On Lister’s ‘Unprovoked’ Attack

On Lister’s ‘Unprovoked’ Attack

I WRITE to react to Gwen Lister’s slanderous accusations against Ms Pendukeni (The Namibian, March 3 2006) who spoke out against the ‘Western-controlled media’ in Namibia.

It is surprising that nowhere in her speech as published by New Era did the Attorney General mention the name Gwen Lister, yet in her ‘Political Perspective’, she came out smoking against what she had said: is this an admission that, as former reporter of the British Broadcasting Corporation your loyalty is still with Britain rather than with Namibia, Lister? Lister referred to a “discredited Kapia” after she [and others] unleashed all their missiles to destroy him? I think you need reminding that most people in Namibia have come to terms with the fact that Kapia was framed by your likes who waged a relentless campaign to ‘discredit’ him. After all, the transactions of all the monies of SSC went through banks, and Kapia does not own a bank in Namibia, in other words all the money went through white-owned banks.Do you think that all these ‘white-controlled banks’ should be made to account? Have you no shame to rant about N$30 million of Avid or N$3 million of MoD and say nothing at all about the N$100 million ODC money that has vanished without clear trail or could it be that Kapia was to blame there as well? Can you just leave Kapia alone? And then you directed some nasty innuendo at the Attorney General.In fact you should be sued for those unfounded allegations, I hope she sues! Or that Ananias Nghifitikeko is responsible for much of the division in Swapo, now that is a load of nonsense, and you know it! Why is that freedom of expression and the media is only good for whites like you and not to blacks like Mr Nghifitikeko? I would give him a Journalist Award of the Year for his analysis and well-researched articles: because that is what investigative journalism should be all about! Why is it, after all, that your paper can write anything but when a black person writes something critical of whites then all hell breaks loose? Finally, I think it was the African-American Malcolm X who said it that if white people, especially the liberally racist, display dislike of black leaders then it is good.But if the whites start praising black leaders then it is time to start worrying because such leaders must be doing everything right to aid the white establishment and everything wrong to advance the black cause.Chances are Ms Pendukeni represents a lot of good for the black people that is the reason for the unprovoked attacks from Gwen Lister! Paulus Sigwali Windhoek Note: We fail to understand why you are turning this into a black-white issue? – EdAfter all, the transactions of all the monies of SSC went through banks, and Kapia does not own a bank in Namibia, in other words all the money went through white-owned banks.Do you think that all these ‘white-controlled banks’ should be made to account? Have you no shame to rant about N$30 million of Avid or N$3 million of MoD and say nothing at all about the N$100 million ODC money that has vanished without clear trail or could it be that Kapia was to blame there as well? Can you just leave Kapia alone? And then you directed some nasty innuendo at the Attorney General.In fact you should be sued for those unfounded allegations, I hope she sues! Or that Ananias Nghifitikeko is responsible for much of the division in Swapo, now that is a load of nonsense, and you know it! Why is that freedom of expression and the media is only good for whites like you and not to blacks like Mr Nghifitikeko? I would give him a Journalist Award of the Year for his analysis and well-researched articles: because that is what investigative journalism should be all about! Why is it, after all, that your paper can write anything but when a black person writes something critical of whites then all hell breaks loose? Finally, I think it was the African-American Malcolm X who said it that if white people, especially the liberally racist, display dislike of black leaders then it is good.But if the whites start praising black leaders then it is time to start worrying because such leaders must be doing everything right to aid the white establishment and everything wrong to advance the black cause.Chances are Ms Pendukeni represents a lot of good for the black people that is the reason for the unprovoked attacks from Gwen Lister! Paulus Sigwali Windhoek Note: We fail to understand why you are turning this into a black-white issue? – Ed

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