On The Namibian Man

On The Namibian Man

THE following things I would like to say are out of concern for our so-called nation.

And well, I won’t lie to you; it is also out of this annoyance in my heart that tends to grow on a daily basis. But even though it may shock, please take the time to read it carefully.The Namibian man is quite a creature.He hides in this undeveloped country, shouting ‘poverty’ for every explanation of his actions.Is it really the reason he acts the way he does? No.The answer is quite simple.Greed.Now you might say that greed is a human trait, and that we all have it.I’d agree on that, but the Namibian man is so lost in his greed, that he loses any trace of humanity.Every Namibian man is the same.They all carry their ego in a gun, ready to shoot at anyone.It’s ironic, because this is also literal.For some reason, they’re all conceited.Why? God knows, because as far as I’m concerned they aren’t good looking.But for some reason they have so much pride, and unfortunately so much power.They still live in this tribal era where women’s rights have not yet been formed.A direct quote, “I have the right to beat her up because she is my person.I am like my father, and that is how we are brought up – she is my woman.”- Hendrick Hawala.I don’t know what makes this more disgusting, the fact that he is proud to beat up his girlfriend, or the fact that he doesn’t mind displaying it in Informanté newspaper for everyone to see.It’s people like this that make you understand why people are racist.It’s not always because of Hitler and his influence on mankind.It’s because ‘the Namibian man’ exists.I myself am a black Namibian, so the fact that I am able to understand is definitely saying something.People say, “She deserved what came to her.”It’s sad because it’s partially true.Why would you get involved with a man that has a criminal record? Why would you get married to a man that has cheated on you before? Why would you stay with him when you know he has another girlfriend? I just don’t understand why these women do this to themselves.This ‘nation’ keeps dooming itself; it is as if they want death.A great example would be the whole Aids issue in Namibia.How many times would you say there is a program on TV about Aids, or there is some form of education on Aids on a daily basis? It’s quite a large number.But somehow the Namibian people still get infected.I don’t know how it’s even possible.Everyday there is a group of people complaining that the government is not giving them enough money to get treated.What do you want the government to do? They probably spend millions on advertising safe sex, but that obviously doesn’t sink into their brains.They cannot decrease the number of Aids-infected.It is YOU that needs to stop having unprotected sex; it is YOU that needs to make the difference.And to make matters worse, these Aids-infected people go to ‘witch doctors’, and these unprofessional, uneducated ‘doctors’ tell them to sleep with a virgin and they will be cured.Idiotically, these people go out and rape little children, thinking their disease will be cured, but of course it is not.All they have done is increase the Aids rate in Namibia even more.In a country so small, it is amazing how many crimes occur.Murders, rapes, corruption and theft etc.And all these sadistic people get away with it because there is simply no fear.They know they will get away with it.Why? Because we have no police.When you phone for the police, they come 4 hours late or say, “come pick us up because we don’t have a car.”It is beyond ridiculous, but that’s Namibia.You don’t feel safe anywhere, not even in your comfort of your own home.You can’t even go to the shop without being approached by some man.”No” doesn’t seem to be in their vocabulary, because apparently everyone has to be attracted to them.Men three times your age approach you as if it is normal.Have you ever heard of paedophilia? Or are you that desperate that you have to try anything that walks? You want an answer to Aids? Stop having unprotected sex.You want an answer to crime? Establish the death penalty.You want change? Do something! I think we’re all tired of hearing your complaints.If you wish to contact me, email me at thenamibianmanisheretostay@hotmail.com, I will be glad to hear your opinion.Namibian Via e-mail Note: Name and address provided – EdThe System Is ‘Crumbling’ PLEASE allow me to make my views through your newspaper.I am a Government employee working in the Opuwo constituency.I am staying in a Government house that belongs to the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication.This house and many others were allocated to individual Government employees and some were allocated to certain ministries, and the ministries allocated the house to their employees.These houses are from the old regime – they are very old – roofs, ceilings are falling apart, pipes are blocked or not in use, there are cracks all over the walls and floors are broken.The buildings have become very risky for those who are residing there.The Ministry of Works, which is responsible for maintaining these houses, is doing minor repairs only sometimes.They can do nothing to solve the problem because of lack of tools, equipment or funds.Sometimes the occupants have to hire someone to do the job for him or her.My main concern is about the risks in which we have placed our lives due to the condition of the buildings.It is against this background that I would like to request the Ministry of Works to consider this request.Why can’t the ministry consider selling these buildings to those interested, with first choice to be given to the occupants as has happened at other towns like Otjiwarongo.Why are we treated as if we are not Namibian citizens? We all want to have property of our own and we will be able to improve the condition of these buildings.All buildings belonging to the ministry should be considered even those which are allocated to the various ministries and not only those which were allocated to individuals.Let us all be treated equally in this matter.Concerned peace-loving Namibian Opuwo (Name supplied)But even though it may shock, please take the time to read it carefully.The Namibian man is quite a creature.He hides in this undeveloped country, shouting ‘poverty’ for every explanation of his actions.Is it really the reason he acts the way he does? No.The answer is quite simple.Greed.Now you might say that greed is a human trait, and that we all have it.I’d agree on that, but the Namibian man is so lost in his greed, that he loses any trace of humanity.Every Namibian man is the same.They all carry their ego in a gun, ready to shoot at anyone.It’s ironic, because this is also literal.For some reason, they’re all conceited.Why? God knows, because as far as I’m concerned they aren’t good looking.But for some reason they have so much pride, and unfortunately so much power.They still live in this tribal era where women’s rights have not yet been formed.A direct quote, “I have the right to beat her up because she is my person.I am like my father, and that is how we are brought up – she is my woman.”- Hendrick Hawala.I don’t know what makes this more disgusting, the fact that he is proud to beat up his girlfriend, or the fact that he doesn’t mind displaying it in Informanté newspaper for everyone to see.It’s people like this that make you understand why people are racist.It’s not always because of Hitler and his influence on mankind.It’s because ‘the Namibian man’ exists.I myself am a black Namibian, so the fact that I am able to understand is definitely saying something.People say, “She deserved what came to her.”It’s sad because it’s partially true.Why would you get involved with a man that has a criminal record? Why would you get married to a man that has cheated on you before? Why would you stay with him when you know he has another girlfriend? I just don’t understand why these women do this to themselves.This ‘nation’ keeps dooming itself; it is as if they want death.A great example would be the whole Aids issue in Namibia.How many times would you say there is a program on TV about Aids, or there is some form of education on Aids on a daily basis? It’s quite a large number.But somehow the Namibian people still get infected.I don’t know how it’s even possible.Everyday there is a group of people complaining that the government is not giving them enough money to get treated.What do you want the government to do? They probably spend millions on advertising safe sex, but that obviously doesn’t sink into their brains.They cannot decrease the number of Aids-infected.It is YOU that needs to stop having unprotected sex; it is YOU that needs to make the difference.And to make matters worse, these Aids-infected people go to ‘witch doctors’, and these unprofessional, uneducated ‘doctors’ tell them to sleep with a virgin and they will be cured.Idiotically, these people go out and rape little children, thinking their disease will be cured, but of course it is not.All they have done is increase the Aids rate in Namibia even more.In a country so small, it is amazing how many crimes occur.Murders, rapes, corruption and theft etc.And all these sadistic people get away with it because there is simply no fear.They know they will get away with it.Why? Because we have no police.When you phone for the police, they come 4 hours late or say, “come pick us up because we don’t have a car.”It is beyond ridiculous, but that’s Namibia.You don’t feel safe anywhere, not even in your comfort of your own home.You can’t even go to the shop without being approached by some man.”No” doesn’t seem to be in their vocabulary, because apparently everyone has to be attracted to them.Men three times your age approach you as if it is normal.Have you ever heard of paedophilia? Or are you that desperate that you have to try anything that walks? You want an answer to Aids? Stop having unprotected sex.You want an answer to crime? Establish the death penalty.You want change? Do something! I think we’re all tired of hearing your complaints.If you wish to contact me, email me at thenamibianmanisheretostay@hotmail.com, I will be glad to hear your opinion.Namibian Via e-mail Note: Name and address provided – EdThe System Is ‘Crumbling’ PLEASE allow me to make my views through your newspaper.I am a Government employee working in the Opuwo constituency.I am staying in a Government house that belongs to the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication.This house and many others were allocated to individual Government employees and some were allocated to certain ministries, and the ministries allocated the house to their employees.These houses are from the old regime – they are very old – roofs, ceilings are falling apart, pipes are blocked or not in use, there are cracks all over the walls and floors are broken.The buildings have become very risky for those who are residing there.The Ministry of Works, which is responsible for maintaining these houses, is doing minor repairs only sometimes.They can do nothing to solve the problem because of lack of tools, equipment or funds.Sometimes the occupants have to hire someone to do the job for him or her.My main concern is about the risks in which we have placed our lives due to the condition of the buildings.It is against this background that I would like to request the Ministry of Works to consider this request.Why can’t the ministry consider selling these buildings to those interested, with first choice to be given to the occupants as has happened at other towns like Otjiwarongo.Why are we treated as if we are not Namibian citizens? We all want to have property of our own and we will be able to improve the condition of these buildings.All buildings belonging to the ministry should be considered even those which are allocated to the various ministries and not only those which were allocated to individuals.Let us all be treated equally in this matter.Concerned peace-loving Namibian Opuwo (Name supplied)

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