Male sex workers on increase

Male sex workers on increase

WINDHOEK – The parliamentary committee investigating sex workers and street children has been told that male prostitution is a bigger industry than previously thought.

The Director of The Rainbow Project (TRP), Ian Swartz, told the committee last week that the clients of male sex workers are predominantly Namibian, unlike those of their female counterparts. “I suggest that sex work should be decriminalised and the sodomy law should be scrapped,” Swartz said.According to research done in 1998 by the TRP, most male prostitutes are young boys without family support – orphans and those who are abandoned by their parents.The survey was done in Oshakati, Windhoek and Keetmanshoop.It revealed that male prostitutes have an average of 13 clients a week.”Male sex workers encounter more violence than their female counterparts.They are beaten while they are on the lookout for customers and are often beaten by customers after delivering services or they refuse to pay for the services,” Swartz said.He said most of them have no access to health care and are unaware of their HIV status.Swartz proposed that prostitution be legalised and that sex workers get friendly and non-judgemental treatment at HIV-AIDS counselling centres and health clinics.He added that law-enforcement officers should receive training in how to deal with sex workers and Government should provide them with alternative ways of making a living.The National Council’s Standing Committee on Gender, Youth and Information will table a report to the National Council after the series of public hearings.The aim is to get input from non-governmental organisations, faith-based organisations and the business community on how to deal with sex workers in the community.- Nampa”I suggest that sex work should be decriminalised and the sodomy law should be scrapped,” Swartz said.According to research done in 1998 by the TRP, most male prostitutes are young boys without family support – orphans and those who are abandoned by their parents.The survey was done in Oshakati, Windhoek and Keetmanshoop.It revealed that male prostitutes have an average of 13 clients a week.”Male sex workers encounter more violence than their female counterparts.They are beaten while they are on the lookout for customers and are often beaten by customers after delivering services or they refuse to pay for the services,” Swartz said.He said most of them have no access to health care and are unaware of their HIV status.Swartz proposed that prostitution be legalised and that sex workers get friendly and non-judgemental treatment at HIV-AIDS counselling centres and health clinics.He added that law-enforcement officers should receive training in how to deal with sex workers and Government should provide them with alternative ways of making a living.The National Council’s Standing Committee on Gender, Youth and Information will table a report to the National Council after the series of public hearings.The aim is to get input from non-governmental organisations, faith-based organisations and the business community on how to deal with sex workers in the community.- Nampa

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