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SMSes for Tuesday 2 June 2009

SMSes for Tuesday 2 June 2009

• WHY has not one of the political parties come up with logical strategy proposals to eradicate poverty among citizens? BIG is affordable, but the parties don’t want it. Compulsory Youth Service could bring improvement for poor youths. No political party supports it. All proposals which bring change among needy people are ignored. Why do poor people vote to become poorer.

• WHY has not one of the political parties come up with logical strategy proposals to eradicate poverty among citizens? BIG is affordable, but the parties don’t want it. Compulsory Youth Service could bring improvement for poor youths. No political party supports it. All proposals which bring change among needy people are ignored. Why do poor people vote to become poorer. Poor, wake up please!Food For Thought• KINDLY allow me to ask the question, are our morals fast deteriorating? I gave a ride to young ladies to Ben Appolus Street. When we got off the car they thanked me. With no warning or request to be excused three of them just pulled down their trousers to pee and even did number two in front of my friend’s yard. Sorry for bringing this up on the national agenda, but I was shocked. If there is no law can we find a way to curb this kind of thing. Politics• THE remarks made by former President Sam Nujoma about foreigners can do a lot harm to our tourism industry. – Pro-tourism• PLEASE stop blaming the President and Founding President for not attending the (anti-corruption) march. They have more important things to attend to.• DR Sam Nujoma has the right to say anything he wants, he is the Father of the Nation.• HONOURABLE McHenry Venaani of DTA, I am a Swapo member but I am always impressed by the way you present your arguments in Parliament. You are always focusing on real issues rather than attacking my party as your fellow opposition party members do. Even in your political rallies, you talk of realities (what your party is prepared to do if it gets to power). I wish your fellow opposition MPs can learn from you. You really impress many Namibians. Keep it up.• WHY was it necessary to store the ballot boxes at the Police station? • LET’S face it! Namibian politics has lost its vision. The State health service is in ruins, poverty (in this small Namibian population) is high, racism is still a big factor, so is illiteracy, unemployment and HIV! We need a new government! What’s the point of voting if the same old people are enriching themselves and their families? I am not voting in this election for dictators who don’t care about the average person!
• TO the brother taking Ms Lister to task, what you say about Ms Lister coming from SA might be true but we are already past that stage of colonialism in case you haven’t noticed. Stop living in the past.Bouquets And Brickbats• I WANT to thank MTC for the new LG Cookie that was on promotion. I am the happiest woman on earth. Thank you once again.- Diana KPRunning The Show• PERMANENT Secretaries should be serious with their jobs for effective service delivery. They travel too much as the President said. I like the story in The Namibian, the PS in the Gender Ministry is forever out of the country.• THORSTEN Schier in your report on the absence of PSes: PSes attend a Tender Board meeting every Friday from 09h00 till sometimes after 13h00.• THE Ministry of Home Affairs. What happened to the ID cards taking only three weeks? We have been waiting for months and are missing out on opportunities. Please practise what you preach. Lost And Found • IDENTITY card of Mr Kalunduka Shiimi Nghidipohamba No 86092600404 has been found. Contact at 081-308-8429Education• PERMANENT Secretary of Education, why did you put our ACE on hold? NQA acknowledges our ACE, now what’s wrong? When can we get our backpay? And salary adjustments? What’s really happening? We have spent a lot of money to complete our ACE at IOL. Please tell us in writing and send it to all the schools in Namibia, or reply in an SMS in The Namibian!- Teacher• THIS Etsip money, is it only for the directors in education, deputy directors, inspectors of education, subject advisors? A lot of workshops, so that they can claim S&T every time. This is the money from the World Bank, and should improve our education system. Is not money for some individuals. They must submit their reports of their workshops to the PS.• I’M very disappointed with how the Unam system works. I can’t write the exam just because I can’t settle my fees in time. I can’t blame anyone for my problem of settling my accounts.• A ROUND of applause to every fair science lecturer at Unam. For those who are against the students’ success, please change your style of failing people on purpose. Let’s hope everyone who deserves it, qualifies for this coming exam. – Tired biology student• TEACHERS who would like to specialise at Lower Primary phase should be trained in mother tongue because they are going to teach in the vernacular, especially language methodology.NBC• THE NBC TV change in programme is questionable. How can they change the Parliamentary Report to be shown at 09h00? During that time half of the nation will not be able to watch it! Some are at work and learners at schools. Midnight is too late. I think the usual time is OK! Review your change please!- Uutoni• WHY does NBC broadcast School Ground four times a week? On Monday it is 11h00 while learners are at school. Instead broadcast BBC news or some programme about technical skills which will inspire some people.- SASCity Fathers Please …• CITY of Windhoek, what is it with water running all over in Eveline Street, Katutura? Why are the car wash places not using the existing sewerage system? Please keep our city clean!Books• I HAVE 40 Readers Digest condensed books (hard cover) I wish to donate to a school, Poly or Unam. My No is 081-289-9449 or 243610 home.General • SOUTH Africa is going to bring in the army to help fight crime. Our relevant ministries should consider this as well. What is the army doing anyway, waiting for the ‘imperialist enemy’ or what. – Boets, Keetmanshoop
• MARTIN Mwinga, we are waiting for you to make the national budget easy for the poor people to understand, as you have been doing for years now. How much is there for poverty reduction for our regions, we want to go to our Regional Counsellors to access the money.• THE writer of the SMS on the abuse of English has a point. English is a second language for most of us Namibians but that is no excuse to abuse it. It is pathetic that even radio is being used to do so. E.g. a guest presenter of a sport programme on NBC Silozi Service mispronounces even common names of teams and players like Everton (Averton), Berbatov (Barbatov) … He calls Anelka, ‘Nelson Anelka’ instead of Nicholas Anelka. In Katima many call a pharmacy a ‘famous’. Our kids are being fed with too many inaccuracies. Road Hogs• SOMEBODY please explain why emergency security vehicles do not at times adhere to traffic rules? I have noticed that these vehicles especially G4 Security have become a big problem around Windhoek roads and are causing accidents all over the place, I’m not sure about other towns. Someone prove me wrong – the G4 Security vehicle accident rate on our city roads is much higher than the City Police vehicles and our paramedic vehicles. Please don’t think I do not appreciate the good work security companies are doing in protecting our properties, but sometimes I get the feeling that this rough driving is unwarranted. My appeal to security companies – please train your personnel properly to better equip them with the technique of emergency driving to avoid the maiming and loss of lives on our city roads.- Concerned road user!Labour Issues• MINISTRY of Defence stop discriminating against HIV-positive people. How on earth can you condemn them and refuse to let them go for training. Please look at both sides. Some people have only the virus and are strong and hard working. Please you need to change and let us fight poverty together with HIV affected people. – Tuhanganeni Service Please• I WANT to tell the manager of FNB Walvis Bay that their service is poor, you always find a very long line of people. We need three FNB ATMs in Walvis Bay.- Shivute• PLEASE allow me space in your newspaper. MD of Narraville Service Station please have your toilet cleaned.• PICK n Pay in Katima should learn to limit quantities. You will find there’s no cooking oil, eggs and bread because of Zambians who order to resell.• BANK Windhoek, can you please improve your cellphone banking service. It’s always out of order!In And From the Regions• MR President. We the community of Grootfontein need your help. Please talk to our municipality. The town is very dirty and needs development. Please we are suffering. • WHY are the most economical roads in Owamboland not tarred almost 20 years after Independence? They are Engela-Outapi, Oshakati-Omungwelume, Okalongo-Oshikuku, Okatana-Endola, Oshigambo-Eenhana, Ohalushu-Ongha and Nkurenkuru-Eenhana roads. Why build Tsumeb-Okatwitwi road when people could use other roads especially when those roads were tarred.• WHAT a shame for a town like Mariental. Most of the surrounding towns with village councils had built houses for their people. Now what’s the problem with Mariental with a municipality?

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