SMSes of the Day : Friday

SMSes of the Day : Friday

* IT’S really a shame the way senior citizens are treated in this country. If it was not for us, not one of the current leaders would be here. There is money for every thing, except the elderly. Why don’t we start a union for the elderly? I’m sure each one of us can afford to at least contribute a dollar. Maybe somebody will pity us and fight for us.

* I’M very concerned about the usage of State-owned motor vehicles by the management cadres of the Police, who at the same time benefit from a GRN car scheme. What a shame? Many senior Police officers are rushing to VIPPD to get cars to avoid using scheme vehicles. Is this not corruption? Stations are crying because of a lack of transport but commissioners at VIPPD are in possession of a double-cab and a sedan for each on top of a car scheme. These cars should be re-allocated to needy stations and units. * VISION 2030 is just a wet dream. Who is the initiator anyway? Not one of the current breed of politicians will live to see it. Namibia is rich with natural resources, why are we not benefiting now, or (is it) just a strategy for the fat cats to feed themselves. Who’s fooling who? Comrades, wake up! There is no life after death, the cake should be shared now.* THE recent killing at the Herero Mall did not spark a clash between Damaras and Hereros. I grew up in Dolam and Herero location and I know criminals are just using the killing to change targets. Just like any other crime, society should expose them. And we know people don’t talk, which is wrong. Let’s start exposing even our brothers and sisters.Food for thought* RESETTLEMENT programme is a recipe for a war. Only those who are politically well-connected are resettled, especially in Omaheke. All top officials in Omaheke had resettled themselves and their sons and daughters, who don’t even have livestock, but to perpetuate self-enrichment.* WHAT is the point of Iway having a help desk if they never pick up the telephone? This is a classic case of bad service.* YOUR Excellency, the President, how long will it take our Government to wrest water from ‘private hands’? Do we need a nationwide demonstration over water? Small local authorities (LAs) are suffering from NamWater bills together with their residents. Let the Government pay NamWater bills. Many LAs can’t pay NamWater running into millions of Namibia dollars. Some day people may die of thirst while the haves can afford to have water. Act now because water is life.* WHEN Cheetah cement hit town three years ago, Pupkewitz cut their prices by half to keep their market share and undercut Cheetah’s low market entry price. Now we see Harold Pupkewitz himself in conversation with Cheetah’s MD at the launch of Cheetah’s new cement factory. Strange bedfellows?* RECRUITMENT and selection in vacant positions: Human resources managers and senior HR practitioners and board members in parastatals, ministries, banks, donor-funded projects, NGOs are from one language group and only shortlist and employ their people. The Affirmative Action Act must be amended to make provision for a quota in appointments e.g. for every three Oshiwambo-speaking appointments there must be one Nama, Herero, Damara, Baster or Afrikaner. Other tribes are unemployed, poverty is high and women opt for prostitution and eventually get butchered. Let us all share the cake and have decent lives like our brothers.Passing the dirt* IT’S not the cleaners (who are responsible for the state of State hospitals). It’s a disease that starts at the top. Hunger for power more than empowerment. An empowered worker is a proud worker. PS Kahuure wants it all without working for it.* CLEANERS, stupid? It all boils down to poor management that is so part and parcel of many GRN departments. Management should be held responsible.* HUMAN Resources Committee do not blame the cleaners! There is no proper supervision. Blame management. Keep your insults for yourselves.* BLAMING the cleaners for the dirty hospitals is ridiculous. Who is in charge of seeing that they do their work? It is about time that we accept responsibility for ourselves and lose this mentality of always blaming someone else for whatever goes wrong. Until we do this we will not be able to prosper as a nation.* CLEANING services should be outsourced so that cleaners can be trained on how to clean properly.* HOSPITAL administrators should be held accountable for the state in which all hospitals are. Where are the matrons of the hospitals who allow their nursing staff to do what they want to do. Look at Swakop state hospital, which is better organised than the one in Windhoek. – John LeylandGuards for Iraq* USA hands are full of innocent Iraqis’ blood. It is an insult to recruit Namibians for this type of work. It was wrong for the Ministry of Trade of Industry to have registered the US company wanting to recruit guards for Iraq.* PLEASE, think logically: if you send Namibian security guards to Iraq, this will definitely make Namibia Iraq’s enemy. And you know very well that these aren’t the kind of people to mess with. This war is between the USA and Iraq, and we aren’t an alliance with the USA. There must be reasons why the USA wants Namibians in Iraq. THINK!!* DEAR Swapo Government: I thought you would have learnt enough in the past 17 years, about problems you faced such as war veterans, politics and many others. My point is, are you aware of the war in Iraq and what if anybody died there do you think I will blame APS? Remember that a human life may cost the Government millions of dollars so do not put your hands in hot soup and open your eyes. – William* LET people go to Iraq if they want. Just imagine. If we die that is the end, if we survive we will be better off than we are today, because here in the Land of Brave, the poor must remain poor.* PLEASE APS and SOC-SMG must give us the application forms. We don’t have jobs. Namibians, people live as to go, as people can die anywhere.* THE people who will be targeted to go to Iraq will be the less informed ones, who do not have access to newspapers and TV. Let the Government inform us about the real situation in Iraq.* I’M a security guard, but I really support working in Iraq, because when were are sent abroad on a peace mission we will get more money.From the regions* CAN the RCC fix the pot holes on the Grootfontein-Mururani before they become boreholes? – Road user.* WHY does the south of Namibia not benefit from the natural resources it has? The majority of people who work at Oranjemund, Rosh Pinah, Luederitz and Aussenkehr are from the North. This means household income is largely spent outside the region. There is little to no investment made by these rich companies and its shareholders in the economy of the South and unemployment remains a major problem in that area. Can anybody claim that this is fair?* OKAKU Constituency councillor, Ya Kasita, is it a coincidence that your buddies are recipients of scarce resources, while the majority of people have no water and electricity? What are your plans? Look what other councillors do for their people and where do you want to see the Okaku constituency in future? If the development of the constituency is too much for you to handle. Why not give others a chance? We are far behind. Take initiative and don’t marginalise your people, go to them and deliver.* OSHANA Governor, although you are praised by those (too) blind to see, you have totally ignored Ondangwa and instead focus on Ongwediva and the west. All major things are taken out of this town. First it was the education department and now they are busy moving the closest hospital and you are still quiet. Look east and accommodate us. People in some parts of your region don’t even know you.* IS the NBC not a national broadcaster any more, but a broadcaster of Ministers and Governors? The Gobabis municipality arranged an AIDS day and only the Minister and the Governor featured, not even the Mayor was mentioned in the newscast. Stop discriminating against local authorities and also do cover the good things we do and not only the bad. We also pay licence fees and have political ambitions too.* I WOULD like to invite the ACC to intervene in the selection of the librarian for the Oshakati community library. I have the feeling that there was no transparency in their appointment. Or why are they taking eight months to appoint the right candidate?General* MANY employees of NamWater are on indefinite probation, long after their probation periods ended, while the GM of Corporate Services is keeping himself busy with the desalination project, an area out of the jurisdiction of HR. No wonder the abovementioned responsibilities are neglected.* I’M very disappointed with the Namibia Public Workers Union (Napwu). Why are they just after money, which the members are contributing to the union., When members face problems at their workplaces, the union doesn’t come. Since May this year I have been calling them to come and assist me and the members. They negotiate on the conditions of employment of the workers with the Government, but do not consult their members.General* THE job grading process has become a tool used by the GM of Corporate Services and the CEO of NamWater to victimise employees. The example is a general ledger accountant graded C2 while other accountants are C4.* AUNTIE Libby (Deputy Prime Minister Amathila), you have done enough for the San. Please come back to the Health Ministry, as our people are dying there. The conditions will be much better. We need you. You have got a touching heart and know how to do planning.* THE Namibian Government should start taking the issue of affordable housing for lower income people into account, because of the skyrocketing house prices. We are prone to con artists getting away with our money and ending up with nothing. Is there a body that controls the real estate agencies.* FOREIGN pastors will undermine you because you go to them and help them to run down your own local preachers. The fever we have in Namibia is that we love foreigners and their foreign things. Anyhow, they will continue to deal with you until you open your eyes.* THERE is a conflict between Natis, NamPol Traffic, Road Inspectors and the Transport operators. Natis has not been issuing fitness certificates since September 17, but traffics still issue fines saying we are not doing the same job and it’s nonsense what Natis is doing. Tell me what must we do as transport operators.* IMPORT tax on pasta and UHT milk will create local monopolies in these industries. The public is being exploited by the local producers as there is no competition for their products.* ALLOW me space on your newspaper to seek an explanation from the Director of Sport, who informed us that the S&T budget had been exhausted, while senior officials are travelling out of the country unabated. Junior officials are told to travel without S&T money. I want the ACC to investigate this matter.* WHEN will the Minister of Defence and General Martin Shali act against those keeping and rearing livestock at military bases. The military bases now look like animal posts. The soldiers are farming with chicken, goats, sheep, pigs and cattle in the bases.* CITY Taxi Association, I am a concerned citizen, speaking for every person in Pioneers Park in particular and Windhoek in general. This association may be doing right but I think we are being robbed in some instances or need to be informed about the true taxi fares. How can a driver say Pioneers Park residents should pay N$13 from town because there are no taxi ranks.* AT Grootfontein we are in a big crisis. We are living like prisoners of CENORED. Electricity is a problem at the town. When you buy electricity for N$40 you get 12,9 units and if you buy for N$70 u get 16,9 which you only use for two days.* WE have too many churches in Namibia, who are confusing our society and competing against each other trying to attract more people. We are suppose to be one in spirit, but now we are in competition. Please stop it. You are disturbing the Lord.On the ball* NFA President and Acting SG denied the Brave Warriors an opportunity to gain much-needed match fitness prior to upcoming international friendlies. Intransigence and arrogance aren’t what football need, but strategies with vision. Don’t punish the very Brave Warriors you want to promote through your impulsive action.* I TOTALLY agree with Mr Rukoro that individuals think they own soccer. I recently realised that the NFA Exco has no interest in problems experienced by the members but is dancing as the Acting Secretary General is playing. Actually that man is only there for what he is gaining.* WE people from the four O regions are sick and tired of how NFA and its management team handle the selection of the national soccer team. We have good quality players who just need to be polished and integrated into the national squad, but who are simply ignored, because they come from the four O regions. Tell me if this not pure discrimination against our people, let alone tribalism. Example, Oshakati City finished 2nd on the log, but no player was considered for the national team.* THE infighting and the vote of no confidence placed in the Exco of the Northern Stream is a bad start for the game of football. How do the Golden Bees management know that the Exco is weak while they where in playing in the NPL? The failure of Chiefs Santos to win the league and Benfica to lose the case should not be blamed on the Exco. These three teams must know that the playing field has been levelled. – Bob* I WANT to express my disappointment in the International Rugby Board for appointing the inexperienced English referee Wayne Barnes. It was obvious that the winner between NZ and France would face his country England. One suspects some of his decisions were to ensure the exit of NZ, because they’re strong and could beat England.* FEDICS need to rope in players from other teams in Keetmanshoop. The current team will not make it. Do you want to go back to the first division next year.* ALL soccer lovers at Keetmanshoop are happy that Fedics is playing in the premier league but it’s not just about playing, football, it is about winning. My humble request is to call in Mr Haraseb the coach of Try Again. I saw his training sessions, he knows what he’s doing. Watch the football Try Again is playing. Let’s forget the past this is about soccer in in the region.* PLEASE, let those who gave NAMIBIA the AFCON-GHANA ticket eat the fruit of their hard labour. No need for retired players. Where were they at the time of fighting? We qualified without them, better lose without them and gain winning the experience in Ghana. Some players only want a retirement game in Ghana. Current team, although not trusted by many, took us out from lion’s mouth. Good luck coach. – J.!GaosebEducation* SELFISH so called educators are denying poor students the right to education! Unam and Polytech let them write the examinations and withhold their results! How do you want to achieve Vision 2030 without educated people?* I THINK principals should be given GRN vehicles because they perform a lot of activities for their schools with their own vehicles. They are always using their own cars for whatever the school needs. In other Ministries people are using GRN vehicles. If the GRN could not give to all the principals, they should give at least to the Cluster Centre Principals. What is the difference between them and the Inspectors? They are always using their cars and they are not paid for that. At least the GRN should give them cars or allowances to compensate for their own cars! – Concerned citizen!* I WANT Minister Mbumba to do something because I applied to Rundu and Ongwediva Colleges of Education, but have not received any response. What’s that? Does it mean they all did not see my application or what?* DOES Government really care about the education of the leaders of tomorrow. At Unam, money is a crisis for students, drop-outs all over the country.* HOW can the Government claim to be fighting crime if they are throwing helpless poor Grade 10 on the streets only to become criminals, prostitutes and drug lords.The Kaaronda issue* I AGREE, we the workers are fed up with Kaaronda, can we not demonstrate at the NUNW office and hand over a petition. This man is too self-centred and ambitious.* VIVA comrade Kaaronda. Keep the spirit of unionism alive. You are a true leader. You don’t attack individuals but rather issues of substance. Politicians must know they are not untouchable. – Chappy* I DO agree with Kaaronda because the parastatals’ resources are being wasted by whoever is appointed, because they are the relatives of the Government ministers look at RCC. We did not get this year salary increase.* LET us not start with hate speeches. Kaaronda said something which is realistic and true leaders don’t bust when concerned citizens put across how they feel, for a true leader comments don’t bring them down. The reaction of some leaders to these concerns makes some of us question the leadership talents among ourselves.* MR Kaaronda, stop doing things to please Swapo to earn recognition. We are all comrades. You think you cannot be opposed by another comrades. Thanks to the Prime Minister.Thank you* I would like to congratulate and thank Pathcare for their excellent professionalism and friendliness. You are an asset to Namibia.* VISION 2030 is just a wet dream. Who is the initiator anyway? Not one of the current breed of politicians will live to see it. Namibia is rich with natural resources, why are we not benefiting now, or (is it) just a strategy for the fat cats to feed themselves. Who’s fooling who? Comrades, wake up! There is no life after death, the cake should be shared now.* THE recent killing at the Herero Mall did not spark a clash between Damaras and Hereros. I grew up in Dolam and Herero location and I know criminals are just using the killing to change targets. Just like any other crime, society should expose them. And we know people don’t talk, which is wrong. Let’s start exposing even our brothers and sisters.Food for thought * RESETTLEMENT programme is a recipe for a war. Only those who are politically well-connected are resettled, especially in Omaheke. All top officials in Omaheke had resettled themselves and their sons and daughters, who don’t even have livestock, but to perpetuate self-enrichment.* WHAT is the point of Iway having a help desk if they never pick up the telephone? This is a classic case of bad service.* YOUR Excellency, the President, how long will it take our Government to wrest water from ‘private hands’? Do we need a nationwide demonstration over water? Small local authorities (LAs) are suffering from NamWater bills together with their residents. Let the Government pay NamWater bills. Many LAs can’t pay NamWater running into millions of Namibia dollars. Some day people may die of thirst while the haves can afford to have water. Act now because water is life.* WHEN Cheetah cement hit town three years ago, Pupkewitz cut their prices by half to keep their market share and undercut Cheetah’s low market entry price. Now we see Harold Pupkewitz himself in conversation with Cheetah’s MD at the launch of Cheetah’s new cement factory. Strange bedfellows? * RECRUITMENT and selection in vacant positions: Human resources managers and senior HR practitioners and board members in parastatals, ministries, banks, donor-funded projects, NGOs are from one language group and only shortlist and employ their people. The Affirmative Action Act must be amended to make provision for a quota in appointments e.g. for every three Oshiwambo-speaking appointments there must be one Nama, Herero, Damara, Baster or Afrikaner. Other tribes are unemployed, poverty is high and women opt for prostitution and eventually get butchered. Let us all share the cake and have decent lives like our brothers.Passing the dirt * IT’S not the cleaners (who are responsible for the state of State hospitals). It’s a disease that starts at the top. Hunger for power more than empowerment. An empowered worker is a proud worker. PS Kahuure wants it all without working for it.* CLEANERS, stupid? It all boils down to poor management that is so part and parcel of many GRN departments. Management should be held responsible.* HUMAN Resources Committee do not blame the cleaners! There is no proper supervision. Blame management. Keep your insults for yourselves.* BLAMING the cleaners for the dirty hospitals is ridiculous. Who is in charge of seeing that they do their work? It is about time that we accept responsibility for ourselves and lose this mentality of always blaming someone else for whatever goes wrong. Until we do this we will not be able to prosper as a nation.* CLEANING services should be outsourced so that cleaners can be trained on how to clean properly.* HOSPITAL administrators should be held accountable for the state in which all hospitals are. Where are the matrons of the hospitals who allow their nursing staff to do what they want to do. Look at Swakop state hospital, which is better organised than the one in Windhoek. – John Leyland Guards for Iraq * USA hands are full of innocent Iraqis’ blood. It is an insult to recruit Namibians for this type of work. It was wrong for the Ministry of Trade of Industry to have registered the US company wanting to recruit guards for Iraq.* PLEASE, think logically: if you send Namibian security guards to Iraq, this will definitely make Namibia Iraq’s enemy. And you know very well that these aren’t the kind of people to mess with. This war is between the USA and Iraq, and we aren’t an alliance with the USA. There must be reasons why the USA wants Namibians in Iraq. THINK!! * DEAR Swapo Government: I thought you would have learnt enough in the past 17 years, about problems you faced such as war veterans, politics and many others. My point is, are you aware of the war in Iraq and what if anybody died there do you think I will blame APS? Remember that a human life may cost the Government millions of dollars so do not put your hands in hot soup and open your eyes. – William * LET people go to Iraq if they want. Just imagine. If we die that is the end, if we survive we will be better off than we are today, because here in the Land of Brave, the poor must remain poor.* PLEASE APS and SOC-SMG must give us the application forms. We don’t have jobs. Namibians, people live as to go, as people can die anywhere.* THE people who will be targeted to go to Iraq will be the less informed ones, who do not have access to newspapers and TV. Let the Government inform us about the real situation in Iraq.* I’M a security guard, but I really support working in Iraq, because when were are sent abroad on a peace mission we will get more money.From the regions * CAN the RCC fix the pot holes on the Grootfontein-Mururani before they become boreholes? – Road user.* WHY does the south of Namibia not benefit from the natural resources it has? The majority of people who work at Oranjemund, Rosh Pinah, Luederitz and Aussenkehr are from the North. This means household income is largely spent outside the region. There is little to no investment made by these rich companies and its shareholders in the economy of the South and unemployment remains a major problem in that area. Can anybody claim that this is fair? * OKAKU Constituency councillor, Ya Kasita, is it a coincidence that your buddies are recipients of scarce resources, while the majority of people have no water and electricity? What are your plans? Look what other councillors do for their people and where do you want to see the Okaku constituency in future? If the development of the constituency is too much for you to handle. Why not give others a chance? We are far behind. Take initiative and don’t marginalise your people, go to them and deliver.* OSHANA Governor, although you are praised by those (too) blind to see, you have totally ignored Ondangwa and instead focus on Ongwediva and the west. All major things are taken out of this town. First it was the education department and now they are busy moving the closest hospital and you are still quiet. Look east and accommodate us. People in some parts of your region don’t even know you.* IS the NBC not a national broadcaster any more, but a broadcaster of Ministers and Governors? The Gobabis municipality arranged an AIDS day and only the Minister and the Governor featured, not even the Mayor was mentioned in the newscast. Stop discriminating against local authorities and also do cover the good things we do and not only the bad. We also pay licence fees and have political ambitions too.* I WOULD like to invite the ACC to intervene in the selection of the librarian for the Oshakati community library. I have the feeling that there was no transparency in their appointment. Or why are they taking eight months to appoint the right candidate? General * MANY employees of NamWater are on indefinite probation, long after their probation periods ended, while the GM of Corporate Services is keeping himself busy with the desalination project, an area out of the jurisdiction of HR. No wonder the abovementioned responsibilities are neglected.* I’M very disappointed with the Namibia Public Workers Union (Napwu). Why are they just after money, which the members are contributing to the union., When members face problems at their workplaces, the union doesn’t come. Since May this year I have been calling them to come and assist me and the members. They negotiate on the conditions of employment of the workers with the Government, but do not consult their members.General * THE job grading process has become a tool used by the GM of Corporate Services and the CEO of NamWater to victimise employees. The example is a general ledger accountant graded C2 while other accountants are C4.* AUNTIE Libby (Deputy Prime Minister Amathila), you have done enough for the San. Please come back to the Health Ministry, as our people are dying there. The conditions will be much better. We need you. You have got a touching heart and know how to do planning.* THE Namibian Government should start taking the issue of affordable housing for lower income people into account, because of the skyrocketing house prices. We are prone to con artists getting away with our money and ending up with nothing. Is there a body that controls the real estate agencies.* FOREIGN pastors will undermine you because you go to them and help them to run down your own local preachers. The fever we have in Namibia is that we love foreigners and their foreign things. Anyhow, they will continue to deal with you until you open your eyes.* THERE is a conflict between Natis, NamPol Traffic, Road Inspectors and the Transport operators. Natis has not been issuing fitness certificates since September 17, but traffics still issue fines saying we are not doing the same job and it’s nonsense what Natis is doing. Tell me what must we do as transport operators.* IMPORT tax on pasta and UHT milk will create local monopolies in these industries. The public is being exploited by the local producers as there is no competition for their products.* ALLOW me space on your newspaper to seek an explanation from the Director of Sport, who informed us that the S&T budget had been exhausted, while senior officials are travelling out of the country unabated. Junior officials are told to travel without S&T money. I want the ACC to investigate this matter.* WHEN will the Minister of Defence and General Martin Shali act against those keeping and rearing livestock at military bases. The military bases now look like animal posts. The soldiers are farming with chicken, goats, sheep, pigs and cattle in the bases.* CITY Taxi Association, I am a concerned citizen, speaking for every person in Pioneers Park in particular and Windhoek in general. This association may be doing right but I think we are being robbed in some instances or need to be informed about the true taxi fares. How can a driver say Pioneers Park residents should pay N$13 from town because there are no taxi ranks.* AT Grootfontein we are in a big crisis. We are living like prisoners of CENORED. Electricity is a problem at the town. When you buy electricity for N$40 you get 12,9 units and if you buy for N$70 u get 16,9 which you only use for two days.* WE have too many churches in Namibia, who are confusing our society and competing against each other trying to attract more people. We are suppose to be one in spirit, but now we are in competition. Please stop it. You are disturbing the Lord.On the ball * NFA President and Acting SG denied the Brave Warriors an opportunity to gain much-needed match fitness prior to upcoming international friendlies. Intransigence and arrogance aren’t what football need, but strategies with vision. Don’t punish the very Brave Warriors you want to promote through your impulsive action.* I TOTALLY agree with Mr Rukoro that individuals think they own soccer. I recently realised that the NFA Exco has no interest in problems experienced by the members but is dancing as the Acting Secretary General is playing. Actually that man is only there for what he is gaining.* WE people from the four O regions are sick and tired of how NFA and its management team handle the selection of the national soccer team. We have good quality players who just need to be polished and integrated into the national squad, but who are simply ignored, because they come from the four O regions. Tell me if this not pure discrimination against our people, let alone tribalism. Example, Oshakati City finished 2nd on the log, but no player was considered for the national team.* THE infighting and the vote of no confidence placed in the Exco of the Northern Stream is a bad start for the game of football. How do the Golden Bees management know that the Exco is weak while they where in playing in the NPL? The failure of Chiefs Santos to win the league and Benfica to lose the case should not be blamed on the Exco. These three teams must know that the playing field has been levelled. – Bob * I WANT to express my disappointment in the International Rugby Board for appointing the inexperienced English referee Wayne Barnes. It was obvious that the winner between NZ and France would face his country England. One suspects some of his decisions were to ensure the exit of NZ, because they’re strong and could beat England.* FEDICS need to rope in players from other teams in Keetmanshoop. The current team will not make it. Do you want to go back to the first division next year.* ALL soccer lovers at Keetmanshoop are happy that Fedics is playing in the premier league but it’s not just about playing, football, it is about winning. My humble request is to call in Mr Haraseb the coach of Try Again. I saw his training sessions, he knows what he’s doing. Watch the football Try Again is playing. Let’s forget the past this is about soccer in in the region.* PLEASE, let those who gave NAMIBIA the AFCON-GHANA ticket eat the fruit of their hard labour. No need for retired players. Where were they at the time of fighting? We qualified without them, better lose without them and gain winning the experience in Ghana. Some players only want a retirement game in Ghana. Current team, although not trusted by many, took us out from lion’s mouth. Good luck coach. – J.!Gaoseb Education * SELFISH so called educators are denying poor students the right to education! Unam and Polytech let them write the examinations and withhold their results! How do you want to achieve Vision 2030 without educated people? * I THINK principals should be given GRN vehicles because they perform a lot of activities for their schools with their own vehicles. They are always using their own cars for whatever the school needs. In other Ministries people are using GRN vehicles. If the GRN could not give to all the principals, they should give at least to the Cluster Centre Principals. What is the difference between them and the Inspectors? They are always using their cars and they are not paid for that. At least the GRN should give them cars or allowances to compensate for their own cars! – Concerned citizen! * I WANT Minister Mbumba to do something because I applied to Rundu and Ongwediva Colleges of Education, but have not received any response. What’s that? Does it mean they all did not see my application or what? * DOES Government really care about the education of the leaders of tomorrow. At Unam, money is a crisis for students, drop-outs all over the country.* HOW can the Government claim to be fighting crime if they are throwing helpless poor Grade 10 on the streets only to become criminals, prostitutes and drug lords.The Kaaronda issue * I AGREE, we the workers are fed up with Kaaronda, can we not demonstrate at the NUNW office and hand over a petition. This man is too self-centred and ambitious.* VIVA comrade Kaaronda. Keep the spirit of unionism alive. You are a true leader. You don’t attack individuals but rather issues of substance. Politicians must know they are not untouchable. – Chappy * I DO agree with Kaaronda because the parastatals’ resources are being wasted by whoever is appointed, because they are the relatives of the Government ministers look at RCC. We did not get this year salary increase.* LET us not start with hate speeches. Kaaronda said something which is realistic and true leaders don’t bust when concerned citizens put across how they feel, for a true leader comments don’t bring them down. The reaction of some leaders to these concerns makes some of us question the leadership talents among ourselves.* MR Kaaronda, stop doing things to please Swapo to earn recognition. We are all comrades. You think you cannot be opposed by another comrades. Thanks to the Prime Minister.Thank you * I would like to congratulate and thank Pathcare for their excellent professionalism and friendliness. You are an asset to Namibia.

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