Pope in midst of row over gay marriages

Pope in midst of row over gay marriages

VATICAN CITY – Pope John Paul II, a fiery critic of the Spanish government’s proposals to allow gay marriages from next year, yesterday expressed his pleasure over a visit by the heir to the Spanish throne and his new wife.

“The birth of a new family is always a great event,” the pope said, encouraging Felipe de Bourbon and his wife Letizia to set an example to all the families of Spain – which, in the Vatican’s book, does not include gay couples. Only a week ago, the pope dedicated precisely 13 minutes to a meeting with Spain’s Socialist prime minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, whose government he roasted for its plans to allow gay marriages and adoptions, ease restrictions on abortion and end compulsory religious education in public schools.The pope urged the government not to give way “to those who seem to confuse marriage with other forms of union that are completely different and even opposed to marriage.”But justice minister Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar said Sunday the government is pushing ahead with plans to allow gay marriages early next year.In contrast with his short meeting with Zapatero, the pontiff spent 25 minutes with the royal couple in his private library, including six minutes in private conversation.Felipe, whose official title is Prince of Asturias, wore a black morning suit with the order of the Golden Fleece.Letizia, a 31-year-old divorcee who is likely to become the first Spanish-born queen of Spain since 1878, wore a black gown and lace mantilla.She was able to marry the prince in a religious ceremony attended by the rest of Europe’s royalty because the church does not recognise her previous civil marriage.”I am happy to receive you in audience and I thank you for coming to see me at the start of your married life,” the pope said.The couple also met the Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, and visited St Peter’s basilica before returning to Madrid.- Nampa-AFPOnly a week ago, the pope dedicated precisely 13 minutes to a meeting with Spain’s Socialist prime minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, whose government he roasted for its plans to allow gay marriages and adoptions, ease restrictions on abortion and end compulsory religious education in public schools.The pope urged the government not to give way “to those who seem to confuse marriage with other forms of union that are completely different and even opposed to marriage.”But justice minister Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar said Sunday the government is pushing ahead with plans to allow gay marriages early next year.In contrast with his short meeting with Zapatero, the pontiff spent 25 minutes with the royal couple in his private library, including six minutes in private conversation.Felipe, whose official title is Prince of Asturias, wore a black morning suit with the order of the Golden Fleece.Letizia, a 31-year-old divorcee who is likely to become the first Spanish-born queen of Spain since 1878, wore a black gown and lace mantilla.She was able to marry the prince in a religious ceremony attended by the rest of Europe’s royalty because the church does not recognise her previous civil marriage.”I am happy to receive you in audience and I thank you for coming to see me at the start of your married life,” the pope said.The couple also met the Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, and visited St Peter’s basilica before returning to Madrid.- Nampa-AFP

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