Nujoma Missed The Political Point

Nujoma Missed The Political Point

IT was widely reported by the media that while opening the Swapo Central Committee, Swapo Party President Sam Nujoma reportedly accused RDP leaders of being “enemies of the country, Â… always causing divisions and systematic sabotage of the national economy”.

“They promise a brighter future – what future? … They instead embarked on a systematic sabotage of our national economy. It is the same individuals who supervised over and undermined projects and companies such as Pidico, Development Brigade Corporation, Patriotic Construction Company, Offshore Development Company, Namibia Contract Haulage, Kalahari Holdings and others that were initiated to create employment opportunities for thousands of unemployed Namibians”, argued Nujoma.What is the use of telling us what Hidipo Hamutenya and Jesaya Nyamu have done after 15 years in power and three years in retirement? Is this the strategy aimed at blocking RDP to garner the support of the Namibian people? It is too late to pass the blame, Tatekulu.We really have the problems that cannot be used as propaganda tools by politicians.If indeed the RDP leaders have committed the alleged crimes, then steps should have been taken against them before their departure.I also want to challenge Mr Nujoma to come out on other projects and companies that have “swallowed” the public funds such as City Savings and Investment Bank, ‘Where Others Wavered’, Barden International, Air Namibia, GIPF loans, Swakopmund Station Hotel, Windhoek Country Club and many others.The nation must further be informed about: * How many failed leaders have hibernated in Swapo and are still holding positions in Government? Are they considered good while they are in Swapo and only exposed when they have resigned to form new political parties? It is a well-known fact that those who conceal corrupt practices are also corrupt.* Is the Swapo President’s revelation not enough testimony that the Swapo-led Government was either intellectually bankrupt or made up of incompetent leaders entrusted with the national duties.Is there any reason why the nation cannot withdraw its trust and confidence from Swapo then? * Who has/have been in the know that those former leaders of Swapo have “failed beyond reasonable doubt to produce for this nation” but it was kept under wraps? Has the supervisor, Mr Nujoma, been aware/informed of the national saboteurs? The supervisor’s duty should be to ensure that there is an efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery.Has he failed too? There is no logic in having a successful leader presiding over a failed team.When all the learners in a class fail, it is a teacher who takes the blame.If many learners in a school fail, it is a school principal who has to account.Equally, the principal of the Swapo Party has failed the nation.The companies and projects that are claimed to have been failed were established on the recommendations of the Cabinet, which Nujoma chaired for 15 years.Ministers and other political office-bearers are appointed at the discretion of the Head of State.Hearing a former Head of State trying to run away from what he has been elected, mandated and entrusted to do by the electorate, is ridiculous.Let us just be honest to the people of Namibia.They cannot swallow the propaganda of manoeuvring anymore.If there is something that has gone wrong (failed), then those who have come out of Swapo, confessed to the public and repented, they will be forgiven and march into the future with the light hearts.Those who are living in a state of denial, let it be while their judgment days for their sinful deeds will emerge soon.One of the examples is when RDP’s Acting Chairman, Jesaya Nyamu, was interviewed by a local newspaper on “the excesses which were committed during the liberation struggle”, and he had this to say: “The founders of the RDP have been leaders in Swapo.We cannot claim that certain things did not happen.These issues are not going to go away, but they need to be faced and dealt with.These are our own people.We must admit our mistakes and excesses and their names must be cleared”.The people of Namibia must be grateful and lucky to have those brave sons and daughters of the soil who followed the footsteps of the Ben Ulengas and simultaneously said, ‘Enough is enough!’” The RDP leaders cannot be declared failures or incompetents in a Kangaroo Court while we have the legal and competent courts in this country.They must be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a competent court of law.HH was maliciously hauled into a Presidential Commission of inquiry which has given him a clean bill of health.HH and Nyamu were never mentioned during the Kapia – Kandara – Josia – Blaauw’s Avid – SSC scandal.Why were those who have been implicated as having shares or received the free-for-all money were not summoned to a Presidential Commission of Inquiry? What about those Commissions of Inquiry’s reports which are left to rot in the State House? It is seriously chaotic and undisciplined to have a ruling party stoop so low to an extent that even the Swapo Party Youth League in Oshana, Oshikoto, Omusati and Ohangwena Regions have joined the dirty fray and resolved “To call on all Swapo Party members at all level to take an oath and make a pledge allegiance of their membership ..”and “to call on our Swapo Party Government to ensure that the Ministry of Defence, Namibian Broadcasting Corporation, National Planning Commission, Namibia Intelligence Services, Bank of Namibia, Namibia Police to publicly relinquish their support to Hidipo Hamutenya and proclaim absolute allegiance to the Swapo Party Government ..”.If I was President Pohamba I would ask myself whether it helps to opt for a “silent diplomacy” while the Swapo-led government is being politically dismantled by those who call themselves “loyal comrades”? There is no loyal Namibian denying that we have abject poverty, unemployment, deteriorating health, education, prisons, justice and the widening gap between the majority poor and minority rich elite.And we have, in no uncertain terms, to find everlasting solutions to these man-made problems.So what is the big deal about RDP? S.Eino Oshikoto Region Note: This letter has been shortened – EdIt is the same individuals who supervised over and undermined projects and companies such as Pidico, Development Brigade Corporation, Patriotic Construction Company, Offshore Development Company, Namibia Contract Haulage, Kalahari Holdings and others that were initiated to create employment opportunities for thousands of unemployed Namibians”, argued Nujoma.What is the use of telling us what Hidipo Hamutenya and Jesaya Nyamu have done after 15 years in power and three years in retirement? Is this the strategy aimed at blocking RDP to garner the support of the Namibian people? It is too late to pass the blame, Tatekulu.We really have the problems that cannot be used as propaganda tools by politicians.If indeed the RDP leaders have committed the alleged crimes, then steps should have been taken against them before their departure.I also want to challenge Mr Nujoma to come out on other projects and companies that have “swallowed” the public funds such as City Savings and Investment Bank, ‘Where Others Wavered’, Barden International, Air Namibia, GIPF loans, Swakopmund Station Hotel, Windhoek Country Club and many others.The nation must further be informed about: * How many failed leaders have hibernated in Swapo and are still holding positions in Government? Are they considered good while they are in Swapo and only exposed when they have resigned to form new political parties? It is a well-known fact that those who conceal corrupt practices are also corrupt.* Is the Swapo President’s revelation not enough testimony that the Swapo-led Government was either intellectually bankrupt or made up of incompetent leaders entrusted with the national duties.Is there any reason why the nation cannot withdraw its trust and confidence from Swapo then? * Who has/have been in the know that those former leaders of Swapo have “failed beyond reasonable doubt to produce for this nation” but it was kept under wraps? Has the supervisor, Mr Nujoma, been aware/informed of the national saboteurs? The supervisor’s duty should be to ensure that there is an efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery.Has he failed too? There is no logic in having a successful leader presiding over a failed team.When all the learners in a class fail, it is a teacher who takes the blame.If many learners in a school fail, it is a school principal who has to account.Equally, the principal of the Swapo Party has failed the nation.The companies and projects that are claimed to have been failed were established on the recommendations of the Cabinet, which Nujoma chaired for 15 years.Ministers and other political office-bearers are appointed at the discretion of the Head of State.Hearing a former Head of State trying to run away from what he has been elected, mandated and entrusted to do by the electorate, is ridiculous.Let us just be honest to the people of Namibia.They cannot swallow the propaganda of manoeuvring anymore.If there is something that has gone wrong (failed), then those who have come out of Swapo, confessed to the public and repented, they will be forgiven and march into the future with the light hearts.Those who are living in a state of denial, let it be while their judgment days for their sinful deeds will emerge soon.One of the examples is when RDP’s Acting Chairman, Jesaya Nyamu, was interviewed by a local newspaper on “the excesses which were committed during the liberation struggle”, and he had this to say: “The founders of the RDP have been leaders in Swapo.We cannot claim that certain things did not happen.These issues are not going to go away, but they need to be faced and dealt with.These are our own people.We must admit our mistakes and excesses and their names must be cleared”.The people of Namibia must be grateful and lucky to have those brave sons and daughters of the soil who followed the footsteps of the Ben Ulengas and simultaneously said, ‘Enough is enough!’” The RDP leaders cannot be declared failures or incompetents in a Kangaroo Court while we have the legal and competent courts in this country.They must be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a competent court of law.HH was maliciously hauled into a Presidential Commission of inquiry which has given him a clean bill of health.HH and Nyamu were never mentioned during the Kapia – Kandara – Josia – Blaauw’s Avid – SSC scandal.Why were those who have been implicated as having shares or received the free-for-all money were not summoned to a Presidential Commission of Inquiry? What about those Commissions of Inquiry’s reports which are left to rot in the State House? It is seriously chaotic and undisciplined to have a ruling party stoop so low to an extent that even the Swapo Party Youth League in Oshana, Oshikoto, Omusati and Ohangwena Regions have joined the dirty fray and resolved “To call on all Swapo Party members at all level to take an oath and make a pledge allegiance of their membership ..”and “to call on our Swapo Party Government to ensure that the Ministry of Defence, Namibian Broadcasting Corporation, National Planning Commission, Namibia Intelligence Services, Bank of Namibia, Namibia Police to publicly relinquish their support to Hidipo Hamutenya and proclaim absolute allegiance to the Swapo Party Government ..”.If I was President Pohamba I would ask myself whether it helps to opt for a “silent diplomacy” while the Swapo-led government is being politically dismantled by those who call themselves “loyal comrades”? There is no loyal Namibian denying that we have abject poverty, unemployment, deteriorating health, education, prisons, justice and the widening gap between the majority poor and minority rich elite.And we have, in no uncertain terms, to find everlasting solutions to these man-made problems.So what is the big deal about RDP? S.Eino Oshikoto Region Note: This letter has been shortened – Ed

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