Make that bread: Get money by helping people organise their time effectively

This sheer load of information available online can make you feel like time just flew by while you did not accomplish your tasks for the day, week or even month. Photo: Canva Germany GmbH

We are living at the height of the digital age, where, with phones at the tips of our fingers, we can access boundless forms of entertainment.

This ease and sheer load of information available online can make you feel like time just flew by while you did not accomplish your tasks for the day, week or even month.

While we should not take such technology for granted, we should instead use it more intentionally to improve our lives and not hinder them.

If you’re an extremely organised or creative person, why not use your skills or talent to make some extra cash by helping others get more order into their lives?
Here are some ways you can do this:

Create and sell weekly planners

A weekly planner is a schedule of your plans and activities for the week. It allows you to manage your time, track projects, and overall plan your day.

You can use it to note your most important tasks for the week for work or school. It can also include personal goals like going to the gym or doing yoga every day.

You don’t have to break the bank by making your own weekly planner. You can use free design apps such as Canva to bring your vision to life. You can also draw or doodle to make your creation different from the competition.

Sell customised bullet journals

Austrian designer Ryder Carroll invented the bullet notebook as a technique of personal management.

The system consolidates scheduling, reminders, to-do lists, brainstorming and other administrative duties into a single notebook.

So, a bullet journal can essentially be a diary, calendar and a goal-tracker all at once. You can personalise generic bullet journals by adding the customer’s name, workplace, or if meant as a gift, the receiver’s name.

Become a professional organiser

For those who may feel overwhelmed or are actually incapable of planning for themselves, a professional organiser is perfect. However, this includes more than just digital or paper work.

Professional organisers utilise their expertise and talents to help clients clear and rearrange office areas, rooms, houses, or businesses and bringing order out of chaos and clutter.

Design and sell year planners

It’s never too late to get more order in one’s life. A year planner is one way to achieve this.

This is a digital or large document that you hang on the wall that shows the days, weeks, and months of the year and is used to schedule your activities.

However, you will undeniably have competition in this endeavour. You may set your year planner apart by using one of the South African languages instead of English.

You can also add some personal details catered to your client’s needs, such as the birthdays of all their loved ones.
– IOL News

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