Repeat rapist sentenced 22 years

Repeat rapist sentenced 22 years

AN unemployed Karasburg area resident, Petrus Jaartze (36), convicted for the second time on a count of rape, was jailed for 22 years in the High Court at Keetmanshoop on Thursday.

In 1991, Jaartze was convicted of rape and sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment, of which he served eight years. At the start of his latest trial, Jaartze pleaded not guilty, but after consultations with his lawyer, Boris Isaacks, he changed his plea to guilty.Jaarzte raped his cousin in her house at Seatco Reserve near Karasburg on September 24 2004.Passing the sentence, Judge Kato Van Niekerk said Jaartze’s criminal record, dating back to when he was 11 years old, painted a picture of a person who has not learnt his lesson.”Although the latest two convictions are on unrelated matters, it does show that the accused does not have much respect for the law,” Judge Van Niekerk said in her verdict.A few days before the start of the rape trial, Jaartze was convicted of theft, for which he was sentenced to N$300 or 3 months’ imprisonment.”State counsel emphasised the seriousness of the offence of rape and pointed out that society wants such offences to be punished severely.I agree with this submission,” the Judge said on Thursday.She said Jaartze’s testimony had not impressed her with his supposed willingness to reform and his prospects of rehabilitation.”It seems to me that he does not realise the importance and urgency of the matter,” Judge Van Niekerk remarked.The fact that Jaartze had carried out the sexual attack on his own cousin and in her own house on her bed was an aggravating factor, Judge Van Niekerk further ruled.”This fact was particular humiliating to her,” she said.Deputy Prosecutor General Jackson Kuutondokwa prosecuted.At the start of his latest trial, Jaartze pleaded not guilty, but after consultations with his lawyer, Boris Isaacks, he changed his plea to guilty.Jaarzte raped his cousin in her house at Seatco Reserve near Karasburg on September 24 2004.Passing the sentence, Judge Kato Van Niekerk said Jaartze’s criminal record, dating back to when he was 11 years old, painted a picture of a person who has not learnt his lesson.”Although the latest two convictions are on unrelated matters, it does show that the accused does not have much respect for the law,” Judge Van Niekerk said in her verdict.A few days before the start of the rape trial, Jaartze was convicted of theft, for which he was sentenced to N$300 or 3 months’ imprisonment.”State counsel emphasised the seriousness of the offence of rape and pointed out that society wants such offences to be punished severely.I agree with this submission,” the Judge said on Thursday.She said Jaartze’s testimony had not impressed her with his supposed willingness to reform and his prospects of rehabilitation.”It seems to me that he does not realise the importance and urgency of the matter,” Judge Van Niekerk remarked.The fact that Jaartze had carried out the sexual attack on his own cousin and in her own house on her bed was an aggravating factor, Judge Van Niekerk further ruled.”This fact was particular humiliating to her,” she said.Deputy Prosecutor General Jackson Kuutondokwa prosecuted.

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