Mugabe gets tough on graft

Mugabe gets tough on graft

HARARE – Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe vowed yesterday that his seven-month-old anti-corruption crackdown would not spare his own relatives.

“We want to get our country completely rid of corruption, we will get the financial sector cleansed of corruption, of those who want to make money not tomorrow, not even today, but yesterday, those who want to use crookish methods to enrich themselves,” Mugabe said. “So when government descends on corrupt characters, rogues among us, don’t cry when we arrest your relative who is a rogue, even if it’s Mugabe’s relatives, he will be arrested if he is a crook,” said Mugabe at a ceremony to honour veterans of the liberation war against former colonial ruler Britain.- Nampa-Reuters”So when government descends on corrupt characters, rogues among us, don’t cry when we arrest your relative who is a rogue, even if it’s Mugabe’s relatives, he will be arrested if he is a crook,” said Mugabe at a ceremony to honour veterans of the liberation war against former colonial ruler Britain.- Nampa-Reuters

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