Oshakati school in shocking state

TEACHERS at Erundu Combined School at Oshakati say classrooms at the school are severely dilapidated and have become breeding sites for mosquitoes.

The lights in some of the classrooms are not working, making teaching difficult – especially on cloudy or rainy days.

The teachers say some classrooms’roofs are leaking, leaving puddles of water on the floors.

“About three classrooms do not have doors at all, and broken windows are all over,” a teacher, who wants to remain anonymous, says.

Additionally, a block of 30 toilets at the school has reportedly been closed, because the toilets are damaged and out of order.

“The toilets are not flushing. Before they decided to close them, the floors would be flooded every morning when we come to school. Cleaners would sweep out the water every morning,” the teacher says.

Another teacher adds: “The Ministry of Works and Transport has been contacted numerous times. They came last year, but the repairing process was delayed due to Covid-19. They were contacted again, but no repairs have been made thus far. The classrooms are also full of mosquitoes.”

A Grade 8 pupil says mosquitoes bite the children while in their class.

He says he also fears that classrooms’ ceilings may cave in.

“In our class the ceilings are about to fall. I am scared they may fall on us,” he says.

School principal Festus Kambonde yesterday confirmed that the school’s buildings need renovation.

“It’s true that our buildings are dilapidated. They need renovation, but they are usable,” he said.

Kambonde referred The Namibian to Hileni Amukan, the director of education in the Oshana region.

Amukana could, however, not be reached for comment.

Erundu is a former white-only school at Oshakati.

The Erundu Combined School was in the past considered one of the best schools in the country.

It was a junior secondary school until 2008, before teaching for Grades 11 and 12 were added.

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