Our Twisted Logic

Our Twisted Logic

THERE are times when a person questions the logic behind how things are done in Namibia.

There seems to be a lack in this basic skill of applying logic on the part of our leaders, from municipal to national level. It is really much appreciated that the Windhoek Municipality feels the need to repaint the street markings in the city centre, although this raises the question whether the officials who decided to repaint the lines are visually impaired or wear really dark sunglasses when they drive, because these lines are really not that faded…Be it as it may, my next question to the powers that may be, is why on earth do these lines have to be repainted in the week during peak traffic hours, blocking intersections on highways and major streets? Can these lines not be repainted in the evenings or during weekends like in any major city (of which Windhoek claims to be one) in Africa or in the world? Is paying overtime to the already underpaid municipal workers really going to cripple the municipal cash flow? I don’t think so…Putting lines together brings me to our pride and joy…our national airline…please someone enlighten me as to why we even have one.In any free-trade society, if a business does not show profits (in this case for more than a decade), it is SHUT DOWN! In our country, the twisted logic of our leaders dictates that after such a long time of showing loss, the airline needs a further amount in excess of N$150 million, whereas the queues outside our healthcare centres get longer due to lack of funds and our healthcare system only gets a measly amount of around N$60 million.Once again, please, someone send these decision makers on a Logic 101 course before all sanity collapses in our country.Where do ego and greed end and humanity start?Just Concerned WindhoekIt is really much appreciated that the Windhoek Municipality feels the need to repaint the street markings in the city centre, although this raises the question whether the officials who decided to repaint the lines are visually impaired or wear really dark sunglasses when they drive, because these lines are really not that faded…Be it as it may, my next question to the powers that may be, is why on earth do these lines have to be repainted in the week during peak traffic hours, blocking intersections on highways and major streets? Can these lines not be repainted in the evenings or during weekends like in any major city (of which Windhoek claims to be one) in Africa or in the world? Is paying overtime to the already underpaid municipal workers really going to cripple the municipal cash flow? I don’t think so…Putting lines together brings me to our pride and joy…our national airline…please someone enlighten me as to why we even have one.In any free-trade society, if a business does not show profits (in this case for more than a decade), it is SHUT DOWN! In our country, the twisted logic of our leaders dictates that after such a long time of showing loss, the airline needs a further amount in excess of N$150 million, whereas the queues outside our healthcare centres get longer due to lack of funds and our healthcare system only gets a measly amount of around N$60 million.Once again, please, someone send these decision makers on a Logic 101 course before all sanity collapses in our country.Where do ego and greed end and humanity start? Just Concerned Windhoek

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