Our Crazy Drivers

Our Crazy Drivers

HAVE you noticed how everyone is getting upset about the taxi drivers? The irritation is justified.

They stop on one-lane streets, REVERSE on any street they can and make U-turns anywhere at any time! But this is not about them! I understand they are REALLY, REALLY irritating but one thing we haven’t spoke up about is the driving habits of the POLICE and GOVERNMENT drivers! Before I go on, I just want to say that I am very thankful for the Police and Government who keep our country running and safe! Think of life without the Police! But I just want to mention that the driving habits of the Police and Government are totally ridiculous! I am still a minor (fourteen years of age) and do not own a vehicle of my own! Every time I go to town my parents are the drivers! Recently we were driving under the western bypass bridge by the power station when a Government Toyota van passed us in the wrong lane! The driver wasn’t overtaking but was just driving on the other lane in the same direction as us! Then he continued and turned off on the off-ramp, still in the wrong lane! I understand that there was no traffic on the road but what would happen if we would do the same “stunt” in sight of a Police officer! We would have to “pull out the wallet” literally! Another time we were driving towards a traffic light and the light turned red. We stopped at the light but then, to our surprise, the Police car that was driving about 200 metres behind us kept going! He ran the red light in full view! Thankfully there was no traffic coming but again, what if we had done that in the sight of a Police officer! The wallet would come out again! I have seen this happen many times! So my conclusion is, how can the Police hope to keep traffic offences and “crazy drivers” to the minimum if they are guilty of the same things that they are trying to combat? Something must be done! May God bless you and keep you safe on our crazy roads! Anonymous Via e-mailWe stopped at the light but then, to our surprise, the Police car that was driving about 200 metres behind us kept going! He ran the red light in full view! Thankfully there was no traffic coming but again, what if we had done that in the sight of a Police officer! The wallet would come out again! I have seen this happen many times! So my conclusion is, how can the Police hope to keep traffic offences and “crazy drivers” to the minimum if they are guilty of the same things that they are trying to combat? Something must be done! May God bless you and keep you safe on our crazy roads! Anonymous Via e-mail

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