Noise Is Common

Noise Is Common

I REFER to a letter to the editor on November 4, entitled ‘The Governor and the Jukebox’ by Mrs Gloria Petrus.

Noise seems to be a necessary life-juice for many people in our country and at the same time we can see – and hear very loudly – that many people do not take into consideration the wish of those neighbours who do not care in the least to be bothered by noises at all, such as jukebox music from (mostly unlicensed) shebeens, loud music from the neighbour’s yard at any time of the day, sometimes going on till late in the night, cars racing at night at high speed and with roaring exhausts through residential areas, music at any time of the day and night from cars, whose owners turn the volume up to the maximum and that loud “bum-bum” when you see the car jumping and other noises, even in the middle of a Spa (Reoboth) all day and – believe it – till 5 am. To harass the people who have come and paid for a cure? If even the management of a Spa cannot control this unholy behaviour in that small place; if you as a neighbour get an insulting answer from your neighbours when you complain in a civilised way, how can you expect the Government (by law), the municipality (by law and Police control) to get this situation under control? And since the lady in that letter asked how children can study “embraced” by all these noises day in and day out, does she not know that everything starts at home with education, that all this is home-made? At the homes of the school children the TVs are normally on all day with programmes or even action videos running which are for children anyway not the right brain or character food; the children study (?) with music floating directly into their already spoiled ears from the little players via earphones.Where are the parents? And it sounded in the letter as if the lady pointed only to our non-white citizens.This noise behaviour is common to all ethnic groups.Dieter K.Friedrich SwakopmundTo harass the people who have come and paid for a cure? If even the management of a Spa cannot control this unholy behaviour in that small place; if you as a neighbour get an insulting answer from your neighbours when you complain in a civilised way, how can you expect the Government (by law), the municipality (by law and Police control) to get this situation under control? And since the lady in that letter asked how children can study “embraced” by all these noises day in and day out, does she not know that everything starts at home with education, that all this is home-made? At the homes of the school children the TVs are normally on all day with programmes or even action videos running which are for children anyway not the right brain or character food; the children study (?) with music floating directly into their already spoiled ears from the little players via earphones.Where are the parents? And it sounded in the letter as if the lady pointed only to our non-white citizens.This noise behaviour is common to all ethnic groups.Dieter K.Friedrich Swakopmund

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