Omuthiya mayor suspends IPC councillors

Johannes Ndeutepo

Omuthiya mayor Johannes Ndeutepo this week suspended two Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) councillors, Nghipudilo ya Shiindi and Moses Amukoto
Ndeutapo represents Swapo in the council.

The mayor suspended them for alleged misconduct when they convened an ‘illegal’ meeting with residents of an informal settlement at Omuthiya on 2 July.

The meeting was called to allegedly discuss the water situation at the informal settlement where 300 people live without water after the town council cut off their supplies because they have debts totalling N$450 000.

The Namibian has learnt that the residents’ only water tap was closed in January.

According to their notices of suspension, the counsellors have been suspended for a period of 30 days – from 24 July to 23 August.

“Please take note that this suspension is pending the consideration of the referral submitted to the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development on your removal from the office,” Ndeutepo wrote.

He added that after a motion to suspend the duo was tabled last week, they were afforded an opportunity to defend themselves, but failed to do so.

The mayor said while on suspension, the town council will stop their monthly allowance.

“You must surrender council property, if any, accorded to you while on suspension [sic],” Ndeutepo wrote.

Ya Shiindi told The Namibian on Wednesday that last week’s council meeting did not make a decision on their suspensions.

“The suspension’s effective date was not agreed on and the conditions stated on the suspension letters such as ceasing members’ benefits were not discussed. Those are all Ndeutepo’s decisions outside council chambers,” she said.

She added that she has been suspended indefinitely. She said their suspension is contrary to the code of conduct of members of local authorities, which she says provides that council may suspend a member from attending meetings of the council for a period not exceeding one month.

Ya Shiindi accused Ndeutepo of abusing his position in the council to suspend them.

“According to the mayor, we held an illegal meeting (2 July 2023) yet he still went on and agreed to attend to issues raised in the illegal meeting. How ironic,” she said.

She said Ndeutepo is a very emotional man who does not listen to others.

“He is leading the public institution like his private shebeen, autocratic, won’t work in a collective leadership system. Also we are not his kids, nobody entered council through the back door. We all appeared on our political parties’ lists and as a consequence we are all democratically elected council members. But Ndeutepo behaves as if he used a different door to enter that council,” Ya Shiindi said.

She said last year she was suspended for expressing her lack of confidence in Ndeutepo. She claims Ndeutepo’s leadership is discriminatory and the town council is toxic.

“Ndeutepo is failing to provide leadership, he has his favourite officials. There is division everywhere in that council and I blame Ndeutepo for failing to provide leadership. His favourite kids are doing as they please, behaving as they want because they dance to his drumbeats.

And those who are not his favourites are suffering. The working environment is not conducive for them any more,” she added.

Contacted for comments yesterday, Ndeutepo asked whether The Namibian will give the two councillors an alternative.

“If they want recourse, there are processes in this country on how to get recourse,” he said.

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