Opposed To Neo-Liberals

Opposed To Neo-Liberals

SWAPO must see to it that paternalistic and egocentric behaviour being championed by some senior white officials in some Government ministries, parastatals and state-owned agencies in cohorts with some unpatriotic elements in the private sector comes to an end if Swapo is to retain its integrity and credibility among black electorates as the government of the people, by the people for the people.

For this to happen, our leaders must wake up and assume full responsibility over the affairs of their ministries and ultimately that of this country and not allow these neo-liberal elements with questionable political backgrounds, secret Nazi and Ku Klux Klan memberships and doubtful academic qualifications to make Namibia ungovernable. The simple answer lies in our leader to stop seeing such neo-liberal elements as the only competent people in this country and to have faith in the ability of their own comrades who sacrificed for this country when the same neo-liberal elements were enjoying the fruits of this country.We must constantly remind each other who really fought for this country and remain vigilant that the hard won independence of our country is not compromised by few ill-informed ministers and small group of neo-liberal elements who think they are free to do what they like because in their opinion blacks are supposed to be incompetent and lazy to think for themselves.As some one who suffered in exile and sacrificed for this country, so that we can all live in peace and harmony.I can say it is not the same Namibia I was fighting for when I see how our own comrades whom we have voted into political offices are dancing to the tunes of these neo-liberal elements at the expense of their own comrades.Suddenly, these neo-liberal elements are more trust-worthy and more patriotic our own comrades who fought for this country.What an irony? But Swapo cannot continue to call itself a political mass movement of mainly the poor, previously disenfranchised, dispossessed and marginalised majority if it is seen to have abundant its responsible govern this country to few neo-liberal elements with egocentric agenda.Whose interests do such elements protect if it not that of their own tribesmen? Why do we not see changes in the industries that are dominated by certain people but we see our people being harassed and arrested every day by Police officers under instruction from these neo-liberal elements about taxi, liquor licences, etc.These are tactics aimed at turning blacks and to make Swapo lose credibility with the masses.When are black people going to start to have faith in themselves to lead this country without the help of these neo-liberal elements with questionable political backgrounds and poor academic qualifications compared to some of our own comrades? Or are we like a blind person who buys a car and ask someone to drive not knowing where this person will go with the car? Where is the political will to do things for the benefit of the majority? Pineas Iilonga ya Iilonga WindhoekThe simple answer lies in our leader to stop seeing such neo-liberal elements as the only competent people in this country and to have faith in the ability of their own comrades who sacrificed for this country when the same neo-liberal elements were enjoying the fruits of this country.We must constantly remind each other who really fought for this country and remain vigilant that the hard won independence of our country is not compromised by few ill-informed ministers and small group of neo-liberal elements who think they are free to do what they like because in their opinion blacks are supposed to be incompetent and lazy to think for themselves.As some one who suffered in exile and sacrificed for this country, so that we can all live in peace and harmony.I can say it is not the same Namibia I was fighting for when I see how our own comrades whom we have voted into political offices are dancing to the tunes of these neo-liberal elements at the expense of their own comrades.Suddenly, these neo-liberal elements are more trust-worthy and more patriotic our own comrades who fought for this country.What an irony? But Swapo cannot continue to call itself a political mass movement of mainly the poor, previously disenfranchised, dispossessed and marginalised majority if it is seen to have abundant its responsible govern this country to few neo-liberal elements with egocentric agenda.Whose interests do such elements protect if it not that of their own tribesmen? Why do we not see changes in the industries that are dominated by certain people but we see our people being harassed and arrested every day by Police officers under instruction from these neo-liberal elements about taxi, liquor licences, etc. These are tactics aimed at turning blacks and to make Swapo lose credibility with the masses.When are black people going to start to have faith in themselves to lead this country without the help of these neo-liberal elements with questionable political backgrounds and poor academic qualifications compared to some of our own comrades? Or are we like a blind person who buys a car and ask someone to drive not knowing where this person will go with the car? Where is the political will to do things for the benefit of the majority? Pineas Iilonga ya Iilonga Windhoek

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