Randy pandas enjoy ‘porn video’

CHENGDU – Porn videos do not just get humans going, but can help with giant pandas’ mating as well, an expert with a breeding base in southwest China’s Sichuan Province said this week.

One of the ‘Most Surprising Photos of 2013’ released by Time magazine early this month showed that a giant panda watching video footage of a pair of mating pandas. The photo was taken at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding on 10 March.

Huang Mingxiang at the base said the giant panda ‘Ke Lin’, aged 5, watching the video was a captive-bred female. With little experience, Ke Lin refused to mate, even during her estrus in March.

Living in fairly good environment and taking less exercise, captive-bred pandas experience a decline in their sexual appetite, Huang said, explaining why they show the mating video.

The video worked on Ke Lin, who mated naturally with ‘Yong Yong’ after watching the ‘panda porn’, Huang added. The approach has been used to teach artificially bred males to mate as captive-bred male pandas usually have little interest in their appointed mates and rarely have a chance to see the mating process of wild pandas.

Ke Lin is the first adult female panda to be trained this way, Huang said.

– Nampa-Xinhua

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