Schoolboy stabbed to death

Schoolboy stabbed to death

A PUPIL at the Kos-mos High School in Khomasdal has died after being stabbed in the head with a screwdriver on Saturday night.

Seventeen-year-old Duarte Hendrickse died in the private Medi-Clinic hospital on Sunday night. The suspect is a seventh grader from a school in the same area.By yesterday afternoon, it was not yet clear when the suspect would appear in court.Police had been trying to get hold of the suspect’s family since the weekend, as they are required to make a Police statement on behalf of the underage boy.The suspect is a seventh grader from a school in the same area.By yesterday afternoon, it was not yet clear when the suspect would appear in court.Police had been trying to get hold of the suspect’s family since the weekend, as they are required to make a Police statement on behalf of the underage boy.

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