SMSes of the Day : Friday

SMSes of the Day : Friday

* TO the Ministry of Health: Please educate all women, mostly young and pregnant ones, about Pre- and Post-natal depression. The majority of this nation does not know about this silent destroyer. Innocent babies end up dumped by mothers who in most cases do not know what is happening to their lives except confusion, anger and feeling isolated and rejected. The hospitals must have pamphlets on Pre- and Post-natal depression and how to receive treatment, which I hope our hospitals will be able to give to the patients. This issue may be the main cause of baby dumping in the country. I also advise the social welfare to please conduct a study on the matter in order to find out why young mothers dump their babies. Before we judge those mothers we must identify the reasons behind it all. I do not believe a normal mind of a woman whom God created to care for children can do such evil. – Concerned Mom. (This is a valuable contribution to the debate on the issue of baby dumping. I hope the relevant authorities take your suggestion further. Thank you. – News Editor)

* WHERE are we heading? Democracy will die if we allow Swapo to regulate the media. How is Swapo going to determine the majority view? Are they going to hold a referendum or will they just estimate the protesting Swapo members and say the majority has spoken. Leave the media to do their job. If we talk of respect, how many people are insulted in public by high-ranking Swapo officials but no one complains? Don’t trample on our freedom, Ms Ndaitwah. I hear you * THANK you for drawing my attention to the IMF report. Shall check it out! – PM Food for thought* MY proposal for real economic development, true democracy and social integration is the creation of a caring and sharing society. If Namibia is to be a truly caring nation, let all those who accumulated wealth and experience over 15 years give others a chance. Our Founding Father did it, follow suit. If you do that, you are welcome back on the ticket of the masses. – Hosabe (Can’t remember who said it – it could have been Mahatma Gandhi: if everyone cared enough, and if everyone shared enough, everyone would have enough. – News Editor)* HERE we are proudly announcing an increase in tourist numbers to our country. If we want to see an annual increase in the figures, it is high time for the City of Windhoek to start running campaigns to educate our people about the important contribution visitors make towards our economy. I saw an English tourist being robbed in front of the Gustav Voigts Centre, where were the City Police. Please put our officers at strategic places in plain clothes to patrol the City to protect our visitors and citizens. – GG Politics of the lonely bull* MR Ekandjo must be a very busy man. Too busy perhaps to notice roads, hospitals, schools, an expansive telecommunication network, all remnants of the past, a small contribution to the current state of relative international relevance. Perhaps it is wiser to look forward, and to build on that which we have, regardless of origin. He who walks backward might fall. What would 30 million people eat? Sand?* I AGREE that colonialism had a very bad influence on the country, but Minister Ekandjo, nearly every one of the examples you gave on colonial development was factually incorrect. Development of infrastructure was amongst the positive effects of the colonial era. This is sad, because if you want to be a good example to the youth, you must present facts correctly.* A QUESTION to Minister Ekandjo. “Does it hurt to be so ignorant?” If it does, we have at least a reason to hear such “Bull”; if not, please keep quiet.* COMRADE Ekandjo, all the development took place before Independence. The only development after Independence is the dramatic increase in wealth of some of our comrades.Politics in general* MINISTER Ndaitwah, the TRUTH is what shall govern the media! GRN should divert its energy to the services it delivers (or doesn’t!) to the people.* HOW many more must die in prison? Not all the suspects in the Caprivi high treason trial are supposed to be in prison, yet the trial seems far from over and the suspects have been and are still treated badly – as if they have been found guilty. Eight years is long enough for the suspects and their families to suffer. How competent the justice system in this country is at the highest level must be questioned by the international community? – From a victim* UIS was sold by its own people from the UDF. Stop blaming others, as the people who sold the place are right there in Uis.* THOSE who manipulated the third and failed fourth or life presidency for Nujoma are the ones to blame for what is going on in Swapo. Complaints and advice not to change the Constitution have been ignored. If that is the path you wanted the nation to go, you are the worst enemy of peace, unity and stability. Pure imperialists! What goes around always comes around? Caught in the crossfire* PM don’t you think its a bit too late to talk about ‘crossfires’ now. My father never returned. Did his blood water our freedom too?* PRIME Minister, please elaborate on ‘caught in the crossfire’. There were no court hearings nor any evidence which could link these people to any spy drama! There were no colonial masters in exile! It was Namibians turning on Namibians! Why the firing squads, torture and disappearances of fellow dedicated, committed cadres of Swapo! Please tell us now! Many perished not knowing what they did, because some get aggressive when asked! NFA and the Warriors* I THINK George Hummel should not be allowed back into the Brave Warriors. He was not willing to play when he was needed, now he wants to come take the place of exactly the same youngsters he claims to have given a chance to play.* MIND your own business. What does Ronny Kanalelo’s citizenship have to do with you!* THE NFA must have forgotten about the domestic league, as the only talk currently on is about the GHANA trip.From the regions* DAMARA leaders, it’s time to show your faces. Your people are competing for grazing land with elephants, while the GRN resettles people who never lost their traditional farming grounds on the land from which our ancestors were chased off. – Arob* I APPRECIATE the Director of Education in Ohangwena region’s attempt to increase the standard of education in the region but please sir, quantity does not mean quality. How can we work from 7h30 to four o’clock and still travel 20 km back home. Do you know our (teachers) circumstances and for that matter those of the learners. Be realistic and review that circular that you distributed to schools. – Concerned teacher (Endola circuit)* WE the residents of Otjiwarongo are always complaining about our water and electricity bills that are too high, but we are the ones who have been illegally switching on our power supply at night for years when our electricity has been cut off.Rugby blues* CONRADIE, when your misdeeds are exposed you blame it on racism. It’s becoming boring. Start to act like someone your age.* DIRK Conradie, please hand over the presidency to someone with a passion for rugby. You are the racist and rugby deserves better! Shame on you!* EVERY TIME Conradie gets caught for some misdemeanour, he screams white racism. Good to know our rugby is in the hands of someone who never acknowledge his wrongs but always blames it on somebody else.* WHATEVER, Mr Conradie. You’ve disgraced your country. Sadly you’ll get away with it by blaming ‘The Others’. You’re only angry because you got caught.Bread and butter issues* CITY of Windhoek debt trap? There is no cool paradise in Namibia, except the City of Windhoek. Salaries and benefits are extremely high. Don’t mention remuneration gap when compared to people with equivalent qualification at other institutions or GRN, yet ratepayers are milked dry. Liz Sibindi: Do we have an Iraqi version of the GREEN ZONE? Guantanamo Bay in Cuba? LA in the USA? You can blame here and there. But the reason for you flashing Red Robots is known. Dear Lord! Help the City of WHK, to learn to live within its means. Help her to stop overcharging to fill her wallet and belly. Let her realise that the reason for N$209 million debt trap is sky high salaries and benefits. Hear us, The Lord of The Lords. AMEN!* THE City of Windhoek should just write off the debt owed by ratepayers. They already make enough money from us through high water and electricity tariffs. People don’t have money to waste and life is expensive in Windhoek. The city is not affected by this debt anyway.* CITY of Windhoek, stop increasing the salaries of your employees. We are also suffering and struggling to pay our debts. Please understand that we are poor. If you take our properties where would our children go? – Perlien* STOP ripping us off. The City of Windhoek must do something about parking space in the City. Last week I got a fine of 150 dollars for parking under Wernhil bridge, because there was no parking space available.* THE municipality must stop selling houses of pensioners and tell us a surviving spouse is not the owner of a house because a certain Cloete told the people that the owner of the house is dead and they must sell that house even if you pay the account.A wee wee matter* DEAR Edwin B you are probably one of those unfortunate souls that don’t know how to use a toilet or hold it in. Poor thing … don’t you realise that making pee-pee and ka-ka in public is asking for trouble because of disease, etc.Baby dumping* I URGE this country’s young girls and women to please abstain from sex, as this is the reason for baby dumbing. Wait until you know you can look after another human being even when you are alone. Set yourself targets and live up to them. In the end you will be so much stronger and have inner peace. Never depend on someone else for your own happiness, because that person will get a hold on you. Why don’t women start their own war against men, if not for ourselves then for the sake of our daughters and those yet to come!* I WOULD like to know how on earth women go sleep with a man knowing they might fall pregnant and then throw away a living GOD-GIVEN miracle just like that? Don’t they know that it will haunt them for the rest of their lives? PLEASE STOP throwing away innocent babies …* IF abortion is made legal in our country what will happen? People will have more and more unprotected sex and therefore diseases like AIDS and other STDs will become a bigger problem. Young children will have more sex. No man or woman will take responsibility for their actions if they don’t want to. No, people should stop acting like imbeciles and start thinking of the consequences of their actions.Request* DEAR Editor can you please make the SMSes two pages, as the current one is not sufficient. Your newspaper is where we can pour our hearts out – since 1985. Keep fulfilling your national duty and long live the best mother in Namibia, meme Gwen Lister. We will stand by you forever. (Thank you for your suggestion. We will look into it. – News Editor)General* A CONFERENCE is planned entitled “crime prevention is every one’s responsibility”. Yes, crime is everyone’s responsibility but how can the organisers justify a N$3 000 registration fee that is more than half the population’s monthly salary. Only the wealthy can afford to attend and those that are really affected will be excluded, which would be a further waste of time and money. – TP* WHAT is happening to the Avid saga (missing N$30 million)? Can the President make public all the outcomes of the various commissions of enquiries. We are getting fed up with being taken for granted and it’s time to stand as one nation to stop all evils in this country!* I CAN’T believe as a guide bringing tourists to Sesriem that there are no electrical plugs at the Sesriem campsite and we all have to storm to the bar to charge our phones. Is Namibia Wildlife Resorts aware of how hard it has been at Sesriem for years now? – Kleofas Ganaseb* ELCIN’S statement: Has the Church not learned that they are mere mortals and it is not their job to side with any one party. I am disgusted. Where are the voices condemning this stand! – Edwin B* DEAR Government, is it really fair for someone to be in a refugee camp for 10 years? I think this is not brotherhood or even human dignity, but total human mental brutality. Please try to change your policies to accommodate us. Ten years is too long to seek asylum!* THANK you for drawing my attention to the IMF report. Shall check it out! – PM Food for thought * MY proposal for real economic development, true democracy and social integration is the creation of a caring and sharing society. If Namibia is to be a truly caring nation, let all those who accumulated wealth and experience over 15 years give others a chance. Our Founding Father did it, follow suit. If you do that, you are welcome back on the ticket of the masses. – Hosabe (Can’t remember who said it – it could have been Mahatma Gandhi: if everyone cared enough, and if everyone shared enough, everyone would have enough. – News Editor) * HERE we are proudly announcing an increase in tourist numbers to our country. If we want to see an annual increase in the figures, it is high time for the City of Windhoek to start running campaigns to educate our people about the important contribution visitors make towards our economy. I saw an English tourist being robbed in front of the Gustav Voigts Centre, where were the City Police. Please put our officers at strategic places in plain clothes to patrol the City to protect our visitors and citizens. – GG Politics of the lonely bull * MR Ekandjo must be a very busy man. Too busy perhaps to notice roads, hospitals, schools, an expansive telecommunication network, all remnants of the past, a small contribution to the current state of relative international relevance. Perhaps it is wiser to look forward, and to build on that which we have, regardless of origin. He who walks backward might fall. What would 30 million people eat? Sand? * I AGREE that colonialism had a very bad influence on the country, but Minister Ekandjo, nearly every one of the examples you gave on colonial development was factually incorrect. Development of infrastructure was amongst the positive effects of the colonial era. This is sad, because if you want to be a good example to the youth, you must present facts correctly.* A QUESTION to Minister Ekandjo. “Does it hurt to be so ignorant?” If it does, we have at least a reason to hear such “Bull”; if not, please keep quiet.* COMRADE Ekandjo, all the development took place before Independence. The only development after Independence is the dramatic increase in wealth of some of our comrades.Politics in general * MINISTER Ndaitwah, the TRUTH is what shall govern the media! GRN should divert its energy to the services it delivers (or doesn’t!) to the people.* HOW many more must die in prison? Not all the suspects in the Caprivi high treason trial are supposed to be in prison, yet the trial seems far from over and the suspects have been and are still treated badly – as if they have been found guilty. Eight years is long enough for the suspects and their families to suffer. How competent the justice system in this country is at the highest level must be questioned by the international community? – From a victim * UIS was sold by its own people from the UDF. Stop blaming others, as the people who sold the place are right there in Uis.* THOSE who manipulated the third and failed fourth or life presidency for Nujoma are the ones to blame for what is going on in Swapo. Complaints and advice not to change the Constitution have been ignored. If that is the path you wanted the nation to go, you are the worst enemy of peace, unity and stability. Pure imperialists! What goes around always comes around? Caught in the crossfire * PM don’t you think its a bit too late to talk about ‘crossfires’ now. My father never returned. Did his blood water our freedom too? * PRIME Minister, please elaborate on ‘caught in the crossfire’. There were no court hearings nor any evidence which could link these people to any spy drama! There were no colonial masters in exile! It was Namibians turning on Namibians! Why the firing squads, torture and disappearances of fellow dedicated, committed cadres of Swapo! Please tell us now! Many perished not knowing what they did, because some get aggressive when asked! NFA and the Warriors * I THINK George Hummel should not be allowed back into the Brave Warriors. He was not willing to play when he was needed, now he wants to come take the place of exactly the same youngsters he claims to have given a chance to play.* MIND your own business. What does Ronny Kanalelo’s citizenship have to do with you! * THE NFA must have forgotten about the domestic league, as the only talk currently on is about the GHANA trip.From the regions * DAMARA leaders, it’s time to show your faces. Your people are competing for grazing land with elephants, while the GRN resettles people who never lost their traditional farming grounds on the land from which our ancestors were chased off. – Arob * I APPRECIATE the Director of Education in Ohangwena region’s attempt to increase the standard of education in the region but please sir, quantity does not mean quality. How can we work from 7h30 to four o’clock and still travel 20 km back home. Do you know our (teachers) circumstances and for that matter those of the learners. Be realistic and review that circular that you distributed to schools. – Concerned teacher (Endola circuit) * WE the residents of Otjiwarongo are always complaining about our water and electricity bills that are too high, but we are the ones who have been illegally switching on our power supply at night for years when our electricity has been cut off.Rugby blues * CONRADIE, when your misdeeds are exposed you blame it on racism. It’s becoming boring. Start to act like someone your age.* DIRK Conradie, please hand over the presidency to someone with a passion for rugby. You are the racist and rugby deserves better! Shame on you! * EVERY TIME Conradie gets caught for some misdemeanour, he screams white racism. Good to know our rugby is in the hands of someone who never acknowledge his wrongs but always blames it on somebody else.* WHATEVER, Mr Conradie. You’ve disgraced your country. Sadly you’ll get away with it by blaming ‘The Others’. You’re only angry because you got caught.Bread and butter issues * CITY of Windhoek debt trap? There is no cool paradise in Namibia, except the City of Windhoek. Salaries and benefits are extremely high. Don’t mention remuneration gap when compared to people with equivalent qualification at other institutions or GRN, yet ratepayers are milked dry. Liz Sibindi: Do we have an Iraqi version of the GREEN ZONE? Guantanamo Bay in Cuba? LA in the USA? You can blame here and there. But the reason for you flashing Red Robots is known. Dear Lord! Help the City of WHK, to learn to live within its means. Help her to stop overcharging to fill her wallet and belly. Let her realise that the reason for N$209 million debt trap is sky high salaries and benefits. Hear us, The Lord of The Lords. AMEN! * THE City of Windhoek should just write off the debt owed by ratepayers. They already make enough money from us through high water and electricity tariffs. People don’t have money to waste and life is expensive in Windhoek. The city is not affected by this debt anyway.* CITY of Windhoek, stop increasing the salaries of your employees. We are also suffering and struggling to pay our debts. Please understand that we are poor. If you take our properties where would our children go? – Perlien * STOP ripping us off. The City of Windhoek must do something about parking space in the City. Last week I got a fine of 150 dollars for parking under Wernhil bridge, because there was no parking space available.* THE municipality must stop selling houses of pensioners and tell us a surviving spouse is not the owner of a house because a certain Cloete told the people that the owner of the house is dead and they must sell that house even if you pay the account.A wee wee matter * DEAR Edwin B you are probably one of those unfortunate souls that don’t know how to use a toilet or hold it in. Poor thing … don’t you realise that making pee-pee and ka-ka in public is asking for trouble because of disease, etc.Baby dumping * I URGE this country’s young girls and women to please abstain from sex, as this is the reason for baby dumbing. Wait until you know you can look after another human being even when you are alone. Set yourself targets and live up to them. In the end you will be so much stronger and have inner peace. Never depend on someone else for your own happiness, because that person will get a hold on you. Why don’t women start their own war against men, if not for ourselves then for the sake of our daughters and those yet to come! * I WOULD like to know how on earth women go sleep with a man knowing they might fall pregnant and then throw away a living GOD-GIVEN miracle just like that? Don’t they know that it will haunt them for the rest of their lives? PLEASE STOP throwing away innocent babies …* IF abortion is made legal in our country what will happen? People will have more and more unprotected sex and therefore diseases like AIDS and other STDs will become a bigger problem. Young children will have more sex. No man or woman will take responsibility for their actions if they don’t want to. No, people should stop acting like imbeciles and start thinking of the consequences of their actions.Request * DEAR Editor can you please make the SMSes two pages, as the current one is not sufficient. Your newspaper is where we can pour our hearts out – since 1985. Keep fulfilling your national duty and long live the best mother in Namibia, meme Gwen Lister. We will stand by you forever. (Thank you for your suggestion. We will look into it. – News Editor) General * A CONFERENCE is planned entitled “crime prevention is every one’s responsibility”. Yes, crime is everyone’s responsibility but how can the organisers justify a N$3 000 registration fee that is more than half the population’s monthly salary. Only the wealthy can afford to attend and those that are really affected will be excluded, which would be a further waste of time and money. – TP * WHAT is happening to the Avid saga (missing N$30 million)? Can the President make public all the outcomes of the various commissions of enquiries. We are getting fed up with being taken for granted and it’s time to stand as one nation to stop all evils in this country! * I CAN’T believe as a guide bringing tourists to Sesriem that there are no electrical plugs at the Sesriem campsite and we all have to storm to the bar to charge our phones. Is Namibia Wildlife Resorts aware of how hard it has been at Sesriem for years now? – Kleofas Ganaseb * ELCIN’S statement: Has the Church not learned that they are mere mortals and it is not their job to side with any one party. I am disgusted. Where are the voices condemning this stand! – Edwin B * DEAR Government, is it really fair for someone to be in a refugee camp for 10 years? I think this is not brotherhood or even human dignity, but total human mental brutality. Please try to change your policies to accommodate us. Ten years is too long to seek asylum!

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