.

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