SMSes of the Day : Friday

SMSes of the Day : Friday

* IF all we hear from the NUNW is in defence of Swapo and its leaders, then it makes us, the paid-up members of affiliated unions, wonder whether our interests will ever be taken care of or are we led by people who have different motives from our own? For us to trust them they should for once show us that they are serious about the workers’ well-being.

* THAT Nico Josea survived being declared bankrupt is immaterial. The N$30 million investment shouldn’t have taken place in the first place. The Swapo policy of jobs for comrades again embarrassed them because the CEO at the time was appointed after a lot of politicking. If we are serious about fighting corruption, we should release all the reports of the presidential inquiries and stop appointing comrades because their actions can be viewed as economic sabotage. Food for thought* SSC must tell the nation why they invested money without the Minister’s approval and Frans Kapofi must tell the truth. What goes around comes around, it doesn’t matter how long it takes. Justice will always prevail. It doesn’t help to sweep the dirt under the carpet. Let the nation take notice that the SSC is wasting money on the cases of Nico Josea and Namangol Investments. They will lose these cases and the taxpayers will foot the legal bill.* ONE wonders what goes through the Minister’s head when he sees photos of the state of our hospitals? Is there no accountability? A question to the Minister of Education: Have you seen the state of school grounds lately! Just glance across at Centaurus when next doing your shopping at Maerua Mall. It’s a scandal if you consider it was all in perfect condition at the time of Independence. Money can’t always be held out as an excuse. What was the difference then?Thank you* BRAVO to the Deputy PM. I watched you on NBC’s Open File. You are a heroine. Keep it up on helping the poor. You are a true leader.* THANKS to MTC for refunding our ten dollars. Thanks to all the MTC staff. It seems we only know how to complain, but are never able to say thank you when something positive is done. – FKK* I JUST want to congratulate the City Police for your job well done. Try to keep Windhoek clean of criminals. Without you guys we cannot survive. – NdakulaPolitics in general* SO black political analysts are seen as greater traitors than their non-black colleagues when voicing critical views about our nation’s future! We must not tolerate such blatantly racist remarks by people like Kaaronda.* IF Africa is to head into a bright future, outside investment will continue to be needed, at least for the time being. International law enforcement interventions would go a far way in solving Africa’s conflicts. Not only Africans but the rest of us will be healthier and safer if Africans increasingly take their rightful places as peaceful and prospering members of the world community. – Eunda* I WISH Tatekulu Pohamba could have been Head of State since 1999. He is a true leader, politically tolerant, free of a self-enrichment mentality, has the whole nation at heart and free of corruption and favouritism. Let those who are good at dishing out titles create a deserving and worthy title for him. Merry Christmas my only true hero.* IT’S good that a new political party was formed. All of a sudden Swapo wants to improve education, health services, wants to tar the road between Nkurenkuru and Okongo now that election time is closer, but I will not be fooled by this.* POLITICAL parties always try to criticise Government failures, but every month parties represented in Parliament receive payment from the Government. Can the opposition parties tell us how they help people with these funds? It is shameful that opposition parties only focus on the failures of Government in their election campaigns. They must act to convince the nation.From the regions* WHERE to our health system? Just imagine, a dental clinic at Otjiwarongo is unable to provide services to the people for weeks because, according to the doctor, there is no water. Are we ready for Vision 2030?* ALLOW me to inform you that Karasburg is being run down the drain by its own people. The mayor promised changes, but instead the local authority has lately gone on an expensive shopping spree, buying new cars, which end up being misused. Its also sad to see that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.* I’M a resident of Okombahe and needs answers from Erongo Red. It’s festive season and we are still having problems with electricity and street lights are not working. Power has been cut off without any notice. Are we going to have Christmas in the dark?* MR Kankoshi, the Councillor of Onyaanya constituency, we do not have water at Amatoye, the water point is now a year old without being opened. Please do something, your people are suffering.* SOME councillors are working hard but others are not. Councillor of Onayena constituency could you please look at all villages in your constituency? Let me talk about Onamutenya, Elombe, Enkolo, Omuzile, Oshiyayeka and Onamayego. These villages are not developed because there is not even a gravel road, clean water is only accessible to a few people and many of us have to use wells, whose water is saline.Education* IT’S a shame that people are short-sighted in our country. Nigerian teachers are not unemployed. In fact, the Namibian Government will not be responsible for their payments, but the Nigerian government. The standard of education in Nigeria is 100% higher than what we have here. Let them come and help us. People, wake up!* OUR Swapo-led Government, do you think you will achieve Vision 2030 by training teachers and dumping them on the street while you are favouring Nigerians?* WE are expecting the arrival of 160 Nigerian (science) teachers expected in the country in January. There are about 130 Namibians doing science subjects in education each year excluding those that pursue their studies in Zimbabwe. Can our Government tell us where and how they will accommodate the Nigerian teachers? Our student teacher should be considered better than the Nigerian counterparts. – Moran, Khorixas* I HAVE been working with unqualified teachers. The experience of these colleagues cannot be overlooked so easily. These people have the practical know-how that not every teacher can substitute. Yet they are the worst paid. What we learn in the lecture halls is not what is in the classroom.* I AGREE with Nantu and hope they can do something for us. The ministry also closes our school after operating 11 years. They refuse to give us registration, because according to them we don’t meet the requirements, and we have to apply again in January with the provision that we can only open our doors in January 2009. We pray for a miracle and we are behind you 100 per cent Nantu! – Teacher Hilma Taukondjo* OSHANA education directorate, we as parents of some students at Mweshipandeka are sick and tired of the disciplinary committee at the school. These people are rude towards us whenever they call us to school, telling us we are wasting their time by asking questions. They’re accusing us of not talking to our kids at home. We’re appealing to the directorate to investigate about our concerns. Mweshipandeka teachers you’re punishing our kids unnecessarily by expelling them from the hostel, while yours and those of your friends remain untouched. It’s known to you all that they’re the ones influencing our kids with their rotten manners. We’re not against school rules but the truth is that you are corrupt. Start changing as from today or law will take its course. Equal treatment to all students.* THE inspector of education of the Ondobe circuit and the director of education Ohangwena, please try and reshuffle the math and science teachers of Grade 8-10 at Onamukulo CS. They are failing our learners every year.Just check this year’s Grade 10 results when they are out. – Concerned parent* I’M a student at the Polytechnic of Namibia who signed a contract loan agreement. I need a better answer from top management in the Ministry of Education. When is the Government loan paying our fees? We are tired of w
aiting and writing appealing letter, mind you our results will be blocked till we pay. How will we register for 2008?* NANTU, some teachers are very unproductive. What fruits do you expect from them? They can remain in schools but can’t make learners understand. The foundation of learners learning is being spoiled by some of those teachers.Please give the chance to the qualified and young teachers to make a difference. – SofieNamZim power deal* WHY is Shilamba not telling the truth that the N$60 million from NamPower is Uncle Bob’s Xmas present to pay for the HUMMERS that he is dishing out as bribes to his army generals. It is a lie – Hwange is beyond salvage. At least not with N$60 million. Namibia will never get any electricity from Zimbabwe.* WAY to go NamPower. I feel happy to see a Government parastatal doing something to upgrade our well-being.* LET’S be honest and frank here! Was the decision to invest in some power plant in Zimbabwe truly based on sound business principles or was it merely to help out the struggling economy of a comrade? It is painful to think of it that it is done at the expense of those of us paying high electricity bills.* THE parastatals in Namibia operate like kambashus with money going to waste left, right and centre. N$30 million from the Social security, the N$100 million of the ODC and now NamPower again. There is an urgent need to change the way these entities operate and I don’t think that the current Government can change the status quo.General* My personal view is that the Herero Mall should be abolished without questions asked. It is a shame that the City Council is allowing such a filthy place to continue its activities. – Nelson* SHAME, shame on the Ministry of Health. We have been crying that changing the PS won’t solve the problems but will only shift problems to another ministry, these people are incapable, the whole lot need to go. And the minister must stop blaming someone else for his failures.* OUR Government should stop arresting of innocent people who sell liquor after official hours. These people should just be given a fine, because detaining people who have not committed a crime is unfair. Why is the Government against shebeens? We are doing this to earn a living. – Selling liquor after legal trading hours is, in fact, a crime. – Newsdesk* WHY appoint another coach, whilst we have a highly qualified professional such as Erich Muinjo with an A-Licence, someone with the passion for the game of football who has never been given a fair chance coaching the Brave Warriors. Mind you, this is in fact the person who developed the Burkina Faso team from the ranks of under-20 and -23 to senior level, but never received any recognition.* I WOULD like to respond to someone who said that it’s better for the Police officers to upgrade their qualifications. My dear, to tell you the truth, most of the Police office have qualifications from different Institutions but NamPol does not recognise these. Just imagine a member who joined the force no more than two years ago and he/she is already promoted higher than a member who joined the force more than 10 years ago with no criminal record .Food for thought * SSC must tell the nation why they invested money without the Minister’s approval and Frans Kapofi must tell the truth. What goes around comes around, it doesn’t matter how long it takes. Justice will always prevail. It doesn’t help to sweep the dirt under the carpet. Let the nation take notice that the SSC is wasting money on the cases of Nico Josea and Namangol Investments. They will lose these cases and the taxpayers will foot the legal bill.* ONE wonders what goes through the Minister’s head when he sees photos of the state of our hospitals? Is there no accountability? A question to the Minister of Education: Have you seen the state of school grounds lately! Just glance across at Centaurus when next doing your shopping at Maerua Mall. It’s a scandal if you consider it was all in perfect condition at the time of Independence. Money can’t always be held out as an excuse. What was the difference then? Thank you * BRAVO to the Deputy PM. I watched you on NBC’s Open File. You are a heroine. Keep it up on helping the poor. You are a true leader.* THANKS to MTC for refunding our ten dollars. Thanks to all the MTC staff. It seems we only know how to complain, but are never able to say thank you when something positive is done. – FKK * I JUST want to congratulate the City Police for your job well done. Try to keep Windhoek clean of criminals. Without you guys we cannot survive. – Ndakula Politics in general * SO black political analysts are seen as greater traitors than their non-black colleagues when voicing critical views about our nation’s future! We must not tolerate such blatantly racist remarks by people like Kaaronda.* IF Africa is to head into a bright future, outside investment will continue to be needed, at least for the time being. International law enforcement interventions would go a far way in solving Africa’s conflicts. Not only Africans but the rest of us will be healthier and safer if Africans increasingly take their rightful places as peaceful and prospering members of the world community. – Eunda * I WISH Tatekulu Pohamba could have been Head of State since 1999. He is a true leader, politically tolerant, free of a self-enrichment mentality, has the whole nation at heart and free of corruption and favouritism. Let those who are good at dishing out titles create a deserving and worthy title for him. Merry Christmas my only true hero.* IT’S good that a new political party was formed. All of a sudden Swapo wants to improve education, health services, wants to tar the road between Nkurenkuru and Okongo now that election time is closer, but I will not be fooled by this.* POLITICAL parties always try to criticise Government failures, but every month parties represented in Parliament receive payment from the Government. Can the opposition parties tell us how they help people with these funds? It is shameful that opposition parties only focus on the failures of Government in their election campaigns. They must act to convince the nation.From the regions * WHERE to our health system? Just imagine, a dental clinic at Otjiwarongo is unable to provide services to the people for weeks because, according to the doctor, there is no water. Are we ready for Vision 2030? * ALLOW me to inform you that Karasburg is being run down the drain by its own people. The mayor promised changes, but instead the local authority has lately gone on an expensive shopping spree, buying new cars, which end up being misused. Its also sad to see that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.* I’M a resident of Okombahe and needs answers from Erongo Red. It’s festive season and we are still having problems with electricity and street lights are not working. Power has been cut off without any notice. Are we going to have Christmas in the dark? * MR Kankoshi, the Councillor of Onyaanya constituency, we do not have water at Amatoye, the water point is now a year old without being opened. Please do something, your people are suffering.* SOME councillors are working hard but others are not. Councillor of Onayena constituency could you please look at all villages in your constituency? Let me talk about Onamutenya, Elombe, Enkolo, Omuzile, Oshiyayeka and Onamayego. These villages are not developed because there is not even a gravel road, clean water is only accessible to a few people and many of us have to use wells, whose water is saline.Education * IT’S a shame that people are short-sighted in our country. Nigerian teachers are not unemployed. In fact, the Namibian Government will not be responsible for their payments, but the Nigerian government. The standard of education in Nigeria is 100% higher than what we have here. Let them come and help us. People, wake up! * OUR Swapo-led Government, do you think you will achieve Vision 2030 by training teachers and dumping them on the street while you are favouring Nigerians? * WE are expecting the arrival of 160 Nigerian (science) teachers expected in the country in January. There are
about 130 Namibians doing science subjects in education each year excluding those that pursue their studies in Zimbabwe. Can our Government tell us where and how they will accommodate the Nigerian teachers? Our student teacher should be considered better than the Nigerian counterparts. – Moran, Khorixas * I HAVE been working with unqualified teachers. The experience of these colleagues cannot be overlooked so easily. These people have the practical know-how that not every teacher can substitute. Yet they are the worst paid. What we learn in the lecture halls is not what is in the classroom.* I AGREE with Nantu and hope they can do something for us. The ministry also closes our school after operating 11 years. They refuse to give us registration, because according to them we don’t meet the requirements, and we have to apply again in January with the provision that we can only open our doors in January 2009. We pray for a miracle and we are behind you 100 per cent Nantu! – Teacher Hilma Taukondjo * OSHANA education directorate, we as parents of some students at Mweshipandeka are sick and tired of the disciplinary committee at the school. These people are rude towards us whenever they call us to school, telling us we are wasting their time by asking questions. They’re accusing us of not talking to our kids at home. We’re appealing to the directorate to investigate about our concerns. Mweshipandeka teachers you’re punishing our kids unnecessarily by expelling them from the hostel, while yours and those of your friends remain untouched. It’s known to you all that they’re the ones influencing our kids with their rotten manners. We’re not against school rules but the truth is that you are corrupt. Start changing as from today or law will take its course. Equal treatment to all students.* THE inspector of education of the Ondobe circuit and the director of education Ohangwena, please try and reshuffle the math and science teachers of Grade 8-10 at Onamukulo CS. They are failing our learners every year.Just check this year’s Grade 10 results when they are out. – Concerned parent * I’M a student at the Polytechnic of Namibia who signed a contract loan agreement. I need a better answer from top management in the Ministry of Education. When is the Government loan paying our fees? We are tired of waiting and writing appealing letter, mind you our results will be blocked till we pay. How will we register for 2008? * NANTU, some teachers are very unproductive. What fruits do you expect from them? They can remain in schools but can’t make learners understand. The foundation of learners learning is being spoiled by some of those teachers.Please give the chance to the qualified and young teachers to make a difference. – Sofie NamZim power deal * WHY is Shilamba not telling the truth that the N$60 million from NamPower is Uncle Bob’s Xmas present to pay for the HUMMERS that he is dishing out as bribes to his army generals. It is a lie – Hwange is beyond salvage. At least not with N$60 million. Namibia will never get any electricity from Zimbabwe.* WAY to go NamPower. I feel happy to see a Government parastatal doing something to upgrade our well-being.* LET’S be honest and frank here! Was the decision to invest in some power plant in Zimbabwe truly based on sound business principles or was it merely to help out the struggling economy of a comrade? It is painful to think of it that it is done at the expense of those of us paying high electricity bills.* THE parastatals in Namibia operate like kambashus with money going to waste left, right and centre. N$30 million from the Social security, the N$100 million of the ODC and now NamPower again. There is an urgent need to change the way these entities operate and I don’t think that the current Government can change the status quo.General * My personal view is that the Herero Mall should be abolished without questions asked. It is a shame that the City Council is allowing such a filthy place to continue its activities. – Nelson * SHAME, shame on the Ministry of Health. We have been crying that changing the PS won’t solve the problems but will only shift problems to another ministry, these people are incapable, the whole lot need to go. And the minister must stop blaming someone else for his failures.* OUR Government should stop arresting of innocent people who sell liquor after official hours. These people should just be given a fine, because detaining people who have not committed a crime is unfair. Why is the Government against shebeens? We are doing this to earn a living. – Selling liquor after legal trading hours is, in fact, a crime. – Newsdesk * WHY appoint another coach, whilst we have a highly qualified professional such as Erich Muinjo with an A-Licence, someone with the passion for the game of football who has never been given a fair chance coaching the Brave Warriors. Mind you, this is in fact the person who developed the Burkina Faso team from the ranks of under-20 and -23 to senior level, but never received any recognition.* I WOULD like to respond to someone who said that it’s better for the Police officers to upgrade their qualifications. My dear, to tell you the truth, most of the Police office have qualifications from different Institutions but NamPol does not recognise these. Just imagine a member who joined the force no more than two years ago and he/she is already promoted higher than a member who joined the force more than 10 years ago with no criminal record .

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