Post-Covid Priorities and Financial Responsibilities

Mwaala Shaanika

We are witnessing unprecedented challenges globally.

The Covid-19 pandemic, for example, reshaped not only our daily lives but also our economic landscapes.

In this era of uncertainty and economic constraints, it is imperative that we rethink our spending habits and prioritise our purchases, particularly regarding events and non-essential items.

It is time to recognise that our choices have far-reaching consequences when it comes to resource utilisation and our collective well-being.
The pandemic showed us the fragility of our global economy and the importance of prudent financial management.

Many individuals and households have experienced financial hardships, prompting a re-evaluation of what truly matters.

It is no longer feasible to splurge on unnecessary items or events without carefully considering their long-term impact on our finances.


It is crucial to impart lessons on financial responsibility to the younger generation.

Starting early is key to building a generation of financially savvy individuals who understand the importance of prioritisation.

Schools and families should integrate financial education into the curriculum and there should be daily discussions on the value of responsible spending and saving.

While individuals must take responsibility for their spending habits, governments also play a significant role in shaping the economic landscape.

In times of economic strain, it becomes even more essential for governments to allocate resources wisely.

This means prioritising projects that have a significant positive impact on society and the economy.

It not only ensures the efficient allocation of resources but also creates employment opportunities.

Investments in infrastructure, healthcare, education, and renewable energy, for example, have the potential to stimulate economic growth and improve the overall well-being of the population.

One of the lessons learned from the pandemic is the critical importance of planning and research.

Before embarking on any venture, whether personal or governmental, thorough research and careful planning are essential. This includes evaluating the economic feasibility, environmental impact, and societal benefits of a project before committing resources to it.


In challenging times, it is easy to blame the government for economic woes.

However, we must remember that we are all stakeholders in the economy.

Instead of pointing fingers, we should come together as a community to find solutions that benefit everyone.

This could involve supporting local businesses, volunteering, or participating in community initiatives that promote economic recovery.

The economic climate demands that we spend wisely, both as individuals and as a society.

It is our collective responsibility to work together to boost the economy, rather than placing the blame solely on the government.

By making informed decisions and focusing on essential projects, we can not only recover from economic challenges, but also build a more resilient and sustainable future for all.

  • Mwaala Shaanika has a master’s in public policy and management, a degree in economics and is currently a PhD candidate in transport and logistics management. This article is written in his personal capacity

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