SMS responses on issues of the day

SMS responses on issues of the day

From the regions * I’M VERY pleased with the work of the Deputy Prime Minister. Viva to the ‘Godmother of the San’! But who is going to look after the Ovahimbas? – LSK

* I THINK the two ATMs at Oshikuku should be guarded by security guards because people are being robbed of their money there. * COMMUNITIES living along the Kongola Water Pipe in the Caprivi Region are suffering due to a lack of water. What is regional government doing to assist the affected communities? Do you want to see people dying before assistance is availed? Please act now and save lives.* MY concern is with the gravel road from Oshakati to Endola, passing through Epundi, Omundudu, Oshimwaku and Ongenga being cleared every week using a grader. I regard this as a sheer waste of money as the road is hardly used as it passes through bushes. Who pays for the clearance of the road?* EVERY year roads are tarred in the North with most capital projects heading North. Do the people of Omaheke and Otjozondjupa not possess cars or pay tax? After 17 years of Independence, people in the two regions are still driving on gravel roads. Government should treat all the citizens equally!* I CALL on the political leadership of the Caprivi Region to seriously work on the development of the regional capital and infrastructure in the region, instead of just concentrating on petty politicking. Katima Mulilo is very dusty and dirty – we feel ashamed. Improve the image of our town.Health woes* THE laundry at the Oshakati State Hospital is not operational, because of a lack of diesel to start the generator. Theatre attire is not washed regularly because of this. Everything is in a mess.* I WANT to know why the Robert Mugabe clinic does not open during weekends? Clinics should open seven days a week, because we have sick people every day.* WHY are nurses on night duty forced to have a compulsory lunch hour at night and yet they are blamed for sleeping on duty?Katiti payout* CAN Walvis Bay councillors please shed light around the resignation and the pay-out Katiti received from the council. Please tell us the truth. Did Katiti resign or was he forced out?* DOES the Walvis Bay Residents’ Association want to sue the municipality because Katiti who received the payout is a black person? Would they have done the same if Katiti was white?Police cells* AS long as one’s rights are rightfully and constitutionally infringed on no problem. One must not equate Police cells with hotels. Stop violating laws and you will not be locked up.* I PITY people held for safe-keeping on minor crimes and trial-awaiting prisoners in nightmare and unbearable conditions at Police holding cells together with hard-core criminals.* WHY arrest innocent people and feed them to cockroaches and lice under unbearable conditions in Police cells?* SOMEONE wrote in yesterday’s edition that Police cells are not a 5 star hotel. Yes, it is not, but at least the people kept there are not criminals, they are suspects and are human beings and must be treated with dignity.Sports* I APPEAL to the Namibia Football Consortium to ensure that objective criteria are set for all categories of awards before the kick-off of the 2007 soccer season. The whole exercise is not transparent and is subjected to the whims of the the selectors.* NFA, why is it only Premier League teams enjoying better privileges than the teams playing in the lower divisions? Look at the fields where the second division teams are playing and the financial assistance they receive from the NFA for administration.* A REMINDER to sports reporters that the Namibian National Rugby Team are officially known as ‘The Welwitschias’ and not ‘Biltongboere’. And now the under 19 rugby team has also been baptised as ‘Die Nat Biltongboertjies’. Is the use of the term ‘biltongboere’ approved by the NRU and Sport Governing Bodies? – Basil Politics* THE SWAPO government should stop riding on the laurels of having liberated the country. People want bread on their tables. For goodness sake, how can a country that had one of the best infrastructures in Africa all of a sudden have hospitals falling apart, Government houses falling apart, law and order falling apart, Government Garage falling apart, schools falling apart, everything in shambles. Even the truth about Namibia’s history is twisted, as it is being abused by those who are said not to have wavered. The truth about the Lubango dungeons is being covered up, with no remorse about hundreds of true Namibian freedom fighters who have been killed and maimed by their own comrades. For God’s sake, let us move on from the politics of blaming colonialism, the Boers and the Germans and the imperialists, and start rewriting Africa’s history of a successful people who do not have to depend on handouts from rich nations of the northern hemisphere. We have the resources that will allow every Namibian to lead a good life. Let’s not allow us to be seen as another predictable African failure. Let’s all build the country together and not exclude those who can make a worthwhile contribution because of party politics, tribal affiliation, race or opinion.* WHEN will the Government bring the remains of my brothers who died in the Lubango dungeons? PLEASE!* THE Swapo Secretary General, Ngarikutuke Tjiriange, must explain to the nation what the position of National Chairman entails and what its responsibilities are, so that we have a clear picture before sending our proposals for amendments to the Swapo constitution.* IF GOVERNMENT officials working on the Northern Railway Extension Project are claiming S&T for spending time away from home what are they volunteering? In fact that project has become like a workshop where the so-called volunteers are benefiting financially for going there every time they run out of cash.* SOME people have been ministers since Independence. Will they remain ministers for life? I suggest that their tenures also be limited like that of the president of the country. Let the old ministers pave the way for the youth please.* PHIL ya Nangoloh should keep his stories regarding Sam Nujoma and Swapo to himself. It is a waste of time and misuse of the resources of those organisations funding the NSHR. He should concentrate on human rights issues and stop passing judgement on others.General* THE ACC has lost its credibility. Close its doors and throw the keys away.* I WANT to find out from the Ministry of Home Affairs and the United Africa Group why old people must register for their pensions four months before they turn 60? My father turned 60 in January and went for registration, but to date he has still not been registered.* HOW long should we wait for NBC TV to start its transmission to Mangetti Dune and its surroundings?* I DON’T know why why we pay for TV licences. I thought we pay to watch interesting movies. NBC is just repeating movies and they play movies in language that we don’t understand with sub-titles. Not all people can read – why can’t they just play English movies.* I WANT to know from the Namibia Qualification Authority if the Advanced Certificate in Education offered by IOL is recognised. The course is offered by IOL in conjunction with the North West University? I need clarity before is too late. – Concerned Teachers* Can the City of Windhoek explain why they allow people to still construct dwellings in Havana without providing sanitation facilities, water and electricity.* CAN the Namibia Institute of Mining Technology please inform us why they encourage Grade 10 graduates to apply for training while not admitting them to the facility? They should just tell us not to bother applying, instead of us wasting money on postage and paying for copies.* HOW did the thieves involved in the recent spate of computer thefts at various institutions in Windhoek know where to find the equipment? The number of machines stolen within such a short period shows that the thieves had inside information.* COMRADE Prime Minister, allow civil servants to get half of their pension to acquire houses, instead of leaving them to sleep in Kambashus. Let them use their money from GIPF now and not when they retire. – lipuleni ya Amweelo* CAN the registrar of IOL issue written proof to all students studying the ACE programme whether the course is recognised by the NQA. There are disturbing rumours doing the rounds that the course is not accredited by the NQA.* LOWER Primary teaching should be regarded as a priority phase and dealt with as such. Phonetic reading is the best method. Re-introduce it. Please. Thank You* THANK you The Namibian for giving a voice to the little man. They can ban The Namibian newspaper, but not my N$3 I spend every day buying the paper and the N$1 I spend on the sms. Keep up the spirit. – JDM* COMMUNITIES living along the Kongola Water Pipe in the Caprivi Region are suffering due to a lack of water. What is regional government doing to assist the affected communities? Do you want to see people dying before assistance is availed? Please act now and save lives.* MY concern is with the gravel road from Oshakati to Endola, passing through Epundi, Omundudu, Oshimwaku and Ongenga being cleared every week using a grader. I regard this as a sheer waste of money as the road is hardly used as it passes through bushes. Who pays for the clearance of the road? * EVERY year roads are tarred in the North with most capital projects heading North. Do the people of Omaheke and Otjozondjupa not possess cars or pay tax? After 17 years of Independence, people in the two regions are still driving on gravel roads. Government should treat all the citizens equally! * I CALL on the political leadership of the Caprivi Region to seriously work on the development of the regional capital and infrastructure in the region, instead of just concentrating on petty politicking. Katima Mulilo is very dusty and dirty – we feel ashamed. Improve the image of our town.Health woes * THE laundry at the Oshakati State Hospital is not operational, because of a lack of diesel to start the generator. Theatre attire is not washed regularly because of this. Everything is in a mess.* I WANT to know why the Robert Mugabe clinic does not open during weekends? Clinics should open seven days a week, because we have sick people every day.* WHY are nurses on night duty forced to have a compulsory lunch hour at night and yet they are blamed for sleeping on duty? Katiti payout * CAN Walvis Bay councillors please shed light around the resignation and the pay-out Katiti received from the council. Please tell us the truth. Did Katiti resign or was he forced out? * DOES the Walvis Bay Residents’ Association want to sue the municipality because Katiti who received the payout is a black person? Would they have done the same if Katiti was white? Police cells * AS long as one’s rights are rightfully and constitutionally infringed on no problem. One must not equate Police cells with hotels. Stop violating laws and you will not be locked up.* I PITY people held for safe-keeping on minor crimes and trial-awaiting prisoners in nightmare and unbearable conditions at Police holding cells together with hard-core criminals.* WHY arrest innocent people and feed them to cockroaches and lice under unbearable conditions in Police cells? * SOMEONE wrote in yesterday’s edition that Police cells are not a 5 star hotel. Yes, it is not, but at least the people kept there are not criminals, they are suspects and are human beings and must be treated with dignity.Sports * I APPEAL to the Namibia Football Consortium to ensure that objective criteria are set for all categories of awards before the kick-off of the 2007 soccer season. The whole exercise is not transparent and is subjected to the whims of the the selectors.* NFA, why is it only Premier League teams enjoying better privileges than the teams playing in the lower divisions? Look at the fields where the second division teams are playing and the financial assistance they receive from the NFA for administration.* A REMINDER to sports reporters that the Namibian National Rugby Team are officially known as ‘The Welwitschias’ and not ‘Biltongboere’. And now the under 19 rugby team has also been baptised as ‘Die Nat Biltongboertjies’. Is the use of the term ‘biltongboere’ approved by the NRU and Sport Governing Bodies? – Basil Politics * THE SWAPO government should stop riding on the laurels of having liberated the country. People want bread on their tables. For goodness sake, how can a country that had one of the best infrastructures in Africa all of a sudden have hospitals falling apart, Government houses falling apart, law and order falling apart, Government Garage falling apart, schools falling apart, everything in shambles. Even the truth about Namibia’s history is twisted, as it is being abused by those who are said not to have wavered. The truth about the Lubango dungeons is being covered up, with no remorse about hundreds of true Namibian freedom fighters who have been killed and maimed by their own comrades. For God’s sake, let us move on from the politics of blaming colonialism, the Boers and the Germans and the imperialists, and start rewriting Africa’s history of a successful people who do not have to depend on handouts from rich nations of the northern hemisphere. We have the resources that will allow every Namibian to lead a good life. Let’s not allow us to be seen as another predictable African failure. Let’s all build the country together and not exclude those who can make a worthwhile contribution because of party politics, tribal affiliation, race or opinion.* WHEN will the Government bring the remains of my brothers who died in the Lubango dungeons? PLEASE! * THE Swapo Secretary General, Ngarikutuke Tjiriange, must explain to the nation what the position of National Chairman entails and what its responsibilities are, so that we have a clear picture before sending our proposals for amendments to the Swapo constitution.* IF GOVERNMENT officials working on the Northern Railway Extension Project are claiming S&T for spending time away from home what are they volunteering? In fact that project has become like a workshop where the so-called volunteers are benefiting financially for going there every time they run out of cash.* SOME people have been ministers since Independence. Will they remain ministers for life? I suggest that their tenures also be limited like that of the president of the country. Let the old ministers pave the way for the youth please.* PHIL ya Nangoloh should keep his stories regarding Sam Nujoma and Swapo to himself. It is a waste of time and misuse of the resources of those organisations funding the NSHR. He should concentrate on human rights issues and stop passing judgement on others.General * THE ACC has lost its credibility. Close its doors and throw the keys away.* I WANT to find out from the Ministry of Home Affairs and the United Africa Group why old people must register for their pensions four months before they turn 60? My father turned 60 in January and went for registration, but to date he has still not been registered.* HOW long should we wait for NBC TV to start its transmission to Mangetti Dune and its surroundings? * I DON’T know why why we pay for TV licences. I thought we pay to watch interesting movies. NBC is just repeating movies and they play movies in language that we don’t understand with sub-titles. Not all people can read – why can’t they just play English movies.* I WANT to know from the Namibia Qualification Authority if the Advanced Certificate in Education offered by IOL is recognised. The course is offered by IOL in conjunction with the North West University? I need clarity before is too late. – Concerned Teachers * Can the City of Windhoek explain why they allow people to still construct dwellings in Havana without providing sanitation facilities, water and electricity.* CAN the Namibia Institute of Mining Technology please inform us why they encourage Grade 10 graduates to apply for training while not admitting them to the facility? They should just tell us not to bother applying, instead of us wasting money on postage and paying for copies.* HOW did the thieves involved in the recent spate of computer thefts at various institutions in Windhoek know where to find the equipment? The number of machines stolen within such a short period shows that the thieves had inside information.* COMRADE Prime Minister, allow civil servants to get half of their pension to acquire houses, instead of leaving them to sleep in Kambashus. Let them use their money from GIPF now and not when they retire. – lipuleni ya Amweelo * CAN the registrar of IOL issue written proof to all students studying the ACE programme whether the course is recognised by the NQA. There are disturbing rumours doing the rounds that the course is not accredited by the NQA.* LOWER Primary teaching should be regarded as a priority phase and dealt with as such. Phonetic reading is the best method. Re-introduce it. Please. Thank You * THANK you The Namibian for giving a voice to the little man. They can ban The Namibian newspaper, but not my N$3 I spend every day buying the paper and the N$1 I spend on the sms. Keep up the spirit. – JDM

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