Nust lecturer investigated over sex for marks

The Namibia University of Science and Technology (Nust) is investigating allegations of sexual harassment against a senior lecturer.

This comes after several students reported the matter to the university’s human resources (HR) office a few months ago, a source in the department has confirmed.

The latest incident allegedly took place last month.

The senior lecturer, whose identity is known to The Namibian, was allegedly recently escorted from campus by Nust security guards, carrying a mattress.

Nust spokesperson John Haufiku has confirmed ongoing investigations into the matter.

“Regrettably, we are unable to provide commentary on the allegations at this time due to ongoing investigations. We will, however, ensure that you get answers,” he has said.

Students’ Union of Namibia (SUN) president Benhard Kavau says relationships between students and lecturers compromise the quality of education.

“It is not allowed for a lecturer to have a relationship with a student. It comes with self-respect, because the moment a lecturer has such relationships, it is really a conflict of interest, because it compromises the quality of education.

“How do we then trust that student A is performing well and student B is not performing well if there is conflict of interest? So, in most cases students will be disadvantaged,” he says. Kavau says Nust must toughen up its policies so that students are protected against such incidents.

“Let this be used as an example. We are calling on Nust to toughen up its policies if they are not strong so that students are protected against such acts,” he says. A source at the university says Nust does not allow students and lecturers to have intimate relationships. “We have heard that students are allowed to date their lecturers at other institutions as long they are not in the same department, which is different to us.

“Nust does not allow students to have sexual relationships with their lecturers,” he says. Another source has confirmed that students have reported the lecturer.

“He was using his office for the sexual harassment of students. He kept a mattress in his office. Even when he was suspended, we saw him carrying his mattress, and when he was being escorted by the campus control.

“The problem now is that many of our students’ family members are calling us, asking us about the case, and students are now scared to visit the offices of their male lecturers,” he says.

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