Power cuts in parts of Zambezi and Botswana

Katima Mulilo, Ngoma and a part of Botswana to which NamPower is supplying electricity have been experiencing power cuts since Sunday morning.

In a statement released on Sunday, NamPower’s area manager for the northern region, Petrus Immanuel, explained that load shedding was implemented due to a suspected faulty transformer at a substation at Katima Mulilo.

“What is happening is that we are giving each town three hours of power, including the cross-border client, because they are also affected,” he said.

He added that technical teams would arrive at Katima Mulilo on Monday to test and inspect the transformer, to determine whether to repair or replace it.

Immanuel said if the transformer needs to be replaced load shedding will continue as a new transformer would have to be transported from Windhoek.

During this period, the public is cautioned to treat all power lines and electrical points as live, since no prior notification is given when power supply is restored.

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