One on one with Chikune


The team engaged award-winning singer Chikune Leitner, better known as Chikune, on being a mom, artist and medical doctor. How has motherhood changed your life and career?

Chikune: My career as a musician took off when I first became a mom with my son in 2016. I would say it has made me more determined and motivated to succeed. I’m hoping with my second baby I will be filled with even more drive and passion. I want my children to be inspired by a mom who goes after what she wants. How do you balance your time between being a mom and preparing for performances or music sessions?

Chikune: God, a great nanny, a supportive husband and family. That’s the only way I’m able to function. What were the highlights of 2023 for you?

Chikune: I got pregnant with baby number two while completing my medical internship. I almost miscarried, but by God’s grace she stuck. I completed my internship and became a qualified medical doctor. I had a difficult pregnancy, struggled with high blood pressure and had to deliver early, but I welcome my beautiful little princess. I became a brand ambassador for the Wild Africa Fund and was given a great platform to showcase my gifts. If you are not in studio what are you doing?

Chikune: Taking care of my family and my patients. What can fans expect from your upcoming album?
Chikune: A revived Chikune with a lot more to say! I hope they take the time to listen. Any advice for other moms pursuing their passions?

Chikune: Your children want to see you happy, don’t let anyone tell you you are being selfish by chasing your dreams. You will inspire your children to be fearless in achieving their goals. How has your approach to creating music evolved since becoming a parent?

Chikune: My music has always been about love and positivity; it’s been about my life and experiences. My current situation is just another opportunity to tell new stories through my musical creativity. Can you share a bit about the themes or inspiration behind your upcoming album?

Chikune: I’d like to keep that a surprise. Reflecting on 2023, what lessons have you learnt?

Chikune: I have learnt to be patient, and to not be so hard on myself. While completing internship, I had to take a step back musically so that my family doesn’t suffer. Your passion is important, but family comes first. What are your future plans – both personally and professionally?

Chikune: God, family, career. In that order.

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