Schoolgirl shot by accident

Schoolgirl shot by accident

THE Police at Ongwediva have arrested a security guard after a Gabriel Taapopi Senior Secondary School pupil was shot and injured in the leg on Friday a week ago.

According to a source at the school, the girl and some friends were passing the main gate where the security guard was stationed when a shot went off from the security guard’s rifle. She was hit in the leg and was rushed to the Oshakati State Hospital for treatment.The security guard was apparently playing with the gun at the time.The Police have arrested him.The Grade 12 pupil’s condition has been described as stable.She was hit in the leg and was rushed to the Oshakati State Hospital for treatment.The security guard was apparently playing with the gun at the time.The Police have arrested him.The Grade 12 pupil’s condition has been described as stable.

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