Seibeb wants petroleum commissioner under Presidency

Henny Seibeb

Landless People’s Movement (LPM) deputy leader Henny Seibeb recommends that the petroleum commissioner be transferred to the Office of the President for direct oversight.

Seibeb made this recommendation in parliament on Wednesday while giving his contribution to the appropriation bill.

“Honourable speaker, I recommend that the petroleum commissioner be transferred to the Office of the President to ensure direct oversight by the president.

“This measure is imperative given the reports of alleged corruption circulating within the Ministry of Mines and Energy and Namcor,” Seibed said.

He advised that the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) be repositioned under the Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade for enhanced supervision and control.

“The current perception of the NIPDB wielding disproportionate power akin to a ‘super ministry’ warrants intervention to ensure effective governance and accountability,” Seibeb said.

His call for the petroleum commissioner to be transferred comes after it was reported in the media earlier this year that a letter shared on social media by a certain Louis Beauvais alleged maladministration and corruption in the mines ministry.

Beauvais claimed to be representing shareholders of French multinational TotalEnergies.

However, minister of mines and energy Tom Alweendo at the time refuted the allegations, saying the letter does not look legitimate.

The letter also alleged that the appointment of petroleum commissioner Maggy Shino was done corruptly, while a company named Zambezi Exploration has been treated favourably regarding its oil block application.

In a press statement at the time, Alweendo said Shino was appointed “procedurally and fairly”.

The Namibian has in the past reported on an alleged fierce power struggle at Namcor, which is linked to turf wars involving oil dealers.

Responding to Seibeb’s question in parliament during the state of the nation address yesterday, president Nangolo Mbumba said his office already has enough work to deal with.

“Honestly, my office is already full of work and I do not want you to come and say I gave you this task and you did not do it. Honestly, my office is already having a lot of work,” Mbumba said.

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