Make corrupt individuals pay

Make corrupt individuals pay

REGARDING the corrupt individuals who siphon off millions of our scare resources for nothing but selfish reasons, (you may be surprised to learn but) – I am with you! I will not be convinced by anybody as to the reasons why an (unpatriotic) individual misappropriates our scarce resources just to satisfy his/her (unsatisfiable) quest for status – fake, I may add – just to go free after the country spends more of the scarce resources on a commission of enquiry.

I will suggest three tough punishments for these types of (executive) criminals: 1. The guilty person should, without further delay, be dismissed (this has happened in one or two cases).2. This (executive) criminal should not only be dismissed but should be imprisoned (this has also happened in one, may be two cases).3. This (executive) criminal (though imprisoned) should be made to PAY BACK the people’s money (this has not yet happened and I wonder when it will happen).Because what purpose does it serve to imprison or dismiss a person with millions of dollars stashed away in the bank (and earning interest I must say)? The person will feel like he/she is being rewarded, after all they will keep their millions/billions afterwards.We must find a way to let the would-be culprits know that corruption will not be tolerated in the land of the brave.Otherwise we would be hypocrites who impose a ten-year prison sentence on a hungry man who attempts to steal a loaf of bread (wrong as it is) that he really needed.Stealing smart (and on a big scale) does not make one a holy sinner.So please, if someone is stealing our (the People’s) money, the person should first pay it back before they are let go.Is that too much to ask? If it is, then we should not waste more money to investigate them! After all, two wrongs can not and never will make a right!KB Shingenge Windhoek1. The guilty person should, without further delay, be dismissed (this has happened in one or two cases). 2. This (executive) criminal should not only be dismissed but should be imprisoned (this has also happened in one, may be two cases). 3. This (executive) criminal (though imprisoned) should be made to PAY BACK the people’s money (this has not yet happened and I wonder when it will happen).Because what purpose does it serve to imprison or dismiss a person with millions of dollars stashed away in the bank (and earning interest I must say)? The person will feel like he/she is being rewarded, after all they will keep their millions/billions afterwards. We must find a way to let the would-be culprits know that corruption will not be tolerated in the land of the brave. Otherwise we would be hypocrites who impose a ten-year prison sentence on a hungry man who attempts to steal a loaf of bread (wrong as it is) that he really needed. Stealing smart (and on a big scale) does not make one a holy sinner. So please, if someone is stealing our (the People’s) money, the person should first pay it back before they are let go. Is that too much to ask? If it is, then we should not waste more money to investigate them! After all, two wrongs can not and never will make a right! KB Shingenge Windhoek

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