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SMS Of The Day : Monday

SMS Of The Day : Monday

* VIP municipality bills are not a public matter indeed, neither is the selling of poor people’s houses, because of municipality bills. We are talking of public funds and people’s lives here. The question remains “are some people more equal than others”? Where is fairness in this case? Where is the integrity of the City of Windhoek first, then that of the implicated leaders and mostly that of ACC? Why inequality in Namibia? Why not leading by example? Why should unfair treatment not be exposed? Do you really want corruption to continue? I believe whoever gave the info out did a great thing and deserves a fat bonus. Keep it up. I believe it is right for the CEO to withdraw his warnings but he won’t because his bosses and comrades for that matter are implicated. CEO, where is your integrity? Mayor, where is your integrity? Do our leaders really have a heart for the people they are leading? Churches, Christians, individuals, pray for God-fearing leadership. Pray for the transformation in our Government, Public and Private sector leadership. Pray for love and care amongst ourselves. Pray for unity and acceptance of one another. Pray for our leaders, for they are human too, they are not immune to mistakes. They are special human with special responsibilities i.e. carrying and caring for people that are not their families or friends.

Food For Thought * TO brothers (Swapo and RDP) preventing others from carrying out their political activities is tantamount to encouraging them. Lesson from colonial masters. – Sage* WHAT if the Government introduces compulsory military service? We will eradicate some crime, create jobs and teach young men the discipline they so desperately need. The streets will be cleared of criminals and potential tsotsis.* I OFTEN read or listen to complaints about a person’s life or situation and the suggested solution is always “GRN must build earth dams so I can water my cattle, or GRN must buy medicine so I don’t die”. Isn’t it time to realise that you can do it for your own benefit? Get off your backside and take control of your own life and future. – You are absolutely right in the sense that we need more people with get up and go and who do things, initiators and innovators. However, there are some things that are the responsibility of Government, for example providing electricity and roads, etc. – News Editor* THE recent exposé about the illegal acquisition of Namibian identity documents is just the tip of an old iceberg, except that the ‘power’ of money has made people remain silent. Too many people have had falsified documents and even enjoyed the benefits reserved for bona fide Namibians. Check how many people claim to come from the Caprivi Region while they know no village there and cannot speak any of the languages. Please try this at the Police roadblocks!Congratulations!* HAPPY Birthday Madiba and may God bless you for your unwavering statesmanship. You will remain a true icon for Africa and generations to come. Uiua Madiba. – L HifitkekoWhat An Outrage* PENSIONER fined for defending widow: Self-enrichment, colonial hangover and corrupt practices by the starving corrupt Ondonga traditional leaders. The headman should be fined three times that amount.SPYL Spillover* I GRATEFULLY appreciate the editorials in The Namibian the past weekend about the shocking arrogance of the SPYL to take over, among others, the Public Service Commission as well as the Labour Union who now stands accused of being responsible for 250 people losing their jobs due to bad advice. Please, Your Excellency, President (Hifikepunye) Pohamba and the Prime Minister, these institutions are becoming a dangerous threat to our peaceful country! Please do something!* IF SPYL represents Namibia’s future, Cry the Beloved Country! Oshiponga shawisa!* MR Clinton Swartbooi you are running yourself aground. Just ask Mr P Kapia. You went too far. You are the one whose loyalty to Swapo is questionable. The Deputy PM’s loyalty is well tested and to all beyond doubt. Even her tireless efforts to alleviate poverty shows it among the minority. It shows she is implementing the Swapo manifesto, you are failing and betraying it. The nation is crying over poor service delivery and you are defending your constant absence from duty. The Swapo manifesto does not say that. You are sabotaging the government and as such Swapo whom you are claiming to be loyal to. You are paid for working in the deputy PM’s Office not at SPYL’s Office. Those two aren’t the same as you claim. Accept your mess up and pull up your socks. That will be true loyalty to Swapo and good respect to elders too.* COMRADE President (Hifikepunye Pohamba), we put such high hopes in you, that you would set an end to autocratic rule in this government. You seem to be successful in ending the autocratic style of your predecessor, but what about ruling? People call you a “toothless tiger” and feel betrayed and left alone because you don’t reprimand the SPYL and Ekandjo. Where is your line and position? Just to consult until time is over? As members of a Party and a people we need leadership and orientation! Do you endorse what the Swartboois, Ekandjos, Ngurares and the likes say or not? We cannot keep on supporting you on the basis of hope!* I SEE Swapo is following Zanu-PF and using intimidation as a means for politics. Shame on them for throwing stones at an opposing party.* ‘A BIG Joke’ – Zimbabwe’s problem is sticking its head out in Namibia under the leadership of SPYL. They say only Swapo members should work in the Government and not the Swapo leaders should appoint, but only SPYL. No child will have so much say in a household. This land is for Namibians. No wonder there is chaos everywhere in Namibia. Political parties are mushrooming, it is a sign of protest against the Government. Omuthiya has shown that the ruling party will not give power without a fight. I am not going down with you SPYL, I will determine how my land should be ruled.* IT seems to me that some SPYL members don’t want to work for their daily bread. They want to be paid, at taxpayers’ expense, for doing party political work and to run around at will without being accountable and transparent.Politics In General* HOPE you publish this SMS so that I can tell it like it is, as you do. (Editor Gwen) Lister and cohorts in 2005 were saying His Excellency (President) Pohamba will be remote-controlled by His Excellency Former President (Sam Nujoma). Shame on you all. I’ll put my personal example and I’m quoting from his Excellency Pohamba’s first speech as president. HE Pohamba is doing a wonderful job on his own e.g.: the Anti-Corruption Commission is one of his projects. You can name them.Service Please* FAMILY Choice golden brown sugar contains many blackish particles, one wonder whether this sugar is suitable for human consumption.* FNB please give us beds in your service queues! Service score is zero!* PLEASE cashiers of Woermann Brock stop reading newspapers which a customer has bought while pretending to be scanning it. Sometimes we are in a hurry but remain polite, especially at Eros Shopping Centre.* THE Namibian are you sure your SMSes are N$1, because I was once charged N$3? – It is N$1 per 160 characters. – News Editor* SOCIAL Security Commission: I registered an employee on May 6, pay the required fee over each month but her name still does not appear on form 10. How do you reconcile your books each month?General* CAN the GRN have a change for Vision 2030 by means of spraying all Namibian taxis in blue to represent our motherland, land of the brave Namibia.* ‘SHIPWRECK’ blessing for locals? What happened to the valuable treasure discovered on Oranjemund’s seabed recently? Who does it belong to? My suggestion is that Government opens a community museum in one of the towns close to Oranjemund and displays the ancient gold coins, pieces of the wreckage etc. This discovery is a rare phenomenon that could attract a lot of tourists and local visitors alike. It could benefit poor locals if they charge a small fee instead of giving it all to already rich Namdeb. – Mekondjo the Brainiac* AGREE with renaming of Mugabe Ave and making local milk and veggies VAT free, not lard and cake flour.* ONE should really applaud the Anti-Corruption Commission crusade against the misuse of GRN vehicles. My advice is it should extend its operation to Unam campus in Windhoek, particularly when part-time evening class students resume classes.In And From the Regions* WHEN are we getting water, and electricity, at Ondeikela? Please, the Omulonga councillor must do something. We are tired. Very, very tied, please. We are suffering here. Government please help us with water please.* DEAR Government. The Epembe constituency is the biggest constituency in Ohangwena Region, but the only two clinics we have at are at Oshikunde and Epembe. From 1996 the government promised a clinic at Ondulundia, up to now nothing was done. People who live at Ondulundia, Outando,Eeshi, Ohafino, Oluungu etc are walking 34 to 41 kilometres to reach Epembe or Oshikunde clinic. Many of them they affected by HIV. We are sick and tired. We also want to praise our government. – Lukas H* THE programmes of rural development in Oshana Region work very slowly because some villages get nothing when it comes to development. Some schools like the Okashandja Combined School in Oshana-Uukwiyu constituency have no Electricity. That school was established in 1937 and has Grade 1 to 10. – JIK, Walvis BayHealth Matters* WHY don’t we student nurses get paid? We work just like the registered and enrolled nurses. Please the Ministry of Health must consider us. Just what they can afford.Education* I DO not know whether this institution Namcol is to help Namibian students to further their studies or just to make money. Please Ministry of Education do something on this issue.* WE unemployed in-service teachers need study loans too! Just like the pre-service students. – H Kashuku* IS it possible that (the National Qualifications Authority) NQA can take four months to evaluate qualifications from existing universities, with all documents and contact details provided? Doesn’t the ‘Q’ in NQA apply to customer service as well?* WHY is the Ministry of Education still printing out some teachers’ pay slips without housing allowances. Are they ignoring it? Why do they have to turn a blind eye to it? I am tired of making lots of enquiries, I have been requesting this since 2006 but nothing has been done to date. The finance office, Ondangwa East must do something. – Teacher from Ohangwena Circuit.* IT’S better for the Ministry of Education to let the college student teachers to go along with their loans and register for other diplomas at different institutions because there are no more science teaching vacant posts! Just consult the gazette for 2008 for proof. – Hilma KashukuZimbabwe* The Ambassador to Zimbabwe should go home and see what is happening!!Labour Issues* ALLOW me space in your newspaper. I am tired of this that every time when it is the 20th day of each month, we the Police, are getting our payslip a week thereafter. Why? Are the members at finance serious with their work or not? Please can you work in time with our payslip so that we can get it in time. – Concerned Member* TO brothers (Swapo and RDP) preventing others from carrying out their political activities is tantamount to encouraging them. Lesson from colonial masters. – Sage * WHAT if the Government introduces compulsory military service? We will eradicate some crime, create jobs and teach young men the discipline they so desperately need. The streets will be cleared of criminals and potential tsotsis.* I OFTEN read or listen to complaints about a person’s life or situation and the suggested solution is always “GRN must build earth dams so I can water my cattle, or GRN must buy medicine so I don’t die”. Isn’t it time to realise that you can do it for your own benefit? Get off your backside and take control of your own life and future. – You are absolutely right in the sense that we need more people with get up and go and who do things, initiators and innovators. However, there are some things that are the responsibility of Government, for example providing electricity and roads, etc. – News Editor * THE recent exposé about the illegal acquisition of Namibian identity documents is just the tip of an old iceberg, except that the ‘power’ of money has made people remain silent. Too many people have had falsified documents and even enjoyed the benefits reserved for bona fide Namibians. Check how many people claim to come from the Caprivi Region while they know no village there and cannot speak any of the languages. Please try this at the Police roadblocks! Congratulations! * HAPPY Birthday Madiba and may God bless you for your unwavering statesmanship. You will remain a true icon for Africa and generations to come. Uiua Madiba. – L Hifitkeko What An Outrage * PENSIONER fined for defending widow: Self-enrichment, colonial hangover and corrupt practices by the starving corrupt Ondonga traditional leaders. The headman should be fined three times that amount.SPYL Spillover * I GRATEFULLY appreciate the editorials in The Namibian the past weekend about the shocking arrogance of the SPYL to take over, among others, the Public Service Commission as well as the Labour Union who now stands accused of being responsible for 250 people losing their jobs due to bad advice. Please, Your Excellency, President (Hifikepunye) Pohamba and the Prime Minister, these institutions are becoming a dangerous threat to our peaceful country! Please do something! * IF SPYL represents Namibia’s future, Cry the Beloved Country! Oshiponga shawisa! * MR Clinton Swartbooi you are running yourself aground. Just ask Mr P Kapia. You went too far. You are the one whose loyalty to Swapo is questionable. The Deputy PM’s loyalty is well tested and to all beyond doubt. Even her tireless efforts to alleviate poverty shows it among the minority. It shows she is implementing the Swapo manifesto, you are failing and betraying it. The nation is crying over poor service delivery and you are defending your constant absence from duty. The Swapo manifesto does not say that. You are sabotaging the government and as such Swapo whom you are claiming to be loyal to. You are paid for working in the deputy PM’s Office not at SPYL’s Office. Those two aren’t the same as you claim. Accept your mess up and pull up your socks. That will be true loyalty to Swapo and good respect to elders too.* COMRADE President (Hifikepunye Pohamba), we put such high hopes in you, that you would set an end to autocratic rule in this government. You seem to be successful in ending the autocratic style of your predecessor, but what about ruling? People call you a “toothless tiger” and feel betrayed and left alone because you don’t reprimand the SPYL and Ekandjo. Where is your line and position? Just to consult until time is over? As members of a Party and a people we need leadership and orientation! Do you endorse what the Swartboois, Ekandjos, Ngurares and the likes say or not? We cannot keep on supporting you on the basis of hope! * I SEE Swapo is following Zanu-PF and using intimidation as a means for politics. Shame on them for throwing stones at an opposing party.* ‘A BIG Joke’ – Zimbabwe’s problem is sticking its head out in Namibia under the leadership of SPYL. They say only Swapo members should work in the Government and not the Swapo leaders should appoint, but only SPYL. No child will have so much say in a household. This land is for Namibians. No wonder there is chaos everywhere in Namibia. Political parties are mushrooming, it is a sign of protest against the Government. Omuthiya has shown that the ruling party will not give power without a fight. I am not going down with you SPYL, I will determine how my land should be ruled.* IT seems to me that some SPYL members don’t want to work for their daily bread. They want to be paid, at taxpayers’ expense, for doing party political work and to run around at will without being accountable and transparent.Politics In General * HOPE you publish this SMS so that I can tell it like it is, as you do. (Editor Gwen) Lister and cohorts in 2005 were saying His Excellency (President) Pohamba will be remote-controlled by His Excellency Former President (Sam Nujoma). Shame on you all. I’ll put my personal example and I’m quoting from his Excellency Pohamba’s first speech as president. HE Pohamba is doing a wonderful job on his own e.g.: the Anti-Corruption Commission is one of his projects. You can name them.Service Please * FAMILY Choice golden brown sugar contains many blackish particles, one wonder whether this sugar is suitable for human consumption.* FNB please give us beds in your service queues! Service score is zero! * PLEASE cashiers of Woermann Brock stop reading newspapers which a customer has bought while pretending to be scanning it. Sometimes we are in a hurry but remain polite, especially at Eros Shopping Centre.* THE Namibian are you sure your SMSes are N$1, because I was once charged N$3? – It is N$1 per 160 characters. – News Editor * SOCIAL Security Commission: I registered an employee on May 6, pay the required fee over each month but her name still does not appear on form 10. How do you reconcile your books each month? General * CAN the GRN have a change for Vision 2030 by means of spraying all Namibian taxis in blue to represent our motherland, land of the brave Namibia.* ‘SHIPWRECK’ blessing for locals? What happened to the valuable treasure discovered on Oranjemund’s seabed recently? Who does it belong to? My suggestion is that Government opens a community museum in one of the towns close to Oranjemund and displays the ancient gold coins, pieces of the wreckage etc. This discovery is a rare phenomenon that could attract a lot of tourists and local visitors alike. It could benefit poor locals if they charge a small fee instead of giving it all to already rich Namdeb. – Mekondjo the Brainiac * AGREE with renaming of Mugabe Ave and making local milk and veggies VAT free, not lard and cake flour.* ONE should really applaud the Anti-Corruption Commission crusade against the misuse of GRN vehicles. My advice is it should extend its operation to Unam campus in Windhoek, particularly when part-time evening class students resume classes.In And From the Regions * WHEN are we getting water, and electricity, at Ondeikela? Please, the Omulonga councillor must do something. We are tired. Very, very tied, please. We are suffering here. Government please help us with water please.* DEAR Government. The Epembe constituency is the biggest constituency in Ohangwena Region, but the only two clinics we have at are at Oshikunde and Epembe. From 1996 the government promised a clinic at Ondulundia, up to now nothing was done. People who live at Ondulundia, Outando,Eeshi, Ohafino, Oluungu etc are walking 34 to 41 kilometres to reach Epembe or Oshikunde clinic. Many of them they affected by HIV. We are sick and tired. We also want to praise our government. – Lukas H * THE programmes of rural development in Oshana Region work very slowly because some villages get nothing when it comes to development. Some schools like the Okashandja Combined School in Oshana-Uukwiyu constituency have no Electricity. That school was established in 1937 and has Grade 1 to 10. – JIK, Walvis Bay Health Matters * WHY don’t we student nurses get paid? We work just like the registered and enrolled nurses. Please the Ministry of Health must consider us. Just what they can afford.Education * I DO not know whether this institution Namcol is to help Namibian students to further their studies or just to make money. Please Ministry of Education do something on this issue.* WE unemployed in-service teachers need study loans too! Just like the pre-service students. – H Kashuku * IS it possible that (the National Qualifications Authority) NQA can take four months to evaluate qualifications from existing universities, with all documents and contact details provided? Doesn’t the ‘Q’ in NQA apply to customer service as well? * WHY is the Ministry of Education still printing out some teachers’ pay slips without housing allowances. Are they ignoring it? Why do they have to turn a blind eye to it? I am tired of making lots of enquiries, I have been requesting this since 2006 but nothing has been done to date. The finance office, Ondangwa East must do something. – Teacher from Ohangwena Circuit.* IT’S better for the Ministry of Education to let the college student teachers to go along with their loans and register for other diplomas at different institutions because there are no more science teaching vacant posts! Just consult the gazette for 2008 for proof. – Hilma Kashuku Zimbabwe * The Ambassador to Zimbabwe should go home and see what is happening!! Labour Issues * ALLOW me space in your newspaper. I am tired of this that every time when it is the 20th day of each month, we the Police, are getting our payslip a week thereafter. Why? Are the members at finance serious with their work or not? Please can you work in time with our payslip so that we can get it in time. – Concerned Member

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