SMS Responses: Tuesday

SMS Responses: Tuesday

Patients running out of patience *IT’S sad to learn that patients are kept waiting for more than six hours to get their medicine from the Onandjokwe Lutheran Hospital pharmacy. Please help the patients speedily. Help the poor patients, those are sick people!

* CAN the Katutura clinic prescribe painkillers other than Panado. * THE hospital management must do something about the daily theft of patients’ valuable items such as cell phones. They are doing nothing to warn the patients about theft in the wards, creating the impression that they are the thieves or either are in cahoots with those stealing.* THERE has been no dentist at Katutura hospital for three months. Poor people are living in pain. No State dental services! Please tell the nation of our suffering.Swapo and the future* SWAPO members must start thinking as individuals. We must realise that comrade Nujoma needs time to enjoy his retirement. Let us not wait until he is no longer able to face the real succession issues without his interference. Let him stand down and only advise without being in charge.* IT’S very disappointing for Swapo leaders to always fight for positions and label it as an offer. Was this country liberated by one person? How many titles are going to award to one person? Please give a chance to others. Lets unite and say no to amendments to the Swapo constitution, no to National Chairman and no to life leadership!* WE should say goodbye to democracy once Sam Nujoma has been elected to the position of National Chairman of Swapo.* WE want a State President not a gate keeper. 2009 will rock this country, as people will get a chance to choose a leader they have been denied!What’s up?* THE ACC and the Muheua Committee should bow their heads in shame. If they don’t investigate the case of a former high-ranking official in the Ministry of Works who is alleged to have pocketed N$28 million in bribes then Namibia should stop talking about fighting corruption.* WHY was Maperes Bar re-opened? At least for those few days the bar was closed we lived in peace. The City Police should also check on a shebeen in Ermiena Street in Greenwell Matongo. This shebeen is opened from Thursday to Monday playing loud music throughout the night.TransNamib* THE mess in which TransNamib finds itself is as a result of ‘jobs for comrades’. It is time that we employ people with technical knowledge and skills.* POLITICIANS should learn that qualified Namibians should be appointed to manage parastatals efficiently. l hope TransNamib has learnt a lesson.* THE managers fired by TransNamib were the most effective and experienced. They were forced out because they did not belong to a particular tribe. Now we the taxpayers have to feed the bill for the law suits. Let the managers go back and contribute to the building of Namibia. This is a waste of talent, money and time.* TIME has come for TransNamib to be led by a CEO with sound judgement. I’m shocked to learn that N$1,3 m has been paid to two unfairly dismissed employees as compensation. What a loss due to the personal agendas and interests of one person. This money could have been used to bail out our unemployed youth from abject poverty or given to students at Unam and Polytech who couldn’t settle their accounts due to financial constrains. – MekondjoEducation* I THINK the Government is not serious about education. They have enough money to waste on the Avid investment, the ODC, the DBC – and so the list goes on. But there is no money to build schools.* UNAM should remember that many of the children studying there come from poor backgrounds. Expecting them to pay in full for their tuition and hostel fees by the fourth semester is impossible. Please reconsider your decision.* UNAM should stop charging exorbitant amounts of tuition and hostel fees for poor services, like not updating our results, which we get via sms, and erecting unnecessary structures.* WHEN will we introduce a national examination from grade 5 to 12? Why should we not do it as part of ETSIP? I am confident that it will be the answer to our education crisis. Teachers will work hard to cover their syllabi and scheme of work unlike now when they choose what, when and where to teach because they set the exam papers themselves.* OLD unqualified teachers must also have their services terminated by 2007. Most of them are poor in English and refuse to learn. So Nantu should serve the national interest and not individual consideration.* MINISTRY of Education please provide students with loans to further their studies. Stop telling them that the course they want to study is also offered in Namibia – the standards are not the same.Taxing matters and other issues* ALTHOUGH the due date for handing in tax returns was end of June, we the teachers are still waiting for our LBS5 forms from the Ministry.* WOULD the Governors, Councillors and the CROs in the Hardap and Karas Regions please STOP the petty fights among themselves. We want to hear DEVELOPMENT!* IS there nothing Namfisa can do to save vulnerable Namibians from insurance companies robbing the poor from their last pennies? I took funeral cover for my mother last month. After receiving my contract I realised that the contents of the contract were different from what the insurance agent explained to me. I decided to cancel the policy, but was told by the company’s customer care centre that they don’t cancel policies.* I AM sick and tired of Namibian sportsmen and women giving us excuses every time they perform dismally. Its time they perform.No wonder companies don’t like to sponsor them.* LAWMAKERS have succeeded in passing the new Labour Law which outlaws labour hire companies such as APS. Very soon these companies will stop operating. The next step should be to target security companies, which are no different from labour hire companies. When security services hired by a private company is charged N$3 500 per month only N$700 goes to the security guard with the rest being pocketed by the security firm. Labour hire and cleaning companies operate on the same principle. People should also act urgently against those operating security and cleaning service companies. – WM HatuikulipiThe NBC* THE NBC signal for Rundu has been off since Easter and we had been without reception for four months. Can the NBC please do something about it.* CAN the NBC please do something about its snowy screen during its daily broadcasts in the Ondangwa area. Compared to One Africa’s broadcast of a crystal clear screen, watching the NBC is an embarrassment.Uniformed forces* TODAY, go into any Police stations across Namibia and you will be greeted by mostly incompetent officers. Years of experience and expertise are sacrificed for socalled ‘AA’ appointments. No wonder the Butcher is still at large in Namibia. Inspector General you need to scrutinise your appointment above the Chief Inspector rank. – Malakai* COULD the Minister of Prisons and Correctional Services please investigate the appointment criteria at Prison Services? We want the best candidates, not sisters/brothers of the top brass. – E Namashongo* COULD the Ministry of Defence please tell me why only some army units are going for foreign missions? All soldiers need the money earned on these foreign missions – so consider others as well.General* Ondangwa Trade Fair must go ahead as planned. Whoever is blocking it is the enemy of the Ondangwa community.* I WANT to thank the Deputy Prime Minister for her efforts to uplifting the San community in Namibia. But, I would encourage her to also address the plight of the Himba people as they are also extremely disadvantaged.Thank you* VIVA The Namibian. I would like to congratulate our daily newspaper for the new sms system. That is freedom of speech for all. Namibia let’s tell it like it is!* THANK you guys for the brilliant idea of providing us with a sms service. Keep it up and good luck. We will support The Namibian all the way.* THE hospital management must do something about the daily theft of patients’ valuable items such as cell phones. They are doing nothing to warn the patients about theft in the wards, creating the impression that they are the thieves or either are in cahoots with those stealing.* THERE has been no dentist at Katutura hospital for three months. Poor people are living in pain. No State dental services! Please tell the nation of our suffering.Swapo and the future * SWAPO members must start thinking as individuals. We must realise that comrade Nujoma needs time to enjoy his retirement. Let us not wait until he is no longer able to face the real succession issues without his interference. Let him stand down and only advise without being in charge.* IT’S very disappointing for Swapo leaders to always fight for positions and label it as an offer. Was this country liberated by one person? How many titles are going to award to one person? Please give a chance to others. Lets unite and say no to amendments to the Swapo constitution, no to National Chairman and no to life leadership! * WE should say goodbye to democracy once Sam Nujoma has been elected to the position of National Chairman of Swapo.* WE want a State President not a gate keeper. 2009 will rock this country, as people will get a chance to choose a leader they have been denied! What’s up? * THE ACC and the Muheua Committee should bow their heads in shame. If they don’t investigate the case of a former high-ranking official in the Ministry of Works who is alleged to have pocketed N$28 million in bribes then Namibia should stop talking about fighting corruption.* WHY was Maperes Bar re-opened? At least for those few days the bar was closed we lived in peace. The City Police should also check on a shebeen in Ermiena Street in Greenwell Matongo. This shebeen is opened from Thursday to Monday playing loud music throughout the night.TransNamib * THE mess in which TransNamib finds itself is as a result of ‘jobs for comrades’. It is time that we employ people with technical knowledge and skills.* POLITICIANS should learn that qualified Namibians should be appointed to manage parastatals efficiently. l hope TransNamib has learnt a lesson.* THE managers fired by TransNamib were the most effective and experienced. They were forced out because they did not belong to a particular tribe. Now we the taxpayers have to feed the bill for the law suits. Let the managers go back and contribute to the building of Namibia. This is a waste of talent, money and time.* TIME has come for TransNamib to be led by a CEO with sound judgement. I’m shocked to learn that N$1,3 m has been paid to two unfairly dismissed employees as compensation. What a loss due to the personal agendas and interests of one person. This money could have been used to bail out our unemployed youth from abject poverty or given to students at Unam and Polytech who couldn’t settle their accounts due to financial constrains. – MekondjoEducation * I THINK the Government is not serious about education. They have enough money to waste on the Avid investment, the ODC, the DBC – and so the list goes on. But there is no money to build schools.* UNAM should remember that many of the children studying there come from poor backgrounds. Expecting them to pay in full for their tuition and hostel fees by the fourth semester is impossible. Please reconsider your decision.* UNAM should stop charging exorbitant amounts of tuition and hostel fees for poor services, like not updating our results, which we get via sms, and erecting unnecessary structures.* WHEN will we introduce a national examination from grade 5 to 12? Why should we not do it as part of ETSIP? I am confident that it will be the answer to our education crisis. Teachers will work hard to cover their syllabi and scheme of work unlike now when they choose what, when and where to teach because they set the exam papers themselves.* OLD unqualified teachers must also have their services terminated by 2007. Most of them are poor in English and refuse to learn. So Nantu should serve the national interest and not individual consideration.* MINISTRY of Education please provide students with loans to further their studies. Stop telling them that the course they want to study is also offered in Namibia – the standards are not the same. Taxing matters and other issues * ALTHOUGH the due date for handing in tax returns was end of June, we the teachers are still waiting for our LBS5 forms from the Ministry.* WOULD the Governors, Councillors and the CROs in the Hardap and Karas Regions please STOP the petty fights among themselves. We want to hear DEVELOPMENT! * IS there nothing Namfisa can do to save vulnerable Namibians from insurance companies robbing the poor from their last pennies? I took funeral cover for my mother last month. After receiving my contract I realised that the contents of the contract were different from what the insurance agent explained to me. I decided to cancel the policy, but was told by the company’s customer care centre that they don’t cancel policies.* I AM sick and tired of Namibian sportsmen and women giving us excuses every time they perform dismally. Its time they perform.No wonder companies don’t like to sponsor them.* LAWMAKERS have succeeded in passing the new Labour Law which outlaws labour hire companies such as APS. Very soon these companies will stop operating. The next step should be to target security companies, which are no different from labour hire companies. When security services hired by a private company is charged N$3 500 per month only N$700 goes to the security guard with the rest being pocketed by the security firm. Labour hire and cleaning companies operate on the same principle. People should also act urgently against those operating security and cleaning service companies. – WM Hatuikulipi The NBC * THE NBC signal for Rundu has been off since Easter and we had been without reception for four months. Can the NBC please do something about it.* CAN the NBC please do something about its snowy screen during its daily broadcasts in the Ondangwa area. Compared to One Africa’s broadcast of a crystal clear screen, watching the NBC is an embarrassment.Uniformed forces * TODAY, go into any Police stations across Namibia and you will be greeted by mostly incompetent officers. Years of experience and expertise are sacrificed for socalled ‘AA’ appointments. No wonder the Butcher is still at large in Namibia. Inspector General you need to scrutinise your appointment above the Chief Inspector rank. – Malakai * COULD the Minister of Prisons and Correctional Services please investigate the appointment criteria at Prison Services? We want the best candidates, not sisters/brothers of the top brass. – E Namashongo * COULD the Ministry of Defence please tell me why only some army units are going for foreign missions? All soldiers need the money earned on these foreign missions – so consider others as well.General * Ondangwa Trade Fair must go ahead as planned. Whoever is blocking it is the enemy of the Ondangwa community.* I WANT to thank the Deputy Prime Minister for her efforts to uplifting the San community in Namibia. But, I would encourage her to also address the plight of the Himba people as they are also extremely disadvantaged.Thank you * VIVA The Namibian. I would like to congratulate our daily newspaper for the new sms system. That is freedom of speech for all. Namibia let’s tell it like it is! * THANK you guys for the brilliant idea of providing us with a sms service. Keep it up and good luck. We will support The Namibian all the way.

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