SMSes Of The Day : Friday

SMSes Of The Day : Friday

* WELCOME to Namibia Your Excellency President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf. We are honoured to receive a visit from Africa’s first woman president.

* WITH [President Thabo] Mbeki’s wrong announcement of his Zambian counterpart’s death, was it the same high-ranked SADC official that informed him there was no crisis in Zimbabwe? – Marvin, Walvis Bay Food for Thought* DEAR Namibians, currently we have the fate and future of our country in our own hands, and we can ensure this by practising our democratic right of expression. Let us collectively oppose decisions that do not benefit the nation but the fat cats. With this at heart a situation like Zimbabwe’s will never have a chance here. I love this country too much and refuse to give it up. This is no animal farm. – Tina* WE Namibians, we want to produce our own food and work for our people in each region. The Government must provide the land to its people to stop hunger in the Land of the Brave. By so doing, our youth will automatically withdraw from prostitution, tsotsi life, drunkenness and drugs, and we will stand and say, Uhulu nakazi, as it was said in 1990. – PK ZiimoDear Government …* IN an attempt for the Government to show it cares, it should stop subsidising personal fuel for the ruling party MPs. They should feel the pain of the Namibian taxpayers.* WHY does the GRN buy very expensive motor vehicles rather than building houses for the homeless and food for the hungry people? Please we must think of what is in front of us Namibians. – AS AlfeusIt’s Wrong!* SOME big firms are taking the man on the street for a ride and using the fuel hike as an excuse for doubling their prices. I am not making up a story. It happened to me today.That Memorial* AS an historical (landmark) and part of Windhoek’s architectural heritage, I’m against the move (of the Reiterdenkmal).* THE bottom line around the man on the horse is that there is a great deal of sensitivity and that we need to approach the issue with great care and sober minds so that at the end all of us are happy. Please politicians, for this one time listen to what the people are saying.Politics* MR [Jerry] Ekandjo [Local Government Minister], your statements are always uncalled for and very silly. Stop, whites are killers, yes they are killers and don’t forget that blacks are killers too. Don’t think that you, the Swapo members, are the sole genuine Namibians.* MINISTER Ekandjo, in exile you were also with white people. Are they also killers? Stop generalising. You are hurting a lot of people. You are a minister and you are sowing hatred among Namibians. Why? Some black Namibians are married to white Namibians. Let us build our nation.One Namibia, One Nation* WHICH political party was not formed along the tribal lines? OPO changed to Swapo. Let democracy prevail.* I THINK Namibia is a good country now since March 1990. Nobody complains about mahangu fields destroyed, nobody cries because of being beaten or running away upon hearing a Casspir’s noise. My question is, can one of the Namibians tell me of the advantages and disadvantages of the opposition parties? Why the opposition?* IT is a pity that some MPs here still think they are in the bush fighting. It’s years since the war was over comrades, be realistic on the Zimbabwean situation. How would you feel if your own police and soldiers were beating and killing your own people? Stop making a noise. Whatever President [Robert] Mugabe gave you, please take it back. It’s not worth displaying such foolishness and political immaturity. – MoyoGeneral* IT is hard to find a legitimate leader in today’s world. Mugabe is elected by two million Zimbabweans, Bush is elected by money, Blair overthrown by Brown – no election, we have military rulers in Botswana – no election! Legitimacy refers to a government/leader’s acknowledgement and approval by the electorate via elections! Eeish, this earth!* I AGREE that Police officers should be paid more. But where will the money come from? Maybe if Government would stop wasting money on useless ministers etc.* IT baffles me that small planes are still flying with WW II technology such as manual mixture control! These should all be fitted with a modern fuel injection system or be grounded. The Cessna 210 also has other deadly bugs. The Namibian should Google Cessna 210 ! Happy hunting!* AS long as the City of Windhoek’s managers are living like kings there will always be rate hikes for the poor.* SEX between inmates: Members of Parliament should learn not to just play off important issues in the name of racial politics. As comparing the living standard of the Namibia prisons with the Cuban-American saga! Are Namibian parliamentarians behaving like Americans and as such exposing their fellow black Namibians to torture in prison?* ANTI-CORRUPTION Commission, how far are you with Otavi Municipality investigations?* I’M a victim of the Klein Windhoek Butchery bomb of 1988. I’m still suffering from the damage caused by this accident. Who was responsible for this?* NEWS Editor: An injury to one is an injury to all. OK, now refer it as the sanction to Zimbabwe is the sanction to all Africans. – I get your reasoning. However, the moral imperative is different:the sanctions are being aimed at the wealthy elite – their overseas trips, overseas bank accounts, overseas properties, shopping sprees at Harrods in London, etc. – News Editor* CAN the unions (Napwu; Nantu; Psun, etc.) also contribute for a next salary increase for Government officials? Because we pay monthly contributions. – Worried member* SOMEONE made a request to open the Ramatex building for a medical university. Has this person done any studies to see if the building is suitable for a school? Those buildings were designed for garment and textiles operations. Currently a USA investor is interested to do the same type of operations as previous client. Namibia needs more employment in the country. Request is currently on the table to the city.* AFRICANS, please let us pay our State Fathers respect and give support like Americans and Zimbabweans do.Zimbabwe* TO the person that wrote an article stating that we Zimbabweans are responsible for keeping Mugabe in power, that shows clear ignorance as you don’t know what a dictatorship is. Mugabe is ruling us with a gun in our mouths, what do you want us to do? – Griffin.* ZIMBABWEANS got their democracy in 1980 and it seems they are just about to get their freedom now.* PLEASE The Namibian get your facts right. Tsvangirai did not boycott the Zimbabwe elections! He withdrew!!! – The General – It’s six of one and half-a-dozen of the other. – News Editor* TAKE it or leave it, somehow the run-off in Zimbabwe reflects people’s interest, i.e. the majority who did not turn up and the cursing ballots are definitely in favour of Mr Tsvangirai. So those in favour of Mugabe get off your high horse and cease your wishful thinking.* I SUPPORT the G8’s decision to put sanctions and to send the United Nations to Zimbabwe. Until that country has a free and fair election the world should not rest, let alone SADC. If we allow Mr Bob Mugabe to get away with this crime, Africa will go to the dogs.* MUGABE must please step down. Let him take an example from Botswana’s president. – Hilde Kalute HGPEducation* THE Parliamentary Committee should ask each school to submit an outline of their school budgets so that they have an idea what expenses parents have to pay for. Some of these expenses are outrageous and they should be regulated. Rising costs are killing parents economically. School fees are used to create employment for the privileged and one school even employs a person that is only responsible for discipline out of school development funds.* FIRST year engineering students at the Polytech have not received enough loan money for 2008. The GRN said they would give up to N$15 000 but some of us we only need N$11 000 and we got only N$8 600. Are you going to make adjustments to the N$8 600 you gave us? Because it is not sufficient. We are unable to pay the rest of the money required please! We need more clarification about this. Stop telling the public that you give enough money to students and they spend some of it on expensive staff. That is not true, especially for engineering students. – Ikongo* HEROES Private school is charging too high school fees at 300 dollars a month. The school receives a subsidy from the Government in terms of some teachers receiving salaries from Government. We parents with more than two kids at the school are finding it hard to cope. The economy is not good at the moment. Government must ask Heroes to reduce their fees. Our kids are always chased away for skipping payment of two or three months. – Concerned parent.* I WANT to know if principals are also writing daily preparations or not.* TO the Minister of Education and in particular the head of Concordia School regarding the matric farewell party. The school sent a notice to parents of indemnity during and after the party because the fear of date- and gang rape, misuse of liquor and drugs. I would like my kid not to attend such function if not compulsory. Why not host the party at school and during normal school hours? Why at other venue and up to midnight, why have a farewell party before the final examination? Celebration with no victory. Can my kid stay home please. – From Concerned Parent.* COME and help us at Da Palm SS. Teachers are taking our phones and we re being cut off from communicating with our families.Bouquets And Brickbats* WELL done to Fruit and Veg City for selling so much Namibian produce.* THIS SMS page needs to be supplemented by a humour column or something. It is too depressing. – You have a point! – News Editor* CONGRATULATIONS to the Namibian Police, Magistrate Usiku and team for bringing to book the four Angolans who did not declare their money at the airport. People should learn to respect our laws.* NAWASPORT is doing great job with the HIV-AIDS information. Use the three former Warriors stars. Keep up the good work guys. Anyway we want the programme at Katima because the virus is high that side. Please make a plan to go there.* THE recent heart operations in Namibia are indeed a giant leap for us and something we all should be proud of. However a hint of advice, the dental health of these patients before and after surgery is just as important because of the risk of infection of the heart valves that might have the origin in the mouth.Please Deal With It* RESIDENTS of Cimbebasia also demand a taxi rank. Rocky Crest has been saved. Please Nabta do something, we are suffering a lot.In And From the Regions* DARKNESS! Darkness! Most of the street lights in Ongwediva town are dead and we are paying every month, which services are we paying for? Even the one near the mayor’s house is dead. Who is responsible for replacing dead bulbs in Ongwediva? Please don’t create an opportunity for thieves to operate!Food for Thought * DEAR Namibians, currently we have the fate and future of our country in our own hands, and we can ensure this by practising our democratic right of expression. Let us collectively oppose decisions that do not benefit the nation but the fat cats. With this at heart a situation like Zimbabwe’s will never have a chance here. I love this country too much and refuse to give it up. This is no animal farm. – Tina * WE Namibians, we want to produce our own food and work for our people in each region. The Government must provide the land to its people to stop hunger in the Land of the Brave. By so doing, our youth will automatically withdraw from prostitution, tsotsi life, drunkenness and drugs, and we will stand and say, Uhulu nakazi, as it was said in 1990. – PK Ziimo Dear Government …* IN an attempt for the Government to show it cares, it should stop subsidising personal fuel for the ruling party MPs. They should feel the pain of the Namibian taxpayers.* WHY does the GRN buy very expensive motor vehicles rather than building houses for the homeless and food for the hungry people? Please we must think of what is in front of us Namibians. – AS Alfeus It’s Wrong! * SOME big firms are taking the man on the street for a ride and using the fuel hike as an excuse for doubling their prices. I am not making up a story. It happened to me today.That Memorial * AS an historical (landmark) and part of Windhoek’s architectural heritage, I’m against the move (of the Reiterdenkmal).* THE bottom line around the man on the horse is that there is a great deal of sensitivity and that we need to approach the issue with great care and sober minds so that at the end all of us are happy. Please politicians, for this one time listen to what the people are saying.Politics * MR [Jerry] Ekandjo [Local Government Minister], your statements are always uncalled for and very silly. Stop, whites are killers, yes they are killers and don’t forget that blacks are killers too. Don’t think that you, the Swapo members, are the sole genuine Namibians.* MINISTER Ekandjo, in exile you were also with white people. Are they also killers? Stop generalising. You are hurting a lot of people. You are a minister and you are sowing hatred among Namibians. Why? Some black Namibians are married to white Namibians. Let us build our nation.One Namibia, One Nation * WHICH political party was not formed along the tribal lines? OPO changed to Swapo. Let democracy prevail.* I THINK Namibia is a good country now since March 1990. Nobody complains about mahangu fields destroyed, nobody cries because of being beaten or running away upon hearing a Casspir’s noise. My question is, can one of the Namibians tell me of the advantages and disadvantages of the opposition parties? Why the opposition? * IT is a pity that some MPs here still think they are in the bush fighting. It’s years since the war was over comrades, be realistic on the Zimbabwean situation. How would you feel if your own police and soldiers were beating and killing your own people? Stop making a noise. Whatever President [Robert] Mugabe gave you, please take it back. It’s not worth displaying such foolishness and political immaturity. – Moyo General * IT is hard to find a legitimate leader in today’s world. Mugabe is elected by two million Zimbabweans, Bush is elected by money, Blair overthrown by Brown – no election, we have military rulers in Botswana – no election! Legitimacy refers to a government/leader’s acknowledgement and approval by the electorate via elections! Eeish, this earth! * I AGREE that Police officers should be paid more. But where will the money come from? Maybe if Government would stop wasting money on useless ministers etc.* IT baffles me that small planes are still flying with WW II technology such as manual mixture control! These should all be fitted with a modern fuel injection system or be grounded. The Cessna 210 also has other deadly bugs. The Namibian should Google Cessna 210 ! Happy hunting! * AS long as the City of Windhoek’s managers are living like kings there will always be rate hikes for the poor.* SEX between inmates: Members of Parliament should learn not to just play off important issues in the name of racial politics. As comparing the living standard of the Namibia prisons with the Cuban-American saga! Are Namibian parliamentarians behaving like Americans and as such exposing their fellow black Namibians to torture in prison? * ANTI-CORRUPTION Commission, how far are you with Otavi Municipality investigations? * I’M a victim of the Klein Windhoek Butchery bomb of 1988. I’m still suffering from the damage caused by this accident. Who was responsible for this? * NEWS Editor: An injury to one is an injury to all. OK, now refer it as the sanction to Zimbabwe is the sanction to all Africans. – I get your reasoning. However, the moral imperative is different:the sanctions are being aimed at the wealthy elite – their overseas trips, overseas bank accounts, overseas properties, shopping sprees at Harrods in London, etc. – News Editor * CAN the unions (Napwu; Nantu; Psun, etc.) also contribute for a next salary increase for Government officials? Because we pay monthly contributions. – Worried member * SOMEONE made a request to open the Ramatex building for a medical university. Has this person done any studies to see if the building is suitable for a school? Those buildings were designed for garment and textiles operations. Currently a USA investor is interested to do the same type of operations as previous client. Namibia needs more employment in the country. Request is currently on the table to the city.* AFRICANS, please let us pay our State Fathers respect and give support like Americans and Zimbabweans do.Zimbabwe * TO the person that wrote an article stating that we Zimbabweans are responsible for keeping Mugabe in power, that shows clear ignorance as you don’t know what a dictatorship is. Mugabe is ruling us with a gun in our mouths, what do you want us to do? – Griffin.* ZIMBABWEANS got their democracy in 1980 and it seems they are just about to get their freedom now.* PLEASE The Namibian get your facts right. Tsvangirai did not boycott the Zimbabwe elections! He withdrew!!! – The General – It’s six of one and half-a-dozen of the other. – News Editor * TAKE it or leave it, somehow the run-off in Zimbabwe reflects people’s interest, i.e. the majority who did not turn up and the cursing ballots are definitely in favour of Mr Tsvangirai. So those in favour of Mugabe get off your high horse and cease your wishful thinking.* I SUPPORT the G8’s decision to put sanctions and to send the United Nations to Zimbabwe. Until that country has a free and fair election the world should not rest, let alone SADC. If we allow Mr Bob Mugabe to get away with this crime, Africa will go to the dogs.* MUGABE must please step down. Let him take an example from Botswana’s president. – Hilde Kalute HGP Education * THE Parliamentary Committee should ask each school to submit an outline of their school budgets so that they have an idea what expenses parents have to pay for. Some of these expenses are outrageous and they should be regulated. Rising costs are killing parents economically. School fees are used to create employment for the privileged and one school even employs a person that is only responsible for discipline out of school development funds.* FIRST year engineering students at the Polytech have not received enough loan money for 2008. The GRN said they would give up to N$15 000 but some of us we only need N$11 000 and we got only N$8 600. Are you going to make adjustments to the N$8 600 you gave us? Because it is not sufficient. We are unable to pay the rest of the money required please! We need more clarification about this. Stop telling the public that you give enough money to students and they spend some of it on expensive staff. That is not true, especially for engineering students. – Ikongo * HEROES Private school is charging too high school fees at 300 dollars a month. The school receives a subsidy from the Government in terms of some teachers receiving salaries from Government. We parents with more than two kids at the school are finding it hard to cope. The economy is not good at the moment. Government must ask Heroes to reduce their fees. Our kids are always chased away for skipping payment of two or three months. – Concerned parent.* I WANT to know if principals are also writing daily preparations or not.* TO the Minister of Education and in particular the head of Concordia School regarding the matric farewell party. The school sent a notice to parents of indemnity during and after the party because the fear of date- and gang rape, misuse of liquor and drugs. I would like my kid not to attend such function if not compulsory. Why not host the party at school and during normal school hours? Why at other venue and up to midnight, why have a farewell party before the final examination? Celebration with no victory. Can my kid stay home please. – From Concerned Parent.* COME and help us at Da Palm SS. Teachers are taking our phones and we re being cut off from communicating with our families.Bouquets And Brickbats * WELL done to Fruit and Veg City for selling so much Namibian produce.* THIS SMS page needs to be supplemented by a humour column or something. It is too depressing. – You have a point! – News Editor * CONGRATULATIONS to the Namibian Police, Magistrate Usiku and team for bringing to book the four Angolans who did not declare their money at the airport. People should learn to respect our laws.* NAWASPORT is doing great job with the HIV-AIDS information. Use the three former Warriors stars. Keep up the good work guys. Anyway we want the programme at Katima because the virus is high that side. Please make a plan to go there.* THE recent heart operations in Namibia are indeed a giant leap for us and something we all should be proud of. However a hint of advice, the dental health of these patients before and after surgery is just as important because of the risk of infection of the heart valves that might have the origin in the mouth.Please Deal With It * RESIDENTS of Cimbebasia also demand a taxi rank. Rocky Crest has been saved. Please Nabta do something, we are suffering a lot.In And From the Regions * DARKNESS! Darkness! Most of the street lights in Ongwediva town are dead and we are paying every month, which services are we paying for? Even the one near the mayor’s house is dead. Who is responsible for replacing dead bulbs in Ongwediva? Please don’t create an opportunity for thieves to operate!

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