Lightning kills teen

Lightning kills teen

A SECOND child has been struck dead by lightning in the North, Police in the Omusati Region reported yesterday.

Sergeant Lineekela Shikongo, based at Outapi, said Faustinus Nambuli (15) died instantly when he was struck by a lightning bolt outside his homestead at Epoko village in the Ombalantu area on Monday evening. On Friday, a four-year-old girl was killed by lightning at Onamushi village in the Oshikoto Region.* A 70-year-old man hanged himself on Monday morning at his homestead at Onambambi village in the Omusati Region.Shikongo said the man was identified as Sakeus Vincentius.* The Omusati Police are investigating a case of rape and robbery after a 48-year-old mentally challenged woman was allegedly raped by a man at Oluteyi village in the Ongandjera area.The victim was also robbed of N$300 in cash and her pension card.On Friday, a four-year-old girl was killed by lightning at Onamushi village in the Oshikoto Region.* A 70-year-old man hanged himself on Monday morning at his homestead at Onambambi village in the Omusati Region.Shikongo said the man was identified as Sakeus Vincentius.* The Omusati Police are investigating a case of rape and robbery after a 48-year-old mentally challenged woman was allegedly raped by a man at Oluteyi village in the Ongandjera area.The victim was also robbed of N$300 in cash and her pension card.

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