SMSes of the Day: Friday

SMSes of the Day: Friday

* OUR blaming nation.Pupils fail, leaders blame teachers. Teachers blame students, the education system and lack of resources. Pupils break school rules, they get suspended or expelled, Parents blame principals, not pupils. Pupils drop out of school, they go in the job market armed only with an ID. They get low-paid jobs due to a lack of papers, they blame employers. If they don’t get any job they become prostitutes and-or robbers, they blame Government for lack of jobs. Leaders fail to deliver they blame it on apartheid. Opposition parties lose elections, they blame it on an uneven playing ground. Swapo wins with a two-thirds majority, NGOs claim Namibia is like a one-party state, Swapo blames it on the opposition not doing enough to win more seats. Residents soil and dump rubbish everywhere, it gets dirty and stinks or they allow shacks in their backyard, bills go up, they blame the municipality.

* NAMIBIA is a restless society. There is no peace in our churches, ethnic groups and political parties. Some Damara groups are rightfully rejecting the UDF flag and leadership. There is a looming split in ELCRN, because the Damaras are now rejecting non-Damara leadership. The devil is rejoicing! * I THINK parents, especially Oshiwambo-speaking parents with little or no knowledge of democracy, threaten their children with food and shelter and instruct them on which political party to vote for. Every Namibian has the right to freedom of choice. They said your vote is your choice, so parents, stop voting 10 times and more by influencing your kids to vote for your party and for your president. Only through free choice will real democracy materialise. My message to the kids is please do not be intimidated by your parents, vote for your own president, it’s your democratic right, so practise it. The time for change lies in your hands. – Shumbwa, KarasburgFood for thought* SHAME on Grootfontein Municipality. Now that pensioners received double pay, you decided to cut off their water to make bonuses for your workers, while the town is so dirty and awful.* NAMIBIA has strange things currently happening. Karas Abattoir and Tannery has been in the news for a couple of weeks after the Risto Kapendas, the Nghipondokas and the Tjihuminos were fired from its board. Did anybody notice that the board has no Karas resident on its list? GIPF is probably not aware that there are members from Karas contributing to their income. Why are we disregarded by Government? Are we not considered as part of this country? Why does the GIPF ignore or skip our Governor?* I AM A VICTIM TOO … I’m a light-complexioned black Namibian. My great-granny was a typical dark Namibian woman who fell victim to colonial German soldiers and gave birth to my granny, who looks like the unknown soldier who fathered her. My father was a true black Namibian and a Swapo member who was imprisoned from time to time for being a Swapo activist at that time. As kids we witnessed how he was brutally beaten up and thrown into police vans and taken to prison for almost half of the year. We grew up without a father figure in the house, so to say. I was a victim like others at the battlefront. I must also get a fair share of the deal. The liberation struggle isn’t over until justice is served.Politics in general* WHEN will the Swapo Government accept it has failed the Namibian people? Poverty, unemployment and inflation affect more than one-third of the population, yet Swapo still continues to mislead many people to vote for it. How do we expect our leaders to build this country if they have failed to maintain what was built already?* NAPWU leadership should concentrate on labour issues and not on politics. If you are affiliated to Swapo that’s your business, but you should know that some members of your Union are not members of Swapo. Stop politicising labour issues and look at how workers are exploited.* MR Ekandjo, stop insulting others in Parliament and produce results in your Ministry. Remember Honourable Moongo is a precious diamond to many Namibians, just as those you tend to protect in your party. Note this saying that what goes around comes around. For the record, Honourable Moongo is not the Chairman of DTA, but the Vice President. Honourable Moongo and your team, do not be threatened by misguided individuals and continue the good fight.* COMRADE President, it is now time to look to the people who where not in exile to give them positions in Government. Your own comrades from exile are leaving Swapo and those who remain with you cannot be trusted, during daytime they are Swapo and at night RDP.* WHEN the CoD was formed, Mr Ulenga was hailed as a hero, now the RDP is formed and Mr Nyamu is a hero. Ulenga is fighting for his status as CoD president because his followers claim he has failed them. Yeah, the new party is good for democracy, and I hope its leaders will tell us not the same things we heard over the years.* VIVA comrade Hidipo Hamutenya! I trusted you and appreciate what you have done for our country before and after independence. I hope you will strive for a better living for all our people in the Republic of Namibia. – Sam* OURS is the Land of the Brave. HH has bid farewell to Swapo. Many others will do so soon. RDP will form the next government in 2009. The whole truth will be told from 1964 to 1989 in exile. False heroes will give way to true heroes. Friendship with Mugabe will cease. Namibia has a bright future!* PLEASE Swapo, the way you are behaving is reminding me of the last kicks of a dying horse. RDP, do this nation a favour and expose Swapo publicly. Don’t use the detainee issue when it suits you, tell the nation the truth and you will see how Swapo will disappear from the face of Namibia. The wounds of the ex-detainees are still open and bleeding, help in cleaning those wounds the only way they can be healed.* NAMIBIA is turning into a real Animal Farm – the building of the Windmill (RDP) while the animals are divided and visionless – ”Two Legs bad, Four Legs better’. Where to Namibia?* HOW can we ex-combatants be assured that the RDP will take care of us? Please give us a statement on how you will do it before we join the new party. Otherwise, we remain in Swapo who did it before.* IF it is the democratic right of anyone to form or join any political party, why would the Shiyauyas or the SPYL panic about who they are? Please give the RDP space and air to breathe. Stop trying to poison the people who want to join. Just clean up your mess to earn your trust back. Nothing is permanent, unless it’s the absolute truth.* VIVA SWAPO! The RDP is dreaming, Swapo is here to rule. Those of you who think you can outmanoeuvre Swapo are fooling yourselves. Long live Swapo!* WELCOME RDP, we Namibians will join you. Hope your party will be for all tribes.* COMRADE Nyamu, we are behind the RDP. Would you please let us know our future leaders’ names as soon possible? We are getting tired of reading different media stories about our future party. We would also like to know about membership cards.* WAS there a new party in 2004 when the list of 35 was circulated at the Swapo congress? Are those demanding the names of those who have joined the new party wanting to compile another dirty list?* SPYL alleged RDP got money from the Swedish government. Whether this is true remains a question. However Swapo used to get support from Middle East countries and nobody said anything. What’s the difference? SPYL, don’t insults our intelligence.* PM Angula, peaceful political activity will not be necessary. We the youth from the four northern regions are ready for change. Sir, we will vote for the new party even if we cannot attend any meetings. We are fed up with Swapo and the old guard. Our returnee families live in Windhoek in utmost luxury. They visit us in the latest and most expensive cars. Our family that has stayed in Windhoek for close to 40 years live in Katutura, shower in cold water and visit by taxi. Your administration has become nothing but a self-enrichment scheme for the exiles. We are fed up with these ex-returnees who became in 17 years ric
her than what any Mudge could ever dream of being. Mr Prime Minister, we will meet at the ballot box.* OUR beloved Swapo Party is destroying itself through entrusting party leadership to hopeless, inexperienced, power-hungry reactionaries and or johnny-come-latelies. Instead of recruiting new members they insult people chasing them away in the process. Can we revisit the election of our party leaders at grassroots level? Many of these so-called cadres are only out for own gain and not the nation! Theirs is just to gossip and spy on other fellow countrymen.* HOLA RDP, welcome in the game and root out undone developments which the Swapo Government has only been shouting about for years. We really want to see you on TOP!!* SWAPO in exile was characterised by bad leadership and suffering of Namibians. Post-independence Swapo remains unchanged. It seems the party was only fighting for its followers and their wealth. If not, let us sing together – ‘The wind of change is sweeping across Namibia’ by giving others a chance to lead. – Willos* IT’S cost-effective to hold the King Council’s meeting after the Gaob Festival at Okombahe to grant Gaob Justus //Garoëb another term as UDF President, because he is the undisputed King of Damaras and needs permission from the KC for political activities according to the Damara Customary Law.From the regions* THE Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Regional, Local, Government and Housing come to the rescue of the Karas Regional Council. The Council is in crises of maladministration. Please do something before things get worse. You know all the problems and you are quiet. When are we going to reach Vision 2030 with these crises? Please do something.* WHAT is the Ministry responsible for resettlement doing to solve the water problem in Kalkfeld? How can there be a water problem in Kalkfeld if Omaruru, which is 70 km from this settlement, has enough water. Can we not get water from the Omaruru River if the wells in Kalkfeld have dried up? Don’t only use us for elections, see us when we have problems.* THE water problem is affecting the learning and teaching process at Okandonga primary school in the Oshikoto Region. Learners have to leave classes to collect water at a distance with teacher also travelling far looking for water in wells which make them late for classes. Please provide water to the people before we stop teaching. – Razz* The road between Otjimbingwe and Karibib needs attention from the relevant authorities. How long are we going to suffer and our cars be damaged?* IT’S very unfair that we don’t have NBC in the Aus area. It is now 17 years of Independence, how come we cannot hear any news? Please help!* OUR councillor of Ongenga Constituency is not performing well since he got into the seat. He only knows people when it comes to elections. Mr Shimutwikeni, we had enough with your leadership. It is better to give a chance to others.General* WE all know who the senior ECB official is. The question is will he get away it?* FNB and Woermann Brock in Katutura, please improve your appearance and customer service. We in Katutura also deserve good services like in town. – Sedney, Katutura.* IN response to the “concerned soldier”, please read ‘Aid to Civilian Manual’, then you will understand why. Secondly use the Chain of Command to air your views. Wake up soldier, this is peacetime and your brothers-in-arms are lying sick in the hospital, it’s surroundings you refuse to clean.* ‘CONCERNED soldier’ asks why soldiers are tasked to do voluntary work. Look around in the world, friend! Other soldiers help fighting wildfires, floods, etc. Be proud that the soldiers in Namibia also can help out or do you only want to drive your shopping to shebeens in NDF cars, as done in Okahandja?* YOU reported on the closure of Tanben College, yet an advert for 2008 Enrolment at N$10 per application form appears on page 16. Do they need cash so badly?* AFTER having read the article on the closure of Tanben College on page 5 yesterday in The Namibian, imagine my surprise at seeing in the same newspaper an advert on page 16 where the same college proudly announces the beginning of enrolment for 2008! Is the City Council all bark and no bite?* WE can’t sleep in Grysblok’s Kitaar Street (Katutura) as there is a bar next to us making noise the whole night. This is the bar next to the Okalindi shop.* I THINK parents, especially Oshiwambo-speaking parents with little or no knowledge of democracy, threaten their children with food and shelter and instruct them on which political party to vote for. Every Namibian has the right to freedom of choice. They said your vote is your choice, so parents, stop voting 10 times and more by influencing your kids to vote for your party and for your president. Only through free choice will real democracy materialise. My message to the kids is please do not be intimidated by your parents, vote for your own president, it’s your democratic right, so practise it. The time for change lies in your hands. – Shumbwa, Karasburg Food for thought * SHAME on Grootfontein Municipality. Now that pensioners received double pay, you decided to cut off their water to make bonuses for your workers, while the town is so dirty and awful.* NAMIBIA has strange things currently happening. Karas Abattoir and Tannery has been in the news for a couple of weeks after the Risto Kapendas, the Nghipondokas and the Tjihuminos were fired from its board. Did anybody notice that the board has no Karas resident on its list? GIPF is probably not aware that there are members from Karas contributing to their income. Why are we disregarded by Government? Are we not considered as part of this country? Why does the GIPF ignore or skip our Governor? * I AM A VICTIM TOO … I’m a light-complexioned black Namibian. My great-granny was a typical dark Namibian woman who fell victim to colonial German soldiers and gave birth to my granny, who looks like the unknown soldier who fathered her. My father was a true black Namibian and a Swapo member who was imprisoned from time to time for being a Swapo activist at that time. As kids we witnessed how he was brutally beaten up and thrown into police vans and taken to prison for almost half of the year. We grew up without a father figure in the house, so to say. I was a victim like others at the battlefront. I must also get a fair share of the deal. The liberation struggle isn’t over until justice is served.Politics in general * WHEN will the Swapo Government accept it has failed the Namibian people? Poverty, unemployment and inflation affect more than one-third of the population, yet Swapo still continues to mislead many people to vote for it. How do we expect our leaders to build this country if they have failed to maintain what was built already? * NAPWU leadership should concentrate on labour issues and not on politics. If you are affiliated to Swapo that’s your business, but you should know that some members of your Union are not members of Swapo. Stop politicising labour issues and look at how workers are exploited.* MR Ekandjo, stop insulting others in Parliament and produce results in your Ministry. Remember Honourable Moongo is a precious diamond to many Namibians, just as those you tend to protect in your party. Note this saying that what goes around comes around. For the record, Honourable Moongo is not the Chairman of DTA, but the Vice President. Honourable Moongo and your team, do not be threatened by misguided individuals and continue the good fight.* COMRADE President, it is now time to look to the people who where not in exile to give them positions in Government. Your own comrades from exile are leaving Swapo and those who remain with you cannot be trusted, during daytime they are Swapo and at night RDP.* WHEN the CoD was formed, Mr Ulenga was hailed as a hero, now the RDP is formed and Mr Nyamu is a hero. Ulenga is fighting for his status as CoD president because his followers claim he has failed them. Yeah, the new party is good for democracy, and I hope its leaders will tell us not the same things we heard over the years.* VIVA comrade Hidipo Hamutenya! I trusted you and appre
ciate what you have done for our country before and after independence. I hope you will strive for a better living for all our people in the Republic of Namibia. – Sam * OURS is the Land of the Brave. HH has bid farewell to Swapo. Many others will do so soon. RDP will form the next government in 2009. The whole truth will be told from 1964 to 1989 in exile. False heroes will give way to true heroes. Friendship with Mugabe will cease. Namibia has a bright future! * PLEASE Swapo, the way you are behaving is reminding me of the last kicks of a dying horse. RDP, do this nation a favour and expose Swapo publicly. Don’t use the detainee issue when it suits you, tell the nation the truth and you will see how Swapo will disappear from the face of Namibia. The wounds of the ex-detainees are still open and bleeding, help in cleaning those wounds the only way they can be healed.* NAMIBIA is turning into a real Animal Farm – the building of the Windmill (RDP) while the animals are divided and visionless – ”Two Legs bad, Four Legs better’. Where to Namibia? * HOW can we ex-combatants be assured that the RDP will take care of us? Please give us a statement on how you will do it before we join the new party. Otherwise, we remain in Swapo who did it before.* IF it is the democratic right of anyone to form or join any political party, why would the Shiyauyas or the SPYL panic about who they are? Please give the RDP space and air to breathe. Stop trying to poison the people who want to join. Just clean up your mess to earn your trust back. Nothing is permanent, unless it’s the absolute truth.* VIVA SWAPO! The RDP is dreaming, Swapo is here to rule. Those of you who think you can outmanoeuvre Swapo are fooling yourselves. Long live Swapo! * WELCOME RDP, we Namibians will join you. Hope your party will be for all tribes.* COMRADE Nyamu, we are behind the RDP. Would you please let us know our future leaders’ names as soon possible? We are getting tired of reading different media stories about our future party. We would also like to know about membership cards.* WAS there a new party in 2004 when the list of 35 was circulated at the Swapo congress? Are those demanding the names of those who have joined the new party wanting to compile another dirty list? * SPYL alleged RDP got money from the Swedish government. Whether this is true remains a question. However Swapo used to get support from Middle East countries and nobody said anything. What’s the difference? SPYL, don’t insults our intelligence.* PM Angula, peaceful political activity will not be necessary. We the youth from the four northern regions are ready for change. Sir, we will vote for the new party even if we cannot attend any meetings. We are fed up with Swapo and the old guard. Our returnee families live in Windhoek in utmost luxury. They visit us in the latest and most expensive cars. Our family that has stayed in Windhoek for close to 40 years live in Katutura, shower in cold water and visit by taxi. Your administration has become nothing but a self-enrichment scheme for the exiles. We are fed up with these ex-returnees who became in 17 years richer than what any Mudge could ever dream of being. Mr Prime Minister, we will meet at the ballot box.* OUR beloved Swapo Party is destroying itself through entrusting party leadership to hopeless, inexperienced, power-hungry reactionaries and or johnny-come-latelies. Instead of recruiting new members they insult people chasing them away in the process. Can we revisit the election of our party leaders at grassroots level? Many of these so-called cadres are only out for own gain and not the nation! Theirs is just to gossip and spy on other fellow countrymen.* HOLA RDP, welcome in the game and root out undone developments which the Swapo Government has only been shouting about for years. We really want to see you on TOP!! * SWAPO in exile was characterised by bad leadership and suffering of Namibians. Post-independence Swapo remains unchanged. It seems the party was only fighting for its followers and their wealth. If not, let us sing together – ‘The wind of change is sweeping across Namibia’ by giving others a chance to lead. – Willos * IT’S cost-effective to hold the King Council’s meeting after the Gaob Festival at Okombahe to grant Gaob Justus //Garoëb another term as UDF President, because he is the undisputed King of Damaras and needs permission from the KC for political activities according to the Damara Customary Law.From the regions * THE Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Regional, Local, Government and Housing come to the rescue of the Karas Regional Council. The Council is in crises of maladministration. Please do something before things get worse. You know all the problems and you are quiet. When are we going to reach Vision 2030 with these crises? Please do something.* WHAT is the Ministry responsible for resettlement doing to solve the water problem in Kalkfeld? How can there be a water problem in Kalkfeld if Omaruru, which is 70 km from this settlement, has enough water. Can we not get water from the Omaruru River if the wells in Kalkfeld have dried up? Don’t only use us for elections, see us when we have problems.* THE water problem is affecting the learning and teaching process at Okandonga primary school in the Oshikoto Region. Learners have to leave classes to collect water at a distance with teacher also travelling far looking for water in wells which make them late for classes. Please provide water to the people before we stop teaching. – Razz * The road between Otjimbingwe and Karibib needs attention from the relevant authorities. How long are we going to suffer and our cars be damaged? * IT’S very unfair that we don’t have NBC in the Aus area. It is now 17 years of Independence, how come we cannot hear any news? Please help! * OUR councillor of Ongenga Constituency is not performing well since he got into the seat. He only knows people when it comes to elections. Mr Shimutwikeni, we had enough with your leadership. It is better to give a chance to others.General * WE all know who the senior ECB official is. The question is will he get away it? * FNB and Woermann Brock in Katutura, please improve your appearance and customer service. We in Katutura also deserve good services like in town. – Sedney, Katutura.* IN response to the “concerned soldier”, please read ‘Aid to Civilian Manual’, then you will understand why. Secondly use the Chain of Command to air your views. Wake up soldier, this is peacetime and your brothers-in-arms are lying sick in the hospital, it’s surroundings you refuse to clean.* ‘CONCERNED soldier’ asks why soldiers are tasked to do voluntary work. Look around in the world, friend! Other soldiers help fighting wildfires, floods, etc. Be proud that the soldiers in Namibia also can help out or do you only want to drive your shopping to shebeens in NDF cars, as done in Okahandja? * YOU reported on the closure of Tanben College, yet an advert for 2008 Enrolment at N$10 per application form appears on page 16. Do they need cash so badly? * AFTER having read the article on the closure of Tanben College on page 5 yesterday in The Namibian, imagine my surprise at seeing in the same newspaper an advert on page 16 where the same college proudly announces the beginning of enrolment for 2008! Is the City Council all bark and no bite? * WE can’t sleep in Grysblok’s Kitaar Street (Katutura) as there is a bar next to us making noise the whole night. This is the bar next to the Okalindi shop.

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