Revolutionising Oversight: Audit Boards and Accountability in Government Projects

Stanley Gariseb

Namibia faces a significant challenge in managing price inflation and price fixing within government projects.

Understanding the issues requires an intricate analysis that goes beyond superficial observations.

We need to focus on legislative frameworks, the role of project management and the transformational impact of technical audit boards, specifically those with independent professionals such as engineers, subject matter experts and quantity surveyors.

Price inflation and scope creep in government projects in Namibia is a multifaceted issue.

Parastatals and other public service providers have experienced significant inflationary pressures that affect the economy and sustainability in the long run, potentially contributing to economic crisis.

These extend from procurement inefficiencies to collusion among suppliers, poor planning and lax oversight.

This may not only be an economic challenge; it may be a sociopolitical dilemma that holds broad implications for governance, trust in public institutions and equitable development.


Any analysis would be incomplete without delving into the Public Procurement Act (2015).

The act has faced criticism in terms of practical implementation.

Weak enforcement mechanisms, coupled with ambiguities and loopholes in certain clauses, have created challenges in holding individuals accountable for unethical practices and weak oversight when controlling projects and other procured resources. Additionally, the limited capacity for effective monitoring enables malpractices to persist.

These shortcomings reveal that the act, while providing a foundation, has significant areas for improvement, particularly during project execution and after-project completion.

Beyond the legal context, the meticulous application of project management principles can mitigate the risks and challenges associated with unwarranted price inflation and scope creep.

From early planning to risk management, stakeholder engagement and quality assurance, project management represents a strategic alignment of resources and objectives.

This alignment transcends the operational level, offering a nuanced response to the act’s limitations.


A notable dimension is the role of technical audit boards.

These are not ordinary oversight bodies; they are specialised teams that include professional engineers, quantity surveyors and experts capable of forensic analysis supported by verifiable and transparent data.

The ability of these boards to scrutinise projects, identify non-compliance, and detect inefficiencies represents a higher level of accountability and transparency. It contrasts starkly with the conventional approach, where political appointees lacking technical know-how often occupy key roles that don’t have a meaningful impact.

Addressing price inflation and unjustified scope creep requires ethical and technical solutions.

On the ethical front, fostering a culture of integrity, transparency and accountability within public institutions is paramount.

Technical solutions, which are less complex to implement, hinge on applying industry best practices, leveraging technology, and nurturing transparent collaboration between independent stakeholders.

The integration of both dimensions forms a comprehensive approach, aligning with national development goals and international standards.

Managing price inflation in government projects is neither straightforward nor simple.

It’s a nuanced interplay of legal frameworks, managerial strategies, specialised oversight, ethical considerations and technical expertise and, importantly, a will to transform.

The Public Procurement Act needs to be enhanced.
The synergistic application of project management and the strategic utilisation of technical audit boards is a transformative response.


In the complex milieu of government projects, schedules are both a road map and a measure of progress.

Technical audit boards employ their expertise to meticulously track project schedules, ensuring alignment with initial plans.

Delays, discrepancies, fraud or deviations are quickly identified, enabling prompt corrective measures.

This vigilance translates into reduced time overruns, financial savings, reasonable scope creep, realistic cost inflation, financial savings and enhanced credibility.

Monitoring quantities and rates goes beyond number-crunching.

Technical audit boards conduct thorough assessments, ensuring that the material quantities, labour and pricing conform to market trends and project specifications.

In simple terms, every cent is accounted for.

This extends to evaluating contractual obligations, procurement procedures and vendor relationships.

The boards serve as gatekeepers, maintaining the integrity of cost estimates and budget allocations.


The nature of government projects often leads to variation orders – changes in scope, design, or method that can significantly affect costs and timelines.

Technical audit boards are pivotal in managing these variations.

They undertake comprehensive evaluations, discerning legitimate needs from unjustifiable requests.

By controlling variation orders, independent boards mitigate potential conflicts, cost overruns, and delays, reinforcing project integrity.

It is thus crucial that these boards are not part of the relevant line ministries, parastatals or Central Procurement Board which are either responsible for initiating or awarding a project.

The interplay between ethics and technical proficiency within technical audit boards is crucial; their decisions are invariably aligned with legal requirements, organisational values, and societal expectations.

Upholding these principles amplifies the board’s credibility and fosters a culture of trust and integrity.

The future of Namibia, marked by integrity, innovation and sustainable growth, rests on a collective resolve to address these challenges.

It’s not just about constructing infrastructure, it’s about building a nation where governance is truly accountable, development is not captured and the future is promising.

  • Stanley Gariseb, PMP, eMBA; this article is written in his personal capacity

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