Sex DVDs left on windscreens

Sex DVDs left on windscreens

RICHMOND – Police say a man sought revenge against his ex-girlfriend by leaving homemade DVDs of her performing sex acts on car windscreens throughout the area.

The DVDs include the woman’s name, address and phone number. Police said the woman never realised the acts had been recorded and has received several visits and phone calls from strangers seeking sex.David Feltmeyer, 33, is charged with one felony count and one misdemeanour count of using a computer to “carry out the production of obscene exhibition.”He also faces two misdemeanour counts of “knowingly producing an obscene exhibition.””I think he was trying to do her some harm because she is no longer in a relationship with him,” said Chesterfield police Captain Karl Leonard.”The video was made, unbeknownst to her, at least over a year ago.”The victim is now in a new relationship.She would not comment.Police first learned of the DVDs when a man reported finding one on his windscreen.Later, they received reports of at least two more.”Young children have gotten a hold of a couple of these and watched them,” Leonard said.”We know there are other copies and we really want to get our hands on them.”Feltmeyer may face additional charges for each DVD found, Leonard said.Police did not say if the woman was pursuing additional legal action.Nampa-APPolice said the woman never realised the acts had been recorded and has received several visits and phone calls from strangers seeking sex.David Feltmeyer, 33, is charged with one felony count and one misdemeanour count of using a computer to “carry out the production of obscene exhibition.”He also faces two misdemeanour counts of “knowingly producing an obscene exhibition.””I think he was trying to do her some harm because she is no longer in a relationship with him,” said Chesterfield police Captain Karl Leonard.”The video was made, unbeknownst to her, at least over a year ago.”The victim is now in a new relationship.She would not comment.Police first learned of the DVDs when a man reported finding one on his windscreen.Later, they received reports of at least two more.”Young children have gotten a hold of a couple of these and watched them,” Leonard said.”We know there are other copies and we really want to get our hands on them.”Feltmeyer may face additional charges for each DVD found, Leonard said.Police did not say if the woman was pursuing additional legal action.Nampa-AP

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