Sex video sounds alarm bells

Sex video sounds alarm bells

THE circulation of a pornographic video clip among pupils in Windhoek is a wake-up call for parents and teachers alike, the Namibia National Teachers’ Union (Nantu) said yesterday.

The Khomas branch of Nantu felt the sex scandal was a clear indication of a worrying lack of discipline among pupils. “It is clear that what we previously termed ‘taboo subjects’ such as sex education need to be addressed now.Gone are the days when we used to tell children that babies come with the aeroplane,” said Paul Sauerwein of Nantu.He said they also hoped that the Ministry of Education would reintroduce religious studies.Nantu Information Secretary Ronald Somaeb said they were concerned about children having expensive electronic equipment which allowed them access to pornographic material.Nantu’s reaction follows reports that a Windhoek pupil filmed his 17-year-old girlfriend with his cellphone.The explicit video clips were widely distributed.”It is clear that what we previously termed ‘taboo subjects’ such as sex education need to be addressed now.Gone are the days when we used to tell children that babies come with the aeroplane,” said Paul Sauerwein of Nantu.He said they also hoped that the Ministry of Education would reintroduce religious studies.Nantu Information Secretary Ronald Somaeb said they were concerned about children having expensive electronic equipment which allowed them access to pornographic material.Nantu’s reaction follows reports that a Windhoek pupil filmed his 17-year-old girlfriend with his cellphone.The explicit video clips were widely distributed.

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