Obey The Swapo Rules

Obey The Swapo Rules

THIS is an open letter to the defunct councillor nominees of the Ongwediva constituency and their supporters who just committed political suicide.

The recent ruling by Acting Judge Kato van Niekerk in the Ongwediva Town Council saga, dismissing an application to block the new councillors from being sworn in is a clear testimony that these misguided politicians do not understand their role in the party. I congratulate them for using their democratic right to be told the truth and to be shown their ignorance in a public court.I would like to argue under the circumstances that the councillors who challenged the decision of the Swapo Party in the High Court are not only power hungry but are confused and would have confused their supporters more should they have succeeded in their application to block the Ongwediva councillors from being sworn in.The question I want to ask is, on whose behalf were they going to represent the people if the party that nominated them and subsequently replaced them, (obviously for good reasons and in the interest of the party) is not satisfied with their credentials? When are we going to teach our members to respect the party rules and regulations as well as its decisions? Comrades, you were nominated by the Party and the Party have the right to replace you as it deems fit! It is an embarrassment to witness how you mislead your supporters to demonstrate against their own party and the decisions it makes.How on earth can we trust you with such a big responsibility of leading the development of a town if you have just shown us your true colours with your recent conduct? Please don’t call this democracy because I believe that every house has its rules and children of that house are to obey those rules, whether they like it or not.Every politician became a politician because of his party and should you not like to play according to the rules of that party, don’t confuse the masses.I want to appeal to all bona fida Swapo Party members and supporters to refrain from causing unnecessary friction within the Party.Why should we wash our dirty linen in public as if we don’t have structures to address our differences? Let us respect the decisions of the Party for this is what democracy is all about.We must agree to disagree.You might argue that you were used in the process to make the party win the local authority elections but wait and think a moment, is the victory not for the Party and not about councillor nominees who led the Party to that victory? I have sympathy with you comrades but you must learn to accept your defeats with the grace of an adult, not the grief of a child.How were you able to take on the challenges of developing the Ongwediva Town with such attitudes? It’s about time that you stop this nonsense and start to focus on the challenges that our country faces! This goes for the comrades in the Luderitz Constituency as well.I would like to conclude with my sincere advice to you; if you want to oppose Swapo Party, join the opposition.Johannes T Kangandjera Via e-mailI congratulate them for using their democratic right to be told the truth and to be shown their ignorance in a public court.I would like to argue under the circumstances that the councillors who challenged the decision of the Swapo Party in the High Court are not only power hungry but are confused and would have confused their supporters more should they have succeeded in their application to block the Ongwediva councillors from being sworn in.The question I want to ask is, on whose behalf were they going to represent the people if the party that nominated them and subsequently replaced them, (obviously for good reasons and in the interest of the party) is not satisfied with their credentials? When are we going to teach our members to respect the party rules and regulations as well as its decisions? Comrades, you were nominated by the Party and the Party have the right to replace you as it deems fit! It is an embarrassment to witness how you mislead your supporters to demonstrate against their own party and the decisions it makes.How on earth can we trust you with such a big responsibility of leading the development of a town if you have just shown us your true colours with your recent conduct? Please don’t call this democracy because I believe that every house has its rules and children of that house are to obey those rules, whether they like it or not.Every politician became a politician because of his party and should you not like to play according to the rules of that party, don’t confuse the masses.I want to appeal to all bona fida Swapo Party members and supporters to refrain from causing unnecessary friction within the Party.Why should we wash our dirty linen in public as if we don’t have structures to address our differences? Let us respect the decisions of the Party for this is what democracy is all about.We must agree to disagree.You might argue that you were used in the process to make the party win the local authority elections but wait and think a moment, is the victory not for the Party and not about councillor nominees who led the Party to that victory? I have sympathy with you comrades but you must learn to accept your defeats with the grace of an adult, not the grief of a child.How were you able to take on the challenges of developing the Ongwediva Town with such attitudes? It’s about time that you stop this nonsense and start to focus on the challenges that our country faces! This goes for the comrades in the Luderitz Constituency as well.I would like to conclude with my sincere advice to you; if you want to oppose Swapo Party, join the opposition.Johannes T Kangandjera Via e-mail

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