Political Perspective

Political Perspective

THE breaking news this week is that Swapo Youth League lackey Udo Froese, is handing me over to his attorneys for daring to allege that he and Paulus Kapia are behind the malicious e-mail campaign against former Swapo presidential candidate Hidipo Hamutenya and anything or anyone who even vaguely associates with him.

And if this ‘Ananias Nghifitikeko’ copied his style or used content from his published articles then it was ‘no fault’ of his, said Froese in a faxed ‘memorandum’ to me last week. WELL, I say – ‘nice try’ – Udo! Who else would want to plagiarise his alleged journalistic writings, which he maintains were “published in the print media in Africa”? Froese, in his faxed, unsigned ‘memorandum’, probably from SYL headquarters since its caller-number is blocked to hide its point of origin, takes issue “with grave concern” of what he calls my “vendetta” against him.Note: This coming from a man who recently, on a platform with Paulus Kapia, launched a tirade against all and sundry, including myself; and who has more recently been associated with the e-mail campaign because the ‘style and content’ is all too-similar to the original release of this unlikely duo.And many of the issues he takes up in the e-mail campaign, are, strangely enough, areas of economic interest in which he himself is known to have been trying to gain a foothold.Anyhow, Froese goes on to say that he doesn’t know the man he refers to as a “gentleman’, namely, the poison-pen author/s of the e-mails, whom many believe is the Kapia-Froese-Ngurare triad.(And which campaign is relevant only because it is a witch hunt against people, made all the more loathsome because it is ‘anonymous’).And then to top it all, Froese adds: “For your fact file: I don’t hold any position within Swapo and thus have no access to any information on developments inside Namibia’s ruling party, particularly not on those high levels”.Oh yeah? So what then, Udo, were you doing on the platform with Kapia if you’re not his lackey or don’t have any access? This is, after all, the SYL Secretary General, Central Committee Member and MP-to-be, who is an authority, not only on foreign imperialists and other running dogs like he calls me.Furthermore he is also up on exactly who’s sold out among the comrades themselves, that you’re associating yourself with! Are you such a lackey that he keeps you in the dark on his ‘lists’ of known ‘enemies’ and other dastardly plots in-the-making, although you help write his missives, among others there is ‘Gwen Lister, The Mistress of Spin”, which featured so prominently on the SYL website and elsewhere in the print media? Maybe you didn’t get the point: you are not only a ‘lackey’ but a contemptible sycophant wannabe who tries to ingratiate himself with power and money both here and in South Africa, and no doubt elsewhere on the continent, and makes convenient leaps from one country to the other pretending to be the resident expert.Is the price for your ‘assistance’ coming out of the SYL budget, one wonders.Like me, you’re middle-aged and would be better off with the Elders Council.And don’t even try to dissociate yourself from the next e-mail missive that emerged after my column exposing you and your campaign.The claim of me as an informer with a handler called ‘Perking’ is the stuff of sleazy novels.Go to it, they may even become best-sellers! Conspiracy theories always make good reading.The last paragraph of your memorandum truly befits a pompous creep (but perhaps once again Nghifitikeko imitated your style and content and you didn’t write it at all!): “Matters of such gravity should be more seriously researched and not based on hearsay, speculation and irresponsible assumptions.In order to stop such irresponsible and libelous speculations, no option is left, but to hand this matter to my attorneys for further analysis and action”.If you’re up for it, I’ll see you in court.WELL, I say – ‘nice try’ – Udo! Who else would want to plagiarise his alleged journalistic writings, which he maintains were “published in the print media in Africa”? Froese, in his faxed, unsigned ‘memorandum’, probably from SYL headquarters since its caller-number is blocked to hide its point of origin, takes issue “with grave concern” of what he calls my “vendetta” against him.Note: This coming from a man who recently, on a platform with Paulus Kapia, launched a tirade against all and sundry, including myself; and who has more recently been associated with the e-mail campaign because the ‘style and content’ is all too-similar to the original release of this unlikely duo.And many of the issues he takes up in the e-mail campaign, are, strangely enough, areas of economic interest in which he himself is known to have been trying to gain a foothold.Anyhow, Froese goes on to say that he doesn’t know the man he refers to as a “gentleman’, namely, the poison-pen author/s of the e-mails, whom many believe is the Kapia-Froese-Ngurare triad.(And which campaign is relevant only because it is a witch hunt against people, made all the more loathsome because it is ‘anonymous’).And then to top it all, Froese adds: “For your fact file: I don’t hold any position within Swapo and thus have no access to any information on developments inside Namibia’s ruling party, particularly not on those high levels”.Oh yeah? So what then, Udo, were you doing on the platform with Kapia if you’re not his lackey or don’t have any access? This is, after all, the SYL Secretary General, Central Committee Member and MP-to-be, who is an authority, not only on foreign imperialists and other running dogs like he calls me.Furthermore he is also up on exactly who’s sold out among the comrades themselves, that you’re associating yourself with! Are you such a lackey that he keeps you in the dark on his ‘lists’ of known ‘enemies’ and other dastardly plots in-the-making, although you help write his missives, among others there is ‘Gwen Lister, The Mistress of Spin”, which featured so prominently on the SYL website and elsewhere in the print media? Maybe you didn’t get the point: you are not only a ‘lackey’ but a contemptible sycophant wannabe who tries to ingratiate himself with power and money both here and in South Africa, and no doubt elsewhere on the continent, and makes convenient leaps from one country to the other pretending to be the resident expert.Is the price for your ‘assistance’ coming out of the SYL budget, one wonders.Like me, you’re middle-aged and would be better off with the Elders Council.And don’t even try to dissociate yourself from the next e-mail missive that emerged after my column exposing you and your campaign.The claim of me as an informer with a handler called ‘Perking’ is the stuff of sleazy novels.Go to it, they may even become best-sellers! Conspiracy theories always make good reading.The last paragraph of your memorandum truly befits a pompous creep (but perhaps once again Nghifitikeko imitated your style and content and you didn’t write it at all!): “Matters of such gravity should be more seriously researched and not based on hearsay, speculation and irresponsible assumptions.In order to stop such irresponsible and libelous speculations, no option is left, but to hand this matter to my attorneys for further analysis and action”.If you’re up for it, I’ll see you in court.

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