SMSes of the Day : Friday

SMSes of the Day : Friday

* URINATING in public: I really like what the Police did at Walvis Bay on Wednesday when they arrested all those who were found urinating in public. I would like the Police to do the same in Windhoek. The City is an urban place and it has provided public toilets for public use. Public indecency must not be tolerated.

I would like the Police to do the same in Windhoek. The City is an urban place and it has provided public toilets for public use. Public indecency must not be tolerated.* VARIOUS headlines in newspapers this week have once again proven that NamPol is largely staffed by corrupt and incompetent officials.* How is it possible that a prisoner dies because some incompetent official has forgotten or maybe wilfully neglected to send the relevant papers along so the prisoner can receive medical treatment. Only in Africa. Food for thought* ALL roads lead to Oshakati! Oshakati will soon become the capital city of Namibia.* Onandjokwe hospital and Eenhana Army base relocate to Oshakati. Whose wisdom? Are facilities and nurses in Oshakati under-utilised? People we have to travel from Okongo and other far areas to Oshakati. Think of the financial burden on the poor communities. Were the communities consulted on this? Taxpayers’ money is stolen, wasted on new State House and parastatals. This is the result of resources wrongly invested. Or are there political agendas? Is it not the design of the the so-called Omusati clique and their worshippers? Politicians, your dirty tricks will soon burn your fingers. We are watching you. Enough will soon be enough. Will you need us at the ballot box? – Ndaloloka from Oshikoto Region* WE read in the newspapers that this year the NUNW will investigate the bankruptcy of ONGOPOLO.We want to know about the N$117 million that was supposed to be paid out to the workers.That money was part of the pension fund from TCL after it closed down.We again read in the newspapers that the former ONGOPOLO Boss Andre Neethling and other guys are starting a cement factory between Otavi and Tsumeb. Mr Kaaronda and Mr Noa, we are waiting, we are paid-up MUN members. * PLEASE Otjiwarongo, give Agnes Samaria a street name.She is our hero.- Awaseb FF* MR Theo-Ben Gurirab you are well-dressed at all times in Parliament, but the same cannot be said about your colleagues.Please introduce a decent dress code for parliamentarians.Its not a fashion contest I know, but parliamentarians should look presentable at all times.We hear you n Ministers are servants of the people.They, however need to travel safely to reach the people.Volvos are safer and strong! – PMReconciliation* FORMER President Nujoma has since Independence been credited for having initiated the policy national reconciliation – thanks to the NSHR submission to the ICC, which prompted the Minister of Justice to reveal the truth in the National Assembly, that it was indeed the former AG Mr Pienaar, who is the authentic initiator of the policy of national reconciliation! The truth is now coming to light!* IT is wrong for the person entrusted as Minister of Justice to react in parliament the way she did.This country is for all of us and to threaten others won’t earn her is not only Swapo members who can think and we can’t always accept their wrong ideas.It is Swapo and its Omusati clique that threaten peace.Let us express our opinions as stipulated in the constitution as long as we are not insulting each other. * THE Minster of Justice and Attorney General is confusing and harassing the Head of State.During the shebeen demonstration, she threatened to “impeach” him if he dares withholding part of a controversial Liquor Act (Act 6 OF 1998).Now she is against the law we have ratified – The Rome Statute – not to be implemented by investigating Nujoma.A hero above the law? Is it ignorance or lack of legal knowledge of our laws or notoriously and principally advising the President and Government for personal, political interest? n MADAM Attorney General, a policy makes a law and not vice versa.Therefore it cannot be that national reconciliation is a constitutionally based policy …it is binding on all of us.n IS Ms Iivula-Ithana admitting that the Founding Father committed atrocities in the past? That’s the impression I got! n SWAPO is hiding behind reconciliation, but some still say others are imperialist Koevoets, etc.Koevoets are not included in the Ministry of Veterans or are they? Where is reconciliation then? Circumcision n THE results of the study on male circumcision are far from being convincing.Don’t mislead people into risky behaviour! Keep your foreskin, use a condom! n THE Minister of Health’s plan to make circumcision a law is unacceptable.He must take into consideration other people’s cultures.Are there no AIDS-related deaths in the culture of the circumcised? San cause n INDIGENOUS people.It is really a shame for Namibia to delay a process already debated for almost 22 years.Our Supreme Law was in place the past 17 years.It didn’t improve the living standards of the indigenous people.The provisions in the same law prohibits discrimination against citizens on the grounds of skin colour, racial differences, creed, economic status, and so on. * WHY is the Government applying double standards when it comes to UN rights on indigenous issues.The San deserve to be declared indigenous people and enjoy those rights.Why is this issue of global relevance not openly discussed at the appropriate fora in Namibia.Where are the NUNW, Swapo Youth League, Diescho and other opinion leaders.Are they quiet because it only affects San people. * NAMIBIANS should treat the San the way they want to be treated.School discipline n I AM totally outraged! When did principals become so powerful to take decisions of this magnitude without consulting the school board? If the Director allowed this – no wonder we had a similar situation in Amperbo a week ago. * ON the issue of Mr S Steenkamp.I would like tell the parents, especially those in the Hardap Region, to discipline their kids about life and the importance of education. * THAT was a good move BY Mr Steenkamp.If parents don’t take their kids education seriously some one has too, you choose the best time. * FUNNY how selective Steenkamp is in rooting out alcohol abuse among learners.At a school function at the beginning of the year some girls were so drunk they could hardly stand on their feet, yet attending classes as usual awaiting their hearing.Big ups! n MERYL, you did proud for the Land of the Brave, and let me assure you that it is only the tip of an iceberg! Rugby, soccer, let’s show the world what Namibians are made of! – Wa’dongo n MERYL, thanks girlfriend.We love you! * THE Big Brother house is duller since Meryl left! Why do some always vote the entertainers out? Do they like watching paint dry? * BEST of bigs for your future, Meryl.We’re sure it’s a bright one.Congratulations * Thank you Warriors for booking a ticket to Ghana and a big thank you to to the Namibian ambassador in Ethiopia and his crew and the AU members, who were supporting the team and of course the patron Mr Hage Geingob.- Omake n A BEND in the road is not the end of it unless you fail to make the turn.Namibian rugby team, I believe you can make this turn. * WELL done to the Brave Warriors! You have done us proud.But guys don’t sell yourselves short.Qualifying for GHANA should be a stepping stone to even greater achievements! If we can keep this team together then reaching the WORLD CUP will not be a dream.- HeitaHolla n CONGRATULATIONS to Ben Bamfuchile, you achieved greater results in a short while.Yet again, the Warriors will compete with giants of African football in close to 10 years of failure.So far you are the best that we got in 10 years.- Elliotts Rugby blues n BOTH Fick and Conradie should take a polygraph test to show the public who is telling the truth? *People have been quick to pass judgement on the Rugby World Cup ticket scandal.I feel both sides of the story have to be told and a thorough investigation will reveal any irregularities.Besides, everyone is innocent until proven guilty.- Hector XV * WAKE up ACC.Rugby is like soccer.Fifa deals with soccer matters and the International Rugby Union with rugby.ACC risks Namibia being banned, remember what happened with athletics? ACC stop wasting our tax money.Politics in general * MR Kapia where are you since I saw you a long time ago on TV.Why are you not commenting on the issue of the ICC since you are a loyal Swapo comrade? Are you here in the country or you went abroad looking for greener pastures. * POLITICAL parties are not called to order by decree but are formed by popular will and support.Prerequisites are: Objective conditions must be ripe and subjective factor organised.Leaders may accelerate progress at a given time like Ben Ulenga did, but who is now retarding the party growth.I see no point in leaders turning parties into their property.Ben and co must honourably give chance to others to resurrect the party. * THE CoD never belonged to Ulenga.It’s the party of Namibians.But, I think those members under Shixwameni are the real ones with principles.Keep the faith and you will win the race. * I ALSO want a one-way ticket to Germany, what can I do to secure one? – RCB * ON 12 September 1977 Steve Biko died in custody after he was brutally tortured by agents of the Apartheid regime.His crime was Black Conscious principles.What is the difference between Pan Africanism and Black Consciousness? Can anyone from Pacon help me? – O.M.Education * WE as teachers in the Omusati Region are instructed to stay at school after two o’clock, while teachers in other regions knock off at two.We are not even paid overtime.I’m told that Mr Kafidi the Director of Omusati has introduced this policy, because of the high failure rate in his region.Please we need an answer from the Permanent Secretary as soon as possible.Another worrying matter is the appointment of principals at high school.(Allegedly) only people from the tribe of the director are appointed.Even cleaners and secretary are from his tribe. * I AM a qualified maths and science teacher, but up to now I am not employed.The Ministry should provide us with work otherwise they should stop training teachers.General * WHAT is happening to the Avid saga.Can the President make public all the outcomes of the various commissions of enquiries.We are getting fed up to be taken for granted and its time to stand as one nation to stop all evils in this country! * YA Nangoloh perhaps you should go and see a psychiatrist.To tell the whole world that Jonas Savimbi is your hero, leaves me really baffled since you claim to be a human rights activist.Thanks for the work of late Princes Di who dedicated her life to help victims maimed, tortured during a useless war and suffered under Savimbi.- Daniki, Windhoek * THE Windhoek Police Station is an academy of robbery not a place of detention nor rehabilitation.Life is very hard, no help for sick people that’s why we die here! * WE are running out of food, stationeries, toilet paper, uniforms etc at NDF bases.What is happening, where is the defence budget.Please investigate! * WHEN we used to hear about potholes on tarred roads in faraway countries, we thought that these were fairy tales.Today we are experiencing the reality of dodging potholes.For God’s sake, can this reality not be reversed? * GENERAL Shalli please slow down on the transfer of soldiers to other bases in the NDF.It’s too much.Soldiers are being infected with HIV because of this. * STICK to your plan Nanu.Are we ever going to elect candidates for the nursing council? If yes when and how if the due date was August 21.Mr Masuahu the floor is yours.- Kamyce * PEOPLE dying in the Swakopmund Police holding cells.Three people died this year.Sometimes when a person is taken to the hospital people don’t get their tablets in time, the Police officers don’t even help.Please the Ministry of Safety look into this matter. * DOES a mini bus with a GRN 5284 registration have the privilege to transport school children from Maerua Park? If so can I register my sister too? * NAMPOST should improve its courier services because it seems we are paying for poor service.For two weeks the courier has not delivered my goods to Katima, while I have paid N$40.Is this what you call good service delivery? Call a spade a spade.- Henry From the regions * I WANT to say a something about the Elim’s Omshasho Hoko.These gangsters were supposed to be whipped or charged.Why were they only given a warning? They started with their criminal activities at the beginning of this year. * THE Ministry of Health’s plan to downgrade the Onandjokwe Lutheran hospital will be the greatest disservice to our people.The downgrading is therefore totally unacceptable. * I WANT to know why we can’t buy land at Kalkrand.We want to develop our place so please Pupkewitz give our land back we can’t expect the GRN to do everything. * EENHANA town must give the cleaning tender to competent people to remove refuse at the town.I’m sick and tired of having dust bins full of rubbish for weeks in front of my house.It is now high time for the town management to award tenders based on competence not of favouritism, friendship and nepotism.Please unproductive people holding office just sitting idle must pave the way for capable people.The City is an urban place and it has provided public toilets for public use. Public indecency must not be tolerated.* VARIOUS headlines in newspapers this week have once again proven that NamPol is largely staffed by corrupt and incompetent officials.* How is it possible that a prisoner dies because some incompetent official has forgotten or maybe wilfully neglected to send the relevant papers along so the prisoner can receive medical treatment. Only in Africa. Food for thought * ALL roads lead to Oshakati! Oshakati will soon become the capital city of Namibia.* Onandjokwe hospital and Eenhana Army base relocate to Oshakati. Whose wisdom? Are facilities and nurses in Oshakati under-utilised? People we have to travel from Okongo and other far areas to Oshakati. Think of the financial burden on the poor communities. Were the communities consulted on this? Taxpayers’ money is stolen, wasted on new State House and parastatals. This is the result of resources wrongly invested. Or are there political agendas? Is it not the design of the the so-called Omusati clique and their worshippers? Politicians, your dirty tricks will soon burn your fingers. We are watching you. Enough will soon be enough. Will you need us at the ballot box? – Ndaloloka from Oshikoto Region * WE read in the newspapers that this year the NUNW will investigate the bankruptcy of ONGOPOLO.We want to know about the N$117 million that was supposed to be paid out to the workers.That money was part of the pension fund from TCL after it closed down.We again read in the newspapers that the former ONGOPOLO Boss Andre Neethling and other guys are starting a cement factory between Otavi and Tsumeb. Mr Kaaronda and Mr Noa, we are waiting, we are paid-up MUN members. * PLEASE Otjiwarongo, give Agnes Samaria a street name.She is our hero.- Awaseb FF * MR Theo-Ben Gurirab you are well-dressed at all times in Parliament, but the same cannot be said about your colleagues.Please introduce a decent dress code for parliamentarians.Its not a fashion contest I know, but parliamentarians should look presentable at all times. We hear you n Ministers are servants of the people.They, however need to travel safely to reach the people.Volvos are safer and strong! – PM Reconciliation * FORMER President Nujoma has since Independence been credited for having initiated the policy national reconciliation – thanks to the NSHR submission to the ICC, which prompted the Minister of Justice to reveal the truth in the National Assembly, that it was indeed the former AG Mr Pienaar, who is the authentic initiator of the policy of national reconciliation! The truth is now coming to light! * IT is wrong for the person entrusted as Minister of Justice to react in parliament the way she did.This country is for all of us and to threaten others won’t earn her is not only Swapo members who can think and we can’t always accept their wrong ideas.It is Swapo and its Omusati clique that threaten peace.Let us express our opinions as stipulated in the constitution as long as we are not insulting each other. * THE Minster of Justice and Attorney General is confusing and harassing the Head of State.During the shebeen demonstration, she threatened to “impeach” him if he dares withholding part of a controversial Liquor Act (Act 6 OF 1998).Now she is against the law we have ratified – The Rome Statute – not to be implemented by investigating Nujoma.A hero above the law? Is it ignorance or lack of legal knowledge of our laws or notoriously and principally advising the President and Government for personal, political interest? n MADAM Attorney General, a policy makes a law and not vice versa.Therefore it cannot be that national reconciliation is a constitutionally based policy …it is binding on all of us. n IS Ms Iivula-Ithana admitting that the Founding Father committed atrocities in the past? That’s the impression I got! n SWAPO is hiding behind reconciliation, but some still say others are imperialist Koevoets, etc.Koevoets are not included in the Ministry of Veterans or are they? Where is reconciliation then? Circumcision n THE results of the study on male circumcision are far from being convincing.Don’t mislead people into risky behaviour! Keep your foreskin, use a condom! n THE Minister of Health’s plan to make circumcision a law is unacceptable.He must take into consideration other people’s cultures.Are there no AIDS-related deaths in the culture of the circumcised? San cause n INDIGENOUS people.It is really a shame for Namibia to delay a process already debated for almost 22 years.Our Supreme Law was in place the past 17 years.It didn’t improve the living standards of the indigenous people.The provisions in the same law prohibits discrimination against citizens on the grounds of skin colour, racial differences, creed, economic status, and so on. * WHY is the Government applying double standards when it comes to UN rights on indigenous issues.The San deserve to be declared indigenous people and enjoy those rights.Why is this issue of global relevance not openly discussed at the appropriate fora in Namibia.Where are the NUNW, Swapo Youth League, Diescho and other opinion leaders.Are they quiet because it only affects San people. * NAMIBIANS should treat the San the way they want to be treated. School discipline n I AM totally outraged! When did principals become so powerful to take decisions of this magnitude without consulting the school board? If the Director allowed this – no wonder we had a similar situation in Amperbo a week ago. * ON the issue of Mr S Steenkamp.I would like tell the parents, especially those in the Hardap Region, to discipline their kids about life and the importance of education. * THAT was a good move BY Mr Steenkamp.If parents don’t take their kids education seriously some one has too, you choose the best time. * FUNNY how selective Steenkamp is in rooting out alcohol abuse among learners.At a school function at the beginning of the year some girls were so drunk they could hardly stand on their feet, yet attending classes as usual awaiting their hearing. Big ups! n MERYL, you did proud for the Land of the Brave, and let me assure you that it is only the tip of an iceberg! Rugby, soccer, let’s show the world what Namibians are made of! – Wa’dongo n MERYL, thanks girlfriend.We love you! * THE Big Brother house is duller since Meryl left! Why do some always vote the entertainers out? Do they like watching paint dry? * BEST of bigs for your future, Meryl.We’re sure it’s a bright one. Congratulations * Thank you Warriors for booking a ticket to Ghana and a big thank you to to the Namibian ambassador in Ethiopia and his crew and the AU members, who were supporting the team and of course the patron Mr Hage Geingob.- Omake n A BEND in the road is not the end of it unless you fail to make the turn.Namibian rugby team, I believe you can make this turn. * WELL done to the Brave Warriors! You have done us proud.But guys don’t sell yourselves short.Qualifying for GHANA should be a stepping stone to even greater achievements! If we can keep this team together then reaching the WORLD CUP will not be a dream.- HeitaHolla n CONGRATULATIONS to Ben Bamfuchile, you achieved greater results in a short while.Yet again, the Warriors will compete with giants of African football in close to 10 years of failure.So far you are the best that we got in 10 years.- Elliotts Rugby blues n BOTH Fick and Conradie should take a polygraph test to show the public who is telling the truth? *People have been quick to pass judgement on the Rugby World Cup ticket scandal.I feel both sides of the story have to be told and a thorough investigation will reveal any irregularities.Besides, everyone is innocent until proven guilty.- Hector XV * WAKE up ACC.Rugby is like soccer.Fifa deals with soccer matters and the International Rugby Union with rugby.ACC risks Namibia being banned, remember what happened with athletics? ACC stop wasting our tax money.Politics in general * MR Kapia where are you since I saw you a long time ago on TV.Why are you not commenting on the issue of the ICC since you are a loyal Swapo comrade? Are you here in the country or you went abroad looking for greener pastures. * POLITICAL parties are not called to order by decree but are formed by popular will and support.Prerequisites are: Objective conditions must be ripe and subjective factor organised.Leaders may accelerate progress at a given time like Ben Ulenga did, but who is now retarding the party growth.I see no point in leaders turning parties into their property.Ben and co must honourably give chance to others to resurrect the party. * THE CoD never belonged to Ulenga.It’s the party of Namibians.But, I think those members under Shixwameni are the real ones with principles.Keep the faith and you will win the race. * I ALSO want a one-way ticket to Germany, what can I do to secure one? – RCB * ON 12 September 1977 Steve Biko died in custody after he was brutally tortured by agents of the Apartheid regime.His crime was Black Conscious principles.What is the difference between Pan Africanism and Black Consciousness? Can anyone from Pacon help me? – O.M.Education * WE as teachers in the Omusati Region are instructed to stay at school after two o’clock, while teachers in other regions knock off at two.We are not even paid overtime.I’m told that Mr Kafidi the Director of Omusati has introduced this policy, because of the high failure rate in his region.Please we need an answer from the Permanent Secretary as soon as possible.Another worrying matter is the appointment of principals at high school.(Allegedly) only people from the tribe of the director are appointed.Even cleaners and secretary are from his tribe. * I AM a qualified maths and science teacher, but up to now I am not employed.The Ministry should provide us with work otherwise they should stop training teachers.General * WHAT is happening to the Avid saga.Can the President make public all the outcomes of the various commissions of enquiries.We are getting fed up to be taken for granted and its time to stand as one nation to stop all evils in this country! * YA Nangoloh perhaps you should go and see a psychiatrist.To tell the whole world that Jonas Savimbi is your hero, leaves me really baffled since you claim to be a human rights activist.Thanks for the work of late Princes Di who dedicated her life to help victims maimed, tortured during a useless war and suffered under Savimbi. – Daniki, Windhoek * THE Windhoek Police Station is an academy of robbery not a place of detention nor rehabilitation.Life is very hard, no help for sick people that’s why we die here! * WE are running out of food, stationeries, toilet paper, uniforms etc at NDF bases.What is happening, where is the defence budget.Please investigate! * WHEN we used to hear about potholes on tarred roads in faraway countries, we thought that these were fairy tales.Today we are experiencing the reality of dodging potholes.For God’s sake, can this reality not be reversed? * GENERAL Shalli please slow down on the transfer of soldiers to other bases in the NDF.It’s too much.Soldiers are being infected with HIV because of this. * STICK to your plan Nanu.Are we ever going to elect candidates for the nursing council? If yes when and how if the due date was August 21.Mr Masuahu the floor is yours.- Kamyce * PEOPLE dying in the Swakopmund Police holding cells.Three people died this year.Sometimes when a person is taken to the hospital people don’t get their tablets in time, the Police officers don’t even help.Please the Ministry of Safety look into this matter. * DOES a mini bus with a GRN 5284 registration have the privilege to transport school children from Maerua Park? If so can I register my sister too? * NAMPOST should improve its courier services because it seems we are paying for poor service.For two weeks the courier has not delivered my goods to Katima, while I have paid N$40.Is this what you call good service delivery? Call a spade a spade.- Henry From the regions * I WANT to say a something about the Elim’s Omshasho Hoko.These gangsters were supposed to be whipped or charged.Why were they only given a warning? They started with their criminal activities at the beginning of this year. * THE Ministry of Health’s plan to downgrade the Onandjokwe Lutheran hospital will be the greatest disservice to our people.The downgrading is therefore totally unacceptable. * I WANT to know why we can’t buy land at Kalkrand.We want to develop our place so please Pupkewitz give our land back we can’t expect the GRN to do everything. * EENHANA town must give the cleaning tender to competent people to remove refuse at the town.I’m sick and tired of having dust bins full of rubbish for weeks in front of my house.It is now high time for the town management to award tenders based on competence not of favouritism, friendship and nepotism.Please unproductive people holding office just sitting idle must pave the way for capable people.

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