Pastor held for kidnapping girls

Pastor held for kidnapping girls

POLICE at Oshakati have arrested a pastor of the Christian Fellowship Church in connection with a case of abduction.

Pastor Gerhard Kgobetsy (25) appeared in the Oshakati Magistrate’s Court yesterday. He was not asked to plead and his case was postponed to September 26 for further investigation.He is free on warning.Kgobetsy allegedly abducted two minor girls – aged 16 and 17 years old – and kept them at his house in Oshakati West.Kgobetsy was arrested on Saturday after the parents of the two girls laid charges with the Police.He was not asked to plead and his case was postponed to September 26 for further investigation.He is free on warning.Kgobetsy allegedly abducted two minor girls – aged 16 and 17 years old – and kept them at his house in Oshakati West.Kgobetsy was arrested on Saturday after the parents of the two girls laid charges with the Police.

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