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SMS Responses of the Day: Tuesday

SMS Responses of the Day: Tuesday

* THANKS Nawa Sport for bringing street soccer to Keetmans over the weekend. It kept our youth off the streets and away from shebeens. We also learned a lot through your HIV sessions there. Keep it up!

* EVERYBODY is aware – even a small kid can tell you – how AIDS is spread. What next? FEMALE CONDOMS MUST BE POPULARISED. Why are there male condoms everywhere. You have invested enough in men. If it was in females, then it could make a difference. – Claudie S BIG thanks* I CONGRATULATE Bishop Kameeta and his team for taking us in the right direction. BIG is the solution for poverty alleviation in Namibia. God’s people and true comrades, keep up the good work. What a great leader you are Bishop Kameeta. With your inspiration, wisdom and hard work you rescue the suffering people of Omitara. Dr Geingob, thanks for reaching out to the poor. Long live Kameeta – Long live BIG!* I SALUTE the man of the people. Bishop Kameeta thanks for being a caring Father for those who are suffering. I wish all leaders can emulate his great efforts. Long live the HERO, the implementer of BIGSoccer rage* MR Bezuidenhout change this statement to a better one “there are lots of channels that we offer besides football”. What if I subscribe just because of football. Can MultiChoice just replace the broadcasting of South African football with the Namibian league.* THE Managing Director of MultiChoice Namibia has failed the soccer-loving community of Namibia .* I ONLY subscribe to MultiChoice for the sport, in particular football, but de?nitely not South African soccer. So if we can’t watch English premier league, kindly pack up and leave Namibia.* SOUTH African can have their football. Give us the English Premier League.* I SUGGEST that all football lovers get together and boycott MultiChoice with its overpriced and under-served football offering.* DSTV, we receive noti?cations when the price increases. Why this time did your notices fail to reach all? GVT welcome to Namibia!* WE were never informed about reduced EPL coverage. Do something. They increased the fees in April. Now you have to reduce them, or give us full coverage.* ON DSTV. It is time for competition. They are the most expensive TV providers in the world. We pay a lot to watch EPL so bring it back.* WHAT geography is this? South Africa and the rest of Africa. We want our soccer channels back.* MULTICHOICE made us fools. What’s the difference between Su-persport Africa and Supersport SA. At the end, it’s all money for DSTV SA. Come on EPL, Liverpool, Man United fans lets protest against MultiChoice.* MULTICHOICE has betrayed the Namibian people by failing to show our favourite EPL. They should refund us and reduce the subscription fee!* MULTICHOICE has acted CRUELLY. How many fans were just waiting for the EPL to start only to ?nd out that they’ve been sold short.* IT is disappointing to be paying MultiChoice Namibia for services that are not provided. If they don’t want to broadcast live soccer matches during weekends they must go back to South Africa.* OK, MultiChoice let’s strike a deal. First, get rid of the decision makers who allowed for such a cruel thing to happen in an EPL-loving nation. Secondly, open a third bouquet with only the EPL for N$400 and you’ll see that the majority of your customers like football. I’M CHALLENGING YOU.* FOOTBALL lovers: What is MultiChoice (NO-CHOICE rather) thinking? That we pay for repeated movies or the outdated Channel O? No we don’t – we pay for EPL. So bring back my Liverpool or else you will lose a valuable customer.* WHAT is going on at Multi- Choice? Bring the English soccer back! We want to enjoy the soccer we are paying for? Let the South Africans watch their own PSL. Shame!!!* MULTICHOICE’S excuses are not holding water. I’m not paying the next subscription. Let us oppose this backward change in unison and in no uncertain terms.* MULTICHOICE must tell the truth. We subscribers never received their so called notices. It’s a pity their bills don’t get lost as well. Why must we understand their predicament? Bottom line is, they promised a service and now cannot deliver. If we’re gonna pay for non-service delivery, we can rather spend that money on NBC.* KOBUS (MultiChoice) I think the answer to all this soccer issue is simple. We must pay way less than RSA viewers – way less! WAY LESS …* WHY is there money to show us golf but no money for the biggest game in the world? This do not make business sense.* IS Swapo trying to punish the nation? Let us not forget that they are partners in MultiChoice – remember Kalahari Holdings – which is now starving us of our beloved English soccer.* NO, no, no. How could it happen that MultiChoice scored an own goal. They must put it right. They have hurt the nation.Health matters* WHY is it that whenever our standards are going down, we compare them to Africa, but when it’s superb, we compare ourselves to Europe. Please, honourable Kamwi stop the blame game. First it was (your management keeping you in the dark), then Ministry of Finance (not releasing the funds on time), then Home Affairs (work permits), then the Ministry of Works (for maintenance). Now it’s bad publicity.* PLEASE put my SMS in our newspaper. Honourable Kamwi, the nation has cried for a long time. God answered. However, the deadwoods are still there. Hospitals and clinics are dirty.Unhygienic smells make patients more sick. Poor quality cleaning chemicals are supplied. Industrial chemicals are damaging property. The same companies are given tenders every time, without evaluating their previous performances. Cleaners from different sections must be interviewed by people outside the tender of?ces and cleaning department. We want to enjoy our work. And stop being blamed in place of of?cials’ incompetency. – Maria* I DISAGREE with the Minister of Health, the condition in State hospitals is not good at all. Go to the TB wards at Onandjokwe and Oshakati. Disgusting. People are eating with cockroaches.* WELL done Minister Kamwi. You must just visit Onandjokwe hospital. Something must be done there, especially at the Nedbank block. I don’t think it’s very healthy. – Concerned* WHO advises the Minister of Health? Onandjokwe was established in 1908 before Government built any hospitals in the North, and acted as a referral hospital for Kongo, Eenhana, Onakayale, Elim, Okahao, etc. So don’t say it wasn’t a referral hospital since establishment. Get your facts right Mr Minister.The ICC issue* NSHR cool down and look forward – don’t look back, thousands of people want to sing, millions are waiting for the mess.* THE NSHR’S submission of complaints to the ICC should be seen as a positive move by us Swapo supporters to prove beyond doubt that all actions taken were in the best interest of the nation. Reacting by saying that we are going to defend Nujoma seems to portray that there is something to hide. This (ICC submission) could be a blessing in disguise, a platform to allow Nujoma to show that he is the father of the nation. Knowledge deviates all confusions and doubts.* PLEASE, Namibians, we must not tamper with our peace.* WE must rather wait for the ICC ruling on the Nujoma charges instead of making senseless premature counter-attacks on each other without any jurisdiction at all. – B.A.B, Karas* THE whereabouts of missing people who were arrested and tortured in exile still remains unanswered. Does the NSHR which campaigns for human rights act wrongly when it expresses the fundamental concern of many families in Namibia?* OUR respected father, Dr Nujoma, why don’t you leave your country to your successor and become a political advisor to the country? This will keep you out of trouble and the nation will always remember and hear the miracles you have done for your people and have peace of mind for the job well done for ever.* WHAT the hell is going on? Leave tatekulu Nujoma alone. He is such a good leader – no matter what he will remain the Father of the Nation.* IF the Namibian Police is impartial and apolitical when are they going to arrest Elia Ngurare? He talked publicly on public radio about the Swapo Youth League’s bazookas and other weapons that they won’t hesitate to use against Ya Nangoloh, whom I believe does not have guns. I also want to know why the old youths are allowed to have weapons of war?* I WANT to assure Phil ya Nangoloh of the NSHR that it is because of national reconciliation and democracy which gave him a mouth to talk. Never surrender Nujoma, we love you.* IF Nujoma knows that he is innocent, let him prove it at ICC then after that he can start with Ya Nangoloh. What is he afraid of? If he knows the law, he can even sue Ya Nangoloh if found NOT GUILTY.* LONG live Dr Sha?ishuna Nujoma! Don’t ever surrender, we are here for you, whatever the case may be. – Tangeni* UNAM students just ?exed their political muscle, like a youth of a nation should do. I don’t see how how their demonstration could have offended some people. There is so little involvement of the youth in politics. Rather embrace your democratic rights.* UNAM students – you marched in defence of your Chancellor. Remember your fellow students were locked out from the campus due to unpaid hostel fees? They slept in the bitter cold outside the campus. Instead of Kapwanga’s LLD diamonds granting a bursary to one of you, your Chancellor took it at the expense of his own poor students. A Unam application form costs N$70, which is not charged for at other universities. Spend your valuable time on your books. you don’t understand the political landscape of this country. – Your lovely parent!* SAM NUJOMA, Yasser Arafat, Madiba, Menahem Begin and other freedom ?ghters were never terrorists. Yet, Orlando Bosch, even Dr Death, Botha, the dead one, were terrorists. The NP of apartheid RSA was a terrorist party, so were the sponsors of the former terrorist apartheid regime. But please SPYL, do you really know what terrorism means? Sing songs aimed at maximising your chances of becoming MP one day, yet do it intelligently. Don’t use the Ya Nangoloh issue to feed your political agendas. To come to your level, I’ll say the 100, the 30 million (Namibian dollars) and other money were eaten by terrorists? Use terms that you understand!* MR Phil ya Nangoloh, you are totally confusing our children. They are asking “Daddy, what is going on? And who is Ya Nangoloh?* I THINK Swapo should welcome the submission by the Mr Ya Nangoloh to the ICC. I assume there were no dungeons and the investigation by the ICC will only clear Mr Nujoma’s name.* LET (former President Sam) Nujoma stop using “remote controls”. He must speak for himself. Some of those people were not even born at the time of the alleged crimes. We want to see him doing the talking.CoD* WHEN the CoD was formed I was elated but soon realised that I have to do with another bunch of politicians. Lets leave them to their in?ghting and start a new social democratic party with equal opportunities. – David F Viviers* IT IS an almost tragic performance of the CoD currently. Instead of using the health crisis at hospitals, the debate about reconciliation and corruption to position itself clearly and present ideas and concepts, it engages in leadership ?ghting. People often express discontent with Swapo, but honestly, fellow Namibians, where is the better alternative?* WHY can’t Ben Ulenga accept the audit report … and form an interim committee or is he afraid of what might come out or is he becoming power hungry like 90 per cent of African leaders.General* THE work security guards do in this country is not taken seriously. We want to join the demonstration, but we are scared.* SECURITY companies must understand the required minimum rate, because they have become too used to paying us starvation wages for a long time. Our lives and work are not respected and therefore I call upon NASGWU and NATAU not to surrender and if possible submit the issue to the court to be reviewed.* OUR PROBLEM: I work long hours (12) as a security guard at Oshikango, but our salary is very low.* WHY DO our VIPs like the Ministers not take their bodyguards out of Namibia? Are they needed only here in Namibia? ARE the Police too poor to give S&Ts to them?* TO THE Prime Minister’s of?ce! When are you going to increase the salaries of staff in the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, especially those from labourers up to chief control wardens. Those at warden’s position are not regarded as professionals hence they have diplomas or higher and the Ministry is the main sector to contribute to Namibia’s economy. – Yours, Cozmie* THE workers’ unions, why are they putting out the Swapo ?ags whenever attending to workers’ matters? Are they only representing Swapo members or do all workers support Swapo?* WHY is the Wanaheda Police station so people unfriendly? From the receptionist to the station commander, they’re all rude like nothing. You enter the station commander’s of?ce, he will shout at you without even allowing you to state you problem. Only the chief there is so pleasant, and he’s a white guy! How are we going to be willing to go to that station to report crimes? I WONDER …From the regions* WHY is it that some literacy promoters get their money, while since April up to now others have not got their payment. When will we be counted by the Government? – Ondobe* WHY is Gibeon not developing? We want want answers from H Witbooi.BIG thanks * I CONGRATULATE Bishop Kameeta and his team for taking us in the right direction. BIG is the solution for poverty alleviation in Namibia. God’s people and true comrades, keep up the good work. What a great leader you are Bishop Kameeta. With your inspiration, wisdom and hard work you rescue the suffering people of Omitara. Dr Geingob, thanks for reaching out to the poor. Long live Kameeta – Long live BIG! * I SALUTE the man of the people. Bishop Kameeta thanks for being a caring Father for those who are suffering. I wish all leaders can emulate his great efforts. Long live the HERO, the implementer of BIG Soccer rage * MR Bezuidenhout change this statement to a better one “there are lots of channels that we offer besides football”. What if I subscribe just because of football. Can MultiChoice just replace the broadcasting of South African football with the Namibian league.* THE Managing Director of MultiChoice Namibia has failed the soccer-loving community of Namibia .* I ONLY subscribe to MultiChoice for the sport, in particular football, but de?nitely not South African soccer. So if we can’t watch English premier league, kindly pack up and leave Namibia.* SOUTH African can have their football. Give us the English Premier League.* I SUGGEST that all football lovers get together and boycott MultiChoice with its overpriced and under-served football offering.* DSTV, we receive noti?cations when the price increases. Why this time did your notices fail to reach all? GVT welcome to Namibia! * WE were never informed about reduced EPL coverage. Do something. They increased the fees in April. Now you have to reduce them, or give us full coverage.* ON DSTV. It is time for competition. They are the most expensive TV providers in the world. We pay a lot to watch EPL so bring it back.* WHAT geography is this? South Africa and the rest of Africa. We want our soccer channels back.* MULTICHOICE made us fools. What’s the difference between Su-persport Africa and Supersport SA. At the end, it’s all money for DSTV SA. Come on EPL, Liverpool, Man United fans lets protest against MultiChoice.* MULTICHOICE has betrayed the Namibian people by failing to show our favourite EPL. They should refund us and reduce the subscription fee! * MULTICHOICE has acted CRUELLY. How many fans were just waiting for the EPL to start only to ?nd out that they’ve been sold short.* IT is disappointing to be paying MultiChoice Namibia for services that are not provided. If they don’t want to broadcast live soccer matches during weekends they must go back to South Africa.* OK, MultiChoice let’s strike a deal. First, get rid of the decision makers who allowed for such a cruel thing to happen in an EPL-loving nation. Secondly, open a third bouquet with only the EPL for N$400 and you’ll see that the majority of your customers like football. I’M CHALLENGING YOU.* FOOTBALL lovers: What is MultiChoice (NO-CHOICE rather) thinking? That we pay for repeated movies or the outdated Channel O? No we don’t – we pay for EPL. So bring back my Liverpool or else you will lose a valuable customer.* WHAT is going on at Multi- Choice? Bring the English soccer back! We want to enjoy the soccer we are paying for? Let the South Africans watch their own PSL. Shame!!! * MULTICHOICE’S excuses are not holding water. I’m not paying the next subscription. Let us oppose this backward change in unison and in no uncertain terms.* MULTICHOICE must tell the truth. We subscribers never received their so called notices. It’s a pity their bills don’t get lost as well. Why must we understand their predicament? Bottom line is, they promised a service and now cannot deliver. If we’re gonna pay for non-service delivery, we can rather spend that money on NBC.* KOBUS (MultiChoice) I think the answer to all this soccer issue is simple. We must pay way less than RSA viewers – way less! WAY LESS …* WHY is there money to show us golf but no money for the biggest game in the world? This do not make business sense.* IS Swapo trying to punish the nation? Let us not forget that they are partners in MultiChoice – remember Kalahari Holdings – which is now starving us of our beloved English soccer.* NO, no, no. How could it happen that MultiChoice scored an own goal. They must put it right. They have hurt the nation.Health matters * WHY is it that whenever our standards are going down, we compare them to Africa, but when it’s superb, we compare ourselves to Europe. Please, honourable Kamwi stop the blame game. First it was (your management keeping you in the dark), then Ministry of Finance (not releasing the funds on time), then Home Affairs (work permits), then the Ministry of Works (for maintenance). Now it’s bad publicity.* PLEASE put my SMS in our newspaper. Honourable Kamwi, the nation has cried for a long time. God answered. However, the deadwoods are still there. Hospitals and clinics are dirty.Unhygienic smells make patients more sick. Poor quality cleaning chemicals are supplied. Industrial chemicals are damaging property. The same companies are given tenders every time, without evaluating their previous performances. Cleaners from different sections must be interviewed by people outside the tender of?ces and cleaning department. We want to enjoy our work. And stop being blamed in place of of?cials’ incompetency. – Maria * I DISAGREE with the Minister of Health, the condition in State hospitals is not good at all. Go to the TB wards at Onandjokwe and Oshakati. Disgusting. People are eating with cockroaches.* WELL done Minister Kamwi. You must just visit Onandjokwe hospital. Something must be done there, especially at the Nedbank block. I don’t think it’s very healthy. – Concerned * WHO advises the Minister of Health? Onandjokwe was established in 1908 before Government built any hospitals in the North, and acted as a referral hospital for Kongo, Eenhana, Onakayale, Elim, Okahao, etc. So don’t say it wasn’t a referral hospital since establishment. Get your facts right Mr Minister.The ICC issue * NSHR cool down and look forward – don’t look back, thousands of people want to sing, millions are waiting for the mess.* THE NSHR’S submission of complaints to the ICC should be seen as a positive move by us Swapo supporters to prove beyond doubt that all actions taken were in the best interest of the nation. Reacting by saying that we are going to defend Nujoma seems to portray that there is something to hide. This (ICC submission) could be a blessing in disguise, a platform to allow Nujoma to show that he is the father of the nation. Knowledge deviates all confusions and doubts.* PLEASE, Namibians, we must not tamper with our peace.* WE must rather wait for the ICC ruling on the Nujoma charges instead of making senseless premature counter-attacks on each other without any jurisdiction at all. – B.A.B, Karas * THE whereabouts of missing people who were arrested and tortured in exile still remains unanswered. Does the NSHR which campaigns for human rights act wrongly when it expresses the fundamental concern of many families in Namibia? * OUR respected father, Dr Nujoma, why don’t you leave your country to your successor and become a political advisor to the country? This will keep you out of trouble and the nation will always remember and hear the miracles you have done for your people and have peace of mind for the job well done for ever.* WHAT the hell is going on? Leave tatekulu Nujoma alone. He is such a good leader – no matter what he will remain the Father of the Nation.* IF the Namibian Police is impartial and apolitical when are they going to arrest Elia Ngurare? He talked publicly on public radio about the Swapo Youth League’s bazookas and other weapons that they won’t hesitate to use against Ya Nangoloh, whom I believe does not have guns. I also want to know why the old youths are allowed to have weapons of war? * I WANT to assure Phil ya Nangoloh of the NSHR that it is because of national reconciliation and democracy which gave him a mouth to talk. Never surrender Nujoma, we love you.* IF Nujoma knows that he is innocent, let him prove it at ICC then after that he can start with Ya Nangoloh. What is he afraid of? If he knows the law, he can even sue Ya Nangoloh if found NOT GUILTY.* LONG live Dr Sha?ishuna Nujoma! Don’t ever surrender, we are here for you, whatever the case may be. – Tangeni * UNAM students just ?exed their political muscle, like a youth of a nation should do. I don’t see how how their demonstration could have offended some people. There is so little involvement of the youth in politics. Rather embrace your democratic rights.* UNAM students – you marched in defence of your Chancellor. Remember your fellow students were locked out from the campus due to unpaid hostel fees? They slept in the bitter cold outside the campus. Instead of Kapwanga’s LLD diamonds granting a bursary to one of you, your Chancellor took it at the expense of his own poor students. A Unam application form costs N$70, which is not charged for at other universities. Spend your valuable time on your books. you don’t understand the political landscape of this country. – Your lovely parent! * SAM NUJOMA, Yasser Arafat, Madiba, Menahem Begin and other freedom ?ghters were never terrorists. Yet, Orlando Bosch, even Dr Death, Botha, the dead one, were terrorists. The NP of apartheid RSA was a terrorist party, so were the sponsors of the former terrorist apartheid regime. But please SPYL, do you really know what terrorism means? Sing songs aimed at maximising your chances of becoming MP one day, yet do it intelligently. Don’t use the Ya Nangoloh issue to feed your political agendas. To come to your level, I’ll say the 100, the 30 million (Namibian dollars) and other money were eaten by terrorists? Use terms that you understand! * MR Phil ya Nangoloh, you are totally confusing our children. They are asking “Daddy, what is going on? And who is Ya Nangoloh? * I THINK Swapo should welcome the submission by the Mr Ya Nangoloh to the ICC. I assume there were no dungeons and the investigation by the ICC will only clear Mr Nujoma’s name.* LET (former President Sam) Nujoma stop using “remote controls”. He must speak for himself. Some of those people were not even born at the time of the alleged crimes. We want to see him doing the talking.CoD * WHEN the CoD was formed I was elated but soon realised that I have to do with another bunch of politicians. Lets leave them to their in?ghting and start a new social democratic party with equal opportunities. – David F Viviers * IT IS an almost tragic performance of the CoD currently. Instead of using the health crisis at hospitals, the debate about reconciliation and corruption to position itself clearly and present ideas and concepts, it engages in leadership ?ghting. People often express discontent with Swapo, but honestly, fellow Namibians, where is the better alternative? * WHY can’t Ben Ulenga accept the audit report … and form an interim committee or is he afraid of what might come out or is he becoming power hungry like 90 per cent of African leaders.General * THE work security guards do in this country is not taken seriously. We want to join the demonstration, but we are scared.* SECURITY companies must understand the required minimum rate, because they have become too used to paying us starvation wages for a long time. Our lives and work are not respected and therefore I call upon NASGWU and NATAU not to surrender and if possible submit the issue to the court to be reviewed.* OUR PROBLEM: I work long hours (12) as a security guard at Oshikango, but our salary is very low.* WHY DO our VIPs like the Ministers not take their bodyguards out of Namibia? Are they needed only here in Namibia? ARE the Police too poor to give S&Ts to them? * TO THE Prime Minister’s of?ce! When are you going to increase the salaries of staff in the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, especially those from labourers up to chief control wardens. Those at warden’s position are not regarded as professionals hence they have diplomas or higher and the Ministry is the main sector to contribute to Namibia’s economy. – Yours, Cozmie * THE workers’ unions, why are they putting out the Swapo ?ags whenever attending to workers’ matters? Are they only representing Swapo members or do all workers support Swapo? * WHY is the Wanaheda Police station so people unfriendly? From the receptionist to the station commander, they’re all rude like nothing. You enter the station commander’s of?ce, he will shout at you without even allowing you to state you problem. Only the chief there is so pleasant, and he’s a white guy! How are we going to be willing to go to that station to report crimes? I WONDER …From the regions * WHY is it that some literacy promoters get their money, while since April up to now others have not got their payment. When will we be counted by the Government? – Ondobe * WHY is Gibeon not developing? We want want answers from H Witbooi.

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