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SMS Of The Day : Tuesday

SMS Of The Day : Tuesday

* EVERY time you open The Namibian you get confronted by some or other “parliamentarian” uttering obscene statements about opposition members. Namibia is supposed to be a democratic country and our leaders should respect this. What will happen if people insult them in the media and at rallies? Will action be taken against them? If not, then we should all utter some truths about our leaders and shame them into the “history dustbins where they belong”.

Food For Thought * THERE was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend. One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her “Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?” The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying. “Just take care of my eyes please.” This is how humans change when their status changes. Only a few remember what life was before, and who has always been there in the most painful situations.Politics* IF only the opposition parties could devote as much energy to campaigning as they do to complaining. Get your priorities right, and then you might even manage to get a couple of votes!* IS it a culture of Swapo to say others belonging in dustbins? That is the least I expected from the Founding Father.* SWAPO Party members disrupting RDP meetings are denting the image of Namibia as a stable democratic country.* NAMIBIANS let’s support MPs like (McHenry Venaani), who requested the write-off of the water bills in rural areas, because it makes sense whether he is a DTA member or not. It is a national problem. – Nick* DEAR Comrade Swapo MPs, who is clever enough to bring Mr McHenry Venaani to Swapo? I want him to become Minister of Lands and Resettlement. – Kappa* DEAR Gwen Lister, for the sake of peace and harmony in this country, will you please ban using the term “Omusati clique” in your newspaper? It sucks and it is fuelling regionalism, ethnicity and political hatred. It is as nasty as calling others Kaffir, Boers, Kwanghalas etc. The term is being taken literally and is now used to discriminate against ordinary citizens such as learners and job seekers from Omusati. Any sensible Namibian will agree. – FFH, Ogongo* MADAM Lister I fully agree with your Political Perspective of Friday, but am not happy with your consistent approval/use of the term Omusati Clique, which I believe is tribal/regional/discriminatory and may incite hatred, violence, exclusion etc. You are a journalist madam, so avoid the use of your newspaper for tribal/regional agendas. Stop the use of terms like so and so clique, tribe, race. After all we are Namibians. – Nahum* IT’S about time for Ndilimani to compose new songs for Swapo Party. It’s the old liberation struggle songs that narrow the minds of some leaders and members. – Lady AnnPolitics In General* ALL African leaders please wake up and save Zimbabwe and Africa at large from Robert Mugabe. How many Africans do you want to die all just because of one selfish and power-greedy individual like Bob?Bouquets And Brickbats* ON Saturday I had the privilege of being at Eros Primary School [in Windhoek] and everywhere I looked I saw no racial divide. It gave me new hope for a new Namibian generation. Keep it up. Way to go, Eros Primary School!* THE toilets at Mpacha airport at Katima are disgusting! Please do something! It is unhygienic! Please.* I WONDER where the airport company thinks a woman is supposed to put her coat and bag while in the toilet? I assume that a company that can’t install properly flushing loos, just can’t score with wall hooks at all.In And From The Regions* Mr Ndeitunga, why are the Police at Oshivelo still harassing us and demanding IDs like the colonial police? Isn’t Namibia free at last that we can travel without fear of being suspected?* ONGWEDIVA Town Council please remove our garden refuse on time and not take a month while we are paying for the services. – Concerned resident.* MVA Fund, Road Authority and Traffic Department, there is overloading of taxis and speeding between Okalongo and Oshikuku. We want a permanent roadblock.* IN Ongwediva, there is a church that has opened between business houses and makes more noise every day than the noise made by the bars. How can you mix recreational facilities with spiritual sermons? Those in charge, please do some thing.Think Tank* ‘SWAPO think tank’?! An oxymoron like military intelligence! Quo vadis, Namibia?* MR (Elijah) Ngurare of SPYL, will it be a Guided Think Tank? Your comments please, sir!* IT is rather unfortunate that an assistant governor of the Reserve Bank agreed to be a member of a political party think tank. We need him to appear impartial and not openly take part in party activities. Ipumbu Shiimi should resign from the party think tank. He must understand the conduct of central bankers. – Concerned economist* SWAPO ‘think’ tank? Contradiction in terms!* WHERE is the sport in your Swapo new think tank, why don’t you take Rusten Mogane because he is also a tried and tested comrade? Or is sport not your interest?General* IN an interview with The Nam­ibian’s Christof Maletsky, The Hon Minister Joel Kaapanda set the record straight that: “People can belong to any political party but they should do their work. Any minister in a government will be preoccupied with the performance of his ministry. Not with who belongs to which political party.” I wish that is not a theory or window-dressing statement. SPYL is advocating jobs for comrades. Meaning that a Swapo membership card is the key requirement for one to work for GRN and drive GRN cars. There is a need to educate the public about the Minister’s theory. SPYL’s (Elijah) Ngurare and NUNW’s (Evilastus) Kaaronda need a refresher course or they must consult with the Hon Minister. I hope he is not hibernating in Swapo. Go and get it from the horse’s mouth!* FATHER of the Nation, tell the GRN to give that N$21 million to the City of Windhoek to provide water, electricity and sanitation in the informal settlements.* SHAME on some of the pastors of the Lutheran Church for the unchristian manner in which you acted at Saturday evening Memorial of Pastor Laban Gaoab.* IF a person requested a page for Oshiwambo SMSes, it doesn’t mean all the Owambo-speakers or The Namibian want it that way. It has not been approved and yet some people are reacting as if it is done. Let us be realistic. The poverty and suffering in Namibia is affecting all, just as the fat cats are from all tribes.* NAMPOL ONDANGWA COLLEGE. Imagine you are a Police recruit, married or single, having kids and a family out there. For six consecutive months you are subjected to inhumane degrading treatment including insults, which is apparently part of training, with little rest. My point is this don’t recruits have conjugal rights, rights to see their families and kids? Is your agenda to break up relationships? Or why can’t you give recruits off for a week?* THE N$21 million will show us whether our leaders are there for us or for themselves. What is the use of a new State House which offers enough space for Tate (Sam Nujoma). Please put N$21 million in our mouths. – Mr Poor* ACC what has happened with your investigations at Otavi Village Council?* EDITOR, could you please seek feedback to our SMSes, especially to issues pertaining to corruption. Put ACC and the Office of the Ombudsman to task. I’ve lost faith in the ACC. – We are planning to organise an interview with the Anti-Corruption Commission to be able to inform readers on how their office works. – Newsdesk* DEACON Konjore. Please don’t lose your high calling by serving two masters. You’ve already tabled the Gambling Act. What else do you want to table? Go and serve your flock.Education* I THINK Agnes Samaria must stop the blame game and just retire gracefully, then come back to what she does bes
t, teaching.* WHY are teachers from private schools used to draw up exam papers for State schools in Grades 10 and 12? We do not need them. We have our own competent teachers, despite what others might think. Please explain minister.* CAN the Ministry of Education and NQA at least publish all registered institutions and accredited qualifications in local newspapers, so that whenever we apply we really know and that we are not wasting our money. Not all of us can reach their offices to see the list of such institutions.* I FAIL to understand why the selection committee at WCE ignored the ministry policy that stated that if a learner is upgrading she/he “must have obtained 20 points in the last examination”. I have 28 points, but I got a letter of regrets stating that I should have a D in English, though I am currently improving it at Tucsin. Feedback please. – Furious Student, Ondangwa* MINISTRY of Education, hope you donated sufficient funds to Zimbabwe and reached your goal of training street teachers of maths and science. Keep on donating.Face Of Namibia* NOT only is Windhoek Lager using a foreign face for their new campaign, they are also filming in a foreign country as if we don’t have crew and production companies in Namibia. Hands up, MTC, thank you for believing in Namibian filmmakers.* NAMIBIA Breweries. Why do we need a Hollywood actor as the face of Windhoek Lager? Why not a Namibian? Stop selling Namibia short.* WHAT is so real in using Louis Gosset Jnr to be the face for Windhoek Lager? Thousands (of dollars) are going to leave the country that way. I wonder if he ever really tasted a Windhoek Lager before! – Clarice TheysHealth Matters* HAS anybody seen the filth in the grounds of the MOHSS on the side of the nurses’ home? I really hope that something will be done soon to remove the eyesore! It is unacceptable for the Health Ministry to look like that. What example are they to the community?* WINDHOEK Central Hospital reception reads: Under no any circumstances will anyone be exempted from paying the hospital user fees. Now a question to Mr Kamwi, where does that leave the elders who cannot pay such fees? Because they are being told to read that statement when they seek help. Please help.* EDITOR, first I would like to thank you for allowing my complaint in your space. I have a problem with smokers. We share the same ghetto. There are no windows. They always smoke, especially at night. I’m not a smoker. I feel bad from it. How can a human being do such things to others? In fact it’s a high risk of TB. Can you please educate them about smoking. – Swakopmund* THERE was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend. One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her “Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?” The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying. “Just take care of my eyes please.” This is how humans change when their status changes. Only a few remember what life was before, and who has always been there in the most painful situations.Politics * IF only the opposition parties could devote as much energy to campaigning as they do to complaining. Get your priorities right, and then you might even manage to get a couple of votes! * IS it a culture of Swapo to say others belonging in dustbins? That is the least I expected from the Founding Father.* SWAPO Party members disrupting RDP meetings are denting the image of Namibia as a stable democratic country.* NAMIBIANS let’s support MPs like (McHenry Venaani), who requested the write-off of the water bills in rural areas, because it makes sense whether he is a DTA member or not. It is a national problem. – Nick * DEAR Comrade Swapo MPs, who is clever enough to bring Mr McHenry Venaani to Swapo? I want him to become Minister of Lands and Resettlement. – Kappa * DEAR Gwen Lister, for the sake of peace and harmony in this country, will you please ban using the term “Omusati clique” in your newspaper? It sucks and it is fuelling regionalism, ethnicity and political hatred. It is as nasty as calling others Kaffir, Boers, Kwanghalas etc. The term is being taken literally and is now used to discriminate against ordinary citizens such as learners and job seekers from Omusati. Any sensible Namibian will agree. – FFH, Ogongo * MADAM Lister I fully agree with your Political Perspective of Friday, but am not happy with your consistent approval/use of the term Omusati Clique, which I believe is tribal/regional/discriminatory and may incite hatred, violence, exclusion etc. You are a journalist madam, so avoid the use of your newspaper for tribal/regional agendas. Stop the use of terms like so and so clique, tribe, race. After all we are Namibians. – Nahum * IT’S about time for Ndilimani to compose new songs for Swapo Party. It’s the old liberation struggle songs that narrow the minds of some leaders and members. – Lady Ann Politics In General * ALL African leaders please wake up and save Zimbabwe and Africa at large from Robert Mugabe. How many Africans do you want to die all just because of one selfish and power-greedy individual like Bob? Bouquets And Brickbats * ON Saturday I had the privilege of being at Eros Primary School [in Windhoek] and everywhere I looked I saw no racial divide. It gave me new hope for a new Namibian generation. Keep it up. Way to go, Eros Primary School! * THE toilets at Mpacha airport at Katima are disgusting! Please do something! It is unhygienic! Please. * I WONDER where the airport company thinks a woman is supposed to put her coat and bag while in the toilet? I assume that a company that can’t install properly flushing loos, just can’t score with wall hooks at all.In And From The Regions * Mr Ndeitunga, why are the Police at Oshivelo still harassing us and demanding IDs like the colonial police? Isn’t Namibia free at last that we can travel without fear of being suspected? * ONGWEDIVA Town Council please remove our garden refuse on time and not take a month while we are paying for the services. – Concerned resident.* MVA Fund, Road Authority and Traffic Department, there is overloading of taxis and speeding between Okalongo and Oshikuku. We want a permanent roadblock.* IN Ongwediva, there is a church that has opened between business houses and makes more noise every day than the noise made by the bars. How can you mix recreational facilities with spiritual sermons? Those in charge, please do some thing.Think Tank * ‘SWAPO think tank’?! An oxymoron like military intelligence! Quo vadis, Namibia? * MR (Elijah) Ngurare of SPYL, will it be a Guided Think Tank? Your comments please, sir! * IT is rather unfortunate that an assistant governor of the Reserve Bank agreed to be a member of a political party think tank. We need him to appear impartial and not openly take part in party activities. Ipumbu Shiimi should resign from the party think tank. He must understand the conduct of central bankers. – Concerned economist * SWAPO ‘think’ tank? Contradiction in terms! * WHERE is the sport in your Swapo new think tank, why don’t you take Rusten Mogane because he is also a tried and tested comrade? Or is sport not your interest? General * IN an interview with The Nam­ibian’s Christof Maletsky, The Hon Minister Joel Kaapanda set the record straight that: “People can belong to any political party but they should do their work. Any minister in a government will be preoccupied with the performance of his ministry. Not with who belongs to which political party.” I wish that is not a theory or window-dressing statement. SPYL is advocating jobs for comrades. Meaning that a Swapo membership card is the key requirement for one to work for GRN and drive GRN cars. There is a need to educate the public about the Minister’s theory. SPYL’s (Elijah) Ngurare and NUNW’s (Evilastus) Kaaronda need a refresher c
ourse or they must consult with the Hon Minister. I hope he is not hibernating in Swapo. Go and get it from the horse’s mouth! * FATHER of the Nation, tell the GRN to give that N$21 million to the City of Windhoek to provide water, electricity and sanitation in the informal settlements.* SHAME on some of the pastors of the Lutheran Church for the unchristian manner in which you acted at Saturday evening Memorial of Pastor Laban Gaoab. * IF a person requested a page for Oshiwambo SMSes, it doesn’t mean all the Owambo-speakers or The Namibian want it that way. It has not been approved and yet some people are reacting as if it is done. Let us be realistic. The poverty and suffering in Namibia is affecting all, just as the fat cats are from all tribes.* NAMPOL ONDANGWA COLLEGE. Imagine you are a Police recruit, married or single, having kids and a family out there. For six consecutive months you are subjected to inhumane degrading treatment including insults, which is apparently part of training, with little rest. My point is this don’t recruits have conjugal rights, rights to see their families and kids? Is your agenda to break up relationships? Or why can’t you give recruits off for a week? * THE N$21 million will show us whether our leaders are there for us or for themselves. What is the use of a new State House which offers enough space for Tate (Sam Nujoma). Please put N$21 million in our mouths. – Mr Poor * ACC what has happened with your investigations at Otavi Village Council? * EDITOR, could you please seek feedback to our SMSes, especially to issues pertaining to corruption. Put ACC and the Office of the Ombudsman to task. I’ve lost faith in the ACC. – We are planning to organise an interview with the Anti-Corruption Commission to be able to inform readers on how their office works. – Newsdesk * DEACON Konjore. Please don’t lose your high calling by serving two masters. You’ve already tabled the Gambling Act. What else do you want to table? Go and serve your flock.Education * I THINK Agnes Samaria must stop the blame game and just retire gracefully, then come back to what she does best, teaching.* WHY are teachers from private schools used to draw up exam papers for State schools in Grades 10 and 12? We do not need them. We have our own competent teachers, despite what others might think. Please explain minister.* CAN the Ministry of Education and NQA at least publish all registered institutions and accredited qualifications in local newspapers, so that whenever we apply we really know and that we are not wasting our money. Not all of us can reach their offices to see the list of such institutions.* I FAIL to understand why the selection committee at WCE ignored the ministry policy that stated that if a learner is upgrading she/he “must have obtained 20 points in the last examination”. I have 28 points, but I got a letter of regrets stating that I should have a D in English, though I am currently improving it at Tucsin. Feedback please. – Furious Student, Ondangwa * MINISTRY of Education, hope you donated sufficient funds to Zimbabwe and reached your goal of training street teachers of maths and science. Keep on donating.Face Of Namibia * NOT only is Windhoek Lager using a foreign face for their new campaign, they are also filming in a foreign country as if we don’t have crew and production companies in Namibia. Hands up, MTC, thank you for believing in Namibian filmmakers.* NAMIBIA Breweries. Why do we need a Hollywood actor as the face of Windhoek Lager? Why not a Namibian? Stop selling Namibia short.* WHAT is so real in using Louis Gosset Jnr to be the face for Windhoek Lager? Thousands (of dollars) are going to leave the country that way. I wonder if he ever really tasted a Windhoek Lager before! – Clarice Theys Health Matters * HAS anybody seen the filth in the grounds of the MOHSS on the side of the nurses’ home? I really hope that something will be done soon to remove the eyesore! It is unacceptable for the Health Ministry to look like that. What example are they to the community? * WINDHOEK Central Hospital reception reads: Under no any circumstances will anyone be exempted from paying the hospital user fees. Now a question to Mr Kamwi, where does that leave the elders who cannot pay such fees? Because they are being told to read that statement when they seek help. Please help.* EDITOR, first I would like to thank you for allowing my complaint in your space. I have a problem with smokers. We share the same ghetto. There are no windows. They always smoke, especially at night. I’m not a smoker. I feel bad from it. How can a human being do such things to others? In fact it’s a high risk of TB. Can you please educate them about smoking. – Swakopmund

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