SMSes of the Day : Friday

SMSes of the Day : Friday

* EVERY day the Government and its BEE allies are preaching about the formerly disadvantaged, but ignore the currently disadvantaged.

* IT is time to enact a municipal law to spot fine taxi passengers, who force taxi drivers to stop at traffic lights and barricade access to businesses like at House and Home at Maerua. I suggest a N$100 fine. This punishment will get passengers to walk to the designated taxi rank. * THANKS Gwen. Why is it that whenever there is talk about the Lubango dungeons, Swapo MPs always refer to what the whites did during the apartheid regime? Why can’t they clear the issue? You know I am a Swapo supporter but now I am losing faith, trust and respect in them. My brother who was also there came home but many of my family members didn’t. So I’d really appreciate it if we (can) get this issue behind our backs. Please, Please.Food for thought* SCHOOL principals do not take the law into their own hands by suspending learners BUT they together with school boards have legal authority to suspend any misbehaving learner from either the school or hostel or both any time as per Education Act. It is their responsibility to promote and ensure good and suitable behaviour in schools. Parents and guardians must educate their children on how to behave properly and respect other people. So, if one does not want his or her child to be suspended she or he must do the right thing – instil discipline in his or her child.* POLICY MAKERS, please extend the policy not to name monuments and streets after living people to schools as well. What a mockery!* IN a local newspaper, TransNamib Holdings informed their esteemed customers that the Omugulu Gwombashe Star route between Windhoek and Ondangwa has been suspended until further notice. The advertisement is concluded with the slogan ‘Omugulu Gwombashe Star a proud product of TransNamib Holdings’. Yes, they pride themselves in something that is out of order. Yes, they pride themselves for not delivering a service. But don’t worry about the company accumulating losses year after year, tax money will solve the problem. Let’s hope the next Comrade General Manager will solve the problem.Politics in general* OK, Mr Moongo, it means you have all the tallies of the South African victims including those thrown in the sea. You were the VIPs, tell us some more! Small number, nonsense!!* RECONCILIATION is a reality, but most of the leaders are hiding behind this. Leaders we should be vigilant at all times, otherwise our beautiful Namibia will be destroyed by corrupt leaders.* I WONDER why people are complaining about Swapo leaders. Wait for the elections and show your displeasure through your vote. We want equal development, yet they think of developing and promoting one tribe only. The same apartheid style with few faces from other tribes, the rest is from the North.* LISTENING to the NBC Chat Show and Open Line, I’ve come to the conclusion that come next elections, people will not buy crap like some politicians asking if they want the Boers to come back or who liberated this country? Namibians are now politically mature. Keep it up my compatriots! Political parties be warned!* I PERSONALLY trust the administrative skills of our former Prime Minister Hage Geingob, but speculation that he may take over the presidency of the country makes me question, not doubt, his judgement, leadership and loyalty to the country and its democracy. I mean when he was reshuffled by former Head of State, which is by the way his prerogative, he refused, resigned and said ‘try somebody else’ and left the country to live and work in America just to terminate his contract prematurely again for the reason still not known. – AB* I WOULD like to challenge the person who wants to teach President Pohamba on who is targeted by the sanctions against Zimbabwe to freely phone any household telephone in Zimbabwe and hear from the masses who is suffering and not from some researcher from under a tree.* EMPTY talkers. Hengari and Diescho must digest their ideas before publishing them. Give us a break! We don’t cherish your statements. Since when did Pohamba become a dictator? We need valid, wise and true ideas.* NOVEMBER 10 is a very confusing day for us, because according to an informed source the socalled festival will have a closed door meeting where Chief Garoeb will be given another five years to be the president of UDF, under the Damara people’s blue white and green flag, which UDF uses for political gain. It now seems that the flag does not belong to all Damaras. UDF must give back the flag officially to the Chiefs Council, because we Damaras in Swapo, CoD, Nudo, etc, are not welcome to such an event under the blue, white and green flag, which has become the property of the UDF. Please give back the flag and we will talk about unity.* IT is very good that the person was asking the Khorixas constituency councillors on development. I would like to ask the person to come to the office so that the whole process can be explained.* THE suggestion by Ngurare that Swapo leaders be elected through the process of ‘guided democracy’ is as archaic and anti-democratic as the doomed notion of the dictatorship of the proletariat of yester years. But Ngurare is right in one respect: The selection of 99,99 per cent of delegates to the forthcoming congress was guided by Mr Sam Nujoma. Mr Ngurare should promote the principle of unfettered freedom of members to choose their preferred candidate, notwithstanding the sad fact that these rights had been circumscribed by Mr Nujoma’s undemocratic behaviour.Education* CAN the Ministry please investigate the SI !Gobs exam saga, because there is a strong suspicion that the question paper for Accounting was opened.* WHEN I compare Bantu Education with today’s education I’m shocked because Bantu Education taught learners from a young age to behave and to live hygienically and humanly. Today the surroundings of schools are dirty and vandalised. The maintenance systems at schools are non-existent. No discipline exists in our schools. What puzzles me, is that the children of the Ministers are schooling at private schools in Namibia and South Africa, who are using a education system they opposed and our children are put in a system, which produces prostitutes and criminals. What is Mr Ngurare, as a youth leader of the ruling party, doing about this, or is the man also a messenger like many others? Is our education system developed to make the majority illiterate and poor, while liberating and giving superior education to children of the ministers to take over the corporate world in the future?* THE newly appointed Deputy Director for Omusati Education Region should focus on constructive strategies to improve the standard of education in this region by speeding up the creation of advisory posts and appointment of advisory teachers for all subjects instead of creating a paper trail of reports about the embarrassing performances schools, when she is well aware of the reasons why this region is performing so poorly. – SNSGeneral* OMUZOROTWA explanation is appreciated, but why don’t you call a person the way he wants to be called e.g Damara. If this continues, it will enforce not only racism-tribalism, but hatred waiting for a naive politician or leader to make a public statement based on their false sense of superiority. The fight against corruption will not be won if we don’t use a double barrel gun to fight tribalism at the same time.* THANK you for that concerned client. I was also shouted at by the municipality, the phone was dropped in my ears while I was still talking to a lady at the metering department. I complained to their boss, nothing was done. The service provided by those ladies is very poor.* TELL me, is it only the Swapo Elders who must be treated with respect at hospitals? I, as an unknown elder, was treated like someone who comes from another planet although I came hours early.* IF traditional doctors are advertising in the newspapers that they can do a lot of things, why can’t they come up and trace the B1 Butcher.* WHY is the NDF auctioning beds and matt
resses, instead of donating them to old age homes and orphan centres?* NO mention is made of the War Veterans, who were registered under the War Veterans Subvention Act of 1999. Do they cease to be war veterans and are their grants also repealed along with the old Act?* NAMPOWER better do something about the Van Eck power station. Our health is at risk. Black smoke particles are all over our houses. Measures must be considered before its too late. I know officials will deny this because this is a country of denial, where no one takes responsibility. – Bra Lee* JUST a question to the ACC Director. Who won the competition for the design of the ACC logo? – Anelly From the regions* THANKS to the Administrators of Ruacana Village Council for improving our town’s infrastructures. Now we have proper roads, network coverage at Oshifo, etc. I hope that they will facilitate the establishment of banks and quality reception of radios and TV. – KN, Ruacana* ARE the allegations of negligence at the Oshakati State Hospital true? If the answer is yes, what is Minister Kamwi’s explanation to the nation?* MOST taxi drivers on the Oshakati-Ondangwa and Ondangwa-Oshikango routes must be taken through driving school again. They use cellphones whilst driving at high speed, they overtake on curves, they don’t keep in their lane, etc. It’s like the passengers are paying to be killed.* THIS is in connection with a speech delivered by Councillor Leevi Katoma. He spoke about a road to be built from Ondukuta to Okathitu then to Elondo. My question is why can’t they consider a road that connects Okahao via Outapi? This road is serving the nation at large, rather than constructing a road that will only benefit one individual. To us it is a surprise, because our political leaders are misusing their positions. Last but not least national planners must do something to all these malpractices. Through these doings one get a picture that politicians are selfish and biased in their development project. Please try and practice what you preach. Feed the nation instead of feeding your already well-fed stomachs.* THERE is no open market at a place like Outjo and this 17 years after independence. People are selling in the streets. Why can’t the municipality do something? Outjo is a gateway to Etosha. Most tourists pass through Outjo, why can’t there be a big open market where tourists and residents can buy whatever they need. – Benhard, Outjo resident.* THE Soweto township at Outjo was extended in 2004, but so far it does not have electricity nor water. There is not even talk about this by the relevant authorities in town. Houses burn down because of candles. Please help these people.* IF the people of Helao Nafidi know what is good for them, then they should get rid of that CEO. Council does not even meet to discuss issues yet the town is fast becoming a slum. That CEO is forever travelling, perhaps because councillors are also weak.* THERE is a shortage of water at Otamanzi village close to a school and clinic in the Omusati Region. Only one tap which is used by all. Please councillor do something! We are seriously thirsty. – Rauna* COMRADE M Nekongo what have we the people of Onathinge south done to be punished this way? Our water points have all been closed for no reason at all. We can’t get electricity in our houses even though we are only meters away from Onathinge Circuit. – Cde Doctor* WHAT Apius !Auxab did is common nowadays – when in position of power think about your brother. /Ui-krens and Goaos are approximately 20 km outside Okombahe, why provide electricity to these places while there is a need at Okombahe? We all know who is farming at Goaos. Who is confused now. Stop being a puppet.* HONOURABLE Mukupi, stop undermining the Swapo Party and leave the Caprivi Governor alone. We have lost trust in you.On the ball* MY humble plea to Big Ben is to please consider Ouseb, Hummel and Tjikuzu. We know what they can offer the country. As a nation, let’s not be narrow-minded and see the bigger picture. It is only human for players to slip up. I believe apart from apologising through newspapers, they are desperate to do that on the PITCH against the BEST on the CONTINENT.* WHO is the coach of the Brave Warriors? Is it Ben, Brian or Ronnie. I think its Ben with Brian as his assistant. Ronnie I don’t know, but he thinks he is the chief. Ronnie don’t try and push Brian out, he knows more than you about soccer.* BIG Ben Bamfuchile good luck to you and the boys in your game against Saudi Arabia. We don’t expect to win, but please make us proud.* HOW do football administrators expect fans to come and watch the beautiful game if they are subjected to missile throwing between rival club supporters. These unruly elements should be banned from football stadiums or brought to book so that we can watch our favourite game in a peaceful atmosphere.Thank you* I WOULD like to thank those girls who wrote ‘Shower of Voices’. It’s a very powerful book. Please make it available in all regions.* THANK you very much to the NDF for clearing some bushes at the Windhoek Central hospital. Keep up the good job and may God bless you. – Theophilus Ashmbanga, Eunda* THANKS Gwen. Why is it that whenever there is talk about the Lubango dungeons, Swapo MPs always refer to what the whites did during the apartheid regime? Why can’t they clear the issue? You know I am a Swapo supporter but now I am losing faith, trust and respect in them. My brother who was also there came home but many of my family members didn’t. So I’d really appreciate it if we (can) get this issue behind our backs. Please, Please.Food for thought * SCHOOL principals do not take the law into their own hands by suspending learners BUT they together with school boards have legal authority to suspend any misbehaving learner from either the school or hostel or both any time as per Education Act. It is their responsibility to promote and ensure good and suitable behaviour in schools. Parents and guardians must educate their children on how to behave properly and respect other people. So, if one does not want his or her child to be suspended she or he must do the right thing – instil discipline in his or her child.* POLICY MAKERS, please extend the policy not to name monuments and streets after living people to schools as well. What a mockery! * IN a local newspaper, TransNamib Holdings informed their esteemed customers that the Omugulu Gwombashe Star route between Windhoek and Ondangwa has been suspended until further notice. The advertisement is concluded with the slogan ‘Omugulu Gwombashe Star a proud product of TransNamib Holdings’. Yes, they pride themselves in something that is out of order. Yes, they pride themselves for not delivering a service. But don’t worry about the company accumulating losses year after year, tax money will solve the problem. Let’s hope the next Comrade General Manager will solve the problem.Politics in general * OK, Mr Moongo, it means you have all the tallies of the South African victims including those thrown in the sea. You were the VIPs, tell us some more! Small number, nonsense!! * RECONCILIATION is a reality, but most of the leaders are hiding behind this. Leaders we should be vigilant at all times, otherwise our beautiful Namibia will be destroyed by corrupt leaders.* I WONDER why people are complaining about Swapo leaders. Wait for the elections and show your displeasure through your vote. We want equal development, yet they think of developing and promoting one tribe only. The same apartheid style with few faces from other tribes, the rest is from the North.* LISTENING to the NBC Chat Show and Open Line, I’ve come to the conclusion that come next elections, people will not buy crap like some politicians asking if they want the Boers to come back or who liberated this country? Namibians are now politically mature. Keep it up my compatriots! Political parties be warned! * I PERSONALLY trust the administrative skills of our former Prime Minister Hage Geingob, but speculation that he may take over the presidency of the country makes me question, not doubt, his judgement, leadership and loyalty to the country
and its democracy. I mean when he was reshuffled by former Head of State, which is by the way his prerogative, he refused, resigned and said ‘try somebody else’ and left the country to live and work in America just to terminate his contract prematurely again for the reason still not known. – AB * I WOULD like to challenge the person who wants to teach President Pohamba on who is targeted by the sanctions against Zimbabwe to freely phone any household telephone in Zimbabwe and hear from the masses who is suffering and not from some researcher from under a tree.* EMPTY talkers. Hengari and Diescho must digest their ideas before publishing them. Give us a break! We don’t cherish your statements. Since when did Pohamba become a dictator? We need valid, wise and true ideas.* NOVEMBER 10 is a very confusing day for us, because according to an informed source the socalled festival will have a closed door meeting where Chief Garoeb will be given another five years to be the president of UDF, under the Damara people’s blue white and green flag, which UDF uses for political gain. It now seems that the flag does not belong to all Damaras. UDF must give back the flag officially to the Chiefs Council, because we Damaras in Swapo, CoD, Nudo, etc, are not welcome to such an event under the blue, white and green flag, which has become the property of the UDF. Please give back the flag and we will talk about unity.* IT is very good that the person was asking the Khorixas constituency councillors on development. I would like to ask the person to come to the office so that the whole process can be explained.* THE suggestion by Ngurare that Swapo leaders be elected through the process of ‘guided democracy’ is as archaic and anti-democratic as the doomed notion of the dictatorship of the proletariat of yester years. But Ngurare is right in one respect: The selection of 99,99 per cent of delegates to the forthcoming congress was guided by Mr Sam Nujoma. Mr Ngurare should promote the principle of unfettered freedom of members to choose their preferred candidate, notwithstanding the sad fact that these rights had been circumscribed by Mr Nujoma’s undemocratic behaviour.Education * CAN the Ministry please investigate the SI !Gobs exam saga, because there is a strong suspicion that the question paper for Accounting was opened.* WHEN I compare Bantu Education with today’s education I’m shocked because Bantu Education taught learners from a young age to behave and to live hygienically and humanly. Today the surroundings of schools are dirty and vandalised. The maintenance systems at schools are non-existent. No discipline exists in our schools. What puzzles me, is that the children of the Ministers are schooling at private schools in Namibia and South Africa, who are using a education system they opposed and our children are put in a system, which produces prostitutes and criminals. What is Mr Ngurare, as a youth leader of the ruling party, doing about this, or is the man also a messenger like many others? Is our education system developed to make the majority illiterate and poor, while liberating and giving superior education to children of the ministers to take over the corporate world in the future? * THE newly appointed Deputy Director for Omusati Education Region should focus on constructive strategies to improve the standard of education in this region by speeding up the creation of advisory posts and appointment of advisory teachers for all subjects instead of creating a paper trail of reports about the embarrassing performances schools, when she is well aware of the reasons why this region is performing so poorly. – SNS General * OMUZOROTWA explanation is appreciated, but why don’t you call a person the way he wants to be called e.g Damara. If this continues, it will enforce not only racism-tribalism, but hatred waiting for a naive politician or leader to make a public statement based on their false sense of superiority. The fight against corruption will not be won if we don’t use a double barrel gun to fight tribalism at the same time.* THANK you for that concerned client. I was also shouted at by the municipality, the phone was dropped in my ears while I was still talking to a lady at the metering department. I complained to their boss, nothing was done. The service provided by those ladies is very poor.* TELL me, is it only the Swapo Elders who must be treated with respect at hospitals? I, as an unknown elder, was treated like someone who comes from another planet although I came hours early.* IF traditional doctors are advertising in the newspapers that they can do a lot of things, why can’t they come up and trace the B1 Butcher.* WHY is the NDF auctioning beds and mattresses, instead of donating them to old age homes and orphan centres? * NO mention is made of the War Veterans, who were registered under the War Veterans Subvention Act of 1999. Do they cease to be war veterans and are their grants also repealed along with the old Act? * NAMPOWER better do something about the Van Eck power station. Our health is at risk. Black smoke particles are all over our houses. Measures must be considered before its too late. I know officials will deny this because this is a country of denial, where no one takes responsibility. – Bra Lee * JUST a question to the ACC Director. Who won the competition for the design of the ACC logo? – Anelly From the regions * THANKS to the Administrators of Ruacana Village Council for improving our town’s infrastructures. Now we have proper roads, network coverage at Oshifo, etc. I hope that they will facilitate the establishment of banks and quality reception of radios and TV. – KN, Ruacana * ARE the allegations of negligence at the Oshakati State Hospital true? If the answer is yes, what is Minister Kamwi’s explanation to the nation? * MOST taxi drivers on the Oshakati-Ondangwa and Ondangwa-Oshikango routes must be taken through driving school again. They use cellphones whilst driving at high speed, they overtake on curves, they don’t keep in their lane, etc. It’s like the passengers are paying to be killed.* THIS is in connection with a speech delivered by Councillor Leevi Katoma. He spoke about a road to be built from Ondukuta to Okathitu then to Elondo. My question is why can’t they consider a road that connects Okahao via Outapi? This road is serving the nation at large, rather than constructing a road that will only benefit one individual. To us it is a surprise, because our political leaders are misusing their positions. Last but not least national planners must do something to all these malpractices. Through these doings one get a picture that politicians are selfish and biased in their development project. Please try and practice what you preach. Feed the nation instead of feeding your already well-fed stomachs.* THERE is no open market at a place like Outjo and this 17 years after independence. People are selling in the streets. Why can’t the municipality do something? Outjo is a gateway to Etosha. Most tourists pass through Outjo, why can’t there be a big open market where tourists and residents can buy whatever they need. – Benhard, Outjo resident.* THE Soweto township at Outjo was extended in 2004, but so far it does not have electricity nor water. There is not even talk about this by the relevant authorities in town. Houses burn down because of candles. Please help these people.* IF the people of Helao Nafidi know what is good for them, then they should get rid of that CEO. Council does not even meet to discuss issues yet the town is fast becoming a slum. That CEO is forever travelling, perhaps because councillors are also weak.* THERE is a shortage of water at Otamanzi village close to a school and clinic in the Omusati Region. Only one tap which is used by all. Please councillor do something! We are seriously thirsty. – Rauna * COMRADE M Nekongo what have we the people of Onathinge south done to be punished this way? Our water points have all been closed for no reason at all. We can’t get electricity in our houses even though we are only meters away from Onathinge Circuit. – Cde Doctor * WHAT Apius !Auxab did is
common nowadays – when in position of power think about your brother. /Ui-krens and Goaos are approximately 20 km outside Okombahe, why provide electricity to these places while there is a need at Okombahe? We all know who is farming at Goaos. Who is confused now. Stop being a puppet.* HONOURABLE Mukupi, stop undermining the Swapo Party and leave the Caprivi Governor alone. We have lost trust in you.On the ball * MY humble plea to Big Ben is to please consider Ouseb, Hummel and Tjikuzu. We know what they can offer the country. As a nation, let’s not be narrow-minded and see the bigger picture. It is only human for players to slip up. I believe apart from apologising through newspapers, they are desperate to do that on the PITCH against the BEST on the CONTINENT.* WHO is the coach of the Brave Warriors? Is it Ben, Brian or Ronnie. I think its Ben with Brian as his assistant. Ronnie I don’t know, but he thinks he is the chief. Ronnie don’t try and push Brian out, he knows more than you about soccer.* BIG Ben Bamfuchile good luck to you and the boys in your game against Saudi Arabia. We don’t expect to win, but please make us proud.* HOW do football administrators expect fans to come and watch the beautiful game if they are subjected to missile throwing between rival club supporters. These unruly elements should be banned from football stadiums or brought to book so that we can watch our favourite game in a peaceful atmosphere.Thank you * I WOULD like to thank those girls who wrote ‘Shower of Voices’. It’s a very powerful book. Please make it available in all regions.* THANK you very much to the NDF for clearing some bushes at the Windhoek Central hospital. Keep up the good job and may God bless you. – Theophilus Ashmbanga, Eunda

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